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listopencil 09-19-2022 09:13 AM

I just read a few spoilers from the books and, apparently, everybody dies. Fun episode though. I enjoyed it. It's always interesting to see how a show handles the visuals of someone being beaten to death.

ChiefsCountry 09-19-2022 10:08 AM

Does anyone else think Leanor looks like Russel Wilson? Him being a bundle of sticks makes it even more believable

Buehler445 09-19-2022 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 16475534)
Does anyone else think Leanor looks like Russel Wilson? Him being a bundle of sticks makes it even more believable


Maybe. But he's skinnier.

ChiefsCountry 09-19-2022 10:35 AM

Buehler445 09-19-2022 10:37 AM

ZOMG a skinner LESS GAY Russell Wilson ROFL

Good eye CC.

ToxSocks 09-19-2022 03:06 PM

Excellent episode. Its really starting to build up now.

BigRedChief 09-20-2022 08:36 PM

The fifth episode of the “Game of Thrones” prequel drew 3% more U.S. viewers than Episode 4, Variety has learned exclusively.

Additionally, Season 1 is now averaging 29 million viewers per episode across its first five episodes. That’s a massive audience for any premium cable series, and a very promising sign that it’s going the way of its predecessor: “Game of Thrones” averaged more than 44 million viewers per episode for its eighth and final season in 2019.

Fish 09-20-2022 11:26 PM

Gotta say I'm liking this much better than the Rings of Power series.

Skyy God 09-21-2022 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16478701)
Gotta say I'm liking this much better than the Rings of Power series.

LOTR is getting boat raced.

BigRedChief 09-21-2022 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cave Johnson (Post 16478898)
LOTR is getting boat raced.

Probably shouldn’t have tried to go against the GOT prequel. Why even do that?

BleedingRed 09-21-2022 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16479272)
Probably shouldn’t have tried to go against the GOT prequel. Why even do that?

It could have done well honestly. Its not even the "woke" garbage killing it. Its the shit writing.

HoD writing is vastly superior

staylor26 09-21-2022 11:51 AM

HOTD is definitely running circles around The Rings of Power.

HBO >>>> everybody else

ThaVirus 09-21-2022 06:56 PM

Do you still like Daemon, staylor?

That guy is a straight up scumbag at this point.

staylor26 09-21-2022 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16480433)
Do you still like Daemon, staylor?

That guy is a straight up scumbag at this point.

Yes :evil:

I know he's a POS, but he's still a great character. He steals every scene he is in.

Buehler445 09-21-2022 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16480433)
Do you still like Daemon, staylor?

That guy is a straight up scumbag at this point.

He’s still the most intriguing character. They’re all going pretty much scumbags. Rhaenyra is looking to **** her uncle, and maybe anything else with hangdown. Viserys is banging his daughters best friend. Alicents family whored her out to her best friends dad. Cole is the only dude that has any honor and he dumped his vows to bang the girl he was guarding. The Strongs are fostering division and weaseling their way into power.

Rhea Royce, while I enjoyed her banter very much, she was kind of a bronze bitch.

staylor26 09-21-2022 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16480470)
He’s still the most intriguing character. They’re all going pretty much scumbags. Rhaenyra is looking to **** her uncle, and maybe anything else with hangdown. Viserys is banging his daughters best friend. Alicents family whored her out to her best friends dad. Cole is the only dude that has any honor and he dumped his vows to bang the girl he was guarding. The Strongs are fostering division and weaseling their way into power.

Rhea Royce, while I enjoyed her banter very much, she was kind of a bronze bitch.

Exactly. There are basically no heroes in Westeros. GRRM purposely makes all of his characters gray at best.

Sorter 09-21-2022 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 16479416)
It could have done well honestly. Its not even the "woke" garbage killing it. Its the shit writing.

HoD writing is vastly superior

Shit writing, props/armor, real sets vs CGI, level of violence/mature themes.

Load of problems amazon has with ROP that probably would have been ignored by casual viewers if they weren't going H2H with The Princess and the Queen. IMHO.

Sorter 09-21-2022 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16480433)
Do you still like Daemon, staylor?

That guy is a straight up scumbag at this point.

There are 3 events I remember that are just astoundingly brutal. Very curious to see if they put them all in the show.

Bowser 09-21-2022 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16480474)
Exactly. There are basically no heroes in Westeros. GRRM purposely makes all of his characters gray at best.

And the Targaryans are all ****ed in the head, to boot. Viserys seemed to be the only one with sense in the lot, and he even sees himself as a soft king that will be soon forgotten.

staylor26 09-21-2022 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 16480500)
And the Targaryans are all ****ed in the head, to boot. Viserys seemed to be the only one with sense in the lot, and he even sees himself as a soft king that will be soon forgotten.

When the world around you is pure savagery, it's almost just as bad.

Viserys' weakness is what leads to the entire civil war.

ThaVirus 09-21-2022 08:23 PM

Daemon doesn't have any redeeming qualities to me.

I guess he's supposed to be a badass fighter but so far I've only seen him get beat up by Ser Calvin Klein and kill a crippled burn victim.

Robert Baratheon and Jaime Lannister were shit people but they had a certain charm that Daemon lacks, IMO.

ThaVirus 09-21-2022 08:24 PM

I do enjoy his character in the show. He's definitely an agent of chaos. Good for drama.

He's just a huge ****.

Fish 09-21-2022 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16480596)
Ser Calvin Klein

LMAO... well done...

Buehler445 09-21-2022 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16480596)
Daemon doesn't have any redeeming qualities to me.

I guess he's supposed to be a badass fighter but so far I've only seen him get beat up by Ser Calvin Klein and kill a crippled burn victim.

Robert Baratheon and Jaime Lannister were shit people but they had a certain charm that Daemon lacks, IMO.

I dunno, I dig the smart ass. And it was fairly compelling television to see him own that Royce fool. Whatever his name was.

And at some point there has to be a mononom of respect for the idea that **** the decorum, **** the politicking, **** doing shit for the sake of what anybody else thinks. Let's do shit that needs to be done.

What he did with the city watch and crime in the city was commendable. And he got pissed on for it. He didn't really start stirring shit until they booted him off the council for doing precisely what was asked of him.

ThaVirus 09-22-2022 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16480648)
And at some point there has to be a mononom of respect for the idea that **** the decorum, **** the politicking, **** doing shit for the sake of what anybody else thinks. Let's do shit that needs to be done.

OK, I will give you this.

He doesn't give a damn and it shows. That is pretty cool.

And he definitely does care at least a little bit about his brother and niece..

ThaVirus 09-22-2022 02:06 PM

About the most recent episode, any ideas why this dude beat the gay guy to death?

One minute they're talking about protecting their paramours and the next, dude's beating his face into a pulp for no apparent reason.

ToxSocks 09-22-2022 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16481690)
About the most recent episode, any ideas why this dude beat the gay guy to death?

One minute they're talking about protecting their paramours and the next, dude's beating his face into a pulp for no apparent reason.

To protect the princess and their secret i imagine.

ThaVirus 09-22-2022 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16481695)
To protect the princess and their secret i imagine.

That's what my girlfriend said, but that still leaves the Velaryion kid who knows the secret and now has a supreme grudge against you.

It also seems counterintuitive to bash a guy's brains in publicly to protect a secret.

duncan_idaho 09-22-2022 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16481690)
About the most recent episode, any ideas why this dude beat the gay guy to death?

One minute they're talking about protecting their paramours and the next, dude's beating his face into a pulp for no apparent reason.

They had been building up a slow burn of tension and things going awry for Cole the whole episode (and really for the last few).

Being confronted with a too-smiling, smarmy knight who has a big/loud mouth and makes it apparent he knows your secret just pushed him over the edge.

All Cole has is the name he has made for himself, his service in the Kingsguard. His attempt to build something more was somewhat coldly shoved back in his face by the woman he loves and respects.

By killing Flowers and then himself, he protects his secret (better to be a murderer who kills himself out of guilt than a kingsguard who has "befouled" the Princess of the Realm). Except Alicent steps in.

I am enjoying the way they are filling in all the little pieces of context that were left mysterious about the Dance of Dragons, Cole's turn against Rhaenyra being one of them.

Buehler445 09-22-2022 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16481690)
About the most recent episode, any ideas why this dude beat the gay guy to death?

One minute they're talking about protecting their paramours and the next, dude's beating his face into a pulp for no apparent reason.


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 16481707)
They had been building up a slow burn of tension and things going awry for Cole the whole episode (and really for the last few).

Being confronted with a too-smiling, smarmy knight who has a big/loud mouth and makes it apparent he knows your secret just pushed him over the edge.

All Cole has is the name he has made for himself, his service in the Kingsguard. His attempt to build something more was somewhat coldly shoved back in his face by the woman he loves and respects.

By killing Flowers and then himself, he protects his secret (better to be a murderer who kills himself out of guilt than a kingsguard who has "befouled" the Princess of the Realm). Except Alicent steps in.

I am enjoying the way they are filling in all the little pieces of context that were left mysterious about the Dance of Dragons, Cole's turn against Rhaenyra being one of them.

The way I interpreted it, is - on the boat he ham fistedly proposed to her. She rebuffed him with a chuckle. So then he says all he has is his honor which he pissed on when they ****. And obviously denigrating his honor is killing him.

Then this Jeoffrey fool is up in here just talking about it like it's a good thing, and it pushes him over the edge and he snaps and beats that queer to death.

The taking his own life bit is just so he wouldn't be gilded.

That's the way I read it.

Discuss Thrower 09-22-2022 02:29 PM

Criston Cole is a simp bitch.

Also you don't know that Daemon intended to kill the Bronze Bitch unless spooking horses into riling back just perfectly enough to snap a rider's neck is an Old Valyrian genetic trait or something.

staylor26 09-22-2022 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 16481722)
Criston Cole is a simp bitch.

Also you don't know that Daemon intended to kill the Bronze Bitch unless spooking horses into riling back just perfectly enough to snap a rider's neck is an Old Valyrian genetic trait or something.

Yea they make Daemon's intentions a little ambiguous in that scene. He was even going to leave her there until she started running her mouth again.

Buehler445 09-22-2022 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 16481722)
Criston Cole is a simp bitch.

Also you don't know that Daemon intended to kill the Bronze Bitch unless spooking horses into riling back just perfectly enough to snap a rider's neck is an Old Valyrian genetic trait or something.

Yeah, I've seen it postulated that he did it on purpose. That isn't necessarily beyond question.

The rock thing though... Yeah, he smashed her dome. They made a point for the maester to tell the king that the horse smashed her spine AND her head.

Ended up that he murdered her. But after she instigated him. Odds are he went there to do it, but he was unarmed.

It's fairly ambiguous his initial intentions, but yeah, he murdered that gal.

Speaking of... I'd toss one in her. Brag about it too.

Bowser 09-22-2022 08:20 PM

He didn't even consummate that marriage. Big thumbs down, Daemon. You moron.

KC_Connection 09-22-2022 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16481690)
About the most recent episode, any ideas why this dude beat the gay guy to death?

One minute they're talking about protecting their paramours and the next, dude's beating his face into a pulp for no apparent reason.

For me, it's because Cole was ashamed of himself more than anything else. He was furious that he had degraded himself into being nothing more than that guy was. After being approached by Laenor's lover and having to directly face the fact that he was nothing more than Rhaenyra's whore himself (using his words in the episode), he simply couldn't take it anymore. He was going to kill himself next until Alicent stopped him too.

BWillie 09-22-2022 08:49 PM

Make it stop. Just make a fantasy network and be done with it so I can in no way shape or form have to see this shit

BigRedChief 09-23-2022 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 16482303)
Make it stop. Just make a fantasy network and be done with it so I can in no way shape or form have to see this shit

This is the biggest hit since the original GOT. So millions of people have a different opinion than your opinion. I assume you are use to that.

staylor26 09-23-2022 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 16482303)
Make it stop. Just make a fantasy network and be done with it so I can in no way shape or form have to see this shit


Kman34 09-23-2022 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 16482303)
Make it stop. Just make a fantasy network and be done with it so I can in no way shape or form have to see this shit

So you visit this thread just to post that? Nobody gives a shit.

ToxSocks 09-23-2022 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 16482261)
He didn't even consummate that marriage. Big thumbs down, Daemon. You moron.

Are you suggesting sex with a cripple?

Holy crip it's a crapple!

staylor26 09-23-2022 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Kman34 (Post 16482984)
So you visit this thread just to post that? Nobody gives a shit.

He just wanted some attention.

Discuss Thrower 09-23-2022 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16481860)
Yeah, I've seen it postulated that he did it on purpose. That isn't necessarily beyond question.

The rock thing though... Yeah, he smashed her dome. They made a point for the maester to tell the king that the horse smashed her spine AND her head.

Ended up that he murdered her. But after she instigated him. Odds are he went there to do it, but he was unarmed.

It's fairly ambiguous his initial intentions, but yeah, he murdered that gal.

Speaking of... I'd toss one in her. Brag about it too.

He leaves her alive and she can accuse him of trying to murder him. Would Viserys go to bat for him attempting to murder his noble born betrothed at the risk of pissing off the Arryns (who might not be too happy Aemma Arryn died in childbirth) and thus risk war with the Vale?

Beyond that, the reality is Lady Royce is a quadriplegic in brutally austere conditions. Had Daemon dispatched with her in anyway save for bashing her fookin head in with a rock, killing her could have been merciful.

Hammock Parties 09-24-2022 12:07 AM

good god

why exactly did he **** up the gay dude?

i was half expecting daemon to try to **** Rhaenyra right there on the floor LMAO

Hammock Parties 09-24-2022 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16480433)
Do you still like Daemon, staylor?

That guy is a straight up scumbag at this point.

it's the ****ing middle ages


dude has the biggest set of nads on the show and he deserves everything he takes

hell he didnt even try to tell the king he didnt **** his daughter...he's on the floor hungover and he's just like "let's go with it and see what this old crip does" LMAO

daemon ****ing RULES

Hammock Parties 09-24-2022 12:14 AM

ok read the thread - yes, simp knight just snapped, i'll buy that

this show really caught flame, super into it now!!! lets go!!!!!!!!

need more dragon shit tho

Hammock Parties 09-24-2022 12:24 AM

also the scene between the queen and her dad the ex-hand was powerful, powerful stuff

"you ****ed up my darling girl you stupid bitch but i still love you"

hope he gets a happy ending because it appears he's the only one with his head screwed on straight

ThaVirus 09-24-2022 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16483691)
it's the ****ing middle ages


dude has the biggest set of nads on the show and he deserves everything he takes

hell he didnt even try to tell the king he didnt **** his daughter...he's on the floor hungover and he's just like "let's go with it and see what this old crip does" LMAO

daemon ****ing RULES

Only because he knows his brother's got a soft spot for him and wouldn't hurt him.

Here's a list:

Oberyn Martell
Jaime Lannister
Barristan Selmy
Arthur Dayne
Robert Baratheon
Jon Snow
Mande Rayder
Tormund Giantsbane

All of these dudes are also kind of shitty but still more badass than Daemon.

Daemon is like Khal Drogo, Tywin Lannister level asshole, except Drogo would rip out his tongue and shit in his mouth and Tywin would prob have had him murdered in his sleep.

BWillie 09-24-2022 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Kman34 (Post 16482984)
So you visit this thread just to post that? Nobody gives a shit.

Yes. Grown men watching fantasy shows with dragons and goblins. Its just sad, man.

DJay23 09-24-2022 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 16482303)
Make it stop. Just make a fantasy network and be done with it so I can in no way shape or form have to see this shit

You know, you don't ever HAVE to see any of this.

BWillie 09-24-2022 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by DJay23 (Post 16483986)
You know, you don't ever HAVE to see any of this.

I don't but since I don't like it nobody else should like it. Because I said so. Plus all these ads I have to watch are really grinding my gears

DJay23 09-24-2022 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 16483911)
Yes. Grown men watching fantasy shows with dragons and goblins. Its just sad, man.

You seem pissy.

Bowser 09-24-2022 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16482989)
Are you suggesting sex with a cripple?

Holy crip it's a crapple!

Bowser 09-24-2022 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 16484008)
I don't but since I don't like it nobody else should like it. Because I said so. Plus all these ads I have to watch are really grinding my gears

That's about enough of you in this thread

the steam 09-24-2022 12:38 PM

In the last episode did not understand why the king who is in poor health would travel to driftwood to propose a marriage. Why wouldn't he just summon Corlys to king's landing?

Hammock Parties 09-24-2022 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16483803)
Only because he knows his brother's got a soft spot for him and wouldn't hurt him.

Here's a list:

Oberyn Martell
Jaime Lannister
Barristan Selmy
Arthur Dayne
Robert Baratheon
Jon Snow
Mande Rayder
Tormund Giantsbane

All of these dudes are also kind of shitty but still more badass than Daemon.

Daemon is like Khal Drogo, Tywin Lannister level asshole, except Drogo would rip out his tongue and shit in his mouth and Tywin would prob have had him murdered in his sleep.

he's the most alpha in a beta kingdom

i'm cool with it

ChiefsCountry 09-25-2022 08:23 PM

They are all ****s now lol. That's only way I can explain this episode.

staylor26 09-25-2022 10:46 PM

Another fantastic episode.

I think that should ease any concerns people had about the big time jump and new actors.

KC_Connection 09-26-2022 01:59 AM

It would seem Larys Strong is not somebody you want to mess with.

BleedingRed 09-26-2022 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 16489769)
It would seem Larys Strong is not somebody you want to mess with.

Yeah he seems like hes down to set you up for a massive burn if you cross him

staylor26 09-26-2022 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 16489769)
It would seem Larys Strong is not somebody you want to mess with.

He seems even more formidable than Littlefinger and Varys.

Discuss Thrower 09-26-2022 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16490642)
He seems even more formidable than Littlefinger and Varys.

Littlefinger.. Varys.. Littlevarys... Larys..

staylor26 09-26-2022 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 16490655)
Littlefinger.. Varys.. Littlevarys... Larys..


When it comes to naming characters, and finishing books, GRRM is pretty lazy.

Discuss Thrower 09-26-2022 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16490659)

When it comes to naming characters, and finishing books, GRRM is pretty lazy.

There's a character in this story who's titled Lord Commander and named Jon.

kevrunner 09-26-2022 01:13 PM

One thing for sure is Christon Cole can take a punch.

Great Expectations 09-26-2022 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16490642)
He seems even more formidable than Littlefinger and Varys.

He is definitely more bold.

Hammock Parties 09-26-2022 11:03 PM



Mr. Plow 09-27-2022 09:15 AM

Can someone tell me what books to read that covers both House of the Dragon and the original Game of thrones series?

Hammock Parties 09-27-2022 09:30 AM

old Rhaenyra is a total bitch btw, and the queen is a murderous ****

team Daemon coming in hot

notorious 09-27-2022 10:20 AM

It's nice that there is a good show on TV again.

I'm enjoying it.

Daemon is a ****ing badass. My favorite character by far.

DJ's left nut 09-27-2022 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 16492168)
Can someone tell me what books to read that covers both House of the Dragon and the original Game of thrones series?

Fire and Blood covers House of the Dragon.

Then the A Song of Ice and Fire series covers the GOT series. You could try to plow into the Dunk and Egg novellas if you want, but they're not necessary so I wouldn't bother.

Mr. Plow 09-27-2022 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16492392)
Fire and Blood covers House of the Dragon.

Then the A Song of Ice and Fire series covers the GOT series. You could try to plow into the Dunk and Egg novellas if you want, but they're not necessary so I wouldn't bother.

Much appreciated. There are a ton of them out there and couldn't figure out which ones I needed.

notorious 09-27-2022 01:32 PM

I finally figured out where I have seen the queen before. She's the girl on "Ready Player One" that has the birthmark on her face.


Buehler445 09-27-2022 11:51 PM

I liked that episode.

It had more one liners. I’m here for jokes man.

I’m buying hard into the characters. It hit when the Strong dudes died and especially Damon’s wife. God she was a good ass chapter. ****.

Fish 09-28-2022 08:23 AM

Boy, it didn't take long for everyone in the show to turn into raging ****s and assholes. LOL.

The replacement actresses for the queen and princess broke my brain for a few minutes.

listopencil 09-28-2022 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 16492195)
old Rhaenyra is a total bitch btw, and the queen is a murderous ****

team Daemon coming in hot

I'm getting Cersei Lannister vibes from older Rhaenyra.

notorious 09-28-2022 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16493455)
I liked that episode.

It had more one liners. I’m here for jokes man.

I’m buying hard into the characters. It hit when the Strong dudes died and especially Damon’s wife. God she was a good ass chapter. ****.

Strong dude that died in the fire looked just like retired Metro Man from Megamind. LMAO

duncan_idaho 09-28-2022 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16490642)
He seems even more formidable than Littlefinger and Varys.

I think he’s very much like Littlefinger, but with the power of a major house behind him (in this time period, the Strongs are the head rulers of the Riverlands, not the Tullys) rather than being head of a small, insignificant and poor vassal house.

staylor26 09-28-2022 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 16494054)
I think he’s very much like Littlefinger, but with the power of a major house behind him (in this time period, the Strongs are the head rulers of the Riverlands, not the Tullys) rather than being head of a small, insignificant and poor vassal house.

Good point.

Buehler445 09-28-2022 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 16493788)
Strong dude that died in the fire looked just like retired Metro Man from Megamind. LMAO


Dunerdr 09-28-2022 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 16474978)
Annnnd the wheels fell off ROFL

Good ass episode. They really did a nice job of building the tension. And god forbid have some subtlety. Even though the dress thing was a bit bash over the head, but whatever. It was good.


I still can't get over how bad the carriages look though. Takes me out of it every time.

Viserys is more washed the Russ Wilson at this point. I feel bad for the guy. He's the king but it seems like no one respects him anymore.

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