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Gravedigger 03-01-2016 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball (Post 12107899)

Oh yeah!

Gonzo 03-01-2016 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 12108076)
Oh yeah!

DS3 looks really fricken awesome. I really gave 2 a valiant effort but was not very successful. I made it about 1/4 of the way thru and it was ugly. There's just so much more to learn compared to Bborne.
However, it sounds like this one might be a bit more user friendly for the novices like me.

Pasta Little Brioni 03-02-2016 12:21 AM

100 block shield brah. Was hard to adjust to BB without it though. Funner boss fights in DS.

Gonzo 03-02-2016 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball (Post 12108821)
100 block shield brah. Was hard to adjust to BB without it though. Funner boss fights in DS.

Yeah, I'm going to try it again soon.

Pasta Little Brioni 03-02-2016 01:20 AM

Needs like a boss battle royale mode, so you don't have to waste time running through mobs.

Gravedigger 03-02-2016 07:06 AM

I wasn't a big fan of bloodborne, the combat went faster but the game did as well because of it. Also the boss battles in bloodborne were pretty easy, only three have me any kind of issue and the hardest one was the second boss in the game.

Gonzo 03-02-2016 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 12108956)
I wasn't a big fan of bloodborne, the combat went faster but the game did as well because of it. Also the boss battles in bloodborne were pretty easy, only three have me any kind of issue and the hardest one was the second boss in the game.

Give the DLC a shot.

Pasta Little Brioni 03-02-2016 12:02 PM

Rom is just dumb

Gonzo 03-02-2016 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball (Post 12109328)
Rom is just dumb

That sonofabitch can be such a pain in the ass. Especially in the chalice dungeons.

Pasta Little Brioni 03-02-2016 05:20 PM

Once you learn the heat seeking missle dodge he's cake, but fuuuuuu....or you can go the cheap route and wax him with the flame thrower ROFL

Pasta Little Brioni 03-02-2016 06:23 PM

There was nothing in this game like pre nerf Lost Sinner. I must have lost 60 times to that bitch then beat the first try after the patch.

Mother****erJones 03-02-2016 08:20 PM

I ****ing hate ROM.

Pasta Little Brioni 03-03-2016 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12110378)
I ****ing hate ROM.

Haha I hate those big brain dudes that frenzy you. They are creepy as **** too!

Gravedigger 03-03-2016 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12108998)
Give the DLC a shot.

I did, Ludwig was a cockblock but he was designed that way. No Souls game will match Dark Souls 1 and it's Prepare to Die DLC. Manus, Artorias, Kalameet, even that first boss of the DLC, just awesome. They could just keep pumping out these games and I don't think I'd ever get tired of dropping money on them.

NewChief 03-16-2016 05:42 AM

Bought my son Splatoon after much insistence.

While I'm, at best, a casual gamer.. I am beginning to see why Nintendo has the cultish following it does. They just put such original and interesting twists on their own titles. Like I said, I'm obviously not a big gamer so never played a bunch of competitive FPS games, but the idea that you have all these cartoonish "squid/human" hybrids who look like a bunch of anime teeny boppers and speak in their own slang and live in some world where they fight "turf wars" by basically having graffiti battles to see who can mark up the most turf in a war zone using a variety of painting weapons (guns, rollers, brushes, buckets, bombs, etc...) It's just bizarre and oh so much freaking fun.

I really love this game. I know that you pretty much have to own a wiiU to try it out, but if you ever get a chance to play it, do so.

Mother****erJones 03-16-2016 10:16 AM

I'm loving The Division right now. Having lots fun with it and its content. I like that they outlined the year coming up with all of its content. I play this with all of my friends so it's even better. Curious if anyone else is playing it?

I'd say it's about a 9/10 game. Just off the top of my head without sitting down and writing a review.

ragedogg69 03-22-2016 08:48 PM

the ending to Oxenfree.....

Sofa King 03-25-2016 07:27 PM

I've been playing Dragon Age Inquisition. Been pretty fun. Started with a mage and went to assassin archer instead.

Gonzo 03-25-2016 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 12149605)
I've been playing Dragon Age Inquisition. Been pretty fun. Started with a mage and went to assassin archer instead.

I've never played. Heard that it's excellent now that all the bugs have been worked out.

GloucesterChief 03-26-2016 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12149913)
I've never played. Heard that it's excellent now that all the bugs have been worked out.

It is pretty good. I don't like the new specializations they gave the Rogue and overall it is pretty easy to min/max a character. For mages the Inferno/Necromancer combination is pretty broken.

Gonzo 03-26-2016 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 12150063)
It is pretty good. I don't like the new specializations they gave the Rogue and overall it is pretty easy to min/max a character. For mages the Inferno/Necromancer combination is pretty broken.

I went ahead and picked it up. I'll check it out tonight or tomorrow.

ragedogg69 03-28-2016 04:31 PM

quick question for you guys. I replayed Bioshock infinite recently and wondered. What if the whole game was a walking sim/puzzle game? Same story, just all the (meh) combat taken out of it or replaced with QTE like the Walking Dead. I think I might have enjoyed it more if that was the case. I love the begining and end because it is tons of exploring and exposition. The middle, has those elements but then I walk into a new area with spawned enemies and I am like "Oh, this shit again."

Am I crazy?

Toby Waller 03-29-2016 02:52 AM

Twitch MLB 16 the show

Sofa King 04-04-2016 05:18 PM

Gonzo. How the **** do you have so much time to play all these games? I checked out your profile, holy hell man!

DC.chief 04-05-2016 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 12153775)
quick question for you guys. I replayed Bioshock infinite recently and wondered. What if the whole game was a walking sim/puzzle game? Same story, just all the (meh) combat taken out of it or replaced with QTE like the Walking Dead. I think I might have enjoyed it more if that was the case. I love the begining and end because it is tons of exploring and exposition. The middle, has those elements but then I walk into a new area with spawned enemies and I am like "Oh, this shit again."

Am I crazy?

You are crazy. That game is incredible. I felt they had enough vigor combinations to mess with to keep the combat fresh throughout the game.

Try playing it on the hardest difficulty

Gonzo 04-05-2016 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 12164013)
Gonzo. How the **** do you have so much time to play all these games? I checked out your profile, holy hell man!

I was a single guy there for a while my man.
Actually, even though Lumpy and I got back together, I still play a lot. She is a bit of a gamer as well. She likes Nintendo games and heavy story driven ones like The Last of Us.
I guess it went from a hobby to more of a passion a few years ago when Uncharted 2 came out. Before then, I was a casual. Just sports games and FPS. Now I play everything.

crazycoffey 04-05-2016 03:37 PM

Haven't been in here for a bit. Anyone play deadpool?

Sofa King 04-05-2016 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12164659)
I was a single guy there for a while my man.
Actually, even though Lumpy and I got back together, I still play a lot. She is a bit of a gamer as well. She likes Nintendo games and heavy story driven ones like The Last of Us.
I guess it went from a hobby to more of a passion a few years ago when Uncharted 2 came out. Before then, I was a casual. Just sports games and FPS. Now I play everything.

Well that makes sense.

ragedogg69 04-06-2016 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by DC.chief (Post 12164653)
You are crazy. That game is incredible. I felt they had enough vigor combinations to mess with to keep the combat fresh throughout the game.

Try playing it on the hardest difficulty

Same enemies over and over again. Vigors were the only thing that kept the combat fresh for me. It got to the point towards the end, where you would trigger yet another boss rush, I was like "oh this shit again?" I just wanted more of the story to unfold.

Gonzo 04-15-2016 10:10 AM

Dark Souls III
Buy this ****ing game. Drop whatever the **** it is you're doing, go to the store, buy it, load it onto your platform of choice and plan to waste the next three weeks.

I'm 7 hours in and can't wait to play it later.
It's like Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne had a baby and the baby is on high doses of cocaine and meth.

Mother****erJones 04-15-2016 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12180167)
Buy this ****ing game. Drop whatever the **** it is you're doing, go to the store, buy it, load it onto your platform of choice and plan to waste the next three weeks.

I'm 7 hours in and can't wait to play it later.
It's like Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne had a baby and the baby is on high doses of cocaine and meth.

What a gorgeous baby then. Can't wait. I'll get it and UC4 as my next two. I'm on Witcher now. Love it

Jerm 04-15-2016 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12180167)
Buy this ****ing game. Drop whatever the **** it is you're doing, go to the store, buy it, load it onto your platform of choice and plan to waste the next three weeks.

I'm 7 hours in and can't wait to play it later.
It's like Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne had a baby and the baby is on high doses of cocaine and meth.

Got it sitting on the shelf in the case ready to go....

kcxiv 04-15-2016 08:21 PM

Been playing the Overwatch Beta. that game is so fun. Its kind fast for my old ass though, but im enjoying it.

hometeam 04-15-2016 09:23 PM

coco me and buck are playing too. download discord as we arent using TS anymore and lets get down.

Buck 04-15-2016 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 12180975)
Been playing the Overwatch Beta. that game is so fun. Its kind fast for my old ass though, but im enjoying it.

Thank you for posting this. I didn't even know that it was Beta Weekend and I checked my email and I got in.

New World Order 04-15-2016 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 12180975)
Been playing the Overwatch Beta. that game is so fun. Its kind fast for my old ass though, but im enjoying it.

You still playing H1Z1?

kcxiv 04-16-2016 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 12181378)
You still playing H1Z1?

Not as much, i cant game on the pc anymore. i have shoulder tendinitis and it acts up if i game for too long on the pc. That shit sucks! lol I play a little still. just taking it easy on the gaming lately.

kcxiv 04-16-2016 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 12181112)
coco me and buck are playing too. download discord as we arent using TS anymore and lets get down.

ill download it.

Gonzo 04-16-2016 10:22 AM

Ok gang, I'm just posting this for shits and giggles in the hopes that maybe, somewhere, someone will learn something.

DARK SOULS 3, PVP Etiquette:

Upon invading someone's game (that may or may not want to be invaded) show respect by observing the following rules of etiquette.

1. Don't sneak up on the player and be a ****ing douche. Approach the player and allow him/her to prepare themselves. They may be a n00b and they're just trying to get acclimated to such a difficult game. Sneaking up and killing them like a goddamned troll is super gay and just proves to them that you're a coward.

2. After approaching, let the invaded party make the first move. Perhaps use the bow gesture to show respect.

3. This is the most important rule of all. DON'T BE A ****ING DOUCHEBAG HEALER ****FACE ASSHOLE ****. You invaded this person's game. If you're getting your ass kicked, just take it like a true professional. You don't really lose anything if you die, they lose their progress and whatever items they had to utilize to beat you. Using your healing items over and over again is just shitty and wastes their time. You ****ing **** coward.

4. Using npc mobs to assist you in killing the other party is ok, just realize that if they figure out what you're doing, and they don't follow you to that area, you need to give up that idea and go try to finish them yourself. Don't just stand there next to a giant ****ing crab in the swamp and be a ****. If you do, perhaps the other party will quit the game mid-fight and laugh as you have to wait for another 10 minutes to invade someone else. You **** coward ****hole.

There, the basic rules of etiquette.

New World Order 04-16-2016 02:22 PM

Just beat the 44th online ranked guy in Fifa.

Who wants some?

Mother****erJones 04-16-2016 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12181575)
Ok gang, I'm just posting this for shits and giggles in the hopes that maybe, somewhere, someone will learn something.

DARK SOULS 3, PVP Etiquette:

Upon invading someone's game (that may or may not want to be invaded) show respect by observing the following rules of etiquette.

1. Don't sneak up on the player and be a ****ing douche. Approach the player and allow him/her to prepare themselves. They may be a n00b and they're just trying to get acclimated to such a difficult game. Sneaking up and killing them like a goddamned troll is super gay and just proves to them that you're a coward.

2. After approaching, let the invaded party make the first move. Perhaps use the bow gesture to show respect.

3. This is the most important rule of all. DON'T BE A ****ING DOUCHEBAG HEALER ****FACE ASSHOLE ****. You invaded this person's game. If you're getting your ass kicked, just take it like a true professional. You don't really lose anything if you die, they lose their progress and whatever items they had to utilize to beat you. Using your healing items over and over again is just shitty and wastes their time. You ****ing **** coward.

4. Using npc mobs to assist you in killing the other party is ok, just realize that if they figure out what you're doing, and they don't follow you to that area, you need to give up that idea and go try to finish them yourself. Don't just stand there next to a giant ****ing crab in the swamp and be a ****. If you do, perhaps the other party will quit the game mid-fight and laugh as you have to wait for another 10 minutes to invade someone else. You **** coward ****hole.

There, the basic rules of etiquette.

Learned a lot of that with Bloodborne

Gravedigger 04-16-2016 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12181575)
Ok gang, I'm just posting this for shits and giggles in the hopes that maybe, somewhere, someone will learn something.

DARK SOULS 3, PVP Etiquette:

Upon invading someone's game (that may or may not want to be invaded) show respect by observing the following rules of etiquette.

1. Don't sneak up on the player and be a ****ing douche. Approach the player and allow him/her to prepare themselves. They may be a n00b and they're just trying to get acclimated to such a difficult game. Sneaking up and killing them like a goddamned troll is super gay and just proves to them that you're a coward.

2. After approaching, let the invaded party make the first move. Perhaps use the bow gesture to show respect.

3. This is the most important rule of all. DON'T BE A ****ING DOUCHEBAG HEALER ****FACE ASSHOLE ****. You invaded this person's game. If you're getting your ass kicked, just take it like a true professional. You don't really lose anything if you die, they lose their progress and whatever items they had to utilize to beat you. Using your healing items over and over again is just shitty and wastes their time. You ****ing **** coward.

4. Using npc mobs to assist you in killing the other party is ok, just realize that if they figure out what you're doing, and they don't follow you to that area, you need to give up that idea and go try to finish them yourself. Don't just stand there next to a giant ****ing crab in the swamp and be a ****. If you do, perhaps the other party will quit the game mid-fight and laugh as you have to wait for another 10 minutes to invade someone else. You **** coward ****hole.

There, the basic rules of etiquette.

I've always hated Souls games PVP, it should be a choice to partake in pvp without having to play offline, every time someone enters my game it takes me out of the single player experience and whether I win or lose, I hate it. The only part of all the games I've ever hated.

Just beat Abyss Watchers, cool fight, I'm playing Pyromancer because I don't need to play the knight that everyone is rolling through the game with, I need difficulty not to have my hand held.

Quesadilla Joe 04-17-2016 01:24 AM

Enter the Gungeon is perhaps the best $15 I've ever spent. I don't typically play a lot of indie games but as soon as I saw Gungeon's gameplay footage I knew I'd love it.

I love how the game starts you off with low health and the only way to get more is by beating the bosses without getting hit... This makes the boss fights even more tense because you really need that extra health to beat the later floors. The game also doesn't just hand out healing items either so it truly punishes you for making mistakes.

Also, the game has a Dark Souls-esque dodge roll mechanic so you From Software fans will like it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pasta Little Brioni 04-17-2016 01:51 AM


Quesadilla Joe 04-17-2016 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball (Post 12182410)

Battleborn is lame. Enter the Gungeon is really good, it's better than a good number of $60 AAA titles.

Pasta Little Brioni 04-17-2016 10:15 AM

Walking bullets shooting bullets at you....laaaame

New World Order 04-17-2016 05:25 PM

Gears beta tomorrow.

Should be good

Quesadilla Joe 04-17-2016 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball (Post 12182600)
Walking bullets shooting bullets at you....laaaame

That just adds to the games charm.

They could've made the enemies walking turds who flung shit and it wouldn't matter to me as long as the gameplay was good.

Pasta Little Brioni 04-18-2016 07:43 AM

Well it does look shitty sooo....

Sassy Squatch 04-18-2016 08:54 AM

What builds are we running in DS3?
Here's mine.

Class: Warrior

Armor: Fallen Knight Set
Shield: Whatever situation calls for
Weapons: FUGS and Dark Sword with Heavy Gem
Rings: Favor, Havels, Chloranthy, and Knights or Hunters depending on the weapon.

Gets shit done most of the time. FUGS can one shot almost all the basic bitches.

Mother****erJones 04-18-2016 10:59 AM

Looking for a new headset. Any suggestions? My Sony golds broke

007 04-18-2016 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12183923)
Looking for a new headset. Any suggestions? My Sony golds broke

Love my Sony gold
If it broke I would buy it again

Mother****erJones 04-18-2016 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 12183952)
Love my Sony gold
If it broke I would buy it again

The plastic hinges broke. Pissed me off. Shouldn't be plastic.

millz 04-19-2016 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12180167)
Buy this ****ing game. Drop whatever the **** it is you're doing, go to the store, buy it, load it onto your platform of choice and plan to waste the next three weeks.

I'm 7 hours in and can't wait to play it later.
It's like Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne had a baby and the baby is on high doses of cocaine and meth.

Yeah this game is insane. I'm only 6 hours in and have been playing it slow. Picked it up on launch day and pre ordered it 2 weeks earlier because I support there games and bloodborne is easily in my top 5 games of all time.

I'm only on the 3rd boss right now because I've been exploring. I picked the knight build and it's doing good but idk, I was thinking I should of maybe picked something else. I still have dark souls 2 and played a bit and still think it's amazing but this is levels above and beyond that.

I'm at that cursed tree boss right now I died instantly it was so crazy though. I'm still a little confused about a couple things within this game because I'm so used to bloodborne.

Overall though so far this is an amazing game 10/10 no question and I'm only a few hours in

Sassy Squatch 04-19-2016 08:56 AM

So far have gotten past the Dancer and the hardest thing so far has been getting that ****ing ring of want.

Gonzo 04-19-2016 10:15 AM

I beat the Abyss Watchers a couple days ago. Now I'm absolutely f'ing stuck in the catacombs. I've got my ass kicked by mass skeletons and NPC PVP's twice. I lost 20,000 souls the last time so I'm taking a little break until I Get Gud-er.

Buck 04-19-2016 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12185227)
So far have gotten past the Dancer and the hardest thing so far has been getting that ****ing ring of want.

I put my insignia on the ground by the boss that is down the stairs from the Dancer. I only wanted to see what I got for helping with a boss. I didn't even know the Dancer existed. The host summoned me and a Sunbro. He went up the stairs and I'm like wtf, I thought there was only an NPC in there. We fight the dancer boss. The Sunbro dies immediately. The Host dies a minute later and only I'm left. The Dancer quickly moved towards me and is about to **** my entire shit up and then I was luckily unsummoned before she could hit me.

Anyway, is it worth doing that boss?

Mother****erJones 04-19-2016 06:26 PM

Anyone else have any headset thoughts?

Sassy Squatch 04-19-2016 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12186224)
I put my insignia on the ground by the boss that is down the stairs from the Dancer. I only wanted to see what I got for helping with a boss. I didn't even know the Dancer existed. The host summoned me and a Sunbro. He went up the stairs and I'm like wtf, I thought there was only an NPC in there. We fight the dancer boss. The Sunbro dies immediately. The Host dies a minute later and only I'm left. The Dancer quickly moved towards me and is about to **** my entire shit up and then I was luckily unsummoned before she could hit me.

Anyway, is it worth doing that boss?

Mandatory boss.

Sassy Squatch 04-19-2016 07:19 PM

If anyone wants a dark sword I've got extras I can give out. Arguably the best weapon in the game. Can put a gem in it too if anyone's interested.

Quesadilla Joe 04-19-2016 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12186292)
Anyone else have any headset thoughts?

I've broken every headset I've had by accidentally stepping on them so I didn't want to recommend one. But I've really liked my Astro A40's and Sennheiser GAME ONE's with the Astro Mix Amp.

Buck 04-19-2016 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12186341)
Mandatory boss.

Are you sure? Do you come back to her later? I got something from an NPC in there called "Way of Blue" and then moved on and have been to 2 new zones since then without ever fighting her.

Are you on PC or Console? Talking bout that extra sword you have.

Mother****erJones 04-19-2016 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by KnowMo2724 (Post 12186644)
I've broken every headset I've had by accidentally stepping on them so I didn't want to recommend one. But I've really liked my Astro A40's and Sennheiser GAME ONE's with the Astro Mix Amp.

Thanks. Loved my Sony gold I guess they dropped a few times but not a big drop. Like a couple feet from the ground. Guess over time the plastic just cracked.

Sassy Squatch 04-19-2016 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12186646)
Are you sure? Do you come back to her later? I got something from an NPC in there called "Way of Blue" and then moved on and have been to 2 new zones since then without ever fighting her.

Are you on PC or Console? Talking bout that extra sword you have.

Sorry, shouldve clarified I'm on PS4

About the boss

Sassy Squatch 04-19-2016 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12185331)
I beat the Abyss Watchers a couple days ago. Now I'm absolutely f'ing stuck in the catacombs. I've got my ass kicked by mass skeletons and NPC PVP's twice. I lost 20,000 souls the last time so I'm taking a little break until I Get Gud-er.

The area after that is when shit hits the fan. The spike in difficulty reminded me of yahargul in Bloodborne.

007 04-20-2016 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12186292)
Anyone else have any headset thoughts?

you would probably get more input if you created a new thread.

Fish 04-20-2016 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12181575)
Ok gang, I'm just posting this for shits and giggles in the hopes that maybe, somewhere, someone will learn something.

DARK SOULS 3, PVP Etiquette:

Upon invading someone's game (that may or may not want to be invaded) show respect by observing the following rules of etiquette.

1. Don't sneak up on the player and be a ****ing douche. Approach the player and allow him/her to prepare themselves. They may be a n00b and they're just trying to get acclimated to such a difficult game. Sneaking up and killing them like a goddamned troll is super gay and just proves to them that you're a coward.

2. After approaching, let the invaded party make the first move. Perhaps use the bow gesture to show respect.

3. This is the most important rule of all. DON'T BE A ****ING DOUCHEBAG HEALER ****FACE ASSHOLE ****. You invaded this person's game. If you're getting your ass kicked, just take it like a true professional. You don't really lose anything if you die, they lose their progress and whatever items they had to utilize to beat you. Using your healing items over and over again is just shitty and wastes their time. You ****ing **** coward.

4. Using npc mobs to assist you in killing the other party is ok, just realize that if they figure out what you're doing, and they don't follow you to that area, you need to give up that idea and go try to finish them yourself. Don't just stand there next to a giant ****ing crab in the swamp and be a ****. If you do, perhaps the other party will quit the game mid-fight and laugh as you have to wait for another 10 minutes to invade someone else. You **** coward ****hole.

There, the basic rules of etiquette.

Never played any Dark Souls game. But why on earth is the above necessary? Sounds like a broken PVP setup.

Sassy Squatch 04-20-2016 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 12187452)
Never played any Dark Souls game. But why on earth is the above necessary? Sounds like a broken PVP setup.

Yep. There's no such thing as fair 1 on 1 PvP without some extremely convoluted setup.

Buck 04-20-2016 01:56 PM

My brother told me you can avoid PVP by just not using ember. Is that true?

The Franchise 04-20-2016 03:13 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sassy Squatch 04-20-2016 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12187891)
My brother told me you can avoid PVP by just not using ember. Is that true?

Yeah I think so.

Sassy Squatch 04-22-2016 09:57 PM

Good grief there is a ridiculously hard optional boss near the end.

BigBeauford 04-23-2016 07:20 AM

Enter the Gungeon Review: Another review from the resident Rogue-Like/Lite junkie.

Growing up, I was a huge video game addict. I can recall spending over half of some days grinding for that golden chocobo in Final Fantasy 7, getting all 120 stars in Mario 64, and getting every medal for every stage in Star Fox 64. I am now closing in on 30, have a house, wife, work, school, and everything imaginable that a parent could contend with. My time is precious and I no longer have time to complete these meaty games.

Recently I have fallen in love with the rogue like brand of games. The Binding of Issac, Nuclear Throne, FTL, Spelunky, and many others that can be completed in 30 minutes to an hour, are hard as nails, and when I have time, compell me for just that "one more run". A new developer called Dodge Roll games seems to have taken together everything I love about this genre, and made a near perfect child called Enter the Gungeon.

In this game, a player chooses from 1 of 4 gungeoneers. Each one has a special ability. One has extra health and increased accuracy, while another gets cheaper merchandise and a lock pick mechanism. You're then thrust into a randomly generated dungeon that is cleared by defeating enemies in each room, and then a boss. There are five floors total, and takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

The best way to describe the game to those familiar with this genre is take Nuclear Throne tight gunplay, with the exploration and key finding of Binding of Issac. There are over 150 unique guns in this game. Some are very strong like the Mega Hand that is a tribute to Mega Man, to the useless guns like the "Klobbe", which pays homage to the famous Goldeneye turd. Combined with the unique dodge roll mechanism that gives you a temporary invincibility frame(which you will need), you have a unique arsenal to tackle the the dungeon.

I won't mince words: this game is difficult. The rooms can turn into bullet-hell nightmares. The key drops border on unfair, leaving you to miss opening chests on levels sometimes more often than not. A rat NPC will steal items if you leave the room, and just like any rogue like, you start at the beginning with nothing if you die. The game does have a small sense of progression with a hub that has NPC's that will add new items and weapons to the gungeon pool. There are many secrets housed within the gungeon, and as you play, you do get progressively better at the game.

Because of the wild variation in the strength of guns, and the lack of "looping" in Nuclear Throne where the game can become endlessly more difficult, it's hard to consider this a game where you can compete on a leaderboard basis. And you cannot "break" the game by becoming overly powerful like you can on Isaac. But for fans of games that test their dexterity to its limits, who enjoy mechanics and gunplay that are nearly flawless, and who generally love challenging games, you cannot go wrong with Enter the Gungeon.


Buck 04-24-2016 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12192002)
Good grief there is a ridiculously hard optional boss near the end.

I got a good 4-6 hours in today until I hit this boss that had a ****ing huge HP pool and then I just noped after I died and turned the game off. I wonder how near the end I am.

Sassy Squatch 04-24-2016 06:35 PM

What warn the name of it?

Buck 04-24-2016 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12193699)
What warn the name of it?

It was Wolnir. I looked it up. Was easy as **** when you know how to do it lol.

Sassy Squatch 04-24-2016 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12193736)
It was Wolnir. I looked it up. Was easy as **** when you know how to do it lol.

You're about at the halfway point. The shit dial turns up pretty high now.

Sassy Squatch 04-24-2016 08:09 PM

Down to the final boss. Been a great game.

Honorable mention to the bosses that have ripped my asshole to shreds and left me butthurt.

Gonzo 04-24-2016 09:45 PM

Just beat the old demon king and lord Wolnir. This new area is a mother****er. Lots of tough bastards. **** that hairy Seven eyed alligator rat thing.

I've done a lot of grinding and it's getting pretty expensive to rank up.
I'm now using a Great Sword and I'm pretty much a 50-50 strength/dex build so I can use just about any weapon that comes along. I've invested 20 total levels into Faith and 16 in intelligence so I can heal a few times if I run out of estus.

Loving the Fallen Knight armor I got at the swamp. So badass but if I'm not careful, I'm fat-rolling a lot.

Just a great game. So ****ing difficult.

Sassy Squatch 04-24-2016 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12193880)
Just beat the old demon king and lord Wolnir. This new area is a mother****er. Lots of tough bastards. **** that hairy Seven eyed alligator rat thing.

I've done a lot of grinding and it's getting pretty expensive to rank up.
I'm now using a Great Sword and I'm pretty much a 50-50 strength/dex build so I can use just about any weapon that comes along. I've invested 20 total levels into Faith and 16 in intelligence so I can heal a few times if I run out of estus.

Loving the Fallen Knight armor I got at the swamp. So badass but if I'm not careful, I'm fat-rolling a lot.

Just a great game. So ****ing difficult.

Just thought you might want to know that the Fallen Knight armor is covered in piss. Item descriptions for the leggings says as much. That armor just didnt look as good after that discovery.

Also, there are softcaps at 40 for pretty much every stat. I'd reallocate 10 out of Str and Dex into something else.

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