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A perfect example why trailers need to be shorter. |
See, I'm so out of the loop that this is what I thought you were talking about...
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/g2Iv2vVIqng" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> And here you go as well, just because I can't get this song out of my ****ing head now.... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cnllTVtpOlg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
October 2015 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3300506/ |
After the Dark was a pretty interesting movie, would definitely recommend it as totally worth watching.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/IJ36cRPg9es" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Got caught up on a couple of Sci-Fi's I've been meaning to watch...
Riddick - I enjoyed it. They blended the first two movies into this one quite nicely. Might have had the feel of a re-run cliché to those who didn't like it, but not me. I'd watch it again for just a glimpse of Katee Sackhoff's boobies again. She has a fantastic body if you didn't know. Damn. Anyway, I look forward to the next movie in the series. Oblivion - I was caught off guard with how much I liked this movie. The visuals were fantastic, and these days I'm a sucker for a storyline or plot that is even remotely original. Definitely worth your time if you haven't seen it. |
Watched Ip Man last night. Other than being a little heavy on the Chinese nationalistic propaganda, it's pretty danged good. Going to watch the second one today at some point.
Count me in the happily surprised with how good it was crowd. Cruise has actually been doing some good projects post going batshit crazy - MI Ghost Protocol, Jack Reacher, etc |
Then there is Grandmaster, Ip Man: the Final Fight and Ip Man: Birth of the Legend, all of which are biopics by two different directors. Really weird, because all of these came out within a few years of each other (from like 2008-2013). On top of all of that, there is overlap in the actors between the franchises, but they play different characters in the different franchises. Anyway I think I'll probably watch Birth of the Legend, because I'm curious about his life prior to when we meet him in Ip Man 1. Edit: I could be totally wrong about the summary above, but I got curious and that's what about 10 minutes of researching on the internet yielded. |
Forget Ip Man, Wong Fei Hung is where it's at.
Agreed on Oblivion. I liked it a lot.
Had really low expectations going in, and that probably helped. But it was a pretty interesting story. |
He's the reason I haven't seen Jack Reacher on Netflix yet. (and I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense) |
Jack Reacher was entertaining as hell.
Oblivion sucked. Looked great and had me intrigued but the reveal was weak. |
Finally watched The Prestige. I liked it but to me, the "twist" at the end felt really cheap and I can't get over the fact that there was pretty much real magic used
If you're into animated superhero flicks, Justice League: War was damn good. I won't say it's quite on the level of Crisis On Two Earths or Doom but it was, at the very least, pretty close.
It was a decent Justice League origin story and the animation was on point. My only complaint is that they made Green Lantern seem like a pussy and I'd rather have seen Aquaman instead of Cyborg (although I understand why Cyborg made more sense given the plot). Also, Wonder Woman put in a disgusting amount of work. |
Netflix type of day. Recommendations?
^^^ Blackfish. Its like a real life Free Willy. So heartwarming and uplifting.
If we're talking about movies. Flight is excellent. Safety Not Guaranteed was one of the most underrated movies from last year. Drive is excellent if you can handle violence. And the Man From Nowhere is terrific if you like violence but with subtitles. If you want a truly ****ed up movie with subtitles, Oldboy. Young Adult is pretty good too. For more comedy stuff... The premise gets old a little fast, but I thought Jay Baruchel was pretty hilarious in The Trotsky... at least for the first 45 minutes. I also enjoyed "Sleepwalk with Me" staring Mike Birbiglia |
Watch 'Hoop Dreams' if you're in the mood for a stellar basketball documentary.
'Undefeated' is a really good high school football documentary I watched last week. |
Watched Ender's Game. I was underwhelmed by it. I love the book, but the movie just didn't go into Ender's development enough for my taste. It felt like a Reader's Digest version (which I realize that most movie adaptations are that, but this one just felt rushed).
Some of the reasons here. http://timzimmermann.com/2013/11/01/...ing-a-slander/ |
Watched Elysium last night and really liked it.
Damon wasn't a do-good'er out to save the world. Just a guy hard on his luck who had to make some hard choices and grew along the way... |
Watched Prisoners this past weekend.
The acting was superb but the who and why seemed like a weird reach. I guess that there have been plenty of abduction stories so they have to get creative. 3 out of 5 stars on the Netflix-o-meter. |
I've seen Blackfish and Undefeated. Great minds think alike.
The fiancée had a snow day also. We're about to watch Captain Phillips. |
Tonight's feature presentation to start out - maybe a double feature night with the weather outside...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/G3mPQnO7-HI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Going to start Saving Mr. Banks soon....
Watched 'Somm' on Netflix. Very intense and in depth look at what it takes to pass the Master Sommelier exam.
I'm no wine or spirits buff; but you get a good sense that the guys that achieve this title most definitely know their shit. And they aren't bullshitting when they say they taste decaying lilac, or river rock or some such crazy flavor. Worth watching if you're remotely interested in wine. |
Guarantee you all will enjoy the documentary. It runs about 90 minutes. |
Fun Size, currently on Netflix was pretty good.
The convenient store clerk "Fuzzy" was hilariousl |
i highly recommend all the docs that were just listed. The only one I questioned was Food Inc. simply because I have to ask, are we raising food or animals. Your answer affects how you feel about the doc.
Saw a random movie named Killer Joe on Cinemax...
I don't know what the **** I just watched LMAO. I literally said "Wait...what?" when the movie ended. It's at 77% on RottenTomatoes? What the ****?! LMAO |
And Rubber was intentionally ridiculous. I think killer Joe was meant to be taken somewhat seriously even though it is black comedy. |
Just watched Fruitvale Station. Having two kids myself that was absolutely gut wrenching. I vaguely remember hearing about the situation when it happened.
Oblivion was dumb.
I just watched Inception for the 1st time in over a year.
Brilliant ****ing movie! |
American Hustle is very good with great acting, should get an award for something.
saw the new documentary Tim's Vermeer. Made by Penn and Teller, but aside from one short two minute section, it leaves behind all their usual antics. I sometimes enjoy them on BullShit, but it would have been out of place here.
They mostly went with a straightforward doc style of interviews and project documentation to tell the story of a man who wants to figure out how 17th century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer might have used optics and mirrors to paint very photographically well before photography. Not a new topic as there have been books exploring the idea, but he is the first to attempt to reenact the theorized process. As an inventor with no painting background, what he does is astounding even if it doesn't really confirm Vermeer had to have used this technique. whether you buy the theory or not, the movie is pretty entertaining considering he is painting tediously for months on end. |
The Wolf of Wall Street was very entertaining and the comedy was off the chain. I was laughing the entire movie.
I think it's now safe to say that Leo Dicaprio is the best actor ever. |
Dallas Buyers Club was loaded with excellent performances.
This looks interesting...
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/CcR5KHjoc-0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Blue Jasmine - If I had a critique, it would be that it ended too soon. Cate Blanchett does an amazing job of portraying a hapless victim and judgmental harpie simultaneously. Her hair should get a supporting actress nomination, as it served as barometer for her state of mind. The more composed it was, the more composed she was. And at times it was transcendent. When she was unravelling, her hair similarly unraveled to the point that at times I thought I was looking at Helen Thomas
Nightmare Factory was pretty cool. It showed the evolution of Nicotero and group making monsters and gory films/scenes.
Highly recommended -- currently on Netflix. |
Has anyone seen The Monuments Men yet?
Oldboy. Badass movie.
Creepy ending. |
Movies opening this weekend: Romance, romance, romance, and Robocop.
As a tribute to PSH, I watched The Talented Mr. Ripley for the first time in almost a decade last week. I forgot how much I loved Damon in that flick. He was fantastic.
Watching a pretty cool old western from 1971 called The Hunting Party with Gene Hackman, Oliver Reed, Candice Bergen, LQ Jones and several other familiar faces.
Its about a cattle barons wife who's kidnapped by bandits and he goes on the hunt for her... but wow, movies were just different back then... the guy responsible for her kidnapping smacks her around real good and rapes her a few times, but soon after she then begins to fall in love with him after the simple act of him giving her some peaches. I mean, its kinda crazy considering the uproar something like this would probably cause these days... these old macho movies are pretty hilarious... all ya gotta do to tame a woman and make her fall in love is smack her around and give her a good poke, that'll set her straight! |
Killer in on the lam falls has kidnappees fall in love with him over the power of pie? |
However, there still remains a huge problem in tv/movies and that is the notion that violence somehow is a turn on to men. Care is taken to avoid violence of men toward women as a turn on, but there is still a rampant use of what I call the "slap and ****" where a woman is allowed to slap or otherwise inflict violence upon a man, and then the romance really takes off and they fall into passionate sex, as if all she needs is to have the frustration ****ed out of her. I could make a 2 hour movie of just examples of that progression that usually goes slap-hold arm from slapping again-stare at each other-crush each others faces in a really angry kiss- tear off clothes. What a cheap device taking a short cut through what really amounts to a story problem. They set up the dislike so carefully and they know the payoff they want from the characters is to fall in love, they are just too lazy to do the hard work of really giving the relationship depth. Here is a good example of what I am talking about: In Gangs of New York, a movie that I mostly really like aside from Cameron Diaz, and not because I don't like the actress, but because that character is a joke. She and Amsterdam are adversarial after he had rejected her, until one night she slaps him, they ****, no words hardly at all. Then while she sleeps, he has a great conversation with Bill the Butcher and we learn all sorts of good stuff about the two of them. Bill and Amsterdam of course, who would need to know anything about the girl character who's name I forget and Amsterdam? They slapped and ****ed. Clearly it is love. |
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