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Titty Meat 03-08-2024 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx (Post 17433089)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You should be ashamed of yourself. And the biggest joke is you don’t even slightly realize why. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; michael (@bisping) <a href="">March 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

What does he mean? UFC dudes are salty because outside Connor they don't make shit

Titty Meat 03-08-2024 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17433243)
Of course we do, if this is a good faith honest fight where both men feel they have something to prove its a Tyson win IMO

But if its some kinda backroom "lets not hurt each other too bad" money grab joke, then naw thats not worth watching

Tyson was losing to journeymen 20 years ago how's a 60 year old Tyson any better?

New World Order 03-08-2024 10:31 PM

This is piece of crap

BigRedChief 03-08-2024 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by KCJake (Post 17433079)
How much ?

I’ll put some real money down on this. If it’s a sanctioned fight. An exhibition only I’ll just watch for fun.

Fish 03-08-2024 11:14 PM

ChiefsFanatic 03-09-2024 01:33 AM

AJ folded old Francis

Easy 6 03-09-2024 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17433322)
Tyson was losing to journeymen 20 years ago how's a 60 year old Tyson any better?

I could certainly be wrong, maybe I'm just being too much of a fan

I do think that his life was a complete mess toward the end of his career, so that surely contributed to how he went out... just seems to me that if he trains like an animal, like this is legit... he can outclass that arrogant bum

Tyson has forgotten more boxing knowledge and skills than Paul will ever know, I'm hoping that wins the day for Iron Mike

WhawhaWhat 03-09-2024 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17433371)
AJ folded old Francis

Got a nice payday on the way out.

KCJake 03-09-2024 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17431559)
I'll have some of what you're smoking

Let’s throw some cash on it. Better yet, got any Chiefs memorabilia you wanna put on the table? I have a bunch of autograph/game used stuff

Valiant 03-09-2024 09:04 PM

Tyson said on one show that tape above is from 2 years ago.
Unless he starts training his ass off I have a feeling this ppv will be bad and go in Paul's favor. Tyson will dive for 50 million.

BWillie 03-09-2024 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 17434224)
Tyson said on one show that tape above is from 2 years ago.
Unless he starts training his ass off I have a feeling this ppv will be bad and go in Paul's favor. Tyson will dive for 50 million.

Why would he dive? The play would be to have Tyson win close. Then Paul destroy him in a rematch for the most $

wazu 03-09-2024 09:15 PM

This fight is picking up steam in my house. My oldest son is with me on Team Tyson, but my youngest is rooting for Paul.

Easy 6 03-09-2024 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by KCJake (Post 17434108)
Let’s throw some cash on it. Better yet, got any Chiefs memorabilia you wanna put on the table? I have a bunch of autograph/game used stuff

My best Chiefs memorabilia is a Prestige Mahomes Rookie Roundup, upwards of $800

Love it like a fat kid loves cake, I'll NEVER trade it

Megatron96 03-10-2024 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17433904)
I could certainly be wrong, maybe I'm just being too much of a fan

I do think that his life was a complete mess toward the end of his career, so that surely contributed to how he went out... just seems to me that if he trains like an animal, like this is legit... he can outclass that arrogant bum

Tyson has forgotten more boxing knowledge and skills than Paul will ever know, I'm hoping that wins the day for Iron Mike

I do not think you’re being too much of a fan.

I was never the biggest fan of Tyson, but he’s obviously one of the most talented and dangerous fighters in history. Jake Paul is a fool posing as a boxer. I feel like JP’s only chance is to run away for 5-6 rounds or even more, and try to get Mike fatigued.

If he’s dumb enough to stand in front of Tyson from the start and trade shots with him, he won’t last to the third. Tyson will destroy Jake in less than a minute.

Gotta figure that Tyson knows he has to let this circus go at least 6 rounds for entertainment purposes though. Can’t drop JP early with all the $$$$ involved.

Easy 6 03-10-2024 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 17434988)
I f do not think you’re being too much of a fan.

I was never the biggest fan of Tyson, but he’s obviously one of the most talented and dangerous fighters in history. Jake Paul is a fool posing as a boxer. I feel like JP’s only chance is to run away for 5-6 rounds or even more, and try to get Mike fatigued.

If he’s dumb enough to stand in front of Tyson from the start and trade shots with him, he won’t last to the third. Tyson will destroy Jake in less than a minute.

Gotta figure that Tyson knows he has to let this circus go at least 6 rounds for entertainment purposes though. Can’t drop JP early with all the $$$$ involved.

All true, but Tyson runs a terrible risk letting it go on too long... if he wants to win at his age, he needs to end it by the third IMO

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