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badgirl 06-19-2010 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by H5N1 (Post 6832662)
get a ****ing psychologist, we don't give a shit.

Then don't read this fucking thread asshole go elsewhere.

bevischief 06-19-2010 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl (Post 6832660)
I go to school 35 hours a week and work 36 hours a week then study and sleep, don't have much time for either one.

After or before surgery?

badgirl 06-19-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 6832665)
After or before surgery?

I worked about 48-60 hours a week before surgery then after I was released I started school which was also part of my decision to go ahead with surgery before school started. Now I only work Fri, sat and Sun 12 hour shifts and go to school Mon-fri from 8am to 3pm.

Ebolapox 06-19-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl (Post 6832664)
Then don't read this fucking thread asshole go elsewhere.

I'm not the vapid ****ing **** insulting others and begging for attention and sympathy. cry me a ****ing river, clitnose.

Bearcat 06-19-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl (Post 6832663)
Yep he released me back to work without restriction after 9 weeks.

So, he originally said you wouldn't be able to work or whatever for 9 weeks, you followed those orders, he gave you the okay to go back to work, and now he's telling you that you went back too early? :spock:

badgirl 06-19-2010 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by H5N1 (Post 6832668)
I'm not the vapid ****ing **** insulting others and begging for attention and sympathy. cry me a ****ing river, clitnose.

Oh name calling so mature. Lets give you a hand for being a man. yea right:rolleyes:

Ebolapox 06-19-2010 11:12 PM

patient 343 in room 8a needs a juice, arby's big montana. fetch it, those 100 dollar shirts won't buy themselves.

milkman 06-19-2010 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl (Post 6832652)
Yea she just wines and complains about her useless boyfriends in her life, when shes lucky enough to have one. I don't have 24/7 to be on here I have life outside of the Planet.

She also adds something to this forum.

You whine and bitch about everything, and never add a damn thing.

You are a useless ****ing ****.

badgirl 06-19-2010 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 6832670)
So, he originally said you wouldn't be able to work or whatever for 9 weeks, you followed those orders, he gave you the okay to go back to work, and now he's telling you that you went back too early? :spock:

Yes he said I would be off 9-12 weeks he released me after I had been off for 9 weeks, now he is saying it was to early. The hospital would not have let me come back until i was released, he said maybe I could come back on light duty and I told him there was no light duty for me on nightshift so he said I could come back without restrictions which is what he wrote on my release. NOW he says it was actually to early to have come back..

badgirl 06-19-2010 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 6832674)
She also adds something to this forum.

You whine and bitch about everything, and never add a damn thing.

You are a useless ****ing ****.

OH GOD now I will lose sleep tomorrow worried about the hell you think of me. Who gives a shit what you think of me, I don't give a rats ass what the like of you thinks.

Ebolapox 06-19-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl (Post 6832672)
Oh name calling so mature. Lets give you a hand for being a man. yea right:rolleyes:

says the slut who goes straight to chiefsplanet every time she has the slightest of issues. oh no, life has me down! maybe those internet people will make it better? better check.

you're an attention whore, no more, no less. I sincerely pity your patients. a wise man once said "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." well, you can't dodge the genetic lottery: it's gotten you back issues AND a severe lack of common sense, human decency and mental capacity.

that's right, I called you dumb.

badgirl 06-19-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by H5N1 (Post 6832673)
patient 343 in room 8a needs a juice, arby's big montana. fetch it, those 100 dollar shirts won't buy themselves.

Well they must be in another hospital. We dont have a 8A here. I didn't buy a 100 dollar shirt I never would pay that much for a damn shirt.

badgirl 06-19-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by H5N1 (Post 6832679)
says the slut who goes straight to chiefsplanet every time she has the slightest of issues. oh no, life has me down! maybe those internet people will make it better? better check.

you're an attention whore, no more, no less. I sincerely pity your patients. a wise man once said "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." well, you can't dodge the genetic lottery: it's gotten you back issues AND a severe lack of common sense, human decency and mental capacity.

that's right, I called you dumb.

Yes yes yes I love attention...thank you for giving me so much. Bad or good its still attention. THANK YOU.

Ebolapox 06-19-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl (Post 6832678)
OH GOD now I will lose sleep tomorrow worried about the hell you think of me. Who gives a shit what you think of me, I don't give a rats ass what the like of you thinks.

oh boo, I don't care what those internet people say!

(which is precisely why go and spout everything there!)

badgirl 06-19-2010 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by H5N1 (Post 6832682)
oh boo, I don't care what those internet people say!

(which is precisely why go and spout everything there!)

Oh more attention. Loving it. Keep going..:clap:

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