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KurtCobain 11-10-2011 08:40 PM

jfc i need to bitch about life for a sec like i always do

My ****ing wife called my ****ing p.o. on me. My wife. Who's supposed to care and support me is trying to screw me.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-10-2011 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 8098528)
jfc i need to bitch about life for a sec like i always do

My ****ing wife called my ****ing p.o. on me. My wife. Who's supposed to care and support me is trying to screw me.

I shouldn't but.....


chasedude 11-10-2011 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 8098528)
jfc i need to bitch about life for a sec like i always do

My ****ing wife called my ****ing p.o. on me. My wife. Who's supposed to care and support me is trying to screw me.

Uh Yeah, That's pretty ****ed up dude.

Lumpy 11-10-2011 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 8098683)
Uh Yeah, That's pretty ****ed up dude.


Ouch. :shake:

KurtCobain 11-10-2011 09:50 PM

And it's because I won't do drugs. Isn't that ****ed up? These mother****ers are trying to control me make me think different, and I keep telling them it's making things worst.

KurtCobain 11-10-2011 09:57 PM

Yesterday, I didn't take any of my pills and I felt great all day. I was happy, I made things happen at work, and I wasn't a tad lazy. Super efficient day. So I tell my wife that I didn't take them that morning and I did great, and she slips the **** out and calls my po who sent cops to my house to make me do drugs I don't need to be doing.

Now today I'm sitting here hopped up on everything from anti-depressants to klonipin. I feel like crap, I have headaches and I'm whining on the internet. **** this shit.

And I can't drink.

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-10-2011 10:04 PM

Sorry I laughed I didn't realize how ****ed up that was. Talk to your doctor about how much better you do without the drugs and maybe get off them?

KurtCobain 11-10-2011 10:05 PM

I have then he gives me stronger shit. They're really ****ing with me. Some nights I'm so drifted I can't even post on here.

KurtCobain 11-10-2011 10:08 PM

And like she's my ****ing mom or something, she has the nerve to have me tae the niht shit in front of her. And I'm so lost cant really work up anything to say in my defence so i type it on here but this isnt going to help but it does feel better

Dr. Johnny Fever 11-10-2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 8098812)
I have then he gives me stronger shit. They're really ****ing with me. Some nights I'm so drifted I can't even post on here.

Jesus Christ stupid doctors

KurtCobain 11-10-2011 10:12 PM

i hate them .Maybe if they talked to me about what causes episodes itd be not so bad but instead they ask everyone else what my symptoms are then throw bottles at me and tell my po to enforce it. And angie buys into all of it. She saw how good a day i ha yesterday, she was there man why?

crazycoffey 11-11-2011 12:53 AM

Words escape me brother. I feel for you, I really do. I also feel for your wife being concerned you didn't take your meds. This is medicine people who are paid to know more about us than anyone, has prescribed for you. For a reason.

This isn't an easy fix. You got to talk to you doctor, you PO, or get a new doctor if possible. If you go off the meds, it has to be more of "scheduled" event to not take the meds and not just your decision. I would love nothing more than to know you are a happy, healthy, totally drug free person, but you've painted yourself into this corner, and it doesn't fix itself overnight, or at least there are very few case studies in your corner....

I also understand the thought that all the "professionals" don't always know everything either. However, a good day off the meds you are supposed to take, does not equal you not needing them. You need to swallow a pill of reality on that one bro. If you stop taking the meds you could have a few good days and then a really bad day, and that bad day could cost you more than you realize now.

small steps, one step at a time, one day at a time. Keep making the growths. And don't blame you wife, she's thinking about more than just the good day you had. She's worried about the bad day you could have relapsing without the medicine you've been prescribed.

Setsuna 11-11-2011 01:04 AM

Is Kurt pulling your chain?

listopencil 11-11-2011 01:30 AM

So...I let my teenagers have friends spend the night. They are playing Halo and listening to the ten hour version of Trololo on Youtube. Should I be worried?

Buck 11-11-2011 03:33 AM

Sorry Joey.

I'm going through some shit at the moment. My friend just got back from Afghanistan and we went to the game tonight. The fireworks set him off and he had a run in with the cops. He's totally PTSD right now and I don't know how to calm him down. It's 1:30 am and he keeps going outside and I cant have people walking around outside my condo.

I don't know what to do.

bevischief 11-11-2011 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 8098790)
Yesterday, I didn't take any of my pills and I felt great all day. I was happy, I made things happen at work, and I wasn't a tad lazy. Super efficient day. So I tell my wife that I didn't take them that morning and I did great, and she slips the **** out and calls my po who sent cops to my house to make me do drugs I don't need to be doing.

Now today I'm sitting here hopped up on everything from anti-depressants to klonipin. I feel like crap, I have headaches and I'm whining on the internet. **** this shit.

And I can't drink.

Get a 2nd opinion from a different doctor.

bevischief 11-11-2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8099277)
Words escape me brother. I feel for you, I really do. I also feel for your wife being concerned you didn't take your meds. This is medicine people who are paid to know more about us than anyone, has prescribed for you. For a reason.

This isn't an easy fix. You got to talk to you doctor, you PO, or get a new doctor if possible. If you go off the meds, it has to be more of "scheduled" event to not take the meds and not just your decision. I would love nothing more than to know you are a happy, healthy, totally drug free person, but you've painted yourself into this corner, and it doesn't fix itself overnight, or at least there are very few case studies in your corner....

I also understand the thought that all the "professionals" don't always know everything either. However, a good day off the meds you are supposed to take, does not equal you not needing them. You need to swallow a pill of reality on that one bro. If you stop taking the meds you could have a few good days and then a really bad day, and that bad day could cost you more than you realize now.

small steps, one step at a time, one day at a time. Keep making the growths. And don't blame you wife, she's thinking about more than just the good day you had. She's worried about the bad day you could have relapsing without the medicine you've been prescribed.

Please listen to this advice.

chasedude 11-11-2011 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8099319)
Sorry Joey.

I'm going through some shit at the moment. My friend just got back from Afghanistan and we went to the game tonight. The fireworks set him off and he had a run in with the cops. He's totally PTSD right now and I don't know how to calm him down. It's 1:30 am and he keeps going outside and I cant have people walking around outside my condo.

I don't know what to do.

Had a run in with the cops? Did you have to bail him out?

KurtCobain 11-18-2011 01:02 PM

My computer broke. Somebody let me know if they have a spare desktop laying around they don't use, I'd like to buy a cheap backup till I can buy a new one.

Buck 12-17-2011 01:26 AM


Buck 12-17-2011 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 8120829)
My computer broke. Somebody let me know if they have a spare desktop laying around they don't use, I'd like to buy a cheap backup till I can buy a new one.

Is this why you haven't been on?

**** man I miss you.

Buck 12-17-2011 01:28 AM

let the post whoring commence

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 8120829)
My computer broke. Somebody let me know if they have a spare desktop laying around they don't use, I'd like to buy a cheap backup till I can buy a new one.

Have two I'm not using, near St. Louis sometime? I'll gladly hook you up, all it costs is letting my buy you a beer or a burger and meet you in person.


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210388)

Nice bump


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210389)
Is this why you haven't been on?

**** man I miss you.

I know, right?

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:32 AM

I forgot I don't have to multi-reply on this thread, no one cares here!

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:32 AM

I can post as much as I want!

Buck 12-17-2011 01:33 AM

Stop bro i'm trying to catch you

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:33 AM

That all men, created equal to their bandwidth, can have the freedom to express themselves in any manner they wish, even Goatboy and his gay photos....

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210400)
Stop bro i'm trying to catch you

NEVER, you can take my life but you will never take my post count! in this thread anyway....

Buck 12-17-2011 01:34 AM

you're ahead by a lot

Buck 12-17-2011 01:35 AM

it takes ****ing forever to post in this thread

Buck 12-17-2011 01:35 AM

but i'm gonna keep doing it

i'm at least passing luv tonight

Buck 12-17-2011 01:35 AM

and thats fo sho

Buck 12-17-2011 01:36 AM

belee dat

Buck 12-17-2011 01:36 AM

home boy

Rams Fan 12-17-2011 01:36 AM

Who wants some Starbucks?

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Starbucks Fan (Post 8210413)
Who wants some Starbucks?

I gotta go to work in 4 hours, I'll take a couple doubles....

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210415)
I gotta go to work in 4 hours, I'll take a couple doubles....

and in 4 hours I'll get some coffee....

Rams Fan 12-17-2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210415)
I gotta go to work in 4 hours, I'll take a couple doubles....

Northwest Coffee.

Buck 12-17-2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Starbucks Fan (Post 8210413)
Who wants some Starbucks?

**** year bro

Rams Fan 12-17-2011 01:39 AM

So I listened to this on Youtube after Tebow sang it when he was on NFLN:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Starbucks Fan (Post 8210423)
So I listened to this on Youtube after Tebow sang it when he was on NFLN:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Rich Mullens or some shit....

Rams Fan 12-17-2011 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210426)
Rich Mullens or some shit....

Something like that.

Buck 12-17-2011 01:41 AM

I'll take mine black, no sugar, no cream.

Rams Fan 12-17-2011 01:42 AM

What happened to BmoreBills?

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210428)
I'll take mine black, no sugar, no cream.

the exact opposite to how you like your dick?

Rams Fan 12-17-2011 01:43 AM

Heath Bell is no longer a San Diego Padre.

Buck 12-17-2011 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Starbucks Fan (Post 8210423)
So I listened to this on Youtube after Tebow sang it when he was on NFLN:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I got about 50 seconds in before I had to turn it off

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210430)
the exact opposite to how you like your dick?

or was it exactly the way you like your pussy?

Rams Fan 12-17-2011 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210432)
I got about 50 seconds in before I had to turn it off

I'm Jewish and listened to the whole thing.

Do it.

Buck 12-17-2011 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Starbucks Fan (Post 8210431)
Heath Bell is no longer a San Diego Padre.


Thanks for that informative update. I HADN'T HEARD.



crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Starbucks Fan (Post 8210434)
I'm Jewish and listened to the whole thing.

Do it.

I've got jewish ancestry in my lineage, also German. Not only that but I've got American Indian along with French Canadian, English and Scottish. It's quite the eternal struggle. All I know is I'm either baking up some sort of cesspool or the greatest partying killing machine that the world's ever seen!

Ah, who am I kidding. It's a cesspool that puts all other cesspools to shame.

Buck 12-17-2011 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210430)
the exact opposite to how you like your dick?


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210433)
or was it exactly the way you like your pussy?


crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210439)






Lumpy 12-17-2011 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210428)
I'll take mine black... just like my men.


Buck 12-17-2011 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 8210444)

Lumpy, I say this will full respect.

Tits or GTFO.

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210447)
Lumpy, I say this will full respect.

Tits or GTFO.

I laughed...

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210447)
Lumpy, I say this will full respect.

Tits or GTFO.


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210449)
I laughed...

but seriously....

Buck 12-17-2011 01:55 AM

Let's see them floppy thangs

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 8210444)


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210447)
Lumpy, I say this will full respect.

Tits or GTFO.


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210449)
I laughed...


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210450)
but seriously....

Can we see them?
I love boobies.

Lumpy 12-17-2011 01:55 AM


crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 8210444)


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210447)
Lumpy, I say this will full respect.

Tits or GTFO.


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210449)
I laughed...


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210450)
but seriously....


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210453)
Can we see them?
I love boobies.


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210452)
Let's see them floppy thangs

I bet they're nothing in the realm of "floppy"
and all in the realm of "spectacular"

Buck 12-17-2011 01:57 AM

T is for the way you Talk to me
I is for the way I want to see
T is very very, Take your top of Lumpy
S is Show me them tittays!

KcMizzou 12-17-2011 01:58 AM

I just watched "Everything Must Go" Hell of a movie... Will Ferrell being all serious. Made me think about my drinking.

But it's 30 minutes later, and I'm over it.

Lumpy 12-17-2011 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210456)
I bet they're nothing in the realm of "floppy"
and all in the realm of "spectacular"

Did you forget about "Survivor Planet"?

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 8210444)


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210447)
Lumpy, I say this will full respect.

Tits or GTFO.


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210449)
I laughed...


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210450)
but seriously....


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210453)
Can we see them?
I love boobies.


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210452)
Let's see them floppy thangs


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210456)
I bet they're nothing in the realm of "floppy"
and all in the realm of "spectacular"

My wife is clean, beautiful and has a great rack. Can we get a swap going? I'll totally be a swinger for a day. I know I'm small (down there) but at least I'm fast! I promise to be the fastest 30 seconds of monkey love you have ever had!

Buck 12-17-2011 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8210460)
I just watched "Everything Must Go" Hell of a movie... Will Ferrell being all serious. Made me think about my drinking.

But it's 30 minutes later, and I'm over it.

I quit drinking over a month ago now.

You wouldn't believe how much money I have saved up.

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8210460)
I just watched "Everything Must Go" Hell of a movie... Will Ferrell being all serious. Made me think about my drinking.

But it's 30 minutes later, and I'm over it.

I love it....

Buck 12-17-2011 02:00 AM

Lumpy please listen.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 8210461)
Did you forget about "Survivor Planet"?

No, d'uh. If I didn't like it I wouldn't be selling my soul to the devil right now as we speak....

crazycoffey 12-17-2011 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 8210468)
No, d'uh. If I didn't like it I wouldn't be selling my soul to the devil right now as we speak....

I just want to smell your boob sweat.

Lumpy 12-17-2011 02:01 AM

Oh, WOW... look at the time! I need to :bolt:

Buck 12-17-2011 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 8210461)
Did you forget about "Survivor Planet"?

To be honest, there wasn't any nip in that pic.

I can't get hard unless I see at least nip.

KcMizzou 12-17-2011 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8210463)
I quit drinking over a month ago now.

You wouldn't believe how much money I have saved up.

That's what I need... I didn't drink and went to bed early last night. Felt fantastic this morning. Better than I have in a long time.

Buck 12-17-2011 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8210479)
That's what I need... I didn't drink and went to bed early last night. Felt fantastic this morning. Better than I have in a long time.

I drank one time in the past month, that next morning was so shitty.

The biggest plus for me is the money I've saved. I don't really wake up feeling refreshed or anything.

Buck 12-17-2011 02:07 AM

I ate at Jack in the Box today. It was the only thing I ate all day, and now I'm hungry, but it made my stomach feel like shit and I don't want to eat anything.

Bugeater 12-17-2011 02:08 AM

Drinking is well worth every penny I spend on it.

Bugeater 12-17-2011 02:08 AM

Did you ever find a freaking job Buck?

Buck 12-17-2011 02:09 AM

I didn't stop drinking for any particular reason. Actually it was because I got obsessed with a video game and stopped caring about drinking.

I have realized thought that a lot of the bad shit that was happening to me the last few months was because of my drinking. I was getting housed every ****ing night. I'm not talking one or two beers here.

Buck 12-17-2011 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 8210493)
Did you ever find a freaking job Buck?

Nope :(

I've been applying to places.

Some places don't even write back.

At least some send denial letters in the mail.

I'm getting pretty desperate.

Bugeater 12-17-2011 02:12 AM

Goddamnit, just got another emergency call. This ****ing sucks.

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