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mr. tegu 11-27-2023 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by TEX (Post 17246630)
You're welcome. I know that you'e just being a jerk and trying to pile on. And what do u care wht type of fan you think I am? But a bet is a bet..And if I lose, you can be damn sure I'll honor the bet.

Twisted needs to do the same.


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 17246658)
Actually wasn’t trying to be a jerk. Your aggressiveness regarding a bet reminded me of it. I do respect your willingness to own up to a bet.

You guys do realize this bet was already settled right? This bet was made prior to the 2022 season and I’m pretty sure we had the one seed and won the Super Bowl that season.

staylor26 11-27-2023 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by TEX (Post 16315163)
I think they'll finish 10-7 and will be picking lower than they have in years.


What a :o)

Not even because of this prediction, but because they went on to win a SB, and he was right back to being a miserable **** again.

TwistedChief 11-27-2023 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17247816)

What a :o)

Not even because of this prediction, but because they went on to win a SB, and he was right back to being a miserable **** again.

That’s the thing that I find most spectacular. He did this same nonsense last year, we won a SB, and then we have some struggles and he’s crowing about how he’s been so right and clearly relishes our failures.

I was at 10-7 at the beginning of last year as well. TEX and I were entirely aligned in terms of the loss of Hill. But then by the Bucs and 49ers games it was eminently clear that this team could roll with their new offense and I was all-in. And now I give them the benefit of the doubt rather than constantly setting my expectations at rock bottom so I can protect my emotions if they don’t win a SB again.

TEX is 0-1 but acts like he’s 2000-0.

IowaHawkeyeChief 11-27-2023 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17247760)
And yet when most were bleeding, some of us were posting this...

So bump YOURSELF, kiddo.

and others were posting this:


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17243366)
Spags will get it figured out. Lot of game left.


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17243267)
I'm sure I'm older than you... and the irony, I just don't become a miserable whiney bitch if things don't go perfect.



Originally Posted by TEX (Post 17243064)
We're supposed to cheer when the Raiders offense went through the Chiefs defense like a knife through hot butter? :shrug:

No, but you shouldn't bleed out the Vag either.

Ming the Merciless 11-27-2023 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Ten Beers (Post 17247735)
Man, everyone was blowing a gasket yesterday... homers, mods, EVERYONE

nah. not everyone man. we were down 14 early. that's nothing to patrick.

I was actually pleasantly surprised how few people showed their ass

Hammock Parties 11-27-2023 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ming the Merciless (Post 17248000)
nah. not everyone man. we were down 14 early. that's nothing to patrick.

I was actually pleasantly surprised how few people showed their ass

the chiefs scored 21 points in 18 minutes of game time and that was that

it was a mini-me version of "the quarter" from 2019 in oakland

lewdog 11-27-2023 08:57 PM

Tex's takes are just incredibly bad so I'll say it.

Tex is a moron who couldn't analyze the alphabet in a class full of kindergartners.

Sassy Squatch 11-27-2023 09:21 PM

Puts his M&M's in alphabetical order.

Pablo 11-27-2023 09:23 PM

Tex has a Cowboy Butts Drive Me Nuts bumper sticker on his Wrangler with ducks all over the dashboard

Wallcrawler 11-27-2023 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17247597)
Your post was not positive, period and you would get slaughtered in a vote. Your post saying "Give it to Pacheco twice, he'll get it in" after Clyde was stuffed, was not positive. It was bitching Clyde got a carry at the goal line. Out of the multiple posts you made in the Gameday thread, that is the only one you even represent as being positive, despite us playing our best 3 quarters of the year. You lose, but it appears you are a welcher and Twisted is giving you an out...

Are you honestly expecting ANYONE to go full homer, when CLYDE EDWARDS HELAIRE is called upon to run UP THE MIDDLE on the mother ****ing GOAL LINE, when Isaiah Pacheco has not broken both of his legs and is available to run that play instead?

You're REALLY going to bitch about someone pointing out the hilariously awful personnel choice, and then not freaking out, but simply saying, hey, give it to the right guy here, and we're in? That's what you consider NEGATIVE?

Honestly, just fist yourself. You're obviously ****ed in half upstairs beyond reason, and your fingertip grip on reality has failed, plunging you into an abyss of irreversible stupidity if you think calling for Pacheco to run the football instead of Clyde is a negative.

It's not a negative, it's just simple common ****ing sense.

If shit could shit, it still wouldn't be as shitty as Clyde runs the football. That's fact. Call it whatever you want and I'm sure you, and reeruns like Rasputin who called Clyde " The next Priest Holmes" are rabidly smashing that thumbs down over it, but it changes nothing.

Clyde should NEVER run the football if ANYONE else is conscious and can take a handoff.

ChiTown 11-27-2023 09:32 PM

****ing hell. This place is amazing. ROFL

Chris Meck 11-27-2023 09:35 PM


Delano 11-27-2023 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Wallcrawler (Post 17248092)
Are you honestly expecting ANYONE to go full homer, when CLYDE EDWARDS HELAIRE is called upon to run UP THE MIDDLE on the mother ****ing GOAL LINE, when Isaiah Pacheco has not broken both of his legs and is available to run that play instead?

You're REALLY going to bitch about someone pointing out the hilariously awful personnel choice, and then not freaking out, but simply saying, hey, give it to the right guy here, and we're in? That's what you consider NEGATIVE?

Honestly, just fist yourself. You're obviously ****ed in half upstairs beyond reason, and your fingertip grip on reality has failed, plunging you into an abyss of irreversible stupidity if you think calling for Pacheco to run the football instead of Clyde is a negative.

It's not a negative, it's just simple common ****ing sense.

If shit could shit, it still wouldn't be as shitty as Clyde runs the football. That's fact. Call it whatever you want and I'm sure you, and reeruns like Rasputin who called Clyde " The next Priest Holmes" are rabidly smashing that thumbs down over it, but it changes nothing.

Clyde should NEVER run the football if ANYONE else is conscious and can take a handoff.

Position coaches choose which players get plays during a game. Andy trusts his coaches - it’s what good leaders do.

Hammock Parties 11-27-2023 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Delano (Post 17248121)
Position coaches choose which players get plays during a game. Andy trusts his coaches - it’s what good leaders do.

Why would you TRUST someone who orchestrated a Chicago Bears SHITSHOW?

Ever think that MAYBE that's how you get a SHITSHOW in KANSAS CITY where the receivers drop half their targets and the LEAST talented skill position player on offense gets MEANINGFUL carries in close games that LOSE those games?

How can you LEAD a team by telling the WORST players to play more?

Delano 11-27-2023 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17248129)
Why would you TRUST someone who orchestrated a Chicago Bears SHITSHOW?

Ever think that MAYBE that's how you get a SHITSHOW in KANSAS CITY where the receivers drop half their targets and the LEAST talented skill position player on offense gets MEANINGFUL carries in close games that LOSE those games?

How can you LEAD a team by telling the WORST players to play more?

Caps locking words for emphasis is corny.

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