DJ's left nut |
10-20-2011 10:14 AM |
I was in Joplin yesterday when the Kietzman/Harry argument went on, but I think it's fair to point out just how absurd KK was being when he built his little straw-man with Harry.
Jack Harry is absolutely wrong here. There's no way on Gods green earth the XII should keep that tournament in KC. But KK went on to paint this as the "Missouri fans" position. Look Harry wears dual hats. He's a Missouri guy, but he's also a Kansas City resident and sports personality.
He wasn't speaking as a MU guy there, but as a KC sports personality. Yet KK tried to put a Mizzou hat on him. Here's what KK constantly fails to realize - Kansas City is only about 1/3 of Missouri's fanbase, probably even a little less. St. Louis is a stronger MU town than KC is and the rest of the state is heavy MU as well since it's the only major athletic university in the state.
So right off the bat, 2/3 of the MU fanbase doesn't give a rats ass if that tournament stays in KC - not even a little bit. Of the remaining 1/3 in the KC area, about 1/2 of them don't give a shit That would've been me had I stayed in KC; I don't put a lot of stock in the economic evaluations of single-shot sporting events in a region. Those are fungible assets; that spare income will still be spent just on other avenues and most of it will still be spent in-state. Of the remaining 1/2 of the KC area MU fans, 3/4 of those recognize why the IIX wouldn't want to have the tournament in a state with no representatives.
All told, you're talking maybe 5% of the Missouri fanbase that thinks the tournament should still be in Kansas City and NONE of them are speaking as Missouri fans, but as Kansas City residents. So what?
But Keitzman's dumbass decided to use this as the jumping off point for a 20 minute rant about how entitled and superior MU fans are behaving.
He really does expose himself as a bitter little shit if you pay attention to what arguments he chooses to make. Not the arguments themselves (as his argument there was an easy win), but how he chooses to couch arguments and frame them to deconstruct straw-men.
He's a perfect little Wildcat right now.