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Buck 10-11-2011 12:27 AM

Wait I need better nicknames.

1. Newey
2. Oldie
3. Maybe

Buck 10-11-2011 12:27 AM

Nope, I still need better nicknames while I continue to post whore.

rocknrolla 10-11-2011 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985625)
I've been having a tough time at work. We're a community center dedicated to helping Seniors and also to rebuilding NorthWest Independence. We're a non-profit, so funds are very tight. Unfortunately, somebody decided to break in a couple of weeks ago and stole our safe. So we bought a new one attached to a wall, and they broke in and stole that last night. I have a record and some people around my work are looking at me. I care too much about the place to do something like this. It pisses me off that I'm having to deal with this shit.

That person has no soul or morals. That's fucked up. And it really sucks they are looking at you. I've read enough on here to see that you are one of the most honest people out there. aJust remember, when someone points a finger at you, they have three fingers pointing back to them.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:29 AM

Played some football today since my eye is doing better. I plan to play some flag tomorrow after work, but I'm really sore after tackle today. We also played a few minutes of Basketball, but I'm losing endurance for that the fatter I get.

Six Foot One

August 2005 180 lbs
April 2006 123 lbs
April 2007 145 lbs
August 2008 109 lbs
August 2009 120 lbs
August 2010 155 lbs
October 2011 190 lbs

Buck 10-11-2011 12:29 AM

Actually, they don't need nicknames, I'll just explain it.

1. The chick I have a major crush on and she totally shot the first bullet last night.
2. The chick who I have been with, but to be honest she's turning into quite the...person I don't like.
3. The chick I was talking about in the I have a date thread last week.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:30 AM

1. Secretly install camera, tell no one.
2. Film robber in the act
3. ?????????
4. Profit

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:30 AM

I can't play for a full ten ****ing minutes, lol.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985643)
Actually, they don't need nicknames, I'll just explain it.

1. The chick I have a major crush on and she totally shot the first bullet last night.
2. The chick who I have been with, but to be honest she's turning into quite the...person I don't like.
3. The chick I was talking about in the I have a date thread last week.

Go with number 2, trust me.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:31 AM

Damn brah. I'm way fatter than you, but I have endurance. It just takes time to build it up. Have a lot of sex. That helps.

rocknrolla 10-11-2011 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985631)
Tomorrow night I am going to trivia where last week we won a free pizza, free salad, and free cinnabread (we get to turn in the voucher this week). Plus one of the girls I might try to go after will be there, but she's like the lowest chick on my power rankings right now.

Life's rough isn't Buck? Bottom of the rankings beats the shit out of going home by your self. Unless you have them waiting in line.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985647)
Go with number 2, trust me.

Yeah, well that might not be an option. I'll know within 10 days from now. She's in ****ing Vermont right now.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by rocknrolla (Post 7985649)
Life's rough isn't Buck? Bottom of the rankings beats the shit out of going home by your self. Unless you have them waiting in line.

If you go back in this thread to my posts from last night (I guess 2 days ago technically), you'll see who my #1 is.

Also I would have about a 0.1% chance of bringing this chick home tomorrow. I have to put in work, but I mean, I could tell on Saturday when I hung out with her that it was definitely there. She's been texting me a lot and I feel bad for her because I've been stressing over this one chick (#2 in my power rankings) and all of the sudden there is a new contender (#1).

Strangely enough, I would say that #3 is the prettiest of the bunch, followed by #2, then #1. But I really ****ing like #1. A lot. A lot a lot. She feels like the glove that my hand needs.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by rocknrolla (Post 7985641)
That person has no soul or morals. That's fucked up. And it really sucks they are looking at you. I've read enough on here to see that you are one of the most honest people out there. aJust remember, when someone points a finger at you, they have three fingers pointing back to them.

Haven't always been that way though, I have this exact crime on my resume, not something I'm proud of at all. So I understand where it's coming from. I just don't like how it's happening. I did put alot into that place and the lack of respect is showing. One lady is running around flapping her jaws "This is an inside job, I know it!" So I asked her what she meant, because the only "insiders" are me, this young pretty girl who would never dare do something like this, and a bunch of old 'wealthier' people. And she just mumbled off. So I know what she meant. And she has pull.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985648)
Damn brah. I'm way fatter than you, but I have endurance. It just takes time to build it up. Have a lot of sex. That helps.

Can you play basketball for ten minutes straight without falling over with a pain in your side?

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985650)
Yeah, well that might not be an option. I'll know within 10 days from now. She's in ****ing Vermont right now.

Dude, I hate Vermont.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985654)
Can you play basketball for ten minutes straight without falling over with a pain in your side?

Yes, I do it quite often.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:38 AM

That's insane. I can do football and baseball better, atleast you get breaks.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985657)
That's insane. I can do football and baseball better, atleast you get breaks.

I was really out of shape before I started having a lot of sex. Like at first I lasted like maybe 10 minutes before I was pooped and just laid on my back. Within like 2 weeks I was ****ing for 2 hours straight. So...yeah.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:40 AM

Also I couldn't do pushups before. But I would have to hold myself up while doing missionary so I didn't crush the girl. Now I can do pushups.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:40 AM

I wish I could try having more sex.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:41 AM

Man what have I been doing Joey? I've been ****ing around. I should have like 3000 posts in here by now. I gotta get back on the grind.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985660)
I wish I could try having more sex.

Me too.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985661)
Man what have I been doing Joey? I've been ****ing around. I should have like 3000 posts in here by now. I gotta get back on the grind.

You are slipping.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:42 AM

I'm in an interesting phase of my relationship with Angie right now.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:43 AM

I will post about 30-50 more posts in here tonight and I'll aim for at least 100 a week.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:43 AM

Is Angie your wife or some other chick?

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:44 AM

That's very thoughtful of you.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985668)
Is Angie your wife or some other chick?

The wife. The girl I've been with most of my life. We grew up next door to each other.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:46 AM

I am like 95% sure that I am done with that one chick. I wanted to talk to her about it, but when I told her that like 4 days before she went to Vermont she just stopped talking to me. I texted her happy bday when she got there (it was last week) and she said thanks, but other than that I haven't talked to her for about 12 days or so...

I was really bumming out about it, and what happened on 2 consecutive nights (Saturday and Sunday) really ****ing snapped me out of it.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985670)
The wife. The girl I've been with most of my life. We grew up next door to each other.

Oh okay, I never knew her name. Or maybe I did. You wanna fight about it? I deleted my facebook, but I'm sure I saw her on there before on your profile.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985671)
I am like 95% sure that I am done with that one chick. I wanted to talk to her about it, but when I told her that like 4 days before she went to Vermont she just stopped talking to me. I texted her happy bday when she got there (it was last week) and she said thanks, but other than that I haven't talked to her for about 12 days or so...

I was really bumming out about it, and what happened on 2 consecutive nights (Saturday and Sunday) really ****ing snapped me out of it.

Maybe she's not the one.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:48 AM

Me and Angie hate each other. We are tolerating one another, even the occasional laugh, but we hate each other's guts.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985673)
Maybe she's not the one.

I already knew she wasn't the one. She won't ever have kids, I want a baby some day. I just, you know, wanted to still be with her for a while. Time to get over it. I bought her concert tickets for her birthday on 10/19. If she doesn't contact me to go (I think she gets back 10/16), then she can go about her life without me.

Sorry for acting like a beeyotch all up in this bitch, but I don't have much going on in my life right now other than trying to figure out my girl situation.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985674)
Me and Angie hate each other. We are tolerating one another, even the occasional laugh, but we hate each other's guts.

Have you ever tried/considered marriage counseling?

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:50 AM

We have come to the agreement that it would be awesome if one of us died. There'd be a social security check and plenty of pity you can work up when losing a spouse. I think everytime I leave the house she hopes I'll crash and die, and vice versa. It'd be an easy fix for one of us. The other would be dead, so they wouldn't care. No biggie.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:51 AM

That's pretty ****ing maniacal of you guys.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985676)
Have you ever tried/considered marriage counseling?

Heh. I see so many counselers for drugs, anger, parenting etc. Angie would never in a million consult anybody about her problems. And she doesn't want to work things out. I don't think I do either. We're kinda just chillin in limbo.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:52 AM

I don't want to jerk off right now (already did like 5 hours ago), but next time I do, should I try going back through one of my stories in this thread and see if I can just jerk off to it?

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985679)
That's pretty ****ing maniacal of you guys.

It's helping we're being honest with each other. "i love you," I love you too," "I love you more!" Is just too much for a dead relationship. "You loser" "You fat whore" "I've hated you for three years" I've hated you for four years" "I cheated on you twice" "Well I'm cheating on you now" "You'll never be anything" "****!" Is more realistic and it's working.

We've been crazy nice to each other around the kids though. Almost feels good.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985681)
I don't want to jerk off right now (already did like 5 hours ago), but next time I do, should I try going back through one of my stories in this thread and see if I can just jerk off to it?

That's weird, bro.

Buck 10-11-2011 12:58 AM

Yeah, then I can say I jerked off to ChiefsPlanet.

P.S. Bugeater is gonna be so ****ing mad.

CrazyCoffey 2,618
luv 2,427
Buck 2,176
Joie 1,952
Bugeater 1,709
KurtCobain 1,677

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:00 AM

I'm going for it.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:01 AM

And also I'm ****ing pissed at ESPN. The Chargers won the ****ing game, but I haven't seen one god damn Chargers highlight. Every single one is a Tebow highlight. Get the **** off my screen Tebow.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:02 AM

I miss ESPN.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:03 AM

Man I remember at this time of night around 4 years ago we had so many people posting.

CrazyCoffey, Luv, Bugeater, Guru, SPchief, greg63, Simplex3....that melatonin kicked in so I can't remember anyone else...but now it's just you and I for the most part.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:04 AM

I'll rot on the planet
till hootie cant stand it
yeah send him off the edge
like a note from demonpenz

Buck 10-11-2011 01:05 AM

Hootie seems convinced that we're just trolls. I'm not sure what his definition of troll is.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985691)
Man I remember at this time of night around 4 years ago we had so many people posting.

CrazyCoffey, Luv, Bugeater, Guru, SPchief, greg63, Simplex3....that melatonin kicked in so I can't remember anyone else...but now it's just you and I for the most part.

You should make a mult so we have somebody else to chill with.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:05 AM

I made a mult one time. Just to lurk. I tried logging in with it yesterday, couldn't remember the password or the email address I used.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:07 AM

I miss your dad.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:08 AM


KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:09 AM

You ever wear a suit buck?

Buck 10-11-2011 01:10 AM

Nope. You?

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:14 AM


Thinking about getting one though.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:14 AM

I bought these amazing new pillows for $8 each. They are Serta Firm Cotton. I think that was the reason I slept so much last night/today. They are ****ing perfect pillows for me.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:15 AM

Yeah, I think a suit would be cool. Gonna try to lose all my fat before I would consider buying one though.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:15 AM

Ahh pillows sounds nice.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:16 AM

I need to gain a little more. I'm shooting for 205.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:16 AM

My friend, who was my roommate in April 2009-April 2010 was like 5'11 140 lbs when we lived with each other. I saw him for the first time in like 6 months last week and he weighs like 230+ now. It was weird to see.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:16 AM


If I had a shotgun, know what I'd do,
I'd point that shit straight at the sky
and shoot heaven on down for you
Oh well the bars are always open, and the time is always right
And if God's good word goes unspoken, well the music goes all night

I want a lover, I can't find the time
I want a reason, I can't find the rhyme
I want to start some static, but I can't afford,
to hit the ground like I fell off my skateboard
Now a days as clear as you please, strap with protection or strap with disease.
Laughter, it's free any time just call me
439-0116 when your down with Sublime you get
funky fresh lyrics, you get nothing

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985710)
My friend, who was my roommate in April 2009-April 2010 was like 5'11 140 lbs when we lived with each other. I saw him for the first time in like 6 months last week and he weighs like 230+ now. It was weird to see.


Buck 10-11-2011 01:18 AM

Do the bars close at 2 am there? They do here. It pisses me off. I want to be out til like 4 am getting piss drunk every night.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:18 AM

They close at like 1:30.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:19 AM

I think some places bars don't even have to close.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:20 AM

Too bad you got voted off Survivor Planet.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:20 AM

If I do it again there'll be like a 100 dollars Chili's gift card at stake.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985716)
Too bad you got voted off Survivor Planet.

I know. ****ing pussies were afraid to lose to a Chargers fan.

KurtCobain 10-11-2011 01:24 AM

I gotta bounce, good night.

Buck 10-11-2011 01:26 AM

Night brah.

crazycoffey 10-11-2011 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985625)
I've been having a tough time at work. We're a community center dedicated to helping Seniors and also to rebuilding NorthWest Independence. We're a non-profit, so funds are very tight. Unfortunately, somebody decided to break in a couple of weeks ago and stole our safe. So we bought a new one attached to a wall, and they broke in and stole that last night. I have a record and some people around my work are looking at me. I care too much about the place to do something like this. It pisses me off that I'm having to deal with this shit.

That sucks bro. There's a part of me that wants to say, "you made your bed...." but I got a good feeling about you and I wouldn't want to say that to you. Keep us informed, I hope the truth comes out and everything is ok.

crazycoffey 10-11-2011 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985691)
Man I remember at this time of night around 4 years ago we had so many people posting.

CrazyCoffey, Luv, Bugeater, Guru, SPchief, greg63, Simplex3....that melatonin kicked in so I can't remember anyone else...but now it's just you and I for the most part.

I'm here, and always am. Just waiting for the rest of you......

crazycoffey 10-11-2011 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985714)
They close at like 1:30.

some close at 3


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985715)
I think some places bars don't even have to close.

vegas and NYC are the only places I've been to...


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7985716)
Too bad you got voted off Survivor Planet.



Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985718)
I know. ****ing pussies were afraid to lose to a Chargers fan.


Buck 10-11-2011 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7648913)

Let's see if I'm getting fatter. I haven't weighed myself in a while. Just going to compare pics.

crazycoffey 10-11-2011 02:18 AM

you lost some hair, no argument there....

Buck 10-11-2011 02:20 AM

God damn I am sexy.

crazycoffey 10-11-2011 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985738)
God damn I am creepy.


Buck 10-11-2011 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7985741)

Pretty much.

Buck 10-11-2011 02:37 AM

Man I read back through this thread and was handing out rep. I am one funny mother****er (in my own mind). I wanted to rep myself like 100 times.

crazycoffey 10-11-2011 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7985743)
Pretty much.


a stranger

It's not worth it!!!!!!!!!1

Buck 10-11-2011 02:43 AM

I'm not going to. I just smoked a bowl and I'm gonna try to pass out. Switching to my iPod for internet browsing while I lay in bed.

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