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baitism 10-19-2011 12:39 PM

KSU fans are going to be a bit butt hurt when they get passed over for the Alamo and Cotton bowl this year and are stuck in the Insight bowl, even though they will be deserving of better. Then they might get a better grasp of what MU is tired of.

Bearcat 10-19-2011 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 8006582)
Analogy fail.

MU fan: I'm a cop (football power).
KU fan: Naw, you're a security guard (you've never won shit and really are just mediocre at best)
MU fan: I'm applying to the Police Academy.
KU fan: Good luck, have fun.
MU fan: Why are you so butthurt?
KU fan: I'm not.
MU fan: Yes. Yes, you're. If you weren't, you wouldn't be talking to me right now!

MU fan is a mediocre musician that's had some success in recent years, but can't quite seem to break through to the next level, and KU fan is a tourist that's in town with their family and seem to be little lost. They would really like to get Timmy to the zoo before the aquarium exhibit closes, but they missed their exit due to construction and after grabbing something to eat, they aren't sure how to continue. They're looking for directions, and come across MU fan, who has just finished an adequate meal at Planet Sub and is heading to his secondary job down the street.


Pants 10-19-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 8006624)
MU fan is a mediocre musician that's had some success in recent years, but can't quite seem to break through to the next level, and KU fan is a tourist that's in town with their family and seem to be little lost. They would really like to get Timmy to the zoo before the aquarium exhibit closes, but they missed their exit due to construction and after grabbing something to eat, they aren't sure how to continue. They're looking for directions, and come across MU fan, who has just finished an adequate meal at Planet Sub and is heading to his secondary job down the street.


Holy shit. LMAO

I don't have the capacity to make this analogy bloom.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 8006586)
I'm not sure I understand this. Can you please convert this into a "Meal Analogy"? You know....where MU is the lobster & KU is a hamburger that's been on the floor or something.

Actually, you just did a pretty good job of it. There's nothing for me to add.

Maybe we could combine the food and girlfriend analogies into something like this:

KU: My boyfriend who takes me to McDonalds sure is great. He can't afford to buy me a value meal like your boyfriend bought you, but at least I get a hamburger and a water.

MU: Actually, our boyfriends are losers. I'm going out with a guy with a job to a restaurant with a white tablecloth.

KU: You think that makes him better than my boyfriend? Your new boyfriend probably won't even buy you champagne to go with your prime rib.

MU: Still beats the shit out of eating at McDonalds with a guy who was trying to get the cashier's number right in front of you.

KU: Whatever. He's changed. He said he's going to marry me.

MU: Then where's the ring?

KU: It's right here on my hand. He called it a promise ring.

MU: It's plastic, and I think it came out of a gumball machine, but it's kind of shiny, I guess. Enjoy your burger.

Sassy Squatch 10-19-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8006645)
Actually, you just did a pretty good job of it. There's nothing for me to add.

Maybe we could combine the food and girlfriend analogies into something like this:

KU: My boyfriend who takes me to McDonalds sure is great. He can't afford to buy me a value meal like your boyfriend bought you, but at least I get a hamburger and a water.

MU: Actually, our boyfriends are losers. I'm going out with a guy with a job to a restaurant with a white tablecloth.

KU: You think that makes him better than my boyfriend? Your new boyfriend probably won't even buy you champagne to go with your prime rib.

MU: Still beats the shit out of eating at McDonalds with a guy who was trying to get the cashier's number right in front of you.

KU: Whatever. He's changed. He said he's going to marry me.

MU: Then where's the ring?

KU: It's right here on my hand. He called it a promise ring.

MU: It's plastic, and I think it came out of a gumball machine, but it's kind of shiny, I guess. Enjoy your burger.

That would be the big 10. The sec is more like applebees.

Frazod 10-19-2011 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by baitism (Post 8006618)
KSU fans are going to be a bit butt hurt when they get passed over for the Alamo and Cotton bowl this year and are stuck in the Insight bowl, even though they will be deserving of better. Then they might get a better grasp of what MU is tired of.

This never occurred to me, but you're right - when Missouri leaves, K-State will become the new Missouri, only even more heavily disrespected.

Something to look forward to, I guess.

WilliamTheIrish 10-19-2011 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by baitism (Post 8006618)
KSU fans are going to be a bit butt hurt when they get passed over for the Alamo and Cotton bowl this year and are stuck in the Insight bowl, even though they will be deserving of better. Then they might get a better grasp of what MU is tired of.

Actually, the original "passed over" for a better bowl already happened to KSU in 98.

Lost the B12 CCG in OT no less, and while still in the top 5 of the BCS with a single loss, dropped all the way to the Alamo Bowl. That's when the BCS changed their rule about only 1 team per conference in a BCS bowl.
A change which benefitted both NU and OU (2003).

What happened to MU was outright theft. That, and Alden being a dummy.

Saul Good 10-19-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 8006677)
Actually, the original "passed over" for a better bowl already happened to KSU in 98.

Lost the B12 CCG in OT no less, and while still in the top 5 of the BCS with a single loss, dropped all the way to the Alamo Bowl. That's when the BCS changed their rule about only 1 team per conference in a BCS bowl.
A change which benefitted both NU and OU (2003).

What happened to MU was outright theft. That, and Alden being a dummy.

Could you please explain this with an analogy about dancing?

eazyb81 10-19-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 8006671)
This never occurred to me, but you're right - when Missouri leaves, K-State will become the new Missouri, only even more heavily disrespected.

Something to look forward to, I guess.

And KSU will be KU's new "rival".

Instead of playing for the Border War drum, they will wave the wheat in unison at midfield of Olathe North's stadium.

WilliamTheIrish 10-19-2011 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8006693)
Could you please explain this with an analogy about dancing?

KSU was dancing and fell off the stage, breaking it's neck. No paralysis, but rehab was long and arduous.

WilliamTheIrish 10-19-2011 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8006694)
And KSU will be KU's new "rival".

Instead of playing for the Border War drum, they will wave the wheat in unison at midfield of Olathe North's stadium.

They'll have to find another rival. We have Texas. (if they can win a few to make it less one sided)

Saul Good 10-19-2011 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 8006669)
That would be the big 10. The sec is more like applebees.

Please give me a junior membership to the B1G instead of a full membership in the best conference on the planet (and the only one that's mattered for most of the past decade).

I'd much rather play at Minnesota than LSU.

Pants 10-19-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 8006707)
They'll have to find another rival. We have Texas. (if they can win a few to make it less one sided)

I don't know how to break this to you, but I think UT considers Oklahoma their rival. I think they even have a name for that rivalry.

Pants 10-19-2011 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8006711)
Please give me a junior membership to the B1G instead of a full membership in the best conference on the planet (and the only one that's mattered for most of the past decade).

I'd much rather play at Minnesota than LSU.

I'm curious. Were you saying you'd rather go to the SEC when you thought there was a Big 10 invite on the table?

Bearcat 10-19-2011 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 8006669)
That would be the big 10. The sec is more like applebees.

The Big 10 is Applebee's... a lot of people love it, and I still haven't figured out why. The SEC is like Gates... you could nitpick, but it's pretty darn good, and I wonder how some people can hate it.

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