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https://www.reddit.com/user/_JeffGol...z2RP2p_2hQg%3D |
<iframe width="637" height="358" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SkcucKDrbOI" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Has anyone seen Molly's Game or the Post?
If so how were they? |
I saw the Hitmans Bodyguard last night.
It was ****ing hilarious. There was a nice mix of deadpool, John Wick, and we’ll... Samuel L Jackson. The thing that made it work was the banter worked. It would have been campy and stupid if the banter didn’t work. Big credit to the writers. Watch it if you get a chance. |
ROFL ROFL - someone is trying to disown the very decision to watch what looks to be a turd of a movie.
Someone else, OTOH. . . ROFL ROFL
Then saw Adrift today at the cinema. Don't waste your money paying to see at a cinema. Was just a day to do something with a female friend I hadn't seen for awhile and do lunch. Wait for it as a rental or if it comes to a streaming service. Boring. Slow.Also a true story. Could have been done much better. Didn't care for the flashback style. Didn't feel any chemistry between the two characters. Didn't think Shailene Woodley did a good job at all creating the character and I usually like her acting. |
Annihilation ****ing OWNS . God damn I love that film (re watch)
Hereditary was too overhyped but I won't be too hard on it cause its from a 1st time director . 6/10 (its beyond a slow burn that moves at a snails' pace. Didn't really care for it) The summer film I'm most hyped about is hands down Sicario 2 . Del Toro was aces in the 1st one and this one looks to focus a lot more on his character . Can't wait! |
Darn - well Hereditary is getting great reviews. I'm hoping I'll like it - See 'Winchester' (for me) was far too slow burning. |
https://media.giphy.com/media/4pMX5rJ4PYAEM/giphy.gif |
I saw the Hitmans Bodyguard last night.
It was ****ing hilarious. There was a nice mix of deadpool, John Wick, and we’ll... Samuel L Jackson. The thing that made it work was the banter worked. It would have been campy and stupid if the banter didn’t work. Big credit to the writers. Watch it if you get a chance Posted via Mobile Device |
Anyway, I caught Warrior on Prime. How the hell did I miss this? Some seriously deep shit in the movie.
Upgrade - meh...at least I have Movie Pass
Incredibles 2. Pretty good. Obvious plot and villain but the kids loved it.
I went and saw SuperFly last night. Wasn't expecting it to be good at all but came away surprised.
Posted via Mobile Device |
Posted via Mobile Device |
They did, however, really capture the innocence of toddlers. Kids can just laugh and be happy as hell while they destroy your entire existence. That stuff is really hard to capture in animation. Goddamn that shit was funny. |
She was such a badass in T2
watching Mom and Dad
Blade Runner 2049 was pretty good but slow and weird
Has anyone seen The Endless?
They're moving forward on the Blaze Foley biopic. Hoptagawd they don't **** it up.
<iframe width="652" height="370" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sXvwFdTTwhI" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> The real guy, just sitting on his porch <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uM3YROq_cLY" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> Hi mom. . . |
The Endless is pretty good - really can't figure all of it out yet - but it's definitely entertaining.
Finally saw A Quiet Place. Very good movie. The first 20-30 minutes are a bit slow and takes a bit of adjusting to the near silence that lasts throughout 99% of the movie. But in the end it was really enjoyable.
just got out of Sicario 2 and holy shit, if you liked the 1st one, this one will be right up your alley (it focuses more on Del Toro's character since Emily Blunt isn't in it). Probably my favorite film of the year so far and definitely a worthy sequel . Highly recommend seeing this one this theaters.
Calibre on Netflix - do it.
Hey! Did you know that in life you can either sing all day or make shoes?!?!?! No mixing, no compromise. You're either productive, or creative. Pick a lane and stick with it. And never change your mind. Overall I enjoyed it, but the whole movie I had this mental image. http://natalia.cecire.org/wp-content...rt_singing.png |
The First Purge is a steaming pile of shit. Like holding a machine sideways, junkies know karate bad. I wasn't expecting anything more than 1.5 hours of violence but even that was super lame. It's only redeeming quality is seeing Lex Scott Davis.
anyone seen this? This trailer just gets increasingly awesome as it progresses! I'm all over this once i find an outlet to watch it. I'm not sure if it's even out yet.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gNp0jlfbgqM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IrcQhTm2h2I" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Just saw Sicario (2015) version. It was intense!
Anyone seen the new MI?
Haven't heard anything either way. |
I guess you have to be a dogshit comic movie to have your own thread on CP.
Mission Impossible was enjoyable. Some of the scenes reminded me of the Uncharted video game series. But does every summer blockbuster have to be 2.5 hours? What happened to 2 hour movies? The extra 30 minutes is hell on my bladder, especially now that I can drink beer in a theater. My only real complaint is Ving Rhames. Why was he doing his best (or worst) Green Mile impersonation? Did this man have a stroke? Replace his ass. |
MI Fallout was (for the most part) a lot of fun. Henry Cavill should definitely be the next Bond imo. He was a BOSS in this.
Didn't care for the attempts at humor though. It broke up the tension that was going on (esp from Rhames & Pegg) Overall I would see this on the largest screen you can get to. The HALO jump scene was jaw dropping, ditto on the car chases / helicopter fights . My fav scene would be the bathroom scene though |
Won't You Be My Neighbor coming to PBS broadcast
https://apnews.com/481f0064a4354f8eb...ut-Fred-Rogers |
Looking forward to TheMeg, hoping I get lucky and get drawn for the pre show next Tuesday, if not ill be there next Thursday. Looks to be pretty good, hopefully at least Jaws 2 good. From the trailors looks to be at least Jaws 3, (kind of sucks but watchable) and not a total shitfest like Jaws The Revenge.
Finally saw "Ready Player One". The first half was really good but then the second half tailed off for me imo.
Nightcrawler 8.5/10
Was just on BBC 2. Very engaging thriller, quite unrealistic really, i.e, this can only happen in a Hollywood movie, but good screenplay and excellent performances by Jake Gyllenhaal and his work partner. |
Gyllenhal's quietly turned into a fantastic actor.
He was great in Prisoners as well. |
I liked The Neighbor pretty well. Definitely held my interest.
I haven't posted a video in a while. Let's see if this works....
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WaG1KZqrLvM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> If not, here's a youtube link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaG1KZqrLvM |
Atom Tickets is giving out free tickets to the Spy Who Dumped me this weekend through the app. Code ATOMSPY.
Joaquin Phoenix as the new Joker? I guess he can't be any worse than Jared Leto. |
looking forward to Mile 22this weekend . The collaborations between Marky Mark & Peter Berg have all been entertaining imo (Lone Survivor and esp Patriot's Day). This one looks like an ultra violent awesome action film.
Starred Up - 8/10
Brutal, gripping British prison drama about a youth offender (19) moved (starred up) to an adult prison. Not for the faint hearted! |
watching American Animals.
It's a lazy Sunday and storms are about to roll in. Should I go see Mile 22 or the latest Mission Impossible?
Guess I'll go see Tom Cruise break his leg jumping from building to building (97% on RT, fwiw). |
<iframe width="637" height="358" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_2PyxzSH1HM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
I really want to see the new Nicholas Cage film called Mandy but its not playing anywhere near me . It looks gnarly & beyond effed up (in a good way). Also it got rave reviews.
I'm tempted to spoil The Predator, the whole thing, to get people to not go see it. I honestly don't gripe about movies much but there were so many problems with the film. I grew up on Predator, and that's not Predator. You can see the promise in the movie, but it falls so flat and then you're left looking at how underwhelming it was. Predator is the best, Predator 2 was good, Predators was good, AVP was inconsistent, Requiem was a great portrayal of how badass the Predator should be, and this film is on the level of AVP with gore and forced humor.
Searching. 7/10
White boy Rick. 5/10 |
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