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keg in kc 12-27-2016 01:20 PM

Man, Carrie Fisher's passing must just gut the script for at least 8 and maybe 9. :(

BleedingRed 12-27-2016 01:20 PM

Fisher has passed away

DaneMcCloud 12-27-2016 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12644791)
I'll take Kathleen Kennedy over either of them:

She was talking about the approach, as to whether or not they start plucking characters from the animated series and begin building a story around them, to which she replied "that's not our approach".

That doesn't mean that characters from the animated series won't appear in future Star Wars films. In Rogue One alone we saw Chopper, Saw Gerrera, The Ghost and heard reference to Hera Syndulla.

I think that characters will continue to show up, most likely as Easter Eggs for the fans, in the spinoff's but I don't *expect* Lucasfilm to create a movie based on Ezra, Kanan, et al.

keg in kc 12-27-2016 02:05 PM

Which is exactly what I was saying...

Cameos? Yes. Satine and then Sabine being related to Rey? Not likely.

KingPriest2 12-27-2016 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12644793)
Man, Carrie Fisher's passing must just gut the script for at least 8 and maybe 9. :(

Not on 8 They finished July 22.

Just read an article about this. It's going to be difficult but they have several options.

DaneMcCloud 12-27-2016 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12644863)
Satine and then Sabine being related to Rey? Not likely.

I don't think they'd give that away at this point in time.

But as I mentioned earlier, either Han & Leia are her parents or Luke and ? are her parents. If it's Luke, then who and where is the mother?

IMO, it wouldn't make sense to have a brand new character that would require serious exposition, likely dragging down the film.

unlurking 12-27-2016 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 12644793)
Man, Carrie Fisher's passing must just gut the script for at least 8 and maybe 9. :(

Please no more CGI Fisher.

RobBlake 12-27-2016 07:59 PM

well carries death and death in the movies move Kylo to the good side?

i know may not make sense.. but the death of his mother might move him strongly.. realizing he killed his dad in an altered state of mind.. now his mother is gone.. i'd like to see him go away from snoke and be a lone wolf.. reintroducing the "purple" saber idea

DaneMcCloud 12-27-2016 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12645401)
well carries death and death in the movies move Kylo to the good side?

i know may not make sense.. but the death of his mother might move him strongly.. realizing he killed his dad in an altered state of mind.. now his mother is gone.. i'd like to see him go away from snoke and be a lone wolf.. reintroducing the "purple" saber idea

He needs to remain evil and die a horrible death.

That or win the galaxy from the Resistance and Snoke, leading to Episodes X-XII.

Redemption would suck. His path is very different than Vader's.

RobBlake 12-28-2016 12:48 PM

Well hopefully they mature his demeanor and have him slay people. There's goin to be another trilogy of movies after this set?

DaneMcCloud 12-28-2016 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12646146)
Well hopefully they mature his demeanor and have him slay people. There's goin to be another trilogy of movies after this set?

It's not in the books but word on the street is yes, there will be another trilogy.

kcfanXIII 12-28-2016 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12646146)
Well hopefully they mature his demeanor and have him slay people. There's goin to be another trilogy of movies after this set?

Would you walk away from a money making machine?

DaneMcCloud 12-28-2016 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by kcfanXIII (Post 12646236)
Would you walk away from a money making machine?

From my understanding (and this could certainly change in the next three years), they're pretty much waiting for fan reaction to Episode VIII before making a determination as to where they go for Episode IX and beyond.

While Rian Johnson wrote and directed Episode VIII, he's only writing Episode IX and from my understanding, that script is no where near completed. It's in the outline stage only.

Once Episode VIII has been fully edited and assembled, the film will screen for Lucasfilm and Disney brass, along with other creatives. At that point, they'll likely have some reshoots and re-edits, which happens on every blockbuster film. So it's quite possible that they won't have an idea for X and beyond until 2018 at the earliest and Carrie Fisher's death certainly throws a wrench in Episode IX.

The other rumors that I've heard consistently is that Disney and Ewan McGregor are keen on an Obi Wan trilogy. There's also been persistent chatter about going back to the Old Republic and focusing on Yoda, when he was a Padawan, so it's quite possible that Episode X-XII maybe not get a start until the late 2020's.

kcfanXIII 12-28-2016 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12646262)
From my understanding (and this could certainly change in the next three years), they're pretty much waiting for fan reaction to Episode VIII before making a determination as to where they go for Episode IX and beyond.

While Rian Johnson wrote and directed Episode VIII, he's only writing Episode IX and from my understanding, that script is no where near completed. It's in the outline stage only.

Once Episode VIII has been fully edited and assembled, the film will screen for Lucasfilm and Disney brass, along with other creatives. At that point, they'll likely have some reshoots and re-edits, which happens on every blockbuster film. So it's quite possible that they won't have an idea for X and beyond until 2018 at the earliest and Carrie Fisher's death certainly throws a wrench in Episode IX.

The other rumors that I've heard consistently is that Disney and Ewan McGregor are keen on an Obi Wan trilogy. There's also been persistent chatter about going back to the Old Republic and focusing on Yoda, when he was a Padawan, so it's quite possible that Episode X-XII maybe not get a start until the late 2020's.

I'm ok with all of this. I really want the Obi Wan trilogy to go forward, but I'd be a sucker for a young Yoda too.

RINGLEADER 12-28-2016 04:17 PM


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