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Monticore 05-19-2020 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 14979965)
God, I suck at golf. I'm pretty much looking to break 100 when I play. I was sitting at 44 going to the 9th hole so I'm thinking bogey for 49 and I'll be happy, par and I'll be thrilled..

Then a ****ing 9 happened. :banghead:

We have all been there my friend lol, I was playing a tourney once and I shot 89 in shit rain the Saturday, so I go home figuring I would tee off early next day , I get there Sunday and shoot even on the front, at the turn someone tells my dad put 500$ on me the sat night to win the Calcutta, so I played like shit on the back I mean I worked hard to be 4 over for the at 17, last hole is wide open short par 5 all I need is 6 to make my dad some money , well a couple of well placed snap hooks later I tap in for a 7.

I knew then competitive golf wasn’t for me.

GloryDayz 05-19-2020 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 14979965)
God, I suck at golf. I'm pretty much looking to break 100 when I play. I was sitting at 44 going to the 9th hole so I'm thinking bogey for 49 and I'll be happy, par and I'll be thrilled..

Then a ****ing 9 happened. :banghead:

Don't count the shitty shots, it's the same price.

Mr. Plow 05-20-2020 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Monticore (Post 14980018)
The average golfer spends 80% of their practice time on their long game , if we put that time into chipping and putting everyone’s game would get better, when you are confident on your short game you don’t care as much when you end up and you put better swing on the ball and actually end up chipping less.

This game is a mind ****

This is my goal for the year. Improve from 100 yards & in. I lose more strokes because of my short game than I do off the tee - I'm not terrible off the tee, but I'm definitely not a "playing the fairway off the tee" player.

Monticore 05-20-2020 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 14980529)
This is my goal for the year. Improve from 100 yards & in. I lose more strokes because of my short game than I do off the tee - I'm not terrible off the tee, but I'm definitely not a "playing the fairway off the tee" player.

Since I started using a range finder on every shot it helped even 30 yard shots, removing any possible second guessing has helped for me, I do get the odd ribbing from my playing partners but hey screw them lol . I don't use it on putts though not yet anyways.

Mr. Plow 05-20-2020 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Monticore (Post 14980612)
Since I started using a range finder on every shot it helped even 30 yard shots, removing any possible second guessing has helped for me, I do get the odd ribbing from my playing partners but hey screw them lol . I don't use it on putts though not yet anyways.

I use a range finder for 70 yards out generally. My issue is slowing my swing down for whatever distance it is. I either am short of the green 10 yards, or I hit the green and roll off. I'd probably knock 10 strokes off my game if I could consistently put the ball on the green with my 9/PW/AW/60.

Monticore 05-20-2020 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 14980692)
I use a range finder for 70 yards out generally. My issue is slowing my swing down for whatever distance it is. I either am short of the green 10 yards, or I hit the green and roll off. I'd probably knock 10 strokes off my game if I could consistently put the ball on the green with my 9/PW/AW/60.

Not sure you want to slow down your swing for distance control, that brings potential deceleration issues(fat/pushes), modifying/shortening backswing or choking down on your club using consistent acceleration would be more consistent .
I go down 1 inch to reduce about 5 yards on my short works for me but might not works for everybody.

I forgot to mention I also carry 4 wedges 48/52/56/60 since I use those a lot more during a round than I do my 3 wood which I dropped from the bag, I starting laying up on all par 5 (trying to get it to one of my wedge distances) even short ones(depending on danger around green) and started getting more birdies .

Mr. Plow 05-20-2020 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Monticore (Post 14980706)
Not sure you want to slow down your swing for distance control, that brings potential deceleration issues(fat/pushes), modifying/shortening backswing or choking down on your club using consistent acceleration would be more consistent .
I go down 1 inch to reduce about 5 yards on my short works for me but might not works for everybody.

I choke down as well and it does help. I'm just so inconsistent in putting the ball on the green and it drives me up the wall. I bought some new wedges this year (haven't gotten them yet) that I'm hoping will help with my issue a little bit.

Right now I carry my PW (45*), AW (50*), and 60*. There is just too much of a gap between the 50* (110 yards) & 60* (70-75 yards). Bought a new 50*, 54*, & 60* and I'm hoping that 54* helps split the difference.

Monticore 05-20-2020 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 14980720)
I choke down as well and it does help. I'm just so inconsistent in putting the ball on the green and it drives me up the wall. I bought some new wedges this year (haven't gotten them yet) that I'm hoping will help with my issue a little bit.

Right now I carry my PW (45*), AW (50*), and 60*. There is just too much of a gap between the 50* (110 yards) & 60* (70-75 yards). Bought a new 50*, 54*, & 60* and I'm hoping that 54* helps split the difference.

It should , also try holeing it from 100 yards in, the whole aim small miss small thing works.

Mr. Plow 05-20-2020 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Monticore (Post 14980742)
It should , also try holeing it from 100 yards in, the whole aim small miss small thing works.

I'm playing tonight. I'll give it a shot.

Monticore 05-20-2020 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 14980931)
I'm playing tonight. I'll give it a shot.

Have fun , focus on the goal not the results and it will be more enjoyable with better results.

OnTheWarpath15 05-20-2020 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 14980720)
I choke down as well and it does help. I'm just so inconsistent in putting the ball on the green and it drives me up the wall. I bought some new wedges this year (haven't gotten them yet) that I'm hoping will help with my issue a little bit.

Right now I carry my PW (45*), AW (50*), and 60*. There is just too much of a gap between the 50* (110 yards) & 60* (70-75 yards). Bought a new 50*, 54*, & 60* and I'm hoping that 54* helps split the difference.

Are you missing because of distance (short/long) or are you missing side to side?

If it's distance, next time you go to the range, take nothing but your wedges. Hit 10-20 balls with each club at half, 3/4 and full swings and chart your average distance.

Makes it a lot easier when you have a good idea how far a (3/4 54*, as example) regularly goes. Helps with course management as well - for example, I know my 3/4 54* goes 90 yards - which is the same distance within a yard or two of a full swing 58*

You have so much flexibility when you know your distances with less than full swings. My 3/4 54* travels about the same distance as my full swing 58*. Determining where the flag is on the green, along with if the shot is to an slightly elevated green or level to me determines which club I hit, even though they are the same distance away.

When I first did this, I actually wrote my half, 3/4 and full swing distances on a strip of painters tape and stuck it on the shaft below the grip as a reminder.

Mr. Plow 05-20-2020 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15 (Post 14981052)
Are you missing because of distance (short/long) or are you missing side to side?

If it's distance, next time you go to the range, take nothing but your wedges. Hit 10-20 balls with each club at half, 3/4 and full swings and chart your average distance.

Makes it a lot easier when you have a good idea how far a (3/4 54*, as example) regularly goes. Helps with course management as well - for example, I know my 3/4 54* goes 90 yards - which is the same distance within a yard or two of a full swing 58*

You have so much flexibility when you know your distances with less than full swings. My 3/4 54* travels about the same distance as my full swing 58*. Determining where the flag is on the green, along with if the shot is to an slightly elevated green or level to me determines which club I hit, even though they are the same distance away.

When I first did this, I actually wrote my half, 3/4 and full swing distances on a strip of painters tape and stuck it on the shaft below the grip as a reminder.

It's a little bit of both, honestly. For most of these types of shots, I end up just off the green (2-5 yards) right/left/long/short. I know that isn't very far off, but when I struggle with my chipping - which is more often than not - it will sometimes add 3 strokes to a hole. Just drives me crazy.

I'm going to hit the range tonight, so I'll see if I can get a decent track on distance with different swings.

BWillie 05-20-2020 02:42 PM

I have an idea, and I don't know if it will work or is even legal. I've always been a good ball striker. I'll hit greens but I 3 putt, ALOT. I'm really bad at short putts. That is my biggest bugaboo.

So, why couldn't I get a midget putter. Just a small shaft, put the grip towards the clubhead almost and get on my knees to putt. I don't know how I would ever pull or block it. Might be able to do it on short chips where you don't need to get it very high.

They banned Sam Snead I think it was for putting thru his legs, maybe I can get something else banned :)

Monticore 05-20-2020 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14981204)
I have an idea, and I don't know if it will work or is even legal. I've always been a good ball striker. I'll hit greens but I 3 putt, ALOT. I'm really bad at short putts. That is my biggest bugaboo.

So, why couldn't I get a midget putter. Just a small shaft, put the grip towards the clubhead almost and get on my knees to putt. I don't know how I would ever pull or block it. Might be able to do it on short chips where you don't need to get it very high.

They banned Sam Snead I think it was for putting thru his legs, maybe I can get something else banned :)

Read "golf is not a game of perfect" Bob Rotella, it will help with your putting.

if you hit 10 perfect putts the odds are you might miss 1 or 2 because of imperfections in the green etc, so make the best swing you can and live with the results and if you miss it wasn't your fault.

Also completely remove distance out of the putting equation, I know it sounds crazy but your brain automatically adjusts for distance(shooting basketball you don't think how far back to bring your arms etc..)picture the hole and try and make it , aim small miss small , lag putts don't work.

And thinking you have the right line is more important that actually having the right line. I know it is another crazy one but it works, every putt has multiple lines depending on speed etc..

I believe I can make anything within 10 feet, so it puts less pressure on my chipping so I make better chips and rarely end up with 10 footers .

My Dad has never made a bad swing/putt/ ( it is always a bad lie/wind/bad bounce etc..)he thinks is swing is perfect, he is completely delusional but at 73 he still shoot his age so it the end it doesn't matter.

Bowser 05-24-2020 11:56 AM

Just an FYI - Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning will take on Phil Mickleson and Tom Brady at 2pm Central on TNT, if anyone is interested.

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