eazyb81 |
10-19-2011 06:06 AM |
Greg Hall offering some nice rational thoughts on Mizzou to SEC commentary. Great stuff.
Mizzou to SEC 'imminent'
Posted 10-18-11
“I would expect the conditional withdrawal (of Missouri from the Big 12) in probably a similar time frame to Texas A&M, about 17 days. Probably later this week.”
Gabe DeArmond, of PowerMizzou.com, dating the start of this process back to Brady Deaton’s announcement two weeks ago that Mizzou would explore other conference options, 810 AM
GH: Gabe defined a “conditional withdrawal” as one where Mizzou will depart for the SEC as long as they have an invitation to join another conference. The New York Times called their move to the SEC as “inevitable” and “imminent.” This appears to be simply a move to make sure the SEC isn’t seen as poaching a team from another conference and to avoid legal action from the Big 12 or its member schools. It appears Mizzou is gone. But this is Mizzou – so nothing is over in Columbia until 'dem crackers who be shakin' say it's over.
“As a Kansas Citian, I’m conflicted. I understand how this hurts Kansas City. And that sucks! I don’t like that! You can be conflicted! Don’t let anybody else tell you how to feel! I think it’s great for Missouri that they’re moving on to the SEC. If I lived in St. Louis I wouldn’t give a damn about what was good for Kansas City. But I don’t. I live in Kansas City.”
Steven St. John, 810 AM
GH: SSJ’s point is exactly why the Big 12 is dysfunctional and much of our government doesn’t work – everybody is in it for what is best for them. It is not about what is best for me and my city. It should be what is best for my state, my country, my world – all the while understanding that sometimes my loss is our gain. Attend a school board meeting where they discuss re-districting if you want a firsthand view of this kind of small-minded me-first attitude.
“The University is in Columbia. And let me tell you for homecoming, when Georgia brings 15,000 fans to Columbia instead of Iowa State bringing 1,500, Columbia is going to be much better off.”
Gabe DeArmond, on the complaint that Kansas City will lose revenue if MU heads to the SEC, 810 AM
“Hope Missouri enjoys forming rivalries with division members Kentucky (7 hrs away) and Tennessee (10 hrs).”
Brady McCollough, KC Star KU beat writer, Twitter
GH: I was surprised to see McCollough so negative and opinionated about MU’s move to the SEC. He appears to be coming at this more like a fan than a beat writer. Maybe he too, like Kevin Kietzman and Bob Fescoe, is thinking of his own job and personal interests rather than looking at the story from an objective viewpoint. I don’t know how anyone looking at this decision with any objectivity doesn’t understand what a tremendous opportunity this is for Missouri. I would say the same thing if Kansas or Kansas State had Mizzou's options.
“In what way are they holding you hostage? It’s much better to be a second-class citizen in the SEC? You’ll never get to the Big 10 (if you go to the SEC)!”
Kevin Kietzman, to a caller who stated Mizzou is sick of being held
hostage by Texas and Texas-lite, 810 AM
“To think that Missouri is going to go down there (to the SEC) and be 3-9 or 2-10 every year is just ridiculous.”
Kirk Herbstreit, ESPN college football analyst, 810 AM
“I agree with people who say a stable Big 12 is the best conference for Missouri. The difference between them and me is that I don’t think that is a possibility. Missouri is simply in a situation now (with the SEC) that is more stable and a better situation. The Big 12 – nobody trusts them. If Texas and Oklahoma find a better situation, it seems likely to me they will take them.”
Gabe DeArmond, of PowerMizzou.com, 810 AM
GH: Mizzou has been offered a life raft off a fishing boat that keeps springing leaks. And that life raft is not coming from another fishing boat but from a luxury cruise ship with 17 swimming pools and 47 gourmet restaurants. This is not a tough decision.
“MU fans keep hanging their hats on the ‘more secure option’ The Big 12 will be fine and secure.”
Bob Fescoe, Twitter
GH: The Big 12 is simply no longer the Big 12. MU is not leaving the conference they joined in 1995. They are leaving an old neighborhood that will never be the same. They’re movin’ on up. Hate ‘em if you have to, but understand that it looks a lot like pure jealousy.
“To local fans mad about Mizzou leaving... None of us want Mizzou to leave the Big 12, but stop tweeting like the pathetic ex-girlfriend...”
Nick Wright, Twitter
“(Mizzou) can stay and pray that Texas and OU are there forever. That might be more foolish. Actually, it would be.”
Tom Shatel, Omaha World Herald columnist and Mizzou alum, Twitter
“Strap that helmet on real tight, because you’re going into the deep end of the pool here in the SEC. … You’re playing the best of the best. You’re playing in the elite football conference which requires a hardcore football coach – which I think Gary Pinkel is.”
Kirk Herbstreit, 810 AM
GH: Herbstreit mentioned he is curious to see if Pinkel will attempt to keep his spread offense in a physical league like the SEC. Let’s hope Pinks finds something else to run inside the five-yard line – no matter what league his Tigers join.
“I think the one thing Missouri fans are going to recognize right away is that in the Big 12, you might have a few more weeks that are considered ‘off weeks.’ In the SEC, because of the consistency of the defense every week, every single team plays great defense. That’ll be the challenge for the players and that program to realize you are going to be challenged every single week – more so than you are in the Big 12.”
Kirk Herbstreit, 810 AM
“If they continue to play that (MU/KU) game, it’s going to have a lot less implications. It’s not going to be that big a deal.”
Jake Gutierrez, 810 AM
GH: I don’t agree with Jake on this one. I cannot think of a circumstance where any KU/MU game would not be a “big deal.” BTW, get your tickets to the November 26th MU/KU game at Arrowhead today. I have a feeling there is going to be quite a run on tickets to that one sometime around Thursday afternoon
“Let’s be honest. Missouri is not competing with Kansas in basketball and Kansas isn’t competing with Missouri in football.”
Steven St. John, discussing the lack of competitiveness in the border war rivalry that might end if MU bolts, 810 AM
“If the shoe was on the other foot, wouldn’t you be beating your chest as a Kansas fan? Didn’t we all bitch about how Texas ran this league? … Just think if the shoe was on the other foot for Kansas and Kansas State fans. That’s all I’m asking.”
Aaron Swarts, 810 AM
“I don’t really think this is big news. The SEC thing is happening and Missouri is going to move forward with the SEC. I don’t know what to do with this report (from the NY Times) other than it is being reported in New York.”
Soren Petro, 810 AM
GH: This is big news. Yes, we have been aware that this MIGHT happen for some time. But it still has not actually occurred. When it does, it will change the Big 12 and the Kansas City sports landscape in ways we cannot yet comprehend. This is very big news.