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DRM08 12-09-2024 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 17850861)
Detroit is a NIGHTMARE matchup for that defense.

McDermott wants to run his nickel base, play zone, and keep everything in front of them, and wait for the QB to make a mistake, or the offense to misfire in execution.

The Lions are:

1) Precise
2) Extremely good on the OL
3) Dynamic running the football both with power and speed
4) QBed by a guy who is incredibly accurate when kept clean and playing on script, especially in the short- and intermediate-passing games.

I don't see how the Bills slow down that offense at all. It's everything the Rams offered, except better.

Could be another shootout, but it's a Bills' L.

Lions offense is a nightmare for pretty much everyone. Really strong OL in both the run game and passing game. Strong group of weapons and a pretty damn good QB.

RunKC 12-09-2024 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17850863)
The Lions are neck and neck with Philly for the one seed, too.

They will fight like hell.

I totally forgot the Lions played at home on Thursday so they have a mini bye while the Bills had to fly home across the entire country

They’re ****ed LMAO

Hammock Parties 12-09-2024 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 17850893)
I totally forgot the Lions played at home on Thursday so they have a mini bye while the Bills had to fly home across the entire country

They’re ****ed LMAO

duncan_idaho 12-09-2024 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by DRM08 (Post 17850891)
Lions offense is a nightmare for pretty much everyone. Really strong OL in both the run game and passing game. Strong group of weapons and a pretty damn good QB.

I agree.

That Lions' offense is fantastic.

If KC ends up playing them in a Super Bowl, it's going to take the Chiefs (1) having better play at CB (Can McDuffie/Williams/Nelson or Watson if he is back in January give them that?) and (2) the Chiefs' scheme historical success against outside zone run teams for KC to pull it off.

But the Chiefs at least have some stylistic approaches to try and find succcess against that type of offense. They have a big, physical DL. They have a 3-LB set that is good against the run.

The Bills light nickel does not.

Buehler445 12-09-2024 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 17850893)
I totally forgot the Lions played at home on Thursday so they have a mini bye while the Bills had to fly home across the entire country

They’re ****ed LMAO

Yeah, tough break for the Bills. It's far from a guaranteed loss. Detroit has a pile of injuries too (I keep hearing about anyway, but let's hear about something isn't right with Mahomes.

ptlyon 12-09-2024 02:12 PM

Points opened at 2

Womble 12-09-2024 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 17850893)
I totally forgot the Lions played at home on Thursday so they have a mini bye while the Bills had to fly home across the entire country

They’re ****ed LMAO

Imagine the dread of having to travel across the country just to get back to your home in Buffalo:

MahomesMagic 12-09-2024 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 17850898)
I agree.

That Lions' offense is fantastic.

If KC ends up playing them in a Super Bowl, it's going to take the Chiefs (1) having better play at CB (Can McDuffie/Williams/Nelson or Watson if he is back in January give them that?) and (2) the Chiefs' scheme historical success against outside zone run teams for KC to pull it off.

But the Chiefs at least have some stylistic approaches to try and find succcess against that type of offense. They have a big, physical DL. They have a 3-LB set that is good against the run.

The Bills light nickel does not.

Goff also does not handle exotic blitzes well, see Rams vs Patriots SB.

Spags is a perfect DC to use against Goff.

Pitt Gorilla 12-09-2024 05:34 PM

<blockquote class="text-post-media" data-text-post-permalink="" data-text-post-version="0" id="ig-tp-DDVf4TQxfg0" style=" background:#FFF; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #00000026; border-radius: 16px; max-width:540px; margin: 1px; min-width:270px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"> <a href="" style=" background:#FFFFFF; line-height:0; padding:0 0; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:100%; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;" target="_blank"> <div style=" padding: 40px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center;"><div style=" display:block; height:32px; width:32px; padding-bottom:20px;"> <svg aria-label="Threads" height="32px" role="img" viewBox="0 0 192 192" width="32px" xmlns=""> <path d="M141.537 88.9883C140.71 88.5919 139.87 88.2104 139.019 87.8451C137.537 60.5382 122.616 44.905 97.5619 44.745C97.4484 44.7443 97.3355 44.7443 97.222 44.7443C82.2364 44.7443 69.7731 51.1409 62.102 62.7807L75.881 72.2328C81.6116 63.5383 90.6052 61.6848 97.2286 61.6848C97.3051 61.6848 97.3819 61.6848 97.4576 61.6855C105.707 61.7381 111.932 64.1366 115.961 68.814C118.893 72.2193 120.854 76.925 121.825 82.8638C114.511 81.6207 106.601 81.2385 98.145 81.7233C74.3247 83.0954 59.0111 96.9879 60.0396 116.292C60.5615 126.084 65.4397 134.508 73.775 140.011C80.8224 144.663 89.899 146.938 99.3323 146.423C111.79 145.74 121.563 140.987 128.381 132.296C133.559 125.696 136.834 117.143 138.28 106.366C144.217 109.949 148.617 114.664 151.047 120.332C155.179 129.967 155.42 145.8 142.501 158.708C131.182 170.016 117.576 174.908 97.0135 175.059C74.2042 174.89 56.9538 167.575 45.7381 153.317C35.2355 139.966 29.8077 120.682 29.6052 96C29.8077 71.3178 35.2355 52.0336 45.7381 38.6827C56.9538 24.4249 74.2039 17.11 97.0132 16.9405C119.988 17.1113 137.539 24.4614 149.184 38.788C154.894 45.8136 159.199 54.6488 162.037 64.9503L178.184 60.6422C174.744 47.9622 169.331 37.0357 161.965 27.974C147.036 9.60668 125.202 0.195148 97.0695 0H96.9569C68.8816 0.19447 47.2921 9.6418 32.7883 28.0793C19.8819 44.4864 13.2244 67.3157 13.0007 95.9325L13 96L13.0007 96.0675C13.2244 124.684 19.8819 147.514 32.7883 163.921C47.2921 182.358 68.8816 191.806 96.9569 192H97.0695C122.03 191.827 139.624 185.292 154.118 170.811C173.081 151.866 172.51 128.119 166.26 113.541C161.776 103.087 153.227 94.5962 141.537 88.9883ZM98.4405 129.507C88.0005 130.095 77.1544 125.409 76.6196 115.372C76.2232 107.93 81.9158 99.626 99.0812 98.6368C101.047 98.5234 102.976 98.468 104.871 98.468C111.106 98.468 116.939 99.0737 122.242 100.233C120.264 124.935 108.662 128.946 98.4405 129.507Z" /></svg></div><div style=" font-size: 15px; line-height: 21px; color: #000000; font-weight: 600; "> View on Threads</div></div></a></blockquote>
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Coochie liquor 12-09-2024 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by MahomesMagic (Post 17850925)
Goff also does not handle exotic blitzes well, see Rams vs Patriots SB.

Spags is a perfect DC to use against Goff.

Plus, Mahomes having to hear how he’s winless against Goff for 2 weeks will bring out Petty Mahomes!

staylor26 12-09-2024 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla (Post 17851198)
<blockquote class="text-post-media" data-text-post-permalink="" data-text-post-version="0" id="ig-tp-DDVf4TQxfg0" style=" background:#FFF; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #00000026; border-radius: 16px; max-width:540px; margin: 1px; min-width:270px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"> <a href="" style=" background:#FFFFFF; line-height:0; padding:0 0; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:100%; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;" target="_blank"> <div style=" padding: 40px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center;"><div style=" display:block; height:32px; width:32px; padding-bottom:20px;"> <svg aria-label="Threads" height="32px" role="img" viewBox="0 0 192 192" width="32px" xmlns=""> <path d="M141.537 88.9883C140.71 88.5919 139.87 88.2104 139.019 87.8451C137.537 60.5382 122.616 44.905 97.5619 44.745C97.4484 44.7443 97.3355 44.7443 97.222 44.7443C82.2364 44.7443 69.7731 51.1409 62.102 62.7807L75.881 72.2328C81.6116 63.5383 90.6052 61.6848 97.2286 61.6848C97.3051 61.6848 97.3819 61.6848 97.4576 61.6855C105.707 61.7381 111.932 64.1366 115.961 68.814C118.893 72.2193 120.854 76.925 121.825 82.8638C114.511 81.6207 106.601 81.2385 98.145 81.7233C74.3247 83.0954 59.0111 96.9879 60.0396 116.292C60.5615 126.084 65.4397 134.508 73.775 140.011C80.8224 144.663 89.899 146.938 99.3323 146.423C111.79 145.74 121.563 140.987 128.381 132.296C133.559 125.696 136.834 117.143 138.28 106.366C144.217 109.949 148.617 114.664 151.047 120.332C155.179 129.967 155.42 145.8 142.501 158.708C131.182 170.016 117.576 174.908 97.0135 175.059C74.2042 174.89 56.9538 167.575 45.7381 153.317C35.2355 139.966 29.8077 120.682 29.6052 96C29.8077 71.3178 35.2355 52.0336 45.7381 38.6827C56.9538 24.4249 74.2039 17.11 97.0132 16.9405C119.988 17.1113 137.539 24.4614 149.184 38.788C154.894 45.8136 159.199 54.6488 162.037 64.9503L178.184 60.6422C174.744 47.9622 169.331 37.0357 161.965 27.974C147.036 9.60668 125.202 0.195148 97.0695 0H96.9569C68.8816 0.19447 47.2921 9.6418 32.7883 28.0793C19.8819 44.4864 13.2244 67.3157 13.0007 95.9325L13 96L13.0007 96.0675C13.2244 124.684 19.8819 147.514 32.7883 163.921C47.2921 182.358 68.8816 191.806 96.9569 192H97.0695C122.03 191.827 139.624 185.292 154.118 170.811C173.081 151.866 172.51 128.119 166.26 113.541C161.776 103.087 153.227 94.5962 141.537 88.9883ZM98.4405 129.507C88.0005 130.095 77.1544 125.409 76.6196 115.372C76.2232 107.93 81.9158 99.626 99.0812 98.6368C101.047 98.5234 102.976 98.468 104.871 98.468C111.106 98.468 116.939 99.0737 122.242 100.233C120.264 124.935 108.662 128.946 98.4405 129.507Z" /></svg></div><div style=" font-size: 15px; line-height: 21px; color: #000000; font-weight: 600; "> View on Threads</div></div></a></blockquote>
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If Mahomes did this last night, it would be EVERYWHERE today.

MahomesMagic 12-09-2024 06:17 PM

Buffalo professional diving team.

ThaVirus 12-09-2024 06:19 PM

I’m a Josh Allen truther but he is 100% the whiniest bitch in the league.

At some point last night he was calling for a horse collar penalty as he was falling to the ground LMAO

MahomesMagic 12-09-2024 06:21 PM

McDermott also teaches his players to try to provoke a response and hoping the refs see only the retaliation.

Buffalo always poking and prodding when guys are standing around.

Pepe Silvia 12-09-2024 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17851257)
If Mahomes did this last night, it would be EVERYWHERE today.

Like 5 people commented on it on twitter, pissed me off.

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