Baby Lee |
02-21-2013 07:19 AM |
Originally Posted by Dayze
(Post 9417265)
Wen I first learned to ride my bike, like literally the 3rd time, I crashed. My old man was up on the roof re-roofing ( from the age of 4-13 my old man was doing some sort of renovation) and hollered at me not to ride my bike because the brakes didn't work.
So, naturally I took that as a green light. I back my bike up to coast down the small hill on front of out house. I begin to coast......right in to a "Road closed" sign due to the re-paving. Blammo.
I went " ass over tea kettle" as my dad would say. Split my chin wide open. Gusher etc. has to go to the hospital to get stitches. My dad was pissed that I rode it after telling me not to.
So on the way to the hospital, my old man stopped at one of the "Clark" gas stations for gas and a pack of Kools while I sat in the back seat (no cat seat mind you) with my bloody t-shirt balled up under my chin.
.....the good 'ol days.
In the course of 2 weeks I went to the ER for;
1: Skinning my toes when I rode barefoot and my chain came off as I went down a hill. Literally dragged them on pavement for a block.
2: Like you busted my chin to heck. But this was when a bad dude in the neighborhood loosened my front wheel. Went over a ramp, wheel pops off and my front fork digs into the same pavement, ass over tea kettle and chin RIGHT into the pavement. 20 stitches, anesthesia directly into the wound [that part was the worst pain my life, which I guess is a bad AND good thing].
I don't know for sure that the kid loosened my wheel, but he was around my bike right before it happened and I know I didn't loosen it, and the first time the front wheel came off the ground it just went flying. I never said anything about it to anyone to tell you how much of a bully he was.
Saw him at the old Crest Drive-In over a decade later and he just looked so small and sad [not literally small, he was Zoftig boy]. Figured that chapter of my life was closed.
My parents still joke that they laid low from child protective services for years after those two weeks.