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Iowanian 05-06-2006 03:09 PM

It was pretty nice of the guys on the planet to help Stumppy break up with dumbgirl...

CHIEF4EVER 05-06-2006 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by luv
CHIEF4EVER and badgirl are the same person?

Don't got there woman. :cuss:

luv 05-06-2006 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
It was pretty nice of the guys on the planet to help Stumppy break up with dumbgirl...

They might've sounded worse if they were sober. That's hilarious.

CHIEF4EVER 05-06-2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
It's all special effects. I also hire a stunt double. Claims his name is "CHIEF4EVER" or some such crap. I just make the checks out to cash. I think he spends it to have lesbian bikers with the herp do him with huge strap ons. I'm not sure, though.

Damn, someone is pirating my username without my knowledge. :banghead:

luv 05-06-2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by CHIEF4EVER
Don't got there woman. :cuss:

Sorry, that was a little low. Didn't think about it at the time.

Bwana 05-06-2006 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
It was pretty nice of the guys on the planet to help Stumppy break up with dumbgirl...

ROFL No way she didn't get hit with that freight train.

Simplex3 05-06-2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Stumppy *thought* he did a good job of that.

What? She left didn't she? I'd say he did an outstanding job.

milkman 05-06-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking

Someone ought to add Luv to the CP calendar! Maybe stumpy would have survived a little longer having such a usefull tool as that? :)

From what I'm reading, he didn't need a more useful tool, just a bigger one.

A much bigger one.

stumppy 05-06-2006 03:25 PM

I feel like maybe I should say something.

WOW.....what a thread.

First off, the sappy stuff. I really appreciate everyone of you on the Planet. As for what I think about BG being here? What several of you posted, while some were a little harsher than I would have been :D , pretty much nails it.
In the famous words of Fred Bartles and Ed Jaymes " Thank you for your support ".

This situation is like a lot of things. You just don't get it. Or maybe you do??? Who knows????
Hopefully I can explain this so you'll understand.

Let's look at Chiefs Planet as an old friend of mine. And at one point I introduce you to my friend. While still together, we both use to go to my friends place to hang out, visit, party, and shit like that.
Then we ( you and I ) split up. Should you / do you continue to go to my friends place and hang out there ? Even though you know I still hang there all the time. It's where I go to kick back, relax, talk bout guy things, old girl friends, current girlfriends, CHIEFS football, RedNFeistys' nipples:drool:, fishing ??? You get the picture.

(Heres a hint: 97% of the people wouldn't)

The other 3% would be there for very few reasons.
a: To cause trouble.
b: They just can't get over it and move on.
c: They're so fugging dense they just don't get it.

Scratch that, your actions will reveal your motives.

Just so you know. Everything that has been posted on here by the regulars has been of their own accord. I have not asked them to give you a hard time. Nor have I discussed any of our personal lives. They're all just posting what they think about you.

Iowanian 05-06-2006 03:27 PM

Let me break down the Cliff notes for Stump.

"Leave Psycho Hooor"

"PS. when I used to hump you in the dumper, it grossed me out because your 'roids' hanging like a bunch of grapes were grouted with dung. learn to wipe your arse like a grownup"

Big Dick Jones 05-06-2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by luv
CHIEF4EVER and badgirl are the same person?

I keep confusing CHIEFS4EVER and Chiefs4me.

Simplex3 05-06-2006 03:29 PM

Stumppy, you forgot to use a minimum of three of the following words:

Titan(ic)( is a movie...)

That just about covers it.

stumppy 05-06-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
It was pretty nice of the guys on the planet to help Stumppy break up with dumbgirl...


You mofo's have had me rolling in the floor.ROFL

Iowanian 05-06-2006 03:34 PM

"....and he should shit in your mooooouth"....{guitar}

CHIEF4EVER 05-06-2006 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Big Dick Jones
I keep confusing CHIEFS4EVER and Chiefs4me.

Listen noob. You are treading on dangerous ground here.....:cuss:

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