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Sassy Squatch 02-02-2025 01:49 PM

That's kind of my problem with it. Jey absolutely blew his last Mania match and from what I remember his matches with Gunther weren't much to write home about.

Sassy Squatch 02-02-2025 01:53 PM

So Jey/Gunther and some variation of Rollins/Reigns is more or less set in stone, yeah? Only opponents that really make sense for Cody are Punk or Cena, unless Rock changed his mind again and wants back in that match.

GloucesterChief 02-02-2025 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17948399)
That's kind of my problem with it. Jey absolutely blew his last Mania match and from what I remember his matches with Gunther weren't much to write home about.

Gunther has good matches with everybody, so Jey just having a mediocre match with him is kind of indictive of him being a so-so worker.

Hell, have Logan Paul win because people would pay money to see Gunther chop the shit out of Paul.

big nasty kcnut 02-02-2025 08:06 PM

I think there will be a swerve thou have jey get hurt in a way that he can't compete so cm punk takes over and have a four way elimination match with drew and seth and gunther

irafreak 02-02-2025 08:24 PM

Wow just watched the replay. Jey...really? It would have been fine had he not just had the match with Gunther. I'd rather Logan or cena or hell give me Jacob fatu lol. Jey is fine as a wrestler but want's the angle?

Also are they trying to turn Cody and seth?

irafreak 02-02-2025 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 17948235)
I was glad to not see Cena win the Rumble...but Jey Uso?

I could have stomached Priest winning and going after Cody....Bron Breaker? That would have been interesting...

Jacob Fatu? At least that would lead to a match with Rhodes that could be interesting with a Reigns interference.

Jey Uso is as bad as if they had Finn Balor be the surprise winner.

And I'd rather have finn cause at least he didn't just fight Gunther...

Sassy Squatch 02-02-2025 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17948818)
I think there will be a swerve thou have jey get hurt in a way that he can't compete so cm punk takes over and have a four way elimination match with drew and seth and gunther

That's a really shitty waste of a rumble. At that rate just have Cena win it and challenge tweener/heel Cody Rhodes.

BryanBusby 02-02-2025 10:17 PM

That's a stretch.

WWE has turned more business first with how it books, so I'd expect more results like this moving forward.

Cody selling lots of merchandise? Check. Win Rumble twice.
Who else sells a lot of merch. Jey Uso. Check. Sell more yeet shit.

Major PPVs in Saudi Arabia. Other PPVs in this country and that country. The product as you knew it is no longer a thing.

Clyde Frog 02-03-2025 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by smithandrew051 (Post 17947894)
Usos and Tamina debuted in like 2010. Probably mid-20’s then.

So yeah, late 30’s is right.

They actually debuted before Roman.

2010 was like 5 years ago right? :fear:


Originally Posted by smithandrew051 (Post 17948077)
I don’t know where they go from here, but Jey winning will guarantee at least one kinda lame title match.

Seth vs Drew vs Punk was probably their best work of the year. I was hoping they’d find a way to put the belt on one of them then have one win the Rumble and the other win the Chamber.

Both challenge the third guy and we get a triple threat of those 3 to main event Night 2. Cody gets whoever in Night 1, since that belt has already established its “importance”.

I get that you have to occasionally have a surprise winner, but I don’t get it with Jey. If you’re going that route Bron would’ve at least been similar to Brock in 2003.

I feel you on Jey. He’s got the crowd behind him, but a Mania title match just doesn’t feel like the right spot for him. A big singles feud? Sure. But carrying a world title match? That’s a stretch after just seeing his match with Gunther.

The Seth/Drew/Punk triple threat idea would’ve been fire. It makes total sense given how all three have been intertwined, and it would’ve been an easy way to set up a banger main event. Plus, it keeps the world title picture feeling legit instead of a one-off match that everyone sees coming.

If they really wanted a shock winner, Bron would’ve been a way better call. At least with him, you get that Lesnar-like dominant newcomer vibe, and he’d be someone fresh in the main event scene. Jey winning just feels like a feel-good moment with no real long-term direction. And what do they do with Jey if he loses again? He'll be washed.

smithandrew051 02-03-2025 04:33 PM

This feels like Alberto Del Rio winning it. The babyface version.

Entertaining guy, but probably should just be at the top of the mid card.

Sassy Squatch 02-03-2025 07:56 PM

So it's just the Sami chasing Gunther storyline again subbing in Jey and the World Title for Sami and the Intercontinental. Okay, I guess?

Sassy Squatch 02-03-2025 07:59 PM

Leaning into the fact that this isn't really a Mania match is kind of lame as well IMO. That type of shit belongs in the late Vince era.

smithandrew051 02-03-2025 08:17 PM

I’ll maintain that the Main Events should be:

Night 1 - Cody vs Cena. Current biggest babyface vs the biggest babyface of the previous 15-20 years. If you want to turn Cody heel, this is a good time. Let Cena build some sympathy and have Cody get annoyed as the crowd gets behind Cena. Cody can spend the next several weeks laying into the fans about them not appreciating what he’s done for them.

Night 2: Triple Threat - Punk vs Drew vs Seth. As I stated before.

Sassy Squatch 02-03-2025 08:50 PM

Roman will figure into that somehow. Rhodes vs Cena to turn Rhodes Heel was where I thought they'd be going but now I think it'll be Punk instead.

Cena/Fatu or Breaker to give them the rub. Or he works Orton for his retirement match.

irafreak 02-03-2025 09:30 PM

Lol...ok i think crazy ko is the best ko.

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