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mikeyis4dcats. 10-17-2011 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8002687)
I don't think that was trollish behavior. That was simply a journalist trying desperately to break a story and ending up looking like a clueless hick.

so is his latest tirade.....

mikeyis4dcats. 10-17-2011 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8002684)
WTF are you talking about? Kietzman is a god in Manhattan.

Yup, you're right. He and Fitz RULE that town.

KChiefs1 10-17-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8002679)
No. It was a few weeks ago.

Too bad that wasn't his rant today because that would have been great timing...tomorrow's show should be epic!

kstater 10-17-2011 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by KChiefs1 (Post 8002712)
Too bad that wasn't his rant today because that would have been great timing...tomorrow's show should be epic!

BITB for a reason.

Saul Good 10-17-2011 08:01 PM

mikeyis4dcats. 10-17-2011 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 8002713)
BITB for a reason.

shhhhh.....they don't know he's BITB!

KcMizzou 10-17-2011 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by KChiefs1 (Post 8002712)
Too bad that wasn't his rant today because that would have been great timing...tomorrow's show should be epic!

Pretty predictable.

Horrible decision. Mizzou can't compete there. The Big 12 is now the more stable conference. There's more money to be made in the Big 12 anyway. Etc....

rageeumr 10-17-2011 08:03 PM

I'm probably in the minority here, but I'm having trouble getting too awful excited about this move (should the reports prove to be true).

I feel like a viable Big 12 (which, admittedly, may not exist anymore) is still Mizzou's best option. Second is the B1G. SEC is third in my mind.

I know everybody hates these relationship analogies, but I feel like we're about to get hastily remarried just to spurn an old ex (Big 12), and the chick we really dig (B1G) is dating some other douche, so we're going to settle for the cute-fat chick (SEC).

mikeyis4dcats. 10-17-2011 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by rageeumr (Post 8002725)
I'm probably in the minority here, but I'm having trouble getting too awful excited about this move (should the reports prove to be true).

I feel like a viable Big 12 (which, admittedly, may not exist anymore) is still Mizzou's best option. Second is the B1G. SEC is third in my mind.

I know everybody hates these relationship analogies, but I feel like we're about to get hastily remarried just to spurn an old ex (Big 12), and the chick we really dig (B1G) is dating some other douche, so we're going to settle for the cute-fat chick (SEC).

my god man! #DearmondGetInHereStat

Saul Good 10-17-2011 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by rageeumr (Post 8002725)
I'm probably in the minority here, but I'm having trouble getting too awful excited about this move (should the reports prove to be true).

I feel like a viable Big 12 (which, admittedly, may not exist anymore) is still Mizzou's best option. Second is the B1G. SEC is third in my mind.

I know everybody hates these relationship analogies, but I feel like we're about to get hastily remarried just to spurn an old ex (Big 12), and the chick we really dig (B1G) is dating some other douche, so we're going to settle for the cute-fat chick (SEC).

I'm ecstatic that it's the SEC and not the B1G. They can take their junior membership and shove it up their cornholes.

The rust belt is dying, and the Southeast is the future.

Brianfo 10-17-2011 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8002723)
Pretty predictable.

Horrible decision. Mizzou can't compete there. The Big 12 is now the more stable conference. There's more money to be made in the Big 12 anyway. Etc....

Wow. Voice of reason. You will get flamed.

Saul Good 10-17-2011 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 8002723)
Pretty predictable.

Horrible decision. Mizzou can't compete there. The Big 12 is now the more stable conference. There's more money to be made in the Big 12 anyway. Etc....

The Big IIX will just add the University of Maine, and the University of Alaska, and the University of Hawaii, and the University of Pluto, and they'll be stronger than ever.

Saul Good 10-17-2011 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Brianfo (Post 8002736)
Wow. Voice of reason. You will get flamed.

I feel like someone should invent a gesture to describe posts like this. It could involve a hand and a face. We could call it palmfacing.

Frazod 10-17-2011 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8002718)

OU should be probably be about 2/3rds of the way down, with OSU positioned directly underneath it. Other than that, looks about right.

KcMizzou 10-17-2011 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 8002741)
The Big IIX will just add the University of Maine, and the University of Alaska, and the University of Hawaii, and the University of Pluto, and they'll be stronger than ever.

I hope we can schedule the University of Pluto for some non-con games.

That'd be an amazing road trip.

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