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Mosbonian 08-07-2024 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17620017)
Oof, hard disagree on Rollins having mic skills. He floundered for literal years trying to find a compelling character and eventually settled on completely superficial crap like dressing like a Prince cosplayer and having a song that's fun to sing along to for the crowds.

He's constantly playing second, third, or even fourth fiddle in his feuds nowadays.

We'll just have to hard disagree then...I see it differently.

If we are going to bag on people because of their attire you really have to discount half of the roster champions...and many of the best from the past.

Heck...go back and look at Austin's early version of himself...Stunning Steve or whatever name he would use in that era. He was not good on the all.

I see it as Rollins learning to find his groove much like LA Knight has after living in obscurity in the lesser know wrestling organizations.

Gary Cooper 08-07-2024 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17620017)
Oof, hard disagree on Rollins having mic skills. He floundered for literal years trying to find a compelling character and eventually settled on completely superficial crap like dressing like a Prince cosplayer and having a song that's fun to sing along to for the crowds.

He's constantly playing second, third, or even fourth fiddle in his feuds nowadays.

Perfect example of a dude who would be a midcarder 20 years ago.

New World Order 08-07-2024 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 17620049)
stone cold (pre-injury WWF version)

maaaybe HHH and rock

later on, Eddie was getting REALLY good

I thought heel Bret in 97 was frickin awesome.

Sassy Squatch 08-07-2024 12:50 PM

I'm not bagging on him because of his attire. I'm baggage by on him because his character almost entirely revolves around how goofy his attire can be and his song.

Gary Cooper 08-07-2024 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 17620080)
I thought heel Bret in 97 was frickin awesome.

Best work by far that Bret did on the microphone.

Too bad he didn't stay in WWF during the Attitude Era. Would have been epic to see him vs. Angle, Stone Cold, The Rock, Mick Foley.

Sassy Squatch 08-07-2024 01:20 PM

Wasn't that whole situation effectively the catalyst for the attitude era? Without that you don't get heel Vince McMahon on TV.

Mosbonian 08-07-2024 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 17620049)
stone cold (pre-injury WWF version)

maaaybe HHH and rock

later on, Eddie was getting REALLY good

Honestly.....Triple H was at his best when paired with Michaels....

Jerm 08-07-2024 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17620149)
Wasn't that whole situation effectively the catalyst for the attitude era? Without that you don't get heel Vince McMahon on TV.

Yeah...the Montreal Screwjob led to the "Bret screwed Bret" promo and the birth of the Mr. Mahon character.

WCW fumbled Bret so bad it's not even funny...not that one should be surprised but still.

New World Order 08-07-2024 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Gary Cooper (Post 17620140)
Best work by far that Bret did on the microphone.

Too bad he didn't stay in WWF during the Attitude Era. Would have been epic to see him vs. Angle, Stone Cold, The Rock, Mick Foley.

Imagine if he did stay in the WWF and heel Bret ended up teaming with heel Vince to take on Stone Cold.

That would have been epic

New World Order 08-07-2024 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17620149)
Wasn't that whole situation effectively the catalyst for the attitude era? Without that you don't get heel Vince McMahon on TV.

Yes, but with Stone Cold's anti-authority rise I think we get it anyway.

Sassy Squatch 08-07-2024 02:05 PM

LMAO That's the point. Anti authority Austin doesn't become nearly as iconic without Vince McMahon as the foil.

smithandrew051 08-07-2024 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gary Cooper (Post 17620140)
Best work by far that Bret did on the microphone.

Too bad he didn't stay in WWF during the Attitude Era. Would have been epic to see him vs. Angle, Stone Cold, The Rock, Mick Foley.

Austin vs Bret at WM13 is my favorite match ever. Such perfection.

New World Order 08-07-2024 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17620233)
LMAO That's the point. Anti authority Austin doesn't become nearly as iconic without Vince McMahon as the foil.

He was already feuding with Slaughter when he was the Commish.

In due time it most likely he would have feuded with the boss.

otherstar 08-08-2024 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 17620049)
stone cold (pre-injury WWF version)

maaaybe HHH and rock

later on, Eddie was getting REALLY good

Every one of those guys, except for Angle and HHH, had a LOT of wrestling experience either in the territories, or at least WCW before getting to the WWE and had to learn a LOT the hard way early in their careers. HHH was with the WCW briefly before going to WWE, and Angle is just a natural. Taker and Austin started in the WCCW in Dallas and worked their way up from there. The Rock started out in Memphis (I think). I'm old enough to remember when HBK was in a tag team with Marty Jannetty in Kansas City.

Chitownchiefsfan 08-08-2024 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by otherstar (Post 17621428)
Every one of those guys, except for Angle and HHH, had a LOT of wrestling experience either in the territories, or at least WCW before getting to the WWE and had to learn a LOT the hard way early in their careers. HHH was with the WCW briefly before going to WWE, and Angle is just a natural. Taker and Austin started in the WCCW in Dallas and worked their way up from there. The Rock started out in Memphis (I think). I'm old enough to remember when HBK was in a tag team with Marty Jannetty in Kansas City.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt WWE essentially buy up all of the territories? The biggest issue for the longest time before AEW is there was no alternative to WWE.

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