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arrowheadnation 10-24-2022 12:26 AM

Now that the first season of HOTD is in the can, I’m hoping we get a Jon Snow show. Maybe they can right some of the wrongs of season 8. It should end with Jon riding Drogon and sitting the iron throne like the original series should have.

WhawhaWhat 10-24-2022 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 16550246)
Now that the first season of HOTD is in the can, I’m hoping we get a Jon Snow show. Maybe they can right some of the wrongs of season 8. It should end with Jon riding Drogon and sitting the iron throne like the original series should have.

There is no more Iron Throne.

CupidStunt 10-24-2022 10:12 AM

Man. Just run out of words to gush about the show. I'm so pissed at myself for allowing myself to see spoilers about the way Vhagar-Arrax went down.

That was on Friday. To be honest I wasn't happy. As a F&B reader, I was saying to myself, no, Aemond would've wanted to murder Luke. But of course the show handled it amazingly well, and I think it makes sense. Aemond is still young (despite the actor's look), not a seasoned murderer and war criminal.

It was amazing to watch. Absolutely amazing CGI and VFX, the best of the season I think. Maybe the best dragon VFX ever. An absolutely perfect adaption of one of the best book lines: "Then the storm broke, and the dragons danced." Just wish I could've seen it for the first time with an element of surprise.

I could go on forever. I guess one of the only good things about a delay between seasons (I'm guessing they release spring 2024, at least, not a full 2 years) is that we'll have that chance. One thing I'll say, I think Emma D'Arcy's acting is severely underrated because she's in a lot of scenes that people either don't like, or could do without, or maybe aren't as hype. I mean, their childbirth scenes are the best I've ever personally seen on screen. They convey soooo many emotions so convincingly.

Buehler445 10-24-2022 12:00 PM

I gotta say that was a great episode.


Like I said before, the little things are what makes the thing go and they goddamned got it.

Gravedigger 10-24-2022 12:46 PM


ToxSocks 10-24-2022 01:16 PM

Clicked on thread to not read a single post.

Haven't seen the episode yet. Basically edging myself right now.

KCUnited 10-24-2022 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 16551324)

This is interesting, as a non-book reader, going into the finale Aemond was my rooting interest. Picked on and laughed at as a kid only to become a skilled fighter with a badass dragon and an eye patch, but after last night I kind of got the feeling that isn't how the story arc is intended.

Also, I feel like I'm supposed to be rooting for the Rhaenyra side but they seem just as ****y as anyone else on the show. And while this show is fantastic and the characters are all well done, outside of maybe the Valerian girls and some dragons, I'm kind of looking forward to everyone on this show meeting a painful death. Which is nearly a 180 from GoT where I had clear rooting interests.

arrowheadnation 10-24-2022 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 16550583)
There is no more Iron Throne.

LOL....forgot all about that. So he'll sit on the pile of melted iron :)

arrowheadnation 10-24-2022 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 16551324)


raybec 4 10-24-2022 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16546379)
Can we put everything including your personal opinions on the pacing, lagging, how well it sets up 2nd season etc with the finale into spoilers until it’s broadcast on Sunday.

Why do you even open the goddamn thread if you're so worried about spoilers?

Bowser 10-24-2022 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 16551957)


BigRedChief 10-24-2022 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by rydogg58 (Post 16550206)
Not that lineage.


I only know this because my wife and daughter spent the most of the night watching youtube videos of the Targaryen succession.

And Aemond is the great grandpa X9-10 of

ThaVirus 10-24-2022 07:40 PM


raybec 4 10-24-2022 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16552342)

The "It wasn't my fault" angle won't play. He has to own it or it would be totally out of character for how they've painted him. If they try to go the other way it will be disappointing.

Chiefspants 10-24-2022 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16552342)

What I love is that the books, overall, are third hand accounts.

Really, the show is setting the canon - as long as GRRM is involved like he is.

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