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ExtremeChief 04-19-2011 01:03 AM

Someone cooked something here damnit! Drank my coffee! House smells like food! WTF is going on here?

KurtCobain 04-19-2011 01:05 AM

Somebody had sex with my underage sister. Tore that shit up.

ExtremeChief 04-19-2011 01:05 AM

It was the midgets wasn't it?

crazycoffey 04-19-2011 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by ExtremeChief (Post 7575984)
Could be. But with my vast experience watching that stupid ghost hunters show I'm almost positive ghosts hate coffee, much like tigers hate cinnamon and love pepper.

it is true, ghosts hate me....

KurtCobain 04-19-2011 01:06 AM

and they stuck a hot bowl of ramen up my mom

ExtremeChief 04-19-2011 01:06 AM

Uno mas cervesa then I'm going to bed in spanish

ExtremeChief 04-19-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7576005)
and they stuck a hot bowl of ramen up my mom

I bet it was chicken flavored too. Bastards.

KurtCobain 04-19-2011 01:08 AM

No respect for anybody, they have not I say.

ExtremeChief 04-19-2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7576009)
No respect for anybody, they have not I say.

hhhrrrmmmmmmm! Disrespectful they are!

acesn8s 04-19-2011 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by ExtremeChief (Post 7575971)
So.. short story long. Got divorced two years ago. Got a couple of roommates to help with the bill then realized it was costing me more to have them then if I had just been by myself in groceries and paying someone to clean up after them. Anyhoo... they are gone finally. My dad and stepmom live within walking distance from my house. He comes over occasionally when I'm not here to bring food, feed the dog, snoop (not doggie dog) whatever. Tonight when I get home from work there is a coffee cup washed in my dish drainer that I know I didn't use so I know he was here for some reason and helped himself to a cup. I look on the stove and there is a post-it note with instructions on how to cook something. Says to preheat the oven to 400, cook for 20 minutes, then turn down to 350 and cook for 15 more. It's in my stepmom's handwriting. Funny thing is...

There is nothing to cook. Not in the fridge, not in the freezer, nothing.

Is my dad getting Alzheimers and he forgot to actually leave the food I'm supposed to cook and just left the instructions?

He got hungry, cooked it, and had a drink to wash it down. And cleaned up afterward but forgot to take down instructions. So yes, he has alzheimers.

JOhn 04-19-2011 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s (Post 7576042)
He got hungry, cooked it, and had a drink to wash it down. And cleaned up afterward but forgot to take down instructions. So yes, he has alzheimers.

Probably was short ribs, and you're just trying to confuse him:hmmm:

Joie 04-19-2011 10:42 AM

Ugh. I'm spending my day trying to get my rings off. My fingers are swollen from the pregnancy :(

Buck 04-19-2011 10:46 AM

**** I need to stop passing out early

crazycoffey 04-19-2011 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 7576520)
Ugh. I'm spending my day trying to get my rings off. My fingers are swollen from the pregnancy :(

any luck? dawn liquid soap over a sink with some water, make sure the drain is covered!!!! Hope you don't have to get them cut off...

Joie 04-19-2011 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7576979)
any luck? dawn liquid soap over a sink with some water, make sure the drain is covered!!!! Hope you don't have to get them cut off...

I think they're going to have to be cut. I've tried soap and water, Windex, KY, lotion, wrapping the finger in dental floss so I could get my rings over my knuckle, and soaking in ice water to bring down the swelling. They'll turn and that's it.

The good news is that Aces is confident they can be repaired. Having to go without my wedding and engagement rings for several weeks is bad enough... I really hate the thought of having to have them cut.

crazycoffey 04-19-2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 7576996)
I think they're going to have to be cut. I've tried soap and water, Windex, KY, lotion, wrapping the finger in dental floss so I could get my rings over my knuckle, and soaking in ice water to bring down the swelling. They'll turn and that's it.

The good news is that Aces is confident they can be repaired. Having to go without my wedding and engagement rings for several weeks is bad enough... I really hate the thought of having to have them cut.

yeah, they can be repaired, just a pain in the ass.

Joie 04-19-2011 01:52 PM

My hands didn't swell this bad last time. I was not expecting this at all.

crazycoffey 04-19-2011 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 7577021)
My hands didn't swell this bad last time. I was not expecting this at all.

can you take an inflammatory like motrin?

Joie 04-19-2011 01:59 PM

Not supposed to take ibuprofen in the 3rd trimester. They had me on it for a while for contractions, but the doctor said it's no longer safe. About all I can take is Tylenol.

crazycoffey 04-19-2011 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 7577031)
Not supposed to take ibuprofen in the 3rd trimester. They had me on it for a while for contractions, but the doctor said it's no longer safe. About all I can take is Tylenol.

yeah, my gut told me that as I was asking...

Joie 04-19-2011 02:03 PM

It's a good idea...but not safe for the baby.

KurtCobain 04-19-2011 02:18 PM

Does it kick alot? Are you naming it Kurt? Or Joey?

crazycoffey 04-19-2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7577055)
Does it kick alot? Are you naming it Kurt? Or Joey?

oh, good idea!!! They should totally let a CP poll choose the name of their baby. that would be kick ass!

KurtCobain 04-19-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7577076)
oh, good idea!!! They should totally let a CP poll choose the name of their baby. that would be kick ass!

No it wouldn't. Chiefs Planet as a whole has no right using a poll result to do anything important. Did you pay attention to the rock n poll?

crazycoffey 04-19-2011 02:30 PM


Joe Seahawk 04-20-2011 12:29 AM

Vinny and Sal are out in the woods hunting when suddenly, Sal grabs his chest and falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing; his eyes are rolled back in his head.

Vinny whips out his cell phone and calls 911.

He gasps to the operator, "I think Sal is dead! What should I do?"

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, "Just take it easy and follow my instructions. First, let's make sure he's dead."

There is a silence … and then a shot is heard.

Vinny's voice comes back on the line,

"Okay… now what ?

JOhn 04-20-2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Seahawk (Post 7578430)
Vinny and Sal are out in the woods hunting when suddenly, Sal grabs his chest and falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing; his eyes are rolled back in his head.

Vinny whips out his cell phone and calls 911.

He gasps to the operator, "I think Sal is dead! What should I do?"

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, "Just take it easy and follow my instructions. First, let's make sure he's dead."

There is a silence … and then a shot is heard.

Vinny's voice comes back on the line,

"Okay… now what ?


Joie 04-20-2011 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7577055)
Does it kick alot? Are you naming it Kurt? Or Joey?

Yes, she kicks a lot. And no we are not naming her after you. :)

KurtCobain 04-20-2011 03:37 PM

A her. That's awesome.

Joie 04-20-2011 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7579777)
A her. That's awesome.

Thank you.... She's Aces' fourth daughter. We have a 15 year old, 11 year old, almost two year old and the one in the oven. Poor guy is surrounded by females. :p

crazycoffey 04-20-2011 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Seahawk (Post 7578430)
Vinny and Sal are out in the woods hunting when suddenly, Sal grabs his chest and falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing; his eyes are rolled back in his head.

Vinny whips out his cell phone and calls 911.

He gasps to the operator, "I think Sal is dead! What should I do?"

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, "Just take it easy and follow my instructions. First, let's make sure he's dead."

There is a silence … and then a shot is heard.

Vinny's voice comes back on the line,

"Okay… now what ?

hey, How you been?

JOhn 04-20-2011 11:50 PM

JOhn 04-20-2011 11:53 PM

JOhn 04-20-2011 11:54 PM

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:02 AM

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:04 AM

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 12:08 AM

DANCE dance...

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 12:13 AM

****, I just hit the area of the internet where I'm the only one on again. OK, time for black ops....

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7581065)
****, I just hit the area of the internet where I'm the only one on again. OK, time for black ops....

Nope, I'm here all night :banghead:

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:20 AM

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by JOhn (Post 7581075)

I could be there all night!

nah, I know it'd only be a few seconds...

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7581076)
I could be there all night!

nah, I know it'd only be a few seconds...

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:26 AM

[IMG]<div style="" id="hoverNav"><a style="display: none; height: 263px;" id="prevLink" href="#"></a><a style="display: none; height: 263px;" id="nextLink" href="#"></a></div>[/IMG]

salame 04-21-2011 12:28 AM

say car ram rod

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by JOhn (Post 7581079)

Hey, you're a crazy bitch
but you **** so good I'm on top of it

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:33 AM

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:38 AM

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:43 AM

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:45 AM

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:47 AM

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:49 AM

I think I dated this chick..... :eek:

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by JOhn (Post 7581097)
I think I dated this chick..... :eek:

daddy likes

JOhn 04-21-2011 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7581099)
daddy likes

I'll send you her number..... ;)

JOhn 04-21-2011 01:01 AM

JOhn 04-21-2011 01:47 AM

Man this place is dead tonight

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 02:13 AM

Why you sonsabitches gotta be so loud at night? Some of us have to work in the morning! Stop the fapping and moaning and pick up a book or go to sleep!:p

JOhn 04-21-2011 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581108)
Why you sonsabitches gotta be so loud at night? Some of us have to work in the morning! Stop the fapping and moaning and pick up a book or go to sleep!:p

Can't sleep, I'm at work. Or can I.......:hmmm:

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by JOhn (Post 7581110)
Can't sleep, I'm at work. Or can I.......:hmmm:

What? No swingers need their "tv fixed" tonite?:evil:

JOhn 04-21-2011 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581112)
What? No swingers need their "tv fixed" tonite?:evil:

**** no, dead here tonight. :doh!:

And I found out that I'm stuck on Graveyard shift til at least the end of May now :banghead:

They hired a new kid, he lasted 3 days.
Oh well at least it's a job, or until I find something else :thumb:

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 02:42 AM

Sorry to hear that.

I worked graveyards fo eva!!! Now I work days and get called out in the middle of the night...constantly. May 2nd I transfer back to telco construction and should be able to get some sleep.

JOhn 04-21-2011 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581119)
Sorry to hear that.

I worked graveyards fo eva!!! Now I work days and get called out in the middle of the night...constantly. May 2nd I transfer back to telco construction and should be able to get some sleep.


Yea I have a few leads on jobs, and just gonna see what pans out. Need something that works better with the kids, especially with summer coming soon

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 02:50 AM

Looking in Cody? Or all over the U.S.?

JOhn 04-21-2011 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581122)
Looking in Cody? Or all over the U.S.?

Cody area for now....

But hope to this fall be able to look elsewhere.

Actually I would anywhere at this point if It involved out of town part of the time, but be able to come back to Cody on my days off

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 03:18 AM

Well, good luck to ya!

Since Crazy Coffey is too scared to come out tonite and arm rassle us, I'm going back to bed. :p

Have a good morning!

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581127)
Well, good luck to ya!

Since Crazy Coffey is too scared to come out tonite and arm rassle us, I'm going back to bed. :p

Have a good morning!

yesterday was my friday, woke up at 5pm, played a little black ops with my son then the wife and I made it a tropical night, pina coladas, raised the temp in the house and wore shorts and beach attire. 1am she needed to crash because she works today, and I wanted to stay up a bit longer so I don't **** up my midnight schedule, but I succumbed to going to bed early anyway.

Just to take make a poop post and go back to bed....

acesn8s 04-21-2011 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7581158)
yesterday was my friday, woke up at 5pm, played a little black ops with my son then the wife and I made it a tropical night, pina coladas, raised the temp in the house and wore shorts and beach attire. 1am she needed to crash because she works today, and I wanted to stay up a bit longer so I don't **** up my midnight schedule, but I succumbed to going to bed early anyway.

Just to take make a poop post and go back to bed....

Over 16,000 of your posts have been poop posts.

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s (Post 7581162)
Over 16,000 of your posts have been poop posts.

pretty impressive, huh?

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7581164)
pretty impressive, huh?

Add more cheese to your diet. :evil:

acesn8s 04-21-2011 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7581164)
pretty impressive, huh?

Without a doubt.

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581167)
Add more cheese to your diet. :evil:


Originally Posted by acesn8s (Post 7581168)
Without a doubt.


luv 04-21-2011 07:06 AM

If I end up getting sick (cold), can I blame one of you?

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7581181)
If I end up getting sick (cold), can I blame one of you?

It's ok with long as it's not morning sickness!

JOhn 04-21-2011 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 7581164)
pretty impressive, huh?

Hell I'm going on 25,000 worthless posts:p

crazycoffey 04-21-2011 07:14 AM

and boom goes the dynamite

JOhn 04-21-2011 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581192)
It's ok with long as it's not morning sickness!


luv 04-21-2011 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581192)
It's ok with long as it's not morning sickness!

If the DayQuil kicks in, I'm hoping to get rid of it by noon.

luv 04-21-2011 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by JOhn (Post 7581196)
Hell I'm going on 25,000 worthless posts:p

I've had nearly 50k random thoughts.

rockymtnchief 04-21-2011 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7581207)
If the DayQuil kicks in, I'm hoping to get rid of it by noon.

Beats the hell out of using a coat hanger, I guess. ROFL

JOhn 04-21-2011 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7581208)
I've had nearly 50k random thoughts.

Very true, and you've done it in less time. Though I did take 3 vacations from CP, 8 months, 4 months and 3 months.

JOhn 04-21-2011 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by rockymtnchief (Post 7581214)
Beats the hell out of using a coat hanger, I guess. ROFL


Beat me to it

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