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Sam Hall 01-21-2007 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief

i'm working the opening shift, otherwise i'd stay longer

crazycoffey 01-21-2007 02:33 AM

good night sam

greg63 01-21-2007 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
shaving sucks arse

Why yes; yes it does.

PinkFloyd 01-21-2007 05:15 AM

Good lord people wake up !!! It's only 5am.... Time to get out and shovel the sidewalk then the driveway... Then its time to feed 50 small bales of hay and 10 big bales of hay to the cattle... Then we have to go break the ice on 2 ponds and also fill up 2 stock tanks full of water.... Then theres grain to be feed to the cattle...

Then; if you get lucky and not get stomped to death by them while feeding, you can go take a smoke break and have some mountain dew or something --- then do it all over again later in the day and then before it gets dark later on....

So wake up !!!!!!! I'll meet you all out in the cattle lot in 5 minutes !!!!!

stumppy 01-21-2007 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pinkfloyd
So wake up !!!!!!! I'll meet you all out in the cattle lot in 5 minutes !!!!!

I'll need directions from here. I'm in a van, down by the river.

PinkFloyd 01-21-2007 07:26 AM

Well; if your near Springfield, you just need to head north for about 3-4 hours...

crazycoffey 01-21-2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Pinkfloyd
Good lord people wake up !!! It's only 5am.... Time to get out and shovel the sidewalk then the driveway... Then its time to feed 50 small bales of hay and 10 big bales of hay to the cattle... Then we have to go break the ice on 2 ponds and also fill up 2 stock tanks full of water.... Then theres grain to be feed to the cattle...

Then; if you get lucky and not get stomped to death by them while feeding, you can go take a smoke break and have some mountain dew or something --- then do it all over again later in the day and then before it gets dark later on....

So wake up !!!!!!! I'll meet you all out in the cattle lot in 5 minutes !!!!!

I just finished the shoveling.....

man I'm getting old

Simplex3 01-21-2007 05:58 PM

Simplex3 01-21-2007 06:00 PM

I'm simply post whoring

Simplex3 01-21-2007 06:01 PM

Go Not The Patriots.

Simplex3 01-21-2007 06:01 PM

I shoveled snow for 4 hours today.

luv 01-21-2007 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I'm simply post whoring

No way you beat me to 15K.

luv 01-21-2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I shoveled snow for 4 hours today.

Good exercise.

Simplex3 01-21-2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by luv
No way you beat me to 15K.

What if I write an automated script that posts garbage every 15 to 20 seconds every moment that I'm not here?

luv 01-21-2007 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
What if I write an automated script that posts garbage every 15 to 20 seconds every moment that I'm not here?


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