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Saul Good 10-12-2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7989674)
I don't know how you feel, but you sure have been acting like a victim, crying how Bevo has been ****ing you in the ass for 15 years when in reality they just weren't being charitable.

Pride in what? Having 25 million people live in your state? You're acting like a doofus, man.

I'm not crying about Bevo. They did what's best for them, and I don't blame them a bit. I'm just not willing to sit back and take it if there are better options. In any other league, if you're a member, you're an equal partner. Texas doesn't want to play by those rules, and they don't have to. Maybe Kansas has no choice than to sit there and pick seeds out of the shit stuck to Bevo's ass. If that's the case, then Kansas should enjoy the seeds.

The bottom line is that there is not a single Jayhawk or Wildcat fan that isn't envious of the opportunity that Mizzou (supposedly) has. If you had a PAC/B1G/SEC invite, you'd take it in a heartbeat. Instead, you want to take shots at Mizzou for finding a better situation.

It's human nature. Misery loves company, and if Mizzou bolts to become an equal partner in the premiere league in the country, you'll feel inadequate and try to take it out on Mizzou fans. That's cool. This isn't a bad 80s movie where the nerd becomes cool only to realize that his old loser friends were actually better than the good-looking, popular kids. Sometimes losers are dorks because they don't bathe or leave their parents' basements and the good-looking popular kids got where they are by working out and learning basic social skills.

The only way Mizzou is going to walk away from Alabama and Florida and LSU and Auburn and Tennessee and Georgia and Arkansas to go dance with Iowa State and Kansas and Kansas State and Baylor and Texas Tech is if the ugly chick gets contacts and loses the braces and lets her hair down and develops rockin' titties and her acne clears up. The conference is re-working itself to try to do that in order to convince MU to stay. We'll see if it works, but don't be pissed at Missouri if it doesn't.

Saul Good 10-12-2011 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 7989693)
Actually, I interpret what they are doing, or not doing in your eyes, as having a lot of pride.
Pride in sticking to an agreement, and abiding by a contract made with other members for the good of the whole.

But in the end, I have a feeling Mizzou is going to FEEL the pride of the other members of the Big 12. We shall see.

Kansas is as faithful as it's options. Don't pretend that you're doing the noble thing by standing by your man when nobody else is calling.

mikeyis4dcats. 10-12-2011 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7989778)
I'm not crying about Bevo. They did what's best for them, and I don't blame them a bit. I'm just not willing to sit back and take it if there are better options. In any other league, if you're a member, you're an equal partner. Texas doesn't want to play by those rules, and they don't have to. Maybe Kansas has no choice than to sit there and pick seeds out of the shit stuck to Bevo's ass. If that's the case, then Kansas should enjoy the seeds.

The bottom line is that there is not a single Jayhawk or Wildcat fan that isn't envious of the opportunity that Mizzou (supposedly) has. If you had a PAC/B1G/SEC invite, you'd take it in a heartbeat. Instead, you want to take shots at Mizzou for finding a better situation.

It's human nature. Misery loves company, and if Mizzou bolts to become an equal partner in the premiere league in the country, you'll feel inadequate and try to take it out on Mizzou fans. That's cool. This isn't a bad 80s movie where the nerd becomes cool only to realize that his old loser friends were actually better than the good-looking, popular kids. Sometimes losers are dorks because they don't bathe or leave their parents' basements and the good-looking popular kids got where they are by working out and learning basic social skills.

The only way Mizzou is going to walk away from Alabama and Florida and LSU and Auburn and Tennessee and Georgia and Arkansas to go dance with Iowa State and Kansas and Kansas State and Baylor and Texas Tech is if the ugly chick gets contacts and loses the braces and lets her hair down and develops rockin' titties and her acne clears up. The conference is re-working itself to try to do that in order to convince MU to stay. We'll see if it works, but don't be pissed at Missouri if it doesn't.

I wouldn't for a heartbeat go to the SEC. We'd get killed.

WilliamTheIrish 10-12-2011 04:13 PM

Saul, two things:

1) you watch terrible movies

2) as I've stated in this thread over and over: I don't care if Mizzou stays or goes. Just decide and be done with it.

Bowser 10-12-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7989800)
Saul, two things:

1) you watch terrible movies

2) as I've stated in this thread over and over: I don't care if Mizzou stays or goes. Just decide and be done with it.

Yeah, we've definitely entered "shit or get off the pot" terrirtory. Most likely have been there for too long as it is.

Pants 10-12-2011 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7989778)
I'm not crying about Bevo. They did what's best for them, and I don't blame them a bit. I'm just not willing to sit back and take it if there are better options. In any other league, if you're a member, you're an equal partner. Texas doesn't want to play by those rules, and they don't have to. Maybe Kansas has no choice than to sit there and pick seeds out of the shit stuck to Bevo's ass. If that's the case, then Kansas should enjoy the seeds.

The bottom line is that there is not a single Jayhawk or Wildcat fan that isn't envious of the opportunity that Mizzou (supposedly) has. If you had a PAC/B1G/SEC invite, you'd take it in a heartbeat. Instead, you want to take shots at Mizzou for finding a better situation.

It's human nature. Misery loves company, and if Mizzou bolts to become an equal partner in the premiere league in the country, you'll feel inadequate and try to take it out on Mizzou fans. That's cool. This isn't a bad 80s movie where the nerd becomes cool only to realize that his old loser friends were actually better than the good-looking, popular kids. Sometimes losers are dorks because they don't bathe or leave their parents' basements and the good-looking popular kids got where they are by working out and learning basic social skills.

The only way Mizzou is going to walk away from Alabama and Florida and LSU and Auburn and Tennessee and Georgia and Arkansas to go dance with Iowa State and Kansas and Kansas State and Baylor and Texas Tech is if the ugly chick gets contacts and loses the braces and lets her hair down and develops rockin' titties and her acne clears up. The conference is re-working itself to try to do that in order to convince MU to stay. We'll see if it works, but don't be pissed at Missouri if it doesn't.

This post is so full of fail, I don't even know where to start. Let me try.

1. Yes, you've been crying about Bevo. That's one of the main reasons you and yours cite for wanting out of the conference.

2. The fans were only envious of the opportunity when it looked like the Big 12 was about to collapse. I would be all for Kansas going to the B1G as of right now, other than that my 2nd choice is to stay in the B12, especially if L'ville and WVU can be added.

3. Where are these shots being taken at MU? If it hurts your feelings when we say we don't care whether you leave, I'm sorry, that's just how we feel. It's not a shot at you. All we ask for is you give us money on your way out. If you want to stay, we're down with that too.

4. I don't think Kansas will feel inadequate should MU leave. We win where we can with the resources we have. You do the same, albeit not as well.

5. Once again, I don't see where you get the idea that we will be pissed if MU doesn't stay.


alnorth 10-12-2011 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7989778)
I'm not crying about Bevo. They did what's best for them, and I don't blame them a bit. I'm just not willing to sit back and take it if there are better options. In any other league, if you're a member, you're an equal partner. Texas doesn't want to play by those rules, and they don't have to. Maybe Kansas has no choice than to sit there and pick seeds out of the shit stuck to Bevo's ass. If that's the case, then Kansas should enjoy the seeds.

The bottom line is that there is not a single Jayhawk or Wildcat fan that isn't envious of the opportunity that Mizzou (supposedly) has. If you had a PAC/B1G/SEC invite, you'd take it in a heartbeat. Instead, you want to take shots at Mizzou for finding a better situation.


I realize you are lashing out at KU fans in annoyance, but take what, exactly?

Tier 1 and 2 are now shared. The LHN wont show any form of high school content at all. A blood oath to the conference that will carry us through to the new Tier 1 deal. And finally, KU has one of the greatest Tier 3 deals in the country, so the Jayhawks would be one of the few schools hurt by Tier 3 sharing.

Bearcat 10-12-2011 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7989778)
The bottom line is that there is not a single Jayhawk or Wildcat fan that isn't envious of the opportunity that Mizzou (supposedly) has. If you had a PAC/B1G/SEC invite, you'd take it in a heartbeat. Instead, you want to take shots at Mizzou for finding a better situation.

I've been reading about KU butthurt for weeks in this thread, but outside of maybe one person, I haven't seen any. It's like some of you are demanding jealousy before anything has even happened. Sure, I'd love it if KU was invited to a stable conference, but excuse me if, in the meantime, I don't drool over MU's attempted bids to get into the Big 10 and SEC.

Sassy Squatch 10-12-2011 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 7989957)
I've been reading about KU butthurt for weeks in this thread, but outside of maybe one person, I haven't seen any. It's like some of you are demanding jealousy before anything has even happened. Sure, I'd love it if KU was invited to a stable conference, but excuse me if, in the meantime, I don't drool over MU's attempted bids to get into the Big 10 and SEC.

Shut up, bitch. Your logic holds no meaning for us.

DeezNutz 10-12-2011 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7989584)
And the thing is, I LIKE all the Mizzou fans on this board. Especially easyb. This realignment shit has made me a bit grouchy.

Sorry easy...i take those last two statements back. That was shitty of me.

I'm offended. Go **** yourself.

HemiEd 10-12-2011 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7989781)
Kansas is as faithful as it's options. Don't pretend that you're doing the noble thing by standing by your man when nobody else is calling.

Please, feel free to correct me where I am wrong. All I know is what I see and read. I think you are jumping to a lot of conclusions to be honest.

Has Kansas lifted it's skirt to any other conferences trying to get an invite?

Has Mizzou, two years in a row?

Usually where there is smoke, there is fire, and visibility in Columbia has been zero for two consecutive years.

tk13 10-12-2011 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 7990155)
Please, feel free to correct me where I am wrong. All I know is what I see and read. I think you are jumping to a lot of conclusions to be honest.

Has Kansas lifted it's skirt to any other conferences trying to get an invite?

Has Mizzou, two years in a row?

Usually where there is smoke, there is fire, and visibility in Columbia has been zero for two consecutive years.

I think pretty much every team in the Big 12 has had conversations with another conference, if not multiple conferences, because it appeared the conference was going to fall apart when OU and Texas went to the Pac 12. I think Colorado and Nebraska are pretty much the only two honest combatants in the whole deal. They said "This sucks, we're out, see ya" and that was that. Everyone else was ready to prostitute themselves out and now are sitting around the table like nothing happened. That's why it's funny watching this thread. All these fans of different schools slinging crap at each other, even though if another conference opened its skirt to any of these teams from OU to KU to MU on down, you would stab each other in the back without thinking twice.

HemiEd 10-12-2011 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by tk13 (Post 7990215)
I think pretty much every team in the Big 12 has had conversations with another conference, if not multiple conferences, because it appeared the conference was going to fall apart when OU and Texas went to the Pac 12. I think Colorado and Nebraska are pretty much the only two honest combatants in the whole deal. They said "This sucks, we're out, see ya" and that was that. Everyone else was ready to prostitute themselves out and now are sitting around the table like nothing happened. That's why it's funny watching this thread. All these fans of different schools slinging crap at each other, even though if another conference opened its skirt to any of these teams from OU to KU to MU on down, you would stab each other in the back without thinking twice.

tk13, you must be privy to a lot more information than I have seen.

Earlier you said OU and Texas were shopping the PAC expansion last year, not just this year.

Now you say that KU was looking at other conferences.

Was there ever any credible sources saying that KU and or K-State were talking to other conferences?
I remember reading something about the Big East, but I thought that was just CP skuttlebutt. No?

tk13 10-12-2011 07:25 PM

I don't really know anything special. I don't have any rooting interest in any of these schools, and to be honest I don't like the whole superconference idea. I just have a decent memory I guess. Here you go. This was reported as fact by ESPN (and many other outlets) last year:

Saul Good 10-12-2011 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 7990283)
tk13, you must be privy to a lot more information than I have seen.

Earlier you said OU and Texas were shopping the PAC expansion last year, not just this year.

Now you say that KU was looking at other conferences.

Was there ever any credible sources saying that KU and or K-State were talking to other conferences?
I remember reading something about the Big East, but I thought that was just CP skuttlebutt. No?

You mean the PAC 10 plane wasn't ready to go?

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