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luv 07-18-2008 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall (Post 4853942)
green cat

That looks exactly like my cat!

luv 07-18-2008 06:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I wasn't here to see 25K?

Bugeater 07-18-2008 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 4854062)
I wasn't here to see 25K?

Obviously you were more interested in your pot roast.

Rausch 07-18-2008 08:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Sam Hall (Post 4853944)
these are better than lolcats

One of my favorites....

Joie 07-18-2008 09:35 AM

Damnit. You all hit 25k without me!

My computer decided to crap out last night. Guess it thought I was done posting.

Adept Havelock 07-18-2008 09:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 06:48 PM

I will join the 1,000 post club tonight

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 06:54 PM


Sam Hall 07-18-2008 06:56 PM

I like Gisele.

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 06:59 PM

the world is hard to beat

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 07:01 PM

this would make emo cat cry

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 07:03 PM

this contradicts doubt

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 07:04 PM


Sam Hall 07-18-2008 07:06 PM

Somebody call Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 07:08 PM


Sam Hall 07-18-2008 07:10 PM

I missed this when it happened

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 07:11 PM

another good dog

Joie 07-18-2008 08:57 PM

Happy 10pm

Sam Hall 07-18-2008 09:20 PM

that's just wrong

Joie 07-18-2008 09:21 PM

Illegal, too

luv 07-18-2008 09:25 PM

This seems to have turned into the picture thread.

crazycoffey 07-18-2008 10:08 PM

sup crowd, just saying hi....

Joie 07-18-2008 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 4855394)
sup crowd, just saying hi....


Bugeater 07-18-2008 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 4855412)


007 07-18-2008 11:51 PM


Bugeater 07-18-2008 11:56 PM

I know, this thread is like AIDS, it never goes away.

StcChief 07-19-2008 12:13 AM

so let's get to the real name.....

like excuse to drink

it 10 o'clock some where

Buehler445 07-19-2008 12:33 AM

TGIF Mates

Discuss Thrower 07-19-2008 12:45 AM

Tonight is a groundbreaking night. It is the night, I learned, that all I need to do is find a way to earn enough money to waste it all in heinous pursuits like prostitution and gambling.

A TOAST, to all of you Chiefsplaneteers.

A toast.

Buehler445 07-19-2008 12:49 AM

I'll drink to that.

Bugeater 07-19-2008 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by J-Town Fan 1988 (Post 4855514)
Tonight is a groundbreaking night. It is the night, I learned, that all I need to do is find a way to earn enough money to waste it all in heinous pursuits like prostitution and gambling.

A TOAST, to all of you Chiefsplaneteers.

A toast.

Let me know how that works out for you.

Hammock Parties 07-19-2008 01:19 AM

I just went out and ran 3 miles in the pitch black while listening to the soundtrack from The Dark Knight.


Seriously, a dog chased me. It was thrilling.

DaneMcCloud 07-19-2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4855527)
I just went out and ran 3 miles in the pitch black while listening to the soundtrack from The Dark Knight.


Seriously, a dog chased me. It was thrilling.

Dude, do I have some Star Wars news for you...

Hammock Parties 07-19-2008 01:56 AM

PM me!

007 07-19-2008 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 4855529)
Dude, do I have some Star Wars news for you...

OH come on!!!! PM me too.

DaneMcCloud 07-20-2008 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4855559)
OH come on!!!! PM me too.

Alright girls, calm down!!! :D

I met with the composer of the new series yesterday (wish it was me but alas, it's not).

The first 30 minutes of the new movie was originally episode number one. Since no one was interested in animated Star Wars (it's not Sponge Bob or The Simpsons? Forget it!), George decided to do a movie first, to get people involved in the series (this isn't unprecedented: Battlestar Galactica & Buck Rogers did the same thing in the 70's. But without additional material).

So the first 30 minutes was the first of 24 but the next hour plus was all new. So the entire series was adjusted. And after that TNT came on board and bought the pitch. There's a full season in the can and they're planning on 100 episodes, at least (the composer was hoping for 400!).

Anyway, the music I heard was awesome. Actually, mind-blowing. Without going into the pain-staking, grueling detail as to how he was hired (and I know that most people think Hollywood is easy - well, it may be for Eva Longoria but the rest of us schlubs have to work 16 hours a day in hopes of pleasing someone - seriously, it's major work and stress), I actually kinda felt sorry for the dude.

For about 2 seconds! He flies to the "Ranch" every week to meet with George and the 90 piece orchestra was recorded in Prague. Rough life :)

Anyway, the action is amazing, the music is definitely "Star Wars" and there's a few new characters that are very interesting. I get the feeling that this series may please "Star Wars" fans more than the prequels. Though of course, YMMV.

I've got more, but I'll share later :evil:

Hammock Parties 07-20-2008 01:24 AM

Wow, that's great that they're using someone fresh and new instead of John Williams. I'm tired of his recycled stuff.

I may actually watch the cartoon show now. I wasn't gonna but if the music is that good....I'm up for it.

More interested in the live action show of course.

DaneMcCloud 07-20-2008 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4856834)
Wow, that's great that they're using someone fresh and new instead of John Williams. I'm tired of his recycled stuff.

I may actually watch the cartoon show now. I wasn't gonna but if the music is that good....I'm up for it.

More interested in the live action show of course.

No mention of the live action show.

There was an enormous amount of work (and at spec, actually) just for the animation series. There was absolutely no guarantee that any network would buy it, especially at the price (which I can't reveal).

And FTR, the composer told me that he spend his entire budget on musicians - he's not making a penny.

The association with LucasFilm and Lucas is so strong that it's worth losing money.

But I'm telling you, Dude, I'm hard to impress. And this really, really impressed me.

Hammock Parties 07-20-2008 01:29 AM

Yeah if it's good enough he'll get tons of work off it.

He's not well known, I take it?

DaneMcCloud 07-20-2008 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4856837)
Yeah if it's good enough he'll get tons of work off it.

He's not well known, I take it?

He's freakin' HUGE.

3000 hours of television and film.

THAT'S how insane a gig with Lucas is - people do anything and everything to get a chance to work with him.

As much as he's hated on the internet...

Hammock Parties 07-20-2008 01:36 AM

Wow, interesting. I've probably heard of him then.

Here's some stuff from March on the live-action TV show. It sounds like it's exactly what I want to see - the seedy underbelly of the Star Wars universe.


Lucas: "I'm just starting to work on the scripts now for the live-action TV series. And now I'm working on the scripts for the first year of the live-action show. Yeah, I'm going to 100 episodes no matter what. What we do in our TV series is we write the entire first year and finish it as a script. Then we start getting ready to shoot it, then we start casting, and then we do it. We know where the whole first year is before we even start to work on it. I mean, I can do that because I'm financing the whole thing."

"So I've got it pegged out for 100 episodes, and I know exactly what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it and what the risks are. They're an hour. It's a regular live-action TV series — you know, Law & Order."

"The live action show probably won't start until 2010". (source:


Lucas: "The live-action has nobody there, because it's after Episode III, so everybody's dead, basically, or hiding somewhere. You hear about the Emperor, just like you do in Episode IV, but it's mostly about a whole different world. I mean, there are a million stories in the big city — you've only seen one of them."

"Some of the characters from the features find their way in there, so it's not completely divorced. It's as if we just went down the street and told a different story."

"You know, we were doing, I don't know, 24, and now we're going to move down the street here and do The Wire. Same thing, it's just different people doing the same thing in the same city. Yeah, all the same rules, all the same places, all the same stuff, and a lot of the same species. So it's a familiar world, it's just that you're seeing a completely different side of it."


Lucas is also supervising all scripts for both series, since they are considered part of the official canon and must adhere to the existing mythology. (source:


March 10 2008

source: recently posted a report consisting of known information about the Live-Action Series. As the Non-Skywalker, Deadwood-style series has been stated by Lucas and McCallum in interviews since 2005.

The report does contain new information in the form of the series being influenced by HBO's Sopranos, The Star Wars Underworld, and how the Live-Action Series fits into Star Wars Canon.


• The Clone Wars geared towards children while The Live-Action Series geared to adults.
• The Live-Action Series & The Clone Wars considered official canon of The Star Wars.
• Skywalker's Saga is finished, though a few movie characters "mixed in here and there".
• Features Gangsters and The Star Wars Underworld, perhaps even a crime family.
• The Live-Action Series is "Deadwood meets The Sopranos".
• HBO or Showtime considered as possible homes: Rated PG-13.

acesn8s 07-20-2008 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 4856838)
He's freakin' HUGE.

3000 hours of television and film.

THAT'S how insane a gig with Lucas is - people do anything and everything to get a chance to work with him.

As much as he's hated on the internet...

And loved by geeks around the world.

May the swartz be with you.

DaneMcCloud 07-20-2008 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4856840)
Wow, interesting. I've probably heard of him then.

Here's some stuff from March on the live-action TV show. It sounds like it's exactly what I want to see - the seedy underbelly of the Star Wars universe.

I think that's old news.

What I heard and saw wasn't necessarily for children. There's a new (but old, in a way) dynamic to the series and Anakin has a padawan (previously not mentioned). The action scenes are freakin' awesome - better (IMO) than the movies.

PLUS, since it's "animated", even though you don't feel like you're watching animation, it's an amazing thing to view. It really takes you away.

It's just up to the narrative. And for that, I have no info.

That I can share :)

Hammock Parties 07-20-2008 01:46 AM

From the trailer, all the environments and technological bullshit look pretty real. Only the characters look like a cartoon.

Thanks for letting us in on the straight dope. :)

DaneMcCloud 07-20-2008 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4856844)
From the trailer, all the environments and technological bullshit look pretty real. Only the characters look like a cartoon.

Thanks for letting us in on the straight dope. :)

No problem.

I just hope it's as enjoyable as it appeared to me yesterday.

Let's keep our fingers crossed :thumb:

acesn8s 07-20-2008 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 4856848)
No problem.

I just hope it's as enjoyable as it appeared to me yesterday.

Let's keep our fingers crossed :thumb:

Just for clarification...did you do peyote prior to witnessing the force?

007 07-20-2008 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 4856848)
No problem.

I just hope it's as enjoyable as it appeared to me yesterday.

Let's keep our fingers crossed :thumb:

I was going to have to take my younger son to the movie anyway. This just made it more interesting for me. Thanks.

ShortRoundChief 07-20-2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4857476)
I was going to have to take my younger son to the movie anyway. This just made it more interesting for me. Thanks.

you in tokyo or something

it ain't 10 yet

007 07-20-2008 04:35 PM

Sunday is a normal day for me.

evolve27 07-21-2008 09:25 PM

Why is Tony Pena Jr. still playing baseball? Royals are getting totally demolished. Save our souls Mike Aviles.

Hammock Parties 07-21-2008 09:30 PM

Man I saw the hottest MILF at the pool today. She kept bending over. Couldn't keep my eyes off her.

Then I had to leave just as this teenager with HUGE tits showed up. ****!

In fact, ALL the hot chicks showed up at the gym right when I was finishing up.

ShortRoundChief 07-21-2008 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4859963)
Man I saw the hottest MILF at the pool today. She kept bending over. Couldn't keep my eyes off her.

Then I had to leave just as this teenager with HUGE tits showed up. ****!

In fact, ALL the hot chicks showed up at the gym right when I was finishing up.

they were playing tease the virgin

evolve27 07-21-2008 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4859963)
Man I saw the hottest MILF at the pool today. She kept bending over. Couldn't keep my eyes off her.

Then I had to leave just as this teenager with HUGE tits showed up. ****!

In fact, ALL the hot chicks showed up at the gym right when I was finishing up.

Great, one that's married and the other is maybe underaged and the other's show up as you leave to make things worse, so you actually end your workout!, Wendler sounds like your setting yourself up for failure with the women.

Hammock Parties 07-21-2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by evolve27 (Post 4860011)
Great, one that's married

Maybe, maybe not. Didn't see a dude hanging around her.

I love MILFs.

evolve27 07-21-2008 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4860016)
Maybe, maybe not. Didn't see a dude hanging around her.

I love MILFs.

That trick ain' nothin' but a tease.

Joie 07-21-2008 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4860016)
Maybe, maybe not. Didn't see a dude hanging around her.

I love MILFs.

Did you notice a ring?

You know, married women don't take their husbands everywhere.

Hammock Parties 07-21-2008 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 4860052)
Did you notice a ring?

You know, married women don't take their husbands everywhere.

I was about 20 yards away. No idea if she had a ring.

Even so, I don't care. I'd hit it like there's no tomorrow. Her fat, balding, prick of a husband who doesn't love her anymore probably can't get it up no more. She needs a young stud with energy to burn and a bitchin' motorcycle.

TinyEvel 07-22-2008 12:15 AM

I have a funny feeling that real life StormTroopers about to bust into Dane's home and take everything and burn the place.

DaneMcCloud 07-22-2008 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by TinyEvel (Post 4860219)
I have a funny feeling that real life StormTroopers about to bust into Dane's home and take everything and burn the place.


Oh shit!!!!!

They're here!

greg63 07-22-2008 04:17 PM

I don't get to talk with the night crew much anymore, so I'm throwin this shout out to you all now! :D

Joie 07-22-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by greg63 (Post 4861684)
I don't get to talk with the night crew much anymore, so I'm throwin this shout out to you all now! :D

You're dead to us now. :cuss:

J/ are you doing?

Bugeater 07-22-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 4862235)
You're dead to us now. :cuss:

J/ are you doing?

Don't hold your breath while waiting for a reply.

greg63 07-22-2008 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 4862235)
You're dead to us now. :cuss:

J/ are you doing?

I know and it saddens me! :banghead:

I'm doing well kiddo! How 'bout yerself.

greg63 07-22-2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4862249)
Don't hold your breath while waiting for a reply.

There you go again, makin fun of my incredibly slow typing skills. :p

Bugeater 07-22-2008 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by greg63 (Post 4862279)
There you go again, makin fun of my incredibly slow typing skills. :p

No, it was more a jab at the fact that you only show up about once a month anymore. :)

greg63 07-22-2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4862288)
No, it was more a jab at the fact that you only show up about once a month anymore. :)

Hey what can I say; the day crew doesn't hold much interest for me, and now alas it time to hit the sack. :deevee:

Nite Planet!

Joie 07-24-2008 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4862249)
Don't hold your breath while waiting for a reply.

Sadly, he had a few more posts before I got around to checking in again. It's been a busy week.

greg63 07-24-2008 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 4865752)
Sadly, he had a few more posts before I got around to checking in again. It's been a busy week.

Tell me about it. :D

Joie 07-24-2008 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by greg63 (Post 4866800)
Tell me about it. :D

You're just saying that. You don't really want to know. ;)

greg63 07-24-2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Joie (Post 4866804)
You're just saying that. You don't really want to know. ;)

I thought that was a given. :)

Mr. Plow 07-24-2008 07:32 PM


luv 07-24-2008 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 4867365)


crazycoffey 07-24-2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by greg63 (Post 4861684)
I don't get to talk with the night crew much anymore, so I'm throwin this shout out to you all now! :D

well, a big 'ol shout out back at ya!

Mr. Plow 07-24-2008 07:35 PM


See......I can speak MULTIPLE languages.

Bugeater 07-24-2008 07:35 PM


Adept Havelock 07-24-2008 07:36 PM


Mr. Plow 07-24-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Adept Havelock (Post 4867388)

Ah yes....I understand you COMPLETELY!! My llama's name is Fred.

Joie 07-24-2008 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 4867371)


luv 07-24-2008 07:39 PM


crazycoffey 07-24-2008 07:39 PM

What's that coming out of your Speedo?

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