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frankotank 08-13-2013 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9878853)
the way he's performing, a title shot won't be out of reach.


whachoo talking 'bout Willis! EVERYTHING is out of reach for that dude! :D

Dayze 08-13-2013 02:38 PM

damn....that's a good point.

I ****ed that one up. lol

frankotank 08-13-2013 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 9881882)


Dayze 08-13-2013 02:44 PM

awesome lol

pr_capone 08-13-2013 06:54 PM

Dayze 08-13-2013 09:44 PM

**** you in the face PR

Bowser 08-13-2013 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9883531)
**** you in the face PR

This, ****er. Son of a shitass ****.

Buehler445 08-14-2013 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 9882623)


Dayze 08-14-2013 07:24 AM

upon further review, I just now noticed all the baby spiders hauling ass.


Donger 08-14-2013 07:27 AM

You chaps don't like spiders, eh?

Radar Chief 08-14-2013 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9883805)
upon further review, I just now noticed all the baby spiders hauling ass.


:LOL: I assumed that’s what you were cursing PR for.
Let this be a lesson to you crushing spiders with a beer bottle guys, hose it down with brake cleaner instead and the babies die on momma spiders back along with momma spider.

Dayze 08-14-2013 08:03 AM the little bastards just hang out on the back?

Donger 08-14-2013 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9883867) the little bastards just hang out on the back?

Yes. See?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Rausch 08-14-2013 08:13 AM

I might be sick...

Mr. Plow 08-14-2013 08:18 AM

That deserves a thread ban.

Amnorix 08-14-2013 08:24 AM

No worse than this, really.

Donger 08-14-2013 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 9883911)

That's true. Look at how filthy that toothbrush holder is.

Donger 08-14-2013 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 9883892)
I might be sick...


Did you watch the whole thing?

Dayze 08-14-2013 08:55 AM

jesus Christ.

Mr. Plow 08-14-2013 08:55 AM

Way too many people do this.

Frosty 08-14-2013 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 9883911)

When I was 20, I worked in Spokane for the summer and had to live in this shitty little cheap apartment. One morning I went into the bathroom and found a cockroach munching on my toothbrush. That didn't gross me out as much as the thought of how many times I didn't catch one doing it.

Radar Chief 08-14-2013 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 9883911)

Daddy long legs = harmless.
Time for a new toothbrush though.

Radar Chief 08-14-2013 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 9883984)
When I was 20, I worked in Spokane for the summer and had to live in this shitty little cheap apartment. One morning I went into the bathroom and found a cockroach munching on my toothbrush. That didn't gross me out as much as the thought of how many times I didn't catch one doing it.

When I was stationed in El Paso I very quickly learned to turn my boots upside down and bang the heels together before putting them on. I never got stung by a scorpion but know guys that did and it looked like it sucked.

MIAdragon 08-14-2013 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Radar Chief (Post 9884060)
Daddy long legs = harmless.
Time for a new toothbrush though.

and holder and just maybe clean that dump.

Saul Good 08-14-2013 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9864485)


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 9864538)
Guess it is real... This will get your blood boiling:


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 9873921)
Yeah, it only weighs in about 15 tons, it should stop right away..... Dumb****. These videos really really get under my skin. They should bother normal Americans more than they do.

Why should this bother normal Americans? If the US were invaded, and Chinese military vehicles were driving down our streets, would you get pissed off at those who fought back?

I want our troops to be safe, but I can't get pissed at people for fighting back in their own countries. That's sort of how wars go.

Dayze 08-14-2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 9883984)
When I was 20, I worked in Spokane for the summer and had to live in this shitty little cheap apartment. One morning I went into the bathroom and found a cockroach munching on my toothbrush. That didn't gross me out as much as the thought of how many times I didn't catch one doing it.

not sure why, but this made me laugh. lol. not because it happened to you, just the description of the discovery.

Donger 08-14-2013 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 9884092)
Why should this bother normal Americans? If the US were invaded, and Chinese military vehicles were driving down our streets, would you get pissed off at those who fought back?

I want our troops to be safe, but I can't get pissed at people for fighting back in their own countries. That's sort of how wars go.


I understand WHY they are attacking our troops, but that is mutually-exclusive of me not liking it or thinking as you do about it.

Frosty 08-14-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9884101)
not sure why, but this made me laugh. lol. not because it happened to you, just the description of the discovery.

Yeah, it's funny - now.

Fish 08-14-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9883531)
**** you in the face PR

mdchiefsfan 08-14-2013 11:11 AM

<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' id='player' name='player' src='' width='533' height='400' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='config=' />

Mike in SW-MO 08-14-2013 11:23 AM

And the chick on the back who disappears in a flash was not wearing a helmet.

Donger 08-14-2013 11:30 AM

Ouch. Looks like they were both close to running a red.

Frosty 08-14-2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mike in SW-MO (Post 9884336)
And the chick on the back who disappears in a flash was not wearing a helmet.

Nobody seemed to concerned about her. Maybe it was one of those weird life sized dolls the Japanese seem to like.

Easy 6 08-14-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 9882623)

Reminds me of Cloverfield.

Saul Good 08-14-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 9884143)

I understand WHY they are attacking our troops, but that is mutually-exclusive of me not liking it or thinking as you do about it.

I understand not liking it. It doesn't get my blood boiling, though. To the extent it angers me, that anger is directed towards those putting our troops in harms way. I'm not mad at the Iraqi. We're doing what we feel we need to do, and so his he.

Donger 08-14-2013 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 9884625)
I understand not liking it. It doesn't get my blood boiling, though. To the extent it angers me, that anger is directed towards those putting our troops in harms way. I'm not mad at the Iraqi. We're doing what we feel we need to do, and so his he.

Meh, I really don't think this thread is the place for this discussion. So, this is the last response from me on the matter. If you want to continue it, I'd suggest making a new thread.

Fat Elvis 08-14-2013 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 9873921)
Yeah, it only weighs in about 15 tons, it should stop right away..... Dumb****. These videos really really get under my skin. They should bother normal Americans more than they do.

We've killed, at a minimum, over 150,000 innocent Iraqi civilians between 2003 and 1006. And you're up in arms because one of them said, "**** that." ?

Are you really this dense?

It is dumbasses like you that get us into wars in the first place.

Fat Elvis 08-14-2013 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 9884625)
I understand not liking it. It doesn't get my blood boiling, though. To the extent it angers me, that anger is directed towards those putting our troops in harms way. I'm not mad at the Iraqi. We're doing what we feel we need to do, and so his he.


Absolutely no reason for them to be over there in the first place.

Dayze 08-14-2013 01:25 PM

but that's where the terrorists are / Gov

allen_kcCard 08-14-2013 01:29 PM

That's guys get a timeout in DC. March!

Rasputin 08-14-2013 01:58 PM

Please don't turn this into a political thread :shake:

Hawk 08-14-2013 02:00 PM

Boo hiss on the political discussion. Please take it to a different thread.

Dayze 08-14-2013 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 9884814)
Please don't turn this into a political thread :shake:

you're pro-abortion, aren't you.:Poke:


Mr. Plow 08-14-2013 02:13 PM

Technically speaking, the Fail thread is a perfect place to discuss our government.

Fat Elvis 08-14-2013 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9884929)
Technically speaking, the Fail thread is a perfect place to discuss our government.

And Bill Maher.

Rasputin 08-14-2013 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9884862)
you're pro-abortion, aren't you.:Poke:


After reading all your post why Yes I am. :D :p

Dayze 08-14-2013 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 9885034)
After reading all your post why Yes I am. :D :p


I teed that one up...

CrazyPhuD 08-14-2013 03:23 PM

Too much side seat driving!!!!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bowser 08-14-2013 07:41 PM

What's up, guys? Hey, I've got an idea! How about we all stop with the goddamned spider pictures and videos? Sounds good, right? Cool!

pr_capone 08-14-2013 09:00 PM

Sofa King 08-15-2013 01:53 AM

Fish 08-15-2013 07:58 AM


Radar Chief 08-15-2013 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 9886426)

Talk about a sucker punch. WTF is up with that anyway?

RockChalk 08-15-2013 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Radar Chief (Post 9886577)
Talk about a sucker punch. WTF is up with that anyway?

It's a joke they've been trying to pull off since last season

Radar Chief 08-15-2013 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by RockChalk (Post 9886596)
It's a joke they've been trying to pull off since last season

ROFL :facepalm:
Thanks for the explanation. That article is right, they’ve got way too much time on their hands.

Mr. Plow 08-15-2013 09:07 AM

crazycoffey 08-15-2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Elvis (Post 9884669)
We've killed, at a minimum, over 150,000 innocent Iraqi civilians between 2003 and 1006. And you're up in arms because one of them said, "**** that." ?

Are you really this dense?

It is dumbasses like you that get us into wars in the first place.

Eat a ****ing EFP, take this shit elsewhere. **** your super sensitive politics and "innocent" Iraqis comment with a rusty antifreeze needle.

ping2000 08-15-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyPhuD (Post 9885299)
Too much side seat driving!!!!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That is some funny ass shit. "You are breaking the car!" "Listen to my calls!"

Mr. Plow 08-16-2013 08:01 AM

ThaVirus 08-16-2013 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9889495)


Radar Chief 08-16-2013 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9889495)

Cat Hell?

frankotank 08-16-2013 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9889495)

....a dangerous new species of piranha has been discovered.....unlike any known before....first there was land shark....and now......

DMAC 08-16-2013 02:13 PM

Duke Lacrosse immediately popped in my head.

Sorter 08-16-2013 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9889495)

That cat is quite the pussy.

Pablo 08-16-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by DMAC (Post 9890689)
Duke Lacrosse immediately popped in my head.


ThaVirus 08-16-2013 02:32 PM

This is actually pretty sad; I just didn't know where else to put it. Definitely worth a look.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pushead2 08-16-2013 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 9890744)
This is actually pretty sad; I just didn't know where else to put it. Definitely worth a look.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saw that the other day - awesome.

DMAC 08-16-2013 03:40 PM

listopencil 08-16-2013 04:02 PM

NSFW Language

Image: Not Safe for Work
NSFW Image

listopencil 08-16-2013 04:04 PM

Yay. I figured out how to use the NSFW tag.

listopencil 08-16-2013 04:58 PM


Athis 08-16-2013 09:06 PM

Athis 08-16-2013 09:07 PM

AussieChiefsFan 08-17-2013 06:47 AM

AussieChiefsFan 08-17-2013 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 9890744)
This is actually pretty sad; I just didn't know where else to put it. Definitely worth a look.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

That was.... wow.

Athis 08-18-2013 07:52 AM

mdchiefsfan 08-18-2013 08:20 AM

LMAO I am convinced that every fat person should avoid a camcorder at all costs. Bad things tend to happen.

notorious 08-18-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by mdchiefsfan (Post 9896694)
LMAO I am convinced that every fat person should avoid a camcorder at all costs. Bad things tend to happen.

That has to be set up. What did he think was going to happen?

What's next? Set up a camera next to an "All You Can Eat" buffet?

Chief Pote 08-18-2013 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Athis (Post 9892859)

Just a tad over a flesh wound.

Hammock Parties 08-18-2013 11:09 PM

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