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rico 05-24-2014 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Saccopoo (Post 10649508)
And a real phaggy nerd fest.

A thread with a bunch of nerds sucking each other off.

At one time, there was potential.

Now, cosplay homo dorks giving each other the reach around.

If this thread was a penis, it started at near Ron Jeremy levels. Now it's inverting into a vag.

I see that you have issues with blow jobs and vaginas. That is unfortunate because I think both are nice.

BJ's are not that bad... considering the woman's mouth is wide enough and she uses her lips as padding over her teeth. And she is not distracted that easily.

I've gathered that people with small penises generally like BJ's more than those with larger penii. That's possibly due to the penile scrapes and incessant complaints that can result by being sucked off by a mouth that is too small for your penis. In that case, you go to the vag. And that is nice. You should try it out, homeslice!!!!

lcarus 05-24-2014 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10649519)
I think Lumpy got him in the settlement.

Is this an inside joke or somethin? I don't understand. I do love inside jokes though. I hope to be part of one some day.

rico 05-24-2014 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 10649521)
Eposode 1, or whatever the **** it was with Jar Jar Binks, wasn't the original.

I know. I was purposely being a doink.

LoneWolf 05-24-2014 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10649524)
Is this an inside joke or somethin? I don't understand. I do love inside jokes though. I hope to be part of one some day.

I won't elaborate because it would involve a mod and his private business of which I have no personal knowledge of. Just chalk it up as a bad joke that some on here might understand.

lcarus 05-24-2014 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10649526)
I won't elaborate because it would involve a mod and his private business of which I have no personal knowledge of. Just chalk it up as a bad joke that some on here might understand.

If it's a joke that I don't understand that also comes from you, I automatically chalk it up to "pretty good".

rico 05-24-2014 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10649515)
I'm seriously wondering if Dr. Johnny Fever died or something. Dude posted here every 10 seconds for a long time and then just vanished. Last I recall, he didn't have a "I'm leaving forever thread" or any type of conflict. I'm guessing it was JASONSAUTO in the Media Center with a candlestick.

Yeah, he seemed to have vanished...Even on the "B-Sides" thread where Lumpy frequented, he was nowhere to be found.

He is from my neck of the woods kind of...and does radio...and I do too on the side, although he did music and I cover local high school baseball and wrestling events.

He was at the same Alice Cooper concert as I was 2 years ago. He was with his daughter. One of the best concerts ever. I was supposed to meet up with him there, but didn't notice that he had texted me until I was on my way to my car after the show. I almost met that dude.

I assume he is alive and well...haven't heard anything otherwise on local radio.

RealSNR 05-24-2014 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10649524)
Is this an inside joke or somethin? I don't understand. I do love inside jokes though. I hope to be part of one some day.

You're already the Planet's #1 feet picture quality inspector. Isn't that enough?

Hammock Parties 05-24-2014 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 10649510)
The original Star Wars movie was OK, nothing more.

The rest suck ass.

Interesting viewpoint, considering that almost everyone regards the second movie as the best one.

lcarus 05-24-2014 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 10649530)
You're already the Planet's #1 feet picture quality inspector. Isn't that enough?

I accept that honor with all my heart and sole. GET IT?!?! TEEHEE!

milkman 05-24-2014 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10649532)
Interesting viewpoint, considering that almost everyone regards the second movie as the best one.

The 2nd one is the one when Luke goes off to study with Yoda?

Yeah, it sucked.

Don't much care what everyone else thinks.

Iconic 05-24-2014 10:49 PM

I'm curious... why is it 101? Why not a nice round even number like 100... or 102? WHY 101?? IS IT BECAUSE 1 IS SHAPED LIKE A PENIS? IS OP TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING? HAVE I DECODED OP'S MESSAGE? SO MANY QUESTIONS????????????!!!1111

Hammock Parties 05-24-2014 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 10649535)
The 2nd one is the one when Luke goes off to study with Yoda?

Yeah, it sucked.

Don't much care what everyone else thinks.

You are wrong.

rico 05-24-2014 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10649532)
Interesting viewpoint, considering that almost everyone regards the second movie as the best one.

For me, in order, it goes:

1.) V
2.) Vl
3.) lll
4.) lV
5.) ll
6.) l

lcarus 05-24-2014 10:51 PM

I think I like A New Hope the best as well. I like Empire Strikes Back and don't think it sucks though.

milkman 05-24-2014 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10649537)
You are wrong.

I'm wrong about what I dislike?

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