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Frosty 09-29-2016 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12455053)
I know the logical choice but Way of Kings reviews have me pretty excited to start it.

I've been pretty devoid of fantastical worlds to immerse myself in with Game of Thrones on break and while the Red Queen books are good they're not great at world-building.

You might try the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Epic world building in that one. Also, the series is finished so you don't have to wait around forever for the next book to come out (I hate starting unfinished series).

Frosty 09-29-2016 08:19 AM

I am currently reading "The Dragonstone" by Dennis McKiernan. It's a prequel to his Mithgar series. I've enjoyed most of the Mithgar books but this one has some of the typical weaknesses that the series has. In particular, McKiernan loves to go on and on about mundane stuff when his characters travel. You'll get 100+ pages of "the group spent the night at this town and then they crossed this river and camped by this forest and then they crossed these plains and then they had rain". It almost feels like you are reading about multi-month journeys in real time.

Still, so far the characters in this one are interesting so I am holding out hope that it will be good.

Frosty 09-29-2016 08:22 AM

Finally, has anyone read the entire 'Howl's Moving Castle" trilogy by Diana Wynne Jones? The first book was so, so good but the second was a major letdown. I was just wondering if the third was worth reading or not?

kcpasco 02-01-2017 08:06 AM

The witcher books are really good especially if you are a fan of the games. Read the short stories before you begin the saga.

lawrenceRaider 02-01-2017 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Loneiguana (Post 12276532)
The only thing I was disappointed with in WOT and Sanderson, and I don't know if I can blame this on Sanderson at all, was the lack of conclusion to the Seanchan.

Hey, you get to meet Artur Hawkwing and then... nothing.

I didn't expect everything to be wrapped up, but not knowing what happens with the Seanchan really bugged me.

I keep hoping that someone will finish the prequel series Jordan started, and maybe give us more on the conclusion and aftermath. Probably not going to happen though and that's a major bummer.

KC_Lee 01-23-2018 06:51 PM

Thought this might be the best place to leave this.

Ursula K. Le Guin, Acclaimed for Her Fantasy Fiction, Is Dead at 88


“The Lathe of Heaven” is still one of my favorite books.

Indian Chief 01-23-2018 09:14 PM

I very much enjoy Le Guin's writing. Sad to hear.

I recently started the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Excellent so far. I'm 2 books and a few short stories in so far.

I also finished both the Kingkiller Chronicles and The Black Company not too long ago. I highly recommend both.

ThaVirus 01-23-2018 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12276416)
I looked into the Way of Kings series because I've heard great things but apparently it's a planned 10 book series. **** all that.

Hah. I'm balls deep in Oathbringer right now.

So glad I picked this series up on a whim.

Frosty 01-23-2018 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 13379108)
The Black Company

I read the first book recently and struggled with the writing style. I enjoyed the book in general but the writing was very choppy and distracting. I understand that it is from the POV of the Company's medic and scribe but it was written as if it were a bunch of asides from the writer. I will say that I either started to get used to it or it got better later in the book because I thought the ending was much better than the beginning.

I have the next few books in that series but haven't started them yet. I took a turn into Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy. I am just finishing up the second book and the trilogy is frickin' amazing so far.

DaFace 01-23-2018 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 13379108)
I very much enjoy Le Guin's writing. Sad to hear.

I recently started the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Excellent so far. I'm 2 books and a few short stories in so far.

I also finished both the Kingkiller Chronicles and The Black Company not too long ago. I highly recommend both.

Loved the Kingkiller Chronicles. My only complaint is that Rothfuss is NOT a speedy writer. :)

duncan_idaho 01-24-2018 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 13379108)
I very much enjoy Le Guin's writing. Sad to hear.

I recently started the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Excellent so far. I'm 2 books and a few short stories in so far.

I also finished both the Kingkiller Chronicles and The Black Company not too long ago. I highly recommend both.

The Malazan world is fantastic.

Eriksen's world-creating partner, Ian Cameron Esselmont, is 2/3 of the way through a prequel trilogy that sets up the Book of the Fallen. Good stuff. iCE also has a bunch of supporting novels ongoing, but his first few are pretty fought.

I feel like the Book of the Fallen really picks up with Books 3 and 4. First two are a bit of a slog.

Every time I read a Malaz book, I wish I had been part of the tabletop RPg group that played in the world in the 80s and early 90s...

Indian Chief 01-25-2018 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 13379723)
Every time I read a Malaz book, I wish I had been part of the tabletop RPg group that played in the world in the 80s and early 90s...

Seriously. That would have been amazing. I'm assuming you've read the Reddit AMA with Erickson because he explains a lot of that. If you haven't, check it out.

Indian Chief 01-25-2018 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 13379202)
Loved the Kingkiller Chronicles. My only complaint is that Rothfuss is NOT a speedy writer. :)

Yeah, that's the downside of reading an active series. I've completely given up on GRRM ever finishing GoT, not that I really care to read it at this point. Jim Butcher also has a lot of side projects going when really I just want another Dresden Files book. :cuss:

duncan_idaho 01-25-2018 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 13381091)
Seriously. That would have been amazing. I'm assuming you've read the Reddit AMA with Erickson because he explains a lot of that. If you haven't, check it out.

Oh, I'll check that out for sure. Thanks for the tip.

Indian Chief 01-25-2018 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 13379181)
I read the first book recently and struggled with the writing style. I enjoyed the book in general but the writing was very choppy and distracting. I understand that it is from the POV of the Company's medic and scribe but it was written as if it were a bunch of asides from the writer. I will say that I either started to get used to it or it got better later in the book because I thought the ending was much better than the beginning.

I have the next few books in that series but haven't started them yet. I took a turn into Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy. I am just finishing up the second book and the trilogy is frickin' amazing so far.

I thoroughly enjoyed The Black Company but it definitely does take some getting used to. It's different than a lot of typical fantasy series.

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