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007 03-19-2011 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7501620)
No 1 more time..

I'll take it one further, Chrissy.

philfree 03-19-2011 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7501598)
Nutshell, he insulted my family, I called him a name that was mean, he went to mods to get me banned, mods said I did not break rules, Dane makes goodbye thread.

Well golly gee. Dane insulted so many posters. ....

If you don't want to be insulted back don't insult others. Pretty simple. If you can't take being insulted don't post on Chiefs Planet. Pretty simple.


RealSNR 03-19-2011 04:10 PM

R8ers is a audiophile and his wife enjoys being sexed in the butt by 400 lb Mexicans who are necrophiliacs

Rausch 03-19-2011 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 7501626)
R8ers is a audiophile and his wife enjoys being sexed in the butt by 400 lb Mexicans who are necrophiliacs


BigMeatballDave 03-19-2011 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 7501621)
Bullshit, you are judged because you're a ****ing jackass. If you left this board forever no one would miss your worthless ass one goddamn bit. Hell, if you left the earth forever no one would probably miss you either. Go ****ing die you miserable piece of ****ing shit.

:LOL: Dont hold back, Bug. Express you feelings.

007 03-19-2011 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 7501621)
Bullshit, you are judged because you're a ****ing jackass. If you left this board forever no one would miss your worthless ass one goddamn bit. Hell, if you left the earth forever no one would probably miss you either. Go ****ing die you miserable piece of ****ing shit.

How did I miss this post. Holy shit!!!! LMAO

RealSNR 03-19-2011 04:11 PM

Also, now the Four Horsemen are missing a member.

Anybody remember which one Dane was? Are we going to replace him? Is that for Hamas, Mecca, and OTW58 to decide? Is there an application process?

Hammock Parties 03-19-2011 04:12 PM

Dane will be back.


Over-Head 03-19-2011 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 7501220)
I don't give Raider-fans rheps. But if I did you'd get some...

cough, cough,cough, yeah ya do, cough, cough, cough :p

<TABLE class=tborder border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt2></TD><TD id=p6594269188 class=alt1Active width="50%">They find out... </TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>03-12-2010 01:19 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 noWrap>Rausch </TD><TD class=alt2 width="50%">NICE</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE class=tborder border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt2></TD><TD id=p6594269188 class=alt1Active width="50%"></TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap></TD><TD class=alt1 noWrap></TD><TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

R8RFAN 03-19-2011 04:12 PM

Bug is one of those douchebags thats dumber than a bag of hammers but he gets mad at me for it.....

kstater 03-19-2011 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 7501631)
Also, now the Four Horsemen are missing a member.

Anybody remember which one Dane was? Are we going to replace him? Is that for Hamas, Mecca, and OTW58 to decide? Is there an application process?

Missing 2.

Mecca left like a Dane the second the Chiefs started winning.

RealSNR 03-19-2011 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by ClayWhit (Post 7501632)
Dane will be back.


I mean, I really hope so, but nobody knows for sure on these things.

Not even Ultra Peanut has stayed away completely after her goodbye thread. I think the only one is probably Mr. Blond and that might be due to catastrophic circumstances

RealSNR 03-19-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 7501635)
Missing 2.

Mecca left like a Dane the second the Chiefs started winning.

He also ditched the CP Mock Draft even though he claimed his spot. He's been back occasionally, which means that spot is still his.

Or something like that

bevischief 03-19-2011 04:18 PM


Hammock Parties 03-19-2011 04:19 PM

NO ONE can resist CPs siren call during football season.

I'd bet anything Dane is back next month during the draft.



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