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Hammock Parties 05-11-2008 11:19 PM


(sorry, just LOVE that march - technically it's Prussian, nothing to do with Nazis. They just had good taste)

SPchief 05-11-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 4746320)
Holy shit.

We should go ahead and end GC now. Nip it in the bud. Send out the CP swat team.

I'm ready

Rausch 05-11-2008 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 4746320)
Holy shit.

We should go ahead and end GC now. Nip it in the bud. Send out the CP swat team.

He's not good in a crowd. It'd never work.

Nun, mir?

crazycoffey 05-12-2008 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 4746314)
You mean apart from your latent homosexuality, taste in homely women, inferiority complex, and...I don't have time for this.

awesome, rep...

acesn8s 05-12-2008 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by GOATSE (Post 4746327)

(sorry, just LOVE that march - technically it's Prussian, nothing to do with Nazis. They just had good taste)

What the hell did poland ever do to you? Get sick off of deep throating a polish sausage?


greg63 05-12-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by GOATSE (Post 4746256)
Why don't women like the word "tits?"

You should know.

Reerun_KC 05-12-2008 05:55 PM

Ah the good ol 10 pm thread....

Cntrygal 05-12-2008 06:13 PM

I have a follow-up with the surgeon (ankle) on Wednesday! The great news is that the physical therapist is happy with me!!! (for some reasons there's been concern about pushing the rehab too fast and slowing the recovery down) :shrug:

2112 05-12-2008 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal (Post 4747482)
I have a follow-up with the surgeon (ankle) on Wednesday! The great news is that the physical therapist is happy with me!!! (for some reasons there's been concern about pushing the rehab too fast and slowing the recovery down) :shrug:

My brother still isn't back to work in two you're right on course..good luck, girl. :)

Cntrygal 05-12-2008 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dimension2112 (Post 4747487)
My brother still isn't back to work in two you're right on course..good luck, girl. :)

I wish I could say that I'm enjoying being back at work.... but it WAS great to get that cast off and start moving around. :D I'm hoping that they let me at least start swimming again....I was told last week - no way, not yet... not until the 6 week mark... at least. Dammit! After that comment, I didn't dare ask if I was going to be able to be running sooner than predicted.

I hope that your brother has a complete & speedy recovery. :)

2112 05-12-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal (Post 4747492)
I wish I could say that I'm enjoying being back at work.... but it WAS great to get that cast off and start moving around. :D I'm hoping that they let me at least start swimming again....I was told last week - no way, not yet... not until the 6 week mark... at least. Dammit! After that comment, I didn't dare ask if I was going to be able to be running sooner than predicted.

I hope that your brother has a complete & speedy recovery. :)

Thanks! getting the cast off was the best part. showering with that thing is a pain in the ass (from what I hear) you still have to take it easy though, the thing swells up from standing on it for long periods of time. I thing the orthopedic doctor said it actually takes a year to heal completely :eek: .

But I hope you're on the slopes this winter, sweetie. :)

Cntrygal 05-12-2008 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dimension2112 (Post 4747499)
Thanks! getting the cast off was the best part. showering with that thing is a pain in the ass (from what I hear) you still have to take it easy though, the thing swells up from standing on it for long periods of time. I thing the orthopedic doctor said it actually takes a year to heal completely :eek: .

But I hope you're on the slopes this winter, sweetie. :)

Yeah the shower was GREAT - plus the nice long hot bath!

I'll definately be on the slopes this winter - after all, I was able to ski with both the tendon & ligament ripped. So, surely I'll be able to ski this winter! :D

After my physical therapy, the therapist hooks up some kind of ECM(?)... electro something or other. It really reduces the swelling - ALOT. So, if your brother can get a few sessions with that thing... it's great!

And I think a year is unacceptable. :mad:

Hammock Parties 05-14-2008 10:07 PM


Hammock Parties 05-15-2008 10:53 PM

I said


greg63 05-16-2008 11:07 PM

Hello all!

Hammock Parties 05-16-2008 11:09 PM

Just got done with some epic deathmatch with my cousin. We tied 29-29. I loosed a grenade on him at the last second but it was off target.

Nothing like walking up the ramp from your spawn and getting a facefull of napalm!

007 05-16-2008 11:11 PM

This thread again?

Hammock Parties 05-16-2008 11:14 PM

This guy has talent.

acesn8s 05-17-2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4754735)
This thread again?

You got a problem with it?

007 05-17-2008 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by acesn8s (Post 4754812)
You got a problem with it?

Yeah, Joie isn't here with some pie.:p

acesn8s 05-17-2008 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4754857)
Yeah, Joie isn't here with some pie.:p

Please hold...

Joie 05-17-2008 11:26 AM

Bugeater 05-17-2008 11:29 AM

Holy crap, I got here just in time.

Bowser 05-17-2008 01:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)

acesn8s 05-17-2008 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 4755165)

We've taken too much for granted
And all the time it had grown
From techno seeds we first planted
Evolved a mind of its own

Marching in the streets
Dragging iron feet
Laser beaming hearts
Ripping men apart

From off I've seen my perfection
Where we could do as we please
In secrecy this infection
Was spreading like a disease

Hiding underground
Knowing we'd be found
Fearing for our lives
Reaped by robot's scythes

Machines are taking all over
With mankind in their command
In time they'd like to discover
How they can make their demand

Better be the slaves
To their wicked ways
But meeting with our death
Engulfed in molten breath

kcxiv 06-04-2008 03:49 AM

Bumping it becuase i need to bitch at something. lol So today, i bought a weight set. Well me and my brother in law were unloading it, and i like a stupid ass, dropped 2 25lb weights on my ****ing foot while wearing sandals. I can barely push off the foot :( Ok, there's my bitching for the day.

Hammock Parties 06-04-2008 10:42 PM


I'm gonna do some crunches and then post stunning pictures of Carrie Underwood. I LOST MY MIND WHEN I SAW THESE PHOTOS I'M ABOUT TO POST IN THIS THREAD ON CHIEFSPLANET, AN INTERNET SITE BASED IN AMERICA! ****ING LOST IT!

But first, crunchy crunches.

Hammock Parties 06-04-2008 11:10 PM

Maybe tomorrow. No one seems to care tonight.

Simply Red 06-17-2008 08:22 PM


Bugeater 06-17-2008 08:30 PM

Simply Red 06-17-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4798784)

:LOL: Wait, WAIT RIGHT THERE! You were a member of this committee.

Bugeater 06-17-2008 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 4798791)
:LOL: Wait, WAIT RIGHT THERE! You were a member of this committee.

I was young and impressionable back then. I'm an old fart now.

Simply Red 06-17-2008 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4798812)
I was young and impressionable back then. I'm an old fart now.

pftt, whatever.

2112 06-17-2008 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4798784)


Simply Red 06-17-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dimension2112 (Post 4798853)

WTF are you laughing at?

Bugeater 06-17-2008 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dimension2112 (Post 4798853)


Hammock Parties 06-17-2008 09:14 PM


2112 06-17-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 4798891)
WTF are you laughing at?

That dipshit, Bugeater. :D

Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4798901)

What are you yelling for? I'm right here. :(

Bugeater 06-17-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4798902)

Where are the Carrie Underwood pics?

Simply Red 06-17-2008 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dimension2112 (Post 4798909)
That dipshit, Bugeater. :D

What are you yelling for? I'm right here. :(

Hi Bill.

2112 06-17-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 4798916)
Hi Bill.

Hi Red, how's the tail chasing coming along?

Simply Red 06-17-2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dimension2112 (Post 4798920)
Hi Red, how's the tail chasing coming along?

not too well. But I'm ramping up to heal and get my flow back. Walked the most peacful three mis at Dusk. Saw Gandhi. I think.

boogblaster 06-17-2008 10:13 PM

Damn is this thread still alive ..... ota then hello ga-goons ....

Simply Red 06-17-2008 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by boogblaster (Post 4799061)
Damn is this thread still alive ..... ota then hello ga-goons ....

yes, and hi.

TinyEvel 06-18-2008 01:07 AM


June 18

crazycoffey 06-18-2008 01:30 AM

Whazzup, party people?

007 06-18-2008 01:33 AM

Man this thread sucks.

crazycoffey 06-18-2008 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4799309)
Man this thread sucks.

I heard you suck, while Carl just lays there.....

007 06-18-2008 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 4799310)
I heard you suck, while Carl just lays there.....

Typical Carl.

crazycoffey 06-18-2008 02:07 AM


Funny Guru, very funny,
you won't like Carl when he's angry....

DaneMcCloud 06-18-2008 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey (Post 4799316)

Funny Guru, very funny,
you won't like Carl when he's angry....

Does his cock turn green?

007 06-18-2008 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 4799322)
Does his cock turn green?

I doubt it. Green means go or forward progress. Something he knows nothing about.

DaneMcCloud 06-18-2008 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4799328)
I doubt it. Green means go or forward progress. Something he knows nothing about.

I was thinking that green means money.

But in any case, you are correct, Sir.

007 06-18-2008 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 4799330)
I was thinking that green means money.

But in any case, you are correct, Sir.

Well, if green means money, (which is probably the case with Carl) then he is making money hand over fist!!!! Damn fans.:doh!:LMAO

DaneMcCloud 06-18-2008 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4799332)
Well, if green means money, (which is probably the case with Carl) then he is making money hand over fist!!!! Damn fans.:doh!:LMAO

Not to get off on a tangent but personally, I hold the Hunt family accountable.

If Carl were doing a poor job, he would have been fired. But obviously, he's been serving his employer well. At the expense of the fans.

Carl can only do what Carl does.

It's up to the Hunts to make something happen.

007 06-18-2008 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 4799333)
Not to get off on a tangent but personally, I hold the Hunt family accountable.

If Carl were doing a poor job, he would have been fired. But obviously, he's been serving his employer well. At the expense of the fans.

Carl can only do what Carl does.

It's up to the Hunts to make something happen.

I was only being facetious about the fans. heh

I agree though. The focus is at the point it should shift to the Hunts.

CRAP, just realized we didn't return the game rental tonight. I hate paying late fees. ugh. :doh!:

TinyEvel 06-18-2008 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4799334)
I was only being facetious about the fans. heh

I agree though. The focus is at the point it should shift to the Hunts.

CRAP, just realized we didn't return the game rental tonight. I hate paying late fees. ugh. :doh!:

what game did you rent?

TinyEvel 06-18-2008 11:10 PM


007 06-18-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by TinyEvel (Post 4799446)
what game did you rent?

It was Blacksite for the 360. We don't have our PS3 yet.

Buck 06-19-2008 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by GoBo (Post 4798784)

1. CrazyCoffey 2,308
2. luv 2,104
3. Joie 1,828
4. GoBo 1,432 <----------------
5 .Simplex3 1,328
6. Simply Red 1,292
7. milkman 1,273
8. BuckinKaeding 1,027
9. SPchief 997
10. greg63 975
11. Sam Hall 957
12. Dimension2112 924
13. Guru 918

007 06-19-2008 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding (Post 4800929)
1. CrazyCoffey 2,308
2. luv 2,104
3. Joie 1,828
4. GoBo 1,432 <----------------
5 .Simplex3 1,328
6. Simply Red 1,292
7. milkman 1,273
8. BuckinKaeding 1,027
9. SPchief 997
10. greg63 975
11. Sam Hall 957
12. Dimension2112 924
13. Guru 918

I remember a time that I was actually in the top 5. :shake:

Buck 06-19-2008 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4800933)
I remember a time that I was actually in the top 5. :shake:

Yeah, I've had maybe 20 posts in this thread over the last year.

TinyEvel 06-19-2008 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding (Post 4800946)
Yeah, I've had maybe 20 posts in this thread over the last year.

Wow, I'm not even up there? I guess that makes sense. Once I got my PS3 my 10pm thread days ended.

Guru, I thought you'd be top two for sure. WTF are you doing that you are up all night all the time. I've seen you and Dane going at it at like 4 am.

Cntrygal 06-19-2008 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding (Post 4800929)
1. CrazyCoffey 2,308
2. luv 2,104
3. Joie 1,828
4. GoBo 1,432 <----------------
5 .Simplex3 1,328
6. Simply Red 1,292
7. milkman 1,273
8. BuckinKaeding 1,027
9. SPchief 997
10. greg63 975
11. Sam Hall 957
12. Dimension2112 924
13. Guru 918

If I remember right, I've broken the 200 mark...

Sam Hall 06-19-2008 07:48 PM

looks like this thread isn't over, over

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

2112 06-19-2008 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4800933)
I remember a time that I was actually in the top 5. :shake:

Me too :spock:

2112 06-19-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by TinyEvel (Post 4801127)
Wow, I'm not even up there? I guess that makes sense. Once I got my PS3 my 10pm thread days ended.

Guru, I thought you'd be top two for sure. WTF are you doing that you are up all night all the time. I've seen you and Dane going at it at like 4 am.

He works at night, and gets very angry if a spammer pm's him a picture of a porn star with a big dick while he's at work. hahaha!

Sam Hall 06-19-2008 08:24 PM

This thread is probably why most of the board has me on ignore.

Hammock Parties 06-29-2008 10:03 PM

One of life's great pleasures is sitting in bed with a laptop. Awwwwwwright. Giggity!

007 06-29-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4819428)
One of life's great pleasures is sitting in bed with a laptop. Awwwwwwright. Giggity!

What? you on a military cot in the basement there?

Hammock Parties 06-29-2008 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 4819434)
What? you on a military cot in the basement there?

No, I have a very comfortable bed.

RustShack 06-30-2008 02:04 AM

I clicked on this thread and its not 10 P.M.
Is that bad?

ShortRoundChief 06-30-2008 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4819437)
No, I have a very comfortable bed.

resting comfortably with your manfriend, no doubt

007 06-30-2008 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by RustShack (Post 4819571)
I clicked on this thread and its not 10 P.M.
Is that bad?

Yep, yer banned.:thumb:

Hammock Parties 06-30-2008 07:19 PM


luv 06-30-2008 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4820892)

I was thinking that a simple thank you would be in order. Thank you.

2112 06-30-2008 07:21 PM

Oh man, you just made Ill-Logical's day. there's nothing he likes more than seeing this 10pm thread on top of the first page.

Logical 06-30-2008 07:21 PM

I see Clayton found it first. Not really hard though, the search function works great now.

Hammock Parties 06-30-2008 07:22 PM


Logical 06-30-2008 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dimension2112 (Post 4820895)
Oh man, you just made Ill-Logical's day. there's nothing he likes more than seeing this 10pm thread on top of the first page.

Haha, fooled you posted in it and intended to bring it to the top but Clayton beat me to it.

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