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Well, you may have accidentally triggered a late game boss there. Vordt or Dancer?
I had trouble with the skeletons to be honest, at least at first, and after 90 minutes of dying on the boss, I gave up. And this is coming from someone who beat The Witcher 3 on Death March or whatever it is. |
Oooh you mean Gundyr
Hell, that can be beaten by spamming R1
You're playing too cautious then. That boss is designed to punish you unless you get up close to it.
I made it to MR158 on Monster Hunter World before I finally got to a point where I just wasn't quick enough to take on high powered bosses. I can't do games with iframes and shit like that. |
Gotcha. You could always just turtle then
Funny shit...
I follow GI on Facebook and they posted about the "open letter" From, talking about framerate and other performance issues people are having. The first comment on their post is "I'm not having any performance problems. The only problem I'm having is DYING FROM EVERYTHING" ROFL |
This game is easier than a normal FromSoft. For one you can actually restock your heals after clearing a mob.
That's literally every SoulsBorne game ever.
And no, it's actually quite easy to grind up early game. 2 spots where you can force enemies to hit each other and do the work for you.
Just curious, I have been a PC gamer for a VERY long time. I do NOT understand the love for RPG's. So MUCH ****ing time and devotion for a seemingly endless conclusion if there is even one at all. See Everquest. That is just way too much devotion for me.
Woof. First legit boss of Elden Ring does not **** around. Beat him 2nd try but I was kitted out to the max and still had a pretty rough go of it. If you don't go exploring and just follow the path the game sets for you your asshole is going to be ripped to shreds.
There's a cracked version out, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Playing on PC using an XBox wireless controller. The controller buttons wouldn't work. The sticks both worked for motion and camera, but nothing else. After fighting with that, I found online that the game is really weird with input devices. I had to unplug my keyboard and mouse both, launch Steam in Big Picture mode, use the controller to navigate and launch the game. Only then would the controller function properly.
After I finally got into the game, the very first bad guy I ran into was the Tree Sentinel. Big guy on a horse. Couldn't run away from him because he's on a ****ing horse and I'm not. Tried hiding from him in a little building, and he destroyed the building and killed me anyway. LOL. I did manage to sneak around him a couple times, but then ran into another group of creatures that waxed me in 3 shots. After about the 12th instadeath I gave up. Oh and just for kicks, I tried to attack this guy at the very beginning who was just trying to give me some advice. Bad idea. He was right beside the spawn point. Of course, he turned violent and killed me effortlessly. Then I kept spawning again right beside him, so he immediately started attacking me at every respawn, making things even worse. I might give it another try, but it was a pretty rough first impression. Really wish there were a way to adjust the difficulty... |
Mother ****ER there's an item to make the fight easier. No wonder that shit was so hard for a first boss LMAO
But there's got to be a lot of guys who are retired who have time (no kids at home) and money and would still like to play FPS and RPG. But not online against anyone else and the difficulty needs to have knobs to reduce it to a level appropriate for someone who needs reading glasses and doesn't climb stairs very quickly anymore. Edit: And I may have time but I'm not interested in having to grind the shit out of everything. Been there, done that. |
Deep Rock Galactic 50% off on steam right now
We decide if it's a taming day, boss fight day, or cave exploration day before logging on. Building is done by yourself whenever you have an hour or two to kill. It's a ton of fun. In a perfect world we'd have 2 or 3 more people on but with INI files and mods you can turn a grindy life sucker into an exciting and action packed couple of hours these days. It's a good mix of small party MMO and single player at the same time. IMO if you like games like Ark, Valheim, Rust, etc it's the only way to play if yer' over 25... |
For all you Elden Ring dingers there's a broken ass XP farm you can do right at the start of the game. Like, it's going to be patched soon broken.
Whoever designed the bosses for this game is a bit of a ****, not gonna lie. They put concepts in the earlier bosses that made some of the optional late game bosses in prior games nightmares to fight. First real story boss in particular has a ton of different unpredictable combo chains and hesitations with small windows to punish. Have a feeling a lot of folks will just put this one down, especially given a much larger audience bought it this time around thanks to Martin.
You need to level up your weapons and abilities first before attempting Margit. I got my spirit wolves to level 3 and pretty much owned his ass. Hardcore souls fans would probably groan that but I don’t care. Dying to a boss 100 times isn’t fun.
Margit ain't got shit on Crucible Knight. ****ing Christ that boss whipped my ass for hours.
I'm so addicted to AC Odyssey. I'm like halfway through the game, maybe a little less, and there's still so much to do.
I still don't use the bow much because it's still really underpowered. I don't like the thought of having to spec a bunch of +damage ranged gear and then end up in a fist fight underpowered. |
Odyssey really is great, though, and one of the most beautiful games I've ever played - up there with Final Fantasy X and Red Dead Redemption 2. |
By the way, for one on one battles, the short range of daggers is a big plus. You can easily make sure every single swing is a hit.
But in a crowd, they're worthless. I still use a spear for crowd control. |
And you sound like you've got the same problem my girlfriend has with books! Woman's got so many ****ing books and she's always down for a Barnes & Noble trip. I'm actually pretty good at staying on top of my game library. I think the only games I've got that I have not beaten yet are Last of Us, Shadow of War, and the Uncharted series. Oh, and obviously AC: Unity as I mentioned in this thread. |
Survival Horror games stress me out.
I love the idea of them, but games like The Last of Us and the earlier Resident Evils are difficult for me to get through. |
RDR2 is absolutely in my top 5. That game really sucked me in. I got a ton of play time in that game. Some of the missions just had me grinning ear from ear. It did such a good job of building up the characters. There were those you really liked, and some you just totally ****ing despised. I love the cowboy western setting. Spent so many hours just roaming around hunting and murdering. The thrill of pulling off a bank robbery or train robbery. Having 8 bounty hunters with 4 dogs chasing you down. Getting drunk with Lenny. LOL
Good times. |
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ijk4TLG1-g0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r4vrGhb8R3M" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> $4.49 on Steam right now <iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TaZdEyqiLmU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> $7.99 on steam 60% off |
My daughter is watching some YouTuber play Elden Ring. As of last night, he had been playing for 4 days and had died 680-some times. ROFL
Y'all keep talking about Odyssey, I may be tempted to replay it as Kassandra.
Maybe even buy the DLC. At $25, not sure if it's worth it, but I like achievements. |
For those of you looking to get tougher in Elden Ring...
https://www.gameinformer.com/2022/03...rming-location |
Any tips on getting a new Xbox?
I signed up for Walmart+ but can’t find where to get on the wait/notification list. |
The strength of that game for me was the characters, like you said, and the open world. I'm not the type to get in a game and just dick around, but I actually did that quite a bit while I was out hunting and exploring. |
the story in LOU is hands-down the best I've experienced (alongside "Bioshock"). |
LOU is definitely survival horror.
It's horror lite I guess. It's survival with crafting and horror critters/elements. Watch a vid or two on it. |
Just finished Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.
I really enjoyed it. Was like a combination of a good tomb raider and good star wars game. Had a blast, with some really nice story lines and surprises. |
there is a playable demo for WH40K: Shootas Blood & Teef available on the steam store page. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/oxFK-hruNXo" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
They really named it "Shootas Blood & Teef?"
Anybody still paying Elden Ring? Some of the optional End Game bosses are ****ing nutty LMAO.
Really, the only issue I can remember from RDR2, and it's really nitpicking at this point, was that I felt New Austin was a bit underdeveloped. They could have done that on purpose for all I know, but personally I just know I didn't spend as much time there as I did other regions because it didn't seem like there was nearly as much going on there. |
I’m 100% coming back to it though… |
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2WeXyGom7Io" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Elden Ring is just Dark Souls with a different coat of paint. You'd think after all this ****ing time, they'd fix getting hit through walls.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Same old Dark Souls <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ELDENRING?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ELDENRING</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/XboxShare?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#XboxShare</a> <a href="https://t.co/Cs9KfVfSzK">pic.twitter.com/Cs9KfVfSzK</a></p>— Wallcrawler8878 (@Wallcrawler8878) <a href="https://twitter.com/Wallcrawler8878/status/1501359322516889603?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 9, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> |
The moment I've been waiting 6 years + for, has come. Inserting Dying Light 2 for its upload - so excited!
I haven't gamed (other than Valhalla) for a decade or more, So I figured 2 years of game pass would help me get through a lot of the games I missed. It's also replacing a 2015 NVIDIA SHIELD Pro. |
So 10+ years away from gaming, last console was PS3. On an XSX now with game pass. Running through Skyrim, Forza 5, F1 2020, MS Flight Sim, and Fallout 4 for the next few months. Recommendations on games I've missed? Sounds like RDR2? Recommendations on new or upcoming games? Apparently Elden Ring is the current hotness?
RDR2 is a must
If you’ve never played it, Witcher 3 is also a must.
Read the Witcher books, but never played the games.
Adding both to the wishlist, thanks! |
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