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rico 05-24-2014 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10649485)
How dare you skip any part of any Star Wars movie.

Haha well... It had been a couple years since I had hit Star Wars like I have been the last couple weeks... and well...I've watched all of them like 5 times apiece in the last 2 weeks...I'm in skippity-doo-dah mode now.

Guilty pleasure: I like "Revenge of the Sith." A lot...don't care how corny Hayden is.

Saccopoo 05-24-2014 10:14 PM

Man, this turned into a real suck each other off type of thread.

RealSNR 05-24-2014 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 10649488)
So dude...we've seen pics of the chick you were bangin' a couple years ago. Who you bangin' now? Same chick? Recent pics? Different chicks? Pics?

Let's see whatcho workin' wit now, slut-bag!!!! ;) Are you still with the same chick or did she leave you because you spend too much time on the planet. My wife HATES the planet. I hate her IPhone...

WTF? Has she posted on here before? She hasn't even met us!

That's quite presumptuous of her. :harumph:

TambaBerry 05-24-2014 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Saccopoo (Post 10649500)
Man, this turned into a real suck each other off type of thread.

Like you suck off first round guards?

Saccopoo 05-24-2014 10:22 PM

And a real phaggy nerd fest.

A thread with a bunch of nerds sucking each other off.

At one time, there was potential.

Now, cosplay homo dorks giving each other the reach around.

If this thread was a penis, it started at near Ron Jeremy levels. Now it's inverting into a vag.

Saccopoo 05-24-2014 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by dingleberry (Post 10649503)
Like you suck off first round guards?


Did I interrupt your climax moment of homo-erotic internet fellatio?

milkman 05-24-2014 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10649485)
How dare you skip any part of any Star Wars movie.

The original Star Wars movie was OK, nothing more.

The rest suck ass.

BigRedChief 05-24-2014 10:25 PM

Where is the list?

rico 05-24-2014 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 10649486)
I recognize how he's a cool guy. I don't know him as a person, but on the internet he's somebody who will take the time to talk through problems, give advice, or if he knows you well just shoot shit.

He's also a guy who won't take shit, and I'm the same way. He nor I was willing to back down over a disagreement we had, and the result was a back-and-forth that eventually got really ****ing shit ugly.

We signed an armistice at that point, but then he came out with some bizarre thread calling out Boss and me on some football opinion, calling us stupid, etc. I posted, like, one thing but then I haven't heard back from him since then. That thread was just weird, because it was a snipe-and-run, which he never does, and it came out of the blue. It may have been about Ricky Stanzi actually, who had been 100% non-relavent for months.

He'll probably be back again, and this time I'll be smarter about it and just stay the **** out of his way.

Man, he hated him some Stanzi if I remember correctly. I always liked Stanzi because I've hung around the dude a couple times at the ped-mall in Iowa City and/or the apartments...I'd be sporting ND Irish gear and all. I was always biased towards Stanzi because he is a cool dude, personally. He went from being an erratic drunken Freshman dude who used to do stupid shit, like bang his head on the walls for fun in the dorms. A dude people clowned on for being like 4th string at the time and never having a shot at playing a single down for the Hawkeyes (something that he would openly jab at himself about) to being this real chill dude his Senior year while being one of Iowa's most popular QB's, with his Junior year heroics...our conversations around that era primarily consisted of Led Zeppelin, Lynard Skynard, Pink Floyd, The Doors, etc... He was cool as shit. Therefore, I had a definite bias for Stanzi. In fact, I'm a Notre Dame Irish fan and was actually pulling for Stanzi to get the nod over Quinn during the 2012 shit-show. The closest I've ever become to being a Hawkeye fan was when Stanzi was QB and my friend and local hero, Mitch King was kicking ass on the DL. Those were some fun Iowa games to watch.

Dane though... I think one time he went on a rant that went something along the lines of, "**** Stanzi, I hate him. He is a piece of shit and I can't wait until the day where I never have to hear his name again." I think it was him who posted that...I could be wrong...but yeah, the dude definitely didn't seem to be fond of the ol' Americanzi.

rico 05-24-2014 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 10649510)
The original Star Wars movie was OK, nothing more.

The rest suck ass.

The first one?

So you were a huge Phantom Menace fan, but hated the rest of them? You must have been relatively fond of Jar-Jar Binks!!!

lcarus 05-24-2014 10:30 PM

I'm seriously wondering if Dr. Johnny Fever died or something. Dude posted here every 10 seconds for a long time and then just vanished. Last I recall, he didn't have a "I'm leaving forever thread" or any type of conflict. I'm guessing it was JASONSAUTO in the Media Center with a candlestick.

ghak99 05-24-2014 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10649515)
I'm seriously wondering if Dr. Johnny Fever died or something. Dude posted here every 10 seconds for a long time and then just vanished. Last I recall, he didn't have a "I'm leaving forever thread" or any type of conflict. I'm guessing it was JASONSAUTO in the Media Center with a candlestick.

The ghost got him.

LoneWolf 05-24-2014 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10649515)
I'm seriously wondering if Dr. Johnny Fever died or something. Dude posted here every 10 seconds for a long time and then just vanished. Last I recall, he didn't have a "I'm leaving forever thread" or any type of conflict. I'm guessing it was JASONSAUTO in the Media Center with a candlestick.

I think Lumpy got him in the settlement.

Anyong Bluth 05-24-2014 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 10648307)
And they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

I've always heard it as the key to winning a man's heart is to keep his stomach full and his balls empty.

milkman 05-24-2014 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 10649514)
The first one?

So you were a huge Phantom Menace fan, but hated the rest of them? You must have been relatively fond of Jar-Jar Binks!!!

Eposode 1, or whatever the **** it was with Jar Jar Binks, wasn't the original.

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