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Phobia 01-14-2004 03:41 PM

Will you please post a picture of yourself? I'm working on my Paint skills and I have just the photo to put your head on.

big nasty kcnut 01-14-2004 03:44 PM

well gretz is a guy who should see that kc defense was failing and that if he had half a brain he would be leading the charge to fire grob

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
I have just the photo to put your head on.

I think it would look better on a stake.

Oops, my weak attempt at humor has probably incited some loony to do violence. My bad.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I understand they were supposed to be 'parody' but putting a gun to someone's head is not funny.

Face it, there were hurt feelings :deevee: and angry people :fire: on the board who temporarily put their sense of common decency on the back burner while their emotions were running amok...

can't blame you for suffering from PMS or PTSD or whatever...Just don't expect people who aren't as angry or depressed as you to find holding a gun to someone's head to be funny.

I have to make jokes about guns. When I was seven years old, some people broke into our house. They were on drugs or something, and they beat us up and then they forced us to play Russian roulette with a revolver. I still remember that revolver, because it looked a lot like a toy one that I had at the time. My mom was first, and she lasted three shots, and then my dad went on the first one. The sweat was dripping down the side of his head when they held the gun up, because our hands were all tied behind our backs so they pulled the trigger for us. First shot - bad luck, I guess. My oldest brother Tom was next. He was kind of pudgy and they said that was why. Then it was Kenny. I don't really remember how many pulls of the trigger it took for them, because everything was going real fast for me by then. I guess by that time the neighbors had heard and called the police, because right as they put the gun to my head for the first pull, a bunch of police officers busted down the door. You would have thought that there would have been a shootout, but there wasn't. The bad people just dropped the gun and the police took them away while I sat there on the floor with my hands tied behind my back watching it all and not even thinking about leaving or moving. The funny thing was that no one said a word to me afterward. They just moved around and checked pulses and talked to themselves, and I just sat there, and I had a cold spot on the side of my head where the gun barrel had been. We had a gold shag carpet, and it turned orange, and I remember thinking that it was a really beautiful orange, almost an apricot when the light hit it. Well, my aunt and uncle picked me up, and I had a lot of trouble with guns after that - really freaked me out, even if it was just on TV - and finally the therapist took me to a hypnotist who trained me to think of guns as just being those old joke guns where, when you pulled the trigger, a little flag came out and said "BANG!" That's how I think about guns now - BANG! Not a bunch of drugged up hippies murdering everyone I loved while I was helpless to do anything about it. So I apologize if you all think I'm being light about this stuff, but it's a product of who I am.

As for the napalm stuff, remember that kid on the left side of that picture? Well, you should know that all of this stuff happened in 1970, and my Aunt Phuong and Uncle Tran lived in a small village in Vietnam at the time...

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
I have to make jokes about guns. When I was seven years old, some people broke into our house. They were on drugs or something, and they beat us up and then they forced us to play Russian roulette with a revolver. I still remember that revolver, because it looked a lot like a toy one that I had at the time. My mom was first, and she lasted three shots, and then my dad went on the first one. The sweat was dripping down the side of his head when they held the gun up, because our hands were all tied behind our backs so they pulled the trigger for us. First shot - bad luck, I guess. My oldest brother Tom was next. He was kind of pudgy and they said that was why. Then it was Kenny. I don't really remember how many pulls of the trigger it took for them, because everything was going real fast for me by then. I guess by that time the neighbors had heard and called the police, because right as they put the gun to my head for the first pull, a bunch of police officers busted down the door. You would have thought that there would have been a shootout, but there wasn't. The bad people just dropped the gun and the police took them away while I sat there on the floor with my hands tied behind my back watching it all and not even thinking about leaving or moving. The funny thing was that no one said a word to me afterward. They just moved around and checked pulses and talked to themselves, and I just sat there, and I had a cold spot on the side of my head where the gun barrel had been. We had a gold shag carpet, and it turned orange, and I remember thinking that it was a really beautiful orange, almost an apricot when the light hit it. Well, my aunt and uncle picked me up, and I had a lot of trouble with guns after that - really freaked me out, even if it was just on TV - and finally the therapist took me to a hypnotist who trained me to think of guns as just being those old joke guns where, when you pulled the trigger, a little flag came out and said "BANG!" That's how I think about guns now - BANG! Not a bunch of drugged up hippies murdering everyone I loved while I was helpless to do anything about it. So I apologize if you all think I'm being light about this stuff, but it's a product of who I am.

As for the napalm stuff, remember that kid on the left side of that picture? Well, you should know that all of this stuff happened in 1970, and my Aunt Phuong and Uncle Tran lived in a small village in Vietnam at the time...

That's the absolute funniest thing I've ever read on the Planet. I can't stop laughing. Even if it's true, it's funny as shit.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 03:51 PM

Yeah, I can laugh about it now, but it really messed me up back then.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
I never said the picture wasn't necessarily offensive. I just wondered how you could support a team who's fans are 1000 times worse than this because they've actually done physical harm to people over a FOOTBALL GAME. Me, you, and everyone else posts something stupid from time to time, it's just an internet message board.

I sure hope you aren't insinuating that there are people on this board that actually want to shoot Greg Robinson in the head. If that is the case, I've got some oceanfront property here in Indiana I can sell you.

I'm not 'insinuating' anything...

the vitriol regarding Greg Robinson on this board (especially visual) was more intense and angry than I've seen on any sports board. Obviously DV did not want this action to happen and obviously if he or his staff had seen those pictures they wouldn't be laughing either nor would Robinson be laughing if his kids saw them.

Yeah, some angry football fans hell bent on revenge might find them funny...I guess it took a 'special' person to find them humorous.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
We had a gold shag carpet, and it turned orange, and I remember thinking that it was a really beautiful orange, almost an apricot when the light hit it. who I am.


We can let you slide on your choice of BMW colors then...

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
Yeah, I can laugh about it now, but it really messed me up back then.

It's good to know you're not messed up now.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I'm not 'insinuating' anything...

the vitriol regarding Greg Robinson on this board (especially visual) was more intense and angry than I've seen on any sports board. Obviously DV did not want this action to happen and obviously if he or his staff had seen those pictures they wouldn't be laughing either nor would Robinson be laughing if his kids saw them.

Yeah, some angry football fans hell bent on revenge might find them funny...I guess it took a 'special' person to find them humorous.

Will you STFU already?

2bikemike 01-14-2004 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Show me where I equated their miserable failures to needing to be shot in the head or executed.

It's not being angry with Greg Robinson or being disrespectful to him. It's about the lengths of which the anger and disrespect got here and the move to justify it as a response to a loss and to excuse it as somehow normal.

So maybe you never equated it to being shot in the head or executed. Just pointing out the joy you take in others misery.

As far as those posted pictures, IMHO it is no different than some of those dark comedies that hollywood produces. I.E. "Pulp Fiction" any outrage over Quentin Tarantino from you?

Actually I expect that you will say there is. You appear to me to be someone who will always take the opposite side just so you can argue and bitch.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
Will you STFU already?

Tell people to stop asking questions... :p

Hopefully no one who visited the site visited the link to CP save they be introduced to the Planet the past twenty four hours and think this is where fans castrate or excecute team members.

Thank God, GR is gone and so the team will be perfect and no one here will have a damn thing to b*tch about or execute someone over. :thumb: :p

headsnap 01-14-2004 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise

We can let you slide on your choice of BMW colors then...

now it all makes since(planet spelling)! ROFL


Pennywise 01-14-2004 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
So maybe you never equated it to being shot in the head or executed. Just pointing out the joy you take in others misery.

As far as those posted pictures, IMHO it is no different than some of those dark comedies that hollywood produces. I.E. "Pulp Fiction" any outrage over Quentin Tarantino from you?

Actually I expect that you will say there is. You appear to me to be someone who will always take the opposite side just so you can argue and bitch.

Dude, your on a roll today.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
So maybe you never equated it to being shot in the head or executed. Just pointing out the joy you take in others misery.

As far as those posted pictures, IMHO it is no different than some of those dark comedies that hollywood produces. I.E. "Pulp Fiction" any outrage over Quentin Tarantino from you?

Actually I expect that you will say there is. You appear to me to be someone who will always take the opposite side just so you can argue and bitch.

I don't pay money to see those movies. It was on HBO and I sat through ten minutes of it before I walked out of the room. Never saw movie. And if you must know, I have huge issues with Hollywood glamorizing and trivializing torture and death of human beings...

I'm done with this issue unless people keep asking questions.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 04:01 PM

Hey, memyselfI, would you please take out the references to drugs and murder in your signature? I really don't appreciate them after what happened to me when I was seven.

tk13 01-14-2004 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I'm not 'insinuating' anything...

the vitriol regarding Greg Robinson on this board (especially visual) was more intense and angry than I've seen on any sports board. Obviously DV did not want this action to happen and obviously if he or his staff had seen those pictures they wouldn't be laughing either nor would Robinson be laughing if his kids saw them.

Yeah, some angry football fans hell bent on revenge might find them funny...I guess it took a 'special' person to find them humorous.

Revenge? What? I'm not saying that any of it's funny. You think that there are people on this board that want to kill Greg Robinson, which is absurd.

I also find it's bizarre that you're absolutely never happy with anything that goes on here. There are lots of things on the Internet that you, I, or anyone else would not want to be around, but yet you choose to stay here.

Bootlegged 01-14-2004 04:07 PM

What the hell is going on here?

Back to the subject at hand. I've been personally attacked. Headsnap has to. So we've decided to put all of the thousands of dollars we made off the firegreg site and establish

Please give what you can.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Tell people to stop asking questions... :p

Stop asking questions people.

JazzzLovr 01-14-2004 04:09 PM

You've got it all wrong. The picture was a brilliantly symbollic work of art. The gun represented Gunther Cunningham (Gunther=Gun, I know it's a stretch), whose arrival would bring an end to Greg Robinson's career in Kansas City and usher in a new era of joy and happiness for Chiefs fans everywhere.

*sniff* It was beautiful.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
Revenge? What? I'm not saying that any of it's funny. You think that there are people on this board that want to kill Greg Robinson, which is absurd.

No one is saying 'killing' him in person and for real but he was brutalized pretty extensively verbally and visually in a rhetorical sense.

Are you telling me that the public castration that occured on the guy since Sunday was born and bred of good vibes and not revenge and anger and hate? I'm sorry, I COMPLETELY misunderstood. Please forgive me.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr

You got anymore?

tk13 01-14-2004 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
Stop asking questions people.

No, I'm bored. This is mildly unentertaining. I still have yet to pull my "Well, I'm sure President Bush's kids wouldn't be laughing at some of the things you've said" card. I also have an UNO Draw Four Wild Card to play.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 04:10 PM

I'm really starting to get upset by those drugs and murder references, memyselfI. I've got a lot of feelings coming to the surface, and they were caused by this thread. I need them removed now, or I'm going to undo a lot of therapy. I can see the carpet again, and the gold turning to apricot. I didn't want to see it again, and it's back.

jeffrho68 01-14-2004 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Hopefully no one who visited the site visited the link to CP save they be introduced to the Planet the past twenty four hours and think this is where fans castrate or excecute team members.

:rolleyes: Give me a fuggin break....

Abba-Dabba 01-14-2004 04:12 PM

Advice for the day

Flies spread disease, so keep yours closed.

JazzzLovr 01-14-2004 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
You got anymore?

ROFL I'm not actually a Gunther homer, I'm just really enjoying being a smartass today. :D

Talisman 01-14-2004 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I don't pay money to see those movies. It was on HBO and I sat through ten minutes of it before I walked out of the room. Never saw movie. And if you must know, I have huge issues with Hollywood glamorizing and trivializing torture and death of human beings...

I'm done with this issue unless people keep asking questions.

When you go to the movies I understand leaving, but when you're watching it on HBO in your own home, you don't need to walk out of the room. You could always change the channel (pm me for instructions on how to do this).

Unless you were making some kind of stand and wanting to send a strong message to your dog about your hatred of violence.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
No, I'm bored. This is mildly unentertaining. I still have yet to pull my "Well, I'm sure President Bush's kids wouldn't be laughing at some of the things you've said" card. I also have an UNO Draw Four Wild Card to play.

I have not posted I want the guy dead or ways to excecute him. I have hoped for his political life to be very short...

the Photoshop picture had nothing to do with making a distinction between Greg Robinson the coach and his football life and Greg Robinson the human being and his life life. That is why photos like that are so dangerous.

tk13 01-14-2004 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
No one is saying 'killing' him in person and for real but he was brutalized pretty extensively verbally and visually in a rhetorical sense.

Are you telling me that the public castration that occured on the guy since Sunday was born and bred of good vibes and not revenge and anger and hate? I'm sorry, I COMPLETELY misunderstood. Please forgive me.

Now you're just being ridiculous. Hate's a strong word. I don't like to use the term hate... that's just me though. Sure there was some anger there, but I think revenge and hate are awfully strong words for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Talisman
When you go to the movies I understand leaving, but when you're watching it on HBO in your own home, you don't need to walk out of the room. You could always change the channel (pm me for instructions on how to do this).

Unless you were making some kind of stand and wanting to send a strong message to your dog about your hatred of violence.

My husband wanted to watch... :banghead:

FringeNC 01-14-2004 04:17 PM


There are many people celebrating Robinson’s departure, reveling in kicking a man when he’s down, laughing at the raw emotion he was willing to share on what was probably the worst day of his professional life. If you are one of those people, like the classless folks who started a web site to promote the firing of Robinson, please seek help. You believe the success of the team is more important to you, than the people who give their blood, sweat and tears each and every day to make it work. You are deranged and can not a hold a candle to a man like Robinson.
Gretz, get a clue. So we fans should "just lie back and enjoy it", to quote Bobby Knight and not make our opinion known? It is our fanaticism Gretz that pays your salary.

I didn't see anyone on this board laughing at Greg for crying. Sure, we were happy that he was fired, because we care about this franchise.

Radar Chief 01-14-2004 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
Revenge? What? I'm not saying that any of it's funny. You think that there are people on this board that want to kill Greg Robinson, which is absurd.

I also find it's bizarre that you're absolutely never happy with anything that goes on here. There are lots of things on the Internet that you, I, or anyone else would not want to be around, but yet you choose to stay here.

I just think that she has no personality other than biatching.
Probably the same no matter where she goes.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
Now you're just being ridiculous. Hate's a strong word. I don't like to use the term hate... that's just me though. Sure there was some anger there, but I think revenge and hate are awfully strong words for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

Well, I think putting up someone's photo with a gun to their head is awfully strong ACTIONS for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

The people posting that picture didn't do it out of love or forgiveness.

Talisman 01-14-2004 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Well, I think putting up someone's photo with a gun to their head is awfully strong ACTIONS for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

The people posting that picture didn't do it out of love or forgiveness.

You weren't paying attention to the photo. If you look at the size of Robinson's head compared to the person holding the gun, it's obvious that he was 3 or 4 feet behind the gunman. Robinson was just standing by as the gunman aimed at an object outside of the picture.

Once again, your perspective is warped. ;)

Talisman 01-14-2004 04:26 PM

I'm guessing Denise wouldn't have liked my "Robinson's head on a stake" avatar I was going to work on until he did the right thing.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
My husband wanted to watch... :banghead:

Those hippies just wanted to watch, too.

I can see their faces now. One was a white guy, and he had this long brown wavy hair and light blue eyes. He was the one who was pulling the trigger. There was a black guy with a big afro and sunglasses, and a brown leather jacket with a reddish shirt that was open at the collar. He never said a word the whole time. And the girl.

The girl was small and blonde, and her name was Julie. I know that because the white guy kept calling her that when he was talking. She was wearing a red top, and her hair was blonde, but it was also black. I don't know how to describe it. Pete, the white guy, called her when they started the shooting, and she came in wearing my mom's wedding ring. I'll never forget that as long as I live.

tk13 01-14-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260


2bikemike 01-14-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
My husband wanted to watch... :banghead:

So did you voice your dipleasure to his deranged tenancies. Or did you bitch to him about how classless and sick he is for watching? :hmmm:

I would bet you just logged on here to spout your tripe.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 04:41 PM

They did this weird thing, and it probably saved my life. Between shooting Tom and Kenny, they all sat down, and they had taken some Peanuts books from the bedroom I shared with Kenny, and they read them out loud. Pete, the white guy, read the male voices, and Julie, the girl, she read the female voices. The black guy - I think his name was Lincoln or something, but I never remembered that until now - he went in and made a sandwich in the kitchen and then came out and listened to them while Kenny and I were tied up.

They were reading one of the books where Lucy was a psychiatrist and Charlie Brown would tell her his worries, and then she would be mean to him and then charge him a nickel. The guy looked up at me and asked me if I had a nickel and I didn't, and he said that he would've let me go if I only had a nickel. She did a high voice for Charlie Brown's little sister, and they all laughed about it, and Lincoln was eating his sandwich and to this day I smell gunpowder when I see a loaf of Wonder bread.

Lbedrock1 01-14-2004 04:47 PM

An Act of Supreme Loyalty
1/14/2004 6:17 AM
There are many people celebrating Robinson’s departure, reveling in kicking a man when he’s down, laughing at the raw emotion he was willing to share on what was probably the worst day of his professional life. If you are one of those people, like the classless folks who started a web site to promote the firing of Robinson, please seek help. You believe the success of the team is more important to you, than the people who give their blood, sweat and tears each and every day to make it work. You are deranged and can not a hold a candle to a man like Robinson.

He has mistake real fans, who care about the team more than the individual, as classless folks. He is way off base. It is not like GROB is going to be hurting financially. I feel sorry for someone who will be struggling to support their family after they lose their job, but a D-Co who has made a good salary for doing a worse job than I would do, I just can bring myself to feel sorry he has lost his job. He will recover and I wish him the best. If I held a candle to GROB he would get me arrested for assault and they would then consider me deranged.

Mark M 01-14-2004 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi

Hopefully no one who visited the site visited the link to CP save they be introduced to the Planet the past twenty four hours and think this is where fans castrate or excecute team members.

Um ... what color is the sky in the world you live in?

You need to up your meds.


Dartgod 01-14-2004 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
You appear to me to be someone who will always take the opposite side just so you can argue and bitch.

*Ding, Ding*

We have a winner. Thank you for playing.

Mark M 01-14-2004 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
They did this weird thing, and it probably saved my life. Between shooting Tom and Kenny, they all sat down, and they had taken some Peanuts books from the bedroom I shared with Kenny, and they read them out loud. Pete, the white guy, read the male voices, and Julie, the girl, she read the female voices. The black guy - I think his name was Lincoln or something, but I never remembered that until now - he went in and made a sandwich in the kitchen and then came out and listened to them while Kenny and I were tied up.

They were reading one of the books where Lucy was a psychiatrist and Charlie Brown would tell her his worries, and then she would be mean to him and then charge him a nickel. The guy looked up at me and asked me if I had a nickel and I didn't, and he said that he would've let me go if I only had a nickel. She did a high voice for Charlie Brown's little sister, and they all laughed about it, and Lincoln was eating his sandwich and to this day I smell gunpowder when I see a loaf of Wonder bread.

You drank the special Kool-Aid, didn't ya?


JazzzLovr 01-14-2004 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
I would bet you just logged on here to spout your tripe.

Well, of course. Her husband learned to stop asking questions a long time ago.

2bikemike 01-14-2004 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr
Well, of course. Her husband learned to stop asking questions a long time ago.

:LOL: :clap: ROFL Rep!

2bikemike 01-14-2004 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
:LOL: :clap: ROFL Rep!

I guess you'll have to get your rep after I spread it around some first.

Whats up with that?

Talisman 01-14-2004 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by deRainged Man
The guy looked up at me and asked me if I had a nickel and I didn't, and he said that he would've let me go if I only had a nickel.

I believe this is how they got the idea for Monty Hall's "Let's Make a Deal."

Dartgod 01-14-2004 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
I guess you'll have to get your rep after I spread it around some first.

Whats up with that?

Yeah, I'm having the same problem. There's been several posts that I wanted to give her rep for. I'll start by giving you some rep.

Ultra Peanut 01-14-2004 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
They did this weird thing, and it probably saved my life. Between shooting Tom and Kenny, they all sat down, and they had taken some Peanuts books from the bedroom I shared with Kenny, and they read them out loud. Pete, the white guy, read the male voices, and Julie, the girl, she read the female voices. The black guy - I think his name was Lincoln or something, but I never remembered that until now - he went in and made a sandwich in the kitchen and then came out and listened to them while Kenny and I were tied up.

They were reading one of the books where Lucy was a psychiatrist and Charlie Brown would tell her his worries, and then she would be mean to him and then charge him a nickel. The guy looked up at me and asked me if I had a nickel and I didn't, and he said that he would've let me go if I only had a nickel. She did a high voice for Charlie Brown's little sister, and they all laughed about it, and Lincoln was eating his sandwich and to this day I smell gunpowder when I see a loaf of Wonder bread.

Oh. My. God.

:LOL: x 100000000000000000000!

stanleychief 01-14-2004 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
They did this weird thing, and it probably saved my life. Between shooting Tom and Kenny, they all sat down, and they had taken some Peanuts books from the bedroom I shared with Kenny, and they read them out loud. Pete, the white guy, read the male voices, and Julie, the girl, she read the female voices. The black guy - I think his name was Lincoln or something, but I never remembered that until now - he went in and made a sandwich in the kitchen and then came out and listened to them while Kenny and I were tied up.

They were reading one of the books where Lucy was a psychiatrist and Charlie Brown would tell her his worries, and then she would be mean to him and then charge him a nickel. The guy looked up at me and asked me if I had a nickel and I didn't, and he said that he would've let me go if I only had a nickel. She did a high voice for Charlie Brown's little sister, and they all laughed about it, and Lincoln was eating his sandwich and to this day I smell gunpowder when I see a loaf of Wonder bread.

You know.. with your writing talent and Talisman's artistic skills, I think you should look into making a children's book. I could see popups and even some polls being worked into the book.

You could call it something like: My day With the Deranged and Twisted Hippie Chief Fans

Baby Lee 01-14-2004 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
Those hippies just wanted to watch, too.

I can see their faces now. One was a white guy, and he had this long brown wavy hair and light blue eyes. He was the one who was pulling the trigger. There was a black guy with a big afro and sunglasses, and a brown leather jacket with a reddish shirt that was open at the collar. He never said a word the whole time. And the girl.

The girl was small and blonde, and her name was Julie. I know that because the white guy kept calling her that when he was talking. She was wearing a red top, and her hair was blonde, but it was also black. I don't know how to describe it. Pete, the white guy, called her when they started the shooting, and she came in wearing my mom's wedding ring. I'll never forget that as long as I live.

Those hippies went on to star in The Mod Squad. And to refresh your memory, he prefers Linc' to Lincoln.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 05:21 PM


Rain Man 01-14-2004 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Talisman
I believe this is how they got the idea for Monty Hall's "Let's Make a Deal."

You may be right, because after they killed Tom, they told me they were going to kill me next, but gave me the option to pick what they said was "Curtain Number 2." I didn't know what they meant, but I thought I had no choice, so I said, "Curtain Number 2." They laughed and said that Curtain Number 2 meant that they would kill Kenny first. I remember them pulling him over near the lava lamp and putting the gun to his head, and then the shooting. He slumped over, and I thought to myself, "Oh my god! They killed Kenny!"

big nasty kcnut 01-14-2004 05:50 PM

well denise you should know that most of the time the planet is a clam place but when your dc killed our chance at a superbowl we have the right to go crazy

davebutler 01-14-2004 06:07 PM

I'm sick and tired of listening to Bob Gretz who is no more than a cheerleader and mouth piece for the Kansas City Chiefs. He is certainly NOT a journalist, as his comments are always biased towards the Chiefs and his "job" is dependent upon having a good relationship with the Chiefs. Don't believe it? Ask Jason Whitlock about what happens when the professional sports teams you report on black list you.

Sure Gretz has it good - rubbing elbows with the players, with Carl Peterson (what's with the hair Carl???) and other A list people, and being invited to great parties, etc. Must be a lot of fun and an enviable position, but isn't your first duty, Mr. Gretz, to be impartial and report on the Chiefs?

Gretz is so biased that it is almost impossible to listen to him on the Fox. Just listening to him suck up to and kiss Carl P's rump makes me want to puke. Have you no pride Bob? How many times has Gretz cut off a caller in order to protect Carl or the organization from a difficult or embarassing question? More times than I can remember.

The latest back bending ^ss-kissing given by Gretz were the comments about the website. What happened to people's first amendment rights? Gretz's name calling was unwarranted.

Gretz was dramatic in his discussion of Robinson's firing and about what a great guy he and the franchise is. Geeze Bob, that's nice, let me shed a tear for another millionaire losing a job. I'm sure GR's benefits will eclipse what most people make in a lifetime. How does Gretz know GR wasn't asked to resign? Given his connection with DV, it would make sense. That way Vermeil wouldn't have to embarass a good friend by firing him.

I wish Gretz would have as much empathy for the hundreds or perhaps thousands of hard working people who have been laid off in the past couple of years by Sprint and other local companies.

I have a lot more empathy for those hard working people than an Asst. football coach who makes more money than the average person would know what to do with. GR will surely land on his feet, with or without Gretz's flowery comments. I'm not so sure about people who have lost their life savings after being laid off from local companies.

ExtremeChief 01-14-2004 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by davebutler
I'm sick and tired of listening to Bob Gretz who is no more than a cheerleader and mouth piece for the Kansas City Chiefs. He is certainly NOT a journalist, as his comments are always biased towards the Chiefs and his "job" is dependent upon having a good relationship with the Chiefs. Don't believe it? Ask Jason Whitlock about what happens when the professional sports teams you report on black list you.

Sure Gretz has it good - rubbing elbows with the players, with Carl Peterson (what's with the hair Carl???) and other A list people, and being invited to great parties, etc. Must be a lot of fun and an enviable position, but isn't your first duty, Mr. Gretz, to be impartial and report on the Chiefs?

Gretz is so biased that it is almost impossible to listen to him on the Fox. Just listening to him suck up to and kiss Carl P's rump makes me want to puke. Have you no pride Bob? How many times has Gretz cut off a caller in order to protect Carl or the organization from a difficult or embarassing question? More times than I can remember.

The latest back bending ^ss-kissing given by Gretz were the comments about the website. What happened to people's first amendment rights? Gretz's name calling was unwarranted.

Gretz was dramatic in his discussion of Robinson's firing and about what a great guy he and the franchise is. Geeze Bob, that's nice, let me shed a tear for another millionaire losing a job. I'm sure GR's benefits will eclipse what most people make in a lifetime. How does Gretz know GR wasn't asked to resign? Given his connection with DV, it would make sense. That way Vermeil wouldn't have to embarass a good friend by firing him.

I wish Gretz would have as much empathy for the hundreds or perhaps thousands of hard working people who have been laid off in the past couple of years by Sprint and other local companies.

I have a lot more empathy for those hard working people than an Asst. football coach who makes more money than the average person would know what to do with. GR will surely land on his feet, with or without Gretz's flowery comments. I'm not so sure about people who have lost their life savings after being laid off from local companies.

I must say that is an excellent 1st post.

jettio 01-14-2004 06:37 PM

Never liked Gretz, but if his use of two negative words to describe a group of people leads to a 200+ post thread, that seems to indicate that people can be awful sensitive to criticism.

People who dedicate time, effort, and money for the primary purpose of criticizing somebody, need to be able to accept a little criticism directed towards them.

Seems like some folks delight in letting us know that they are willing to take the low road.

Quite Frankly, if you brag about taking the low road, no need to get all worked-up about somebody saying that you took the low road.

It is remarkable that somebody went through the trouble of starting a website with that title. If you want to do something remarkable, expect a few remarks.

Phobia 01-14-2004 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
My husband wanted to watch... :banghead:

Now.... I don't believe for a second you're married to any seeing and hearing man. You might be married to Hank Keller, but I even doubt that.

Frazod 01-14-2004 07:09 PM

Move over, Whitlock. There's a new biggest jackass in the KC sports media.

fuck you, Gretz! 4321

KCWolfman 01-14-2004 07:20 PM

If one knows he has hamburger and attempts to make Chatueau Briande out of it for 3 consecutive years, then that person is a foolish cook. Blaming the ingredients for your own failures is just assinine.

KCWolfman 01-14-2004 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I don't pay money to see those movies. It was on HBO and I sat through ten minutes of it before I walked out of the room. Never saw movie. And if you must know, I have huge issues with Hollywood glamorizing and trivializing torture and death of human beings...

I'm done with this issue unless people keep asking questions.

The smart thing to do would be to not pay for cable - especially premium channels that glorify sex and violence. If you are paying for Pulp Fiction, then you are part of your so-called problem.

The Bad Guy 01-14-2004 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by jettio
Never liked Gretz, but if his use of two negative words to describe a group of people leads to a 200+ post thread, that seems to indicate that people can be awful sensitive to criticism.

People who dedicate time, effort, and money for the primary purpose of criticizing somebody, need to be able to accept a little criticism directed towards them.

Seems like some folks delight in letting us know that they are willing to take the low road.

Quite Frankly, if you brag about taking the low road, no need to get all worked-up about somebody saying that you took the low road.

It is remarkable that somebody went through the trouble of starting a website with that title. If you want to do something remarkable, expect a few remarks.

How is making a website to get a failing DC fired taking the low road?

I found it pretty remarkable that you kissed Taco John's ass so much in his departure.

People can accept criticism. But when you say someone is 'deranged' and needs professional help because they want to see a change in this team then you're going a little bit too far.

That's not "just a little criticism". That's a heavy personal attack that Gretz just flug around like it was one of his 4 chins.

FringeNC 01-14-2004 07:36 PM


People can accept criticism. But when you say someone is 'deranged' and needs professional help because they want to see a change in this team then you're going a little bit too far.
Exactly. Gretz's owes Chiefs' fans an apology. In fact, his quotes should be put up on the the GR web site. How dare Gretz go off on Chiefs fans for simply trying to voice their opinions? How is saying GR should have been fired a bad thing?

The Bad Guy 01-14-2004 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by FringeNC
Exactly. Gretz's owes Chiefs' fans an apology. In fact, his quotes should be put up on the the GR web site. How dare Gretz go off on Chiefs fans for simply trying to voice their opinions? How is saying GR should have been fired a bad thing?

Go to the site. They were put up.

FringeNC 01-14-2004 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Bad Guy
Go to the site. They were put up.

Thanks! I guess I haven't been keeping up with the thing as much I should. That was a great letter. I'm glad I am not the only one who things Gretz owes Chiefs' fans an apology.

Bwana 01-14-2004 07:54 PM

Gretz is a complete tool. Hey Gretz, go have sex with yourself. :shake:

jettio 01-14-2004 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by The Bad Guy
How is making a website to get a failing DC fired taking the low road?

I found it pretty remarkable that you kissed Taco John's ass so much in his departure.

People can accept criticism. But when you say someone is 'deranged' and needs professional help because they want to see a change in this team then you're going a little bit too far.

That's not "just a little criticism". That's a heavy personal attack that Gretz just flug around like it was one of his 4 chins.

:bong: Crack pipe down. :bong:

The Bad Guy 01-14-2004 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by jettio
:bong: Crack pipe down. :bong:

Good response.

Were you ever able to get your nose removed from Taco's ass?

headsnap 01-14-2004 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by jettio
:bong: Crack pipe down. :bong:

the "attacks" on GR on the site were quite a bit milder than "classless," "deranged," and "needs professional help."

whoman69 01-14-2004 08:38 PM

Vermeil said that the NFL is even more cutthroat than the real world. Shows how out of touch with reality that he is. At my job, I hear of someone getting fired almost weekly. You don't perform, you get canned.

Gretz needs to wake up and look at the bigger picture. The fans of KC deserve to expect a SB. We have waited over 30 years to get back to what looked like in the days of the AFL, a regular Chiefs occurence. Vermeil had been making statements such as, the unnamed one will be here as long as Vermeil is the coach, the coaching staff will return next year. It was our responsibility to remind vermeil of his responsibility to his fans. He would have zero problem with cutting a player that was not performing. How many were cut last March? Did he give them a eulogy like he did for the unnamed one.

Yes, I visited the and put in my two cents. I cheered when I heard the news. I thought it was classy that the unnamed one offered to pack his bags. I think had he not done so, then we would be once again talking next November about how the unnamed one's defense is stopping our persuit of the big prize. I regret nothing. I revel in the fact that it may have made a difference. The announcement that Vermeil was coming back was not quite as thrilling to me as the announcement that the unnamed one would not.

Iowanian 01-14-2004 09:01 PM

I only wish I'd thought of the Gunther Hiring fiasco....Firing Gunther over the internet, but being irritated that the same tool, was used by the same fan base to ask for the same outcome.

I've searched the best of my ability to find a Bob Gretz article bemoning the mistreatment of Gunther....who actually DID make an opponent punt once in a while.

Thanks Frank for making an excellent point on the "other site".

jettio 01-14-2004 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Bad Guy
Good response.

Were you ever able to get your nose removed from Taco's ass?

Life sentence to ignore list. reerun.

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 09:22 PM

Just read the letter, Frank. Well said.

FringeNC 01-14-2004 09:23 PM


What was missing was a defensive mind-set that’s absolutely imperative to success in the NFL. Yes, football today is more complicated than it was years ago. Defenses must react to offenses, they must take part in the chess game.

But they must do it with an attitude that was seldom evident around the Chiefs defense. It was never there in 2002, showed itself early in 2003, but then disappeared, returning just briefly for the Chicago game. For that, the players, Robinson, the defensive staff and Vermeil must share the blame.
Didn't notice this tidbit of idiocy first time I read his column. Ever think that this attitude was a function of the success or lack thereof the team was having on the field, instead of vice versa? When we played teams with poor offensive lines, the front four could dominate to such a degree that it didn't matter that the rest of the poorly-coached D was running around clueless.

The Bad Guy 01-14-2004 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by jettio
Life sentence to ignore list. reerun.

God, no not that.

What will I do without Taco's love child reading my posts?

jettio 01-14-2004 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by headsnap
the "attacks" on GR on the site were quite a bit milder than "classless," "deranged," and "needs professional help."

I don't think you ought to take that to heart or anything.

Seems that the title of the website was intended to be provocative and that is because it implies dedicated dislike to an individual.

I did not bother to check out the website. But I don't think you should be surprised that some people would take offense at the title, and that there would be criticism of it.

I don't like Gretz because he does similar scapegoat crap during a broadcast. If an unpopular Chiefs player is near a bad play or penalty he busts in on the play-by-play to cryptically utter the unpopular player's name, and more than a few times, he did not even see the play, and ends up being wrong about what happened.

No hard feelings. And I would not like being called classless, but deranged, or needs professional help ain't so bad if you ask me. :hmmm:

jettio 01-14-2004 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260

Yeah, what were you thinking 'snap? You should have made it, or, or, or maybe

Hm... that last one may not be any better.

I think a name that indicted the entire defense would be less offensive to people.


2bikemike 01-14-2004 09:43 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Anybody else think Gretz is Buddy Hacketts love child?

2bikemike 01-14-2004 09:45 PM

Grrrrrrrr. :banghead: How come the pictures aren't visible and show up as links?

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