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Unless there has been a second culling, it is canon. EDIT: The paperback was just released March 1. http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Disciple-...1809042&sr=8-1 |
Dude, this has been discussed already. Every book released after April 2014 is canon. Regardless of you want to believe, this book is canon. As are many other books. Every book after A New Dawn is part of the new canon. Clone Wars is part of the new canon. Dark Disciple is both a Clone Wars adaptation and was released after A New Dawn.
I think that like DC and Marvel, LucasFilm will retcon any character they want.
The book is not Legends, it is canon. If they bring her back from the dead, I guarantee it will be some magical/mystical bullshit. She will still have died. The book is still canon. Say it with me... ...the book is canon. |
Additionally, how many "universes" exist for Star Wars. The MCU is universe Earth-199999. The main comics universe is Earth-616. Whenever the want to do something new, they just spin up a new Universe. Star Wars is nothing like the MCU or DCEU. IF it goes that way in the future, I would be extremely disappointed. I haven't seen an example of them doing this yet, but I hope they don't. |
"Darth Bane is canon". |
I'm not saying that either could or should happen, just that it's a possibility. |
For The Phantom Menace, the character was designed by concept designer Iain McCaig, who felt that designing a new Star Wars villain was a daunting task. He recalled George Lucas describing Maul as "a figure from your worst nightmare," so McCaig thought about his worst nightmares and then used those to design an initial look for the character. McCaig described his worst nightmare as a lifeless face pressed against a window in a thunderstorm, a dead yet alive figure who stares at him through the rain. McCaig used that as the first design, adding metal teeth and blood-red ribbons falling on it rather than rain. Lucas apparently felt it was too intense, saying "Okay. Now draw me your second worst nightmare..." http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth...ingSithLord-23 |
Darth Maul if Lucas had done Star Wars Episode I: Hellraiser
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8k_2tBmDXm...s1600/sith.jpg |
New behind the scenes images posted by Rian Johnson to Tumblr
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ChJ8lOIU0AAeWKp.jpg:large |
"I can’t believe we’re halfway through the shoot. (We’re halfway through the shoot!)"
-Rian Johnson |
Looks like the Mr. Miyagi "Wax On, Wax Off" lessons are universal. I kid, I kid. Some awesome pics Dane, keep 'em coming. |
Here is something interesting from the Bloodline review
"Bloodlines is set 5 to 6 years before TFA" "Ben is 23 years old in Bloodline and absent through the whole book - training with Luke. (So my guess is that he didn’t turn to the Dark side and joined The First Order until after this age, meaning that I don’t think he really has a mind of a child like many claims)." Per Pablo Hildago - Kylo is 29-30, Rey is 19 in TFA. All that can be found concerning the characters. The next part is my question. So if Rey is 19 in TFA then in Bloodlines she would be 13 or 14 ( 5 or 6 year difference) That seems like a very large age difference from the "forceback" which showed her getting dropped off on Jakku at like 5 or 6 years old. Why I am bringing this up is that if the forceback is to be believed then Rey was not part of the Padawans under Luke's training since Kylo had not turned to the Dark Side as of yet according to the Bloodlines book. Rey was already dropped on Jakku and has been there for at least 7 to 8 years at the beginning of Bloodlines. The new book doesn't mention Rey or many other main TFA characters but I am just guessing at that information. So am I completely off on this or have I dived to far into the Geeky deep end of the pool? |
The Millennium Falcon on Ach-To
Sweet pics.
It makes me chuckle watching Dane gobble up every morsel of info for VIII and Rogue One after taking a Vow of No Spoilers for VII, lol.
:D |
I'm all in |
Please god no reincarnation of the chosen one.
Suck-suck-suck! |
Star Wars Episode VIII SPOILERS thread
Holy shit that's perfect!!!! ROFL |
Another photo of the Falcon docked at the bottom of the First Temple's steps
http://www.cheatsheet.com/wp-content...1.18.46-AM.jpg |
Awesome stuff Dane!
Rep for posting! |
How cool would it be to be on that boat shooting a Star Wars movie?
Tom Hardy Confirmed For Episode VIII Breaking news from the Star Wars set has revealed that handsy Hardy will be getting a bit too overfamiliar with John Boyega’s bottom. The latest news is that Tom Hardy will be playing a First Order stormtrooper in the currently untitled Star Wars: Episode VIII, which comes out Christmas 2017. Hardy’s cameo will involve recognising John Boyega’s Finn as stormtrooper FN-2187, from before his mutiny against the Dark Side in The Force Awakens. Finn, will get quite the surprise as Hardy slaps him on the behind, completely unaware that he’s been spotted. Thinking’s he been captured, Finn actually finds Hardy’s stormtrooper just remembers him from the First Order’s training days, and wants to catch up with his old friend. Hardy then congratulates Finn on his apparent promotion as a Resistance Infiltrator, when actually he’s on their side. |
I love Tom Hardy.
Dane, keep us posted on new books as they come. If not here, then in one of the other threads. I got my copy of Bloodline last night! |
Did you get the canon version?
Dick. |
Cast members arrive in Ireland. Curious to see Adam Driver among them...
http://cdn-04.belfasttelegraph.co.uk...starrive_2.jpg |
Why is it curious to see Driver there? Part of a flashback scene? Or, maybe he knows where the first Jedi temple is and that he would take Rey there....
And Daisey Ridley is just so hot. So freaking hot. Just in case nobody has noticed yet.
http://justpinthis.com/wp-content/up...7956-thumb.gif |
Anyway, it's "curious" because when we last saw Luke and Rey, they were on Ach-To, the First Jedi Temple. From all of the leaks and training videos, it appears that Luke is training Rey. Only Rey and a few Resistance members saw Luke's location so how did Kylo Ren find them? Does he torture or kill his mother? Why is he on Ach-To and will he confront both Luke & Rey and if so, how could he possibly defeat one or either? She could have easily killed Ren and I'm fairly certain that Luke could Force push him into the ocean and drown him if he so wanted. Curious. |
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://belfasttelegraph.bbvms.com/p/twocol_article/c/2593631.js?width=320&height=240"></script>
B) Showdown at the Temple incoming. |
The OP says 2017, I thought this movie comes out this year?
Rogue One is this year, VIII is next.
http://slightlywarped.com/wp-content...03/fzWKj3k.gif |
Okay, this is ****ING HUGE. Read at your own risk.
I'll repeat again: This is ****ing HUGE read at your own risk.
Now we know why Kylo Ren arrived in Ireland this week... ------------ Luke Skywalker and Rey are on Ahch-To just before nightfall as the sun sets in the background and it starts to rain. Rey’s hair is pulled back. She doesn’t have the vest from VII on. Luke and Rey are wearing the costumes as described before. Kylo Ren and The Knights of Ren turn up along the coast. Kylo Ren continues advancing towards the heroes with the Knights of Ren. Kylo does not wear the mask here. Kylo has the same cross guard saber as he did in VII. Kylo’s costume looked the same as in VII. Rey and Kylo Ren duel one-on-one and end up fighting alongside the cliff face over looking the nighttime water. Kylo wants his revenge after Rey disgraced him. The Knights of Ren go for Luke Skywalker while Rey is left for Kylo. Luke Skywalker engages the knights on the beach while Kylo attempts to kill Rey. The first black knight has an axe and moves towards the Luke but is Force pushed away to his death after being thrown through the air. After Luke dispatches the first knight he ignites his green lightsaber. Luke moves through each knight one by one. Rey and Kylo’s battle moves up to the side of a cliff. Suddenly Rey is nowhere to be seen. She’s taken out of the battle, either wounded or appears to go over the side of the cliff. Luke Skywalker casually walks towards Kylo to finish him but Kylo retreats when he sees Skywalker and his crew defeated. Luke Skywalker is a badass Jedi and he’ll destroy your squad. ------------- One source commented: Luke Skywalker fights the Knights of Ren using the Force and then his sword, a mixture of wizard and warrior. While we can confirm that Luke does use his lightsaber, we think we can confirm the color too; the lightsaber was green for the light-rod on set. So it appears Luke still has his Return of the Jedi saber after all these years. There were also white flashing effects used in the battle. Lots of wire work was observed as well. |
I figured Luke would be immensely powerful at this stage, like moving mountains-powerful.
Let's if his technique has improved. |
There are rumors that he's been consulting with Yoda over the years, who will likely make an appearance. I think that it's more likely than not that Luke is the most powerful Jedi, ever. |
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