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Gonzo 12-10-2015 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 11942409)
its not really cops and robbers at all. Its more like Special forces vs terrorists who are special forces. Its not even close to the standard fps multiplayer either. That would be games like, Halo, Cod, CS:GO. Seige is way more tacticle as every player has a special skill Its more like going in and trying to extract the hostage or going in and disabling the bomb.

Its way more tactical then your average FPS game. If you try to just run in like you are playing CoD, you will get owned so fast i dont care how good you are. There are ****ing booby traps all over proximity explosives you have to either shoot or disable.

Team A in house/building. Sets mines and door traps.
Team B goes in. Uses special glow in the dark people locators and remote control cars with cameras.
(Stuff taken from Evolve, Cod and Battlefield)
No single player, just like Battlefront.
Day 1 DLC and a pay to win mechanic.

My biggest bitch is that it could've been more. The older Rainbow games were so good with the single player campaign and it makes me feel short changed.
It's more of the same.
Oh, and you've gotta love how half the noobs go all "Leroy Jenkins" and get smacked in ten seconds by a frag mine.

NewChief 12-10-2015 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by BryanBusby (Post 11937345)
Do you have a WiiU and like RPG's? Do yourself a favor and buy Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Don't own a WiiU? Wait for the next system to come out, leading to a WiiU price drop. After that, get a WiiU and Xenoblade.

On the fence? Grab an .iso of the the first Xenoblade game and a Wii emulator.

The first RPG I've enjoyed since the last Xenoblade game, and is a long winded sequal from Xenogears.

I'll probably get this after price drop. Looks like my kind of game.

I'm currently playing through ZombiU for the first time. I don't really game much (maybe an hour at night). I also suck, so this will probably take me forever to finish it. Since gaming isn't a huge deal to me, I'm pretty stingy on what I'll spend for my personal gameplay, which is awesome because I can pick up great games for less than $20. I'm looking for good games I should play on the WiiU. Keep in mind, I haven't played ANY other consoles, so obvious game franchises that everyone else loves and that have been ported to the WiiU are completely new to me (Assassin's Creed, Deus Ex, etc..).

Currently considering Arkham Knight and ME3 (never played a Mass Effect before). I like RPG type stuff, so I'm leaning toward ME3.


Perineum Ripper 12-10-2015 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11942356)
Played the Beta but it might as well be the finished product. Yawn-city. Basic FPS that has the in game purchases and rank up bull shit. It's the same as everything else except it has a cops v robbers feel. No campaign to speak of (again) so multiplayer only.

Well then I'm out..I like playing online a lot but most days I like working through a campaign

kcxiv 12-11-2015 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11942520)
Team A in house/building. Sets mines and door traps.
Team B goes in. Uses special glow in the dark people locators and remote control cars with cameras.
(Stuff taken from Evolve, Cod and Battlefield)
No single player, just like Battlefront.
Day 1 DLC and a pay to win mechanic.

My biggest bitch is that it could've been more. The older Rainbow games were so good with the single player campaign and it makes me feel short changed.
It's more of the same.
Oh, and you've gotta love how half the noobs go all "Leroy Jenkins" and get smacked in ten seconds by a frag mine.

alot of these games are. Moving away from single player campaigns. They are following in the cs:go model. The most played fps in The world. These are meant for competitive gaming.

Also haven't really ran into the Leroy jenkins type of player. I bought the pc version. 35 bucks at g2a.

Simply Red 12-11-2015 08:33 AM

I'm playing The Dying Light now.

Mother****erJones 12-11-2015 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 11944507)
I'm playing The Dying Light now.

Fantastic! Let me know how you like it

Gonzo 12-11-2015 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 11944507)
I'm playing The Dying Light now.

That's a decent game. Graphics are good. Cliche' as hell but man, when the sun goes down? Watch your ass.

Dayze 12-11-2015 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11944599)
That's a decent game. Graphics are good. Cliche' as hell but man, when the sun goes down? Watch your ass.

good advice for when visiting Detroit as well.

Gonzo 12-14-2015 10:40 PM

Game Review - Star Wars Battlefront
A long time ago in a Game Stop far far away...

I had the 'privilege' of putting some hours into this beautiful first person shooter recently. The latest offering from EA is one for the books. This game is a bit different from other Star Wars submissions. Different how you ask?
Well, I'm about to tell you.

Let's start with the awesome campaign. You start out as either a low ranking rebel or alliance soldier and work your way up via a normal ranking system. You play on worlds like Tatooine, Endor, Hoth etc. and you face challenges in an open world style like Witcher 3 or Fallout and you collect items to craft weapons, armor, light sabers and vehicle upgrades.
Oh wait, I'm sorry. I got confused and thought I was reviewing a game where developers put in some damned effort.
Let me try this again.
The Battlefront 1 player campaign is... Nothing. Not a damned thing. That's right online multiplayer only.
Ok, so let's discuss that.
It's gorgeous. The music and atmosphere is wonderful... For all of the maps. This would be very impressive if there were more than just a handful of them. You get the wonderful experience of playing the same maps over and over and over again.
That's ok though because if you decide to pay 100 bucks, you'll eventually get more maps AND you'll get the best weapon in the game, a one-shot blaster. Pay to win is awesome, ain't it?
So let's get this straight... You pay the normal 60 bucks for a AAA game and you'll be able to play four to six maps and enjoy the huge battlefield - type cluster**** of campers and the asshats that pay to win.
So now you say, "hey Gonzo, you shit... You get to play as Boba Fett or Luke or Darth and that's awesome!"
No, it isn't. It's boring. Yeah, for you die-hard fans I guess it would be kinda cool to do that for about the first four hours. But after playing the same shit over and over again? It's definitely not worth the asking "prices."
All this was is a re-skinned COD, HALO and Battlefield clone. It's beautiful, polished, runs great and intense but it's nothing new.
What coulda been...
If you are really a huge fan of Star Wars, pick this up on sale.
If you're not, skip it.

Score: 4 out of 10. A below average effort from a below average company.

Mecca 12-16-2015 01:52 PM

If anyone finds a deal out there, both my ps plus and xboxlive expire next month so let me know if you find any deals, thanks.

Rasputin 12-17-2015 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 11944544)
Fantastic! Let me know how you like it

I'm still playing it and love it. Get flustrated at times but it gets intense. Lots of zombies to kill and the bad guys in the game that keep you on your toes.

A Salt Weapon 12-17-2015 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11954760)
A long time ago in a Game Stop far far away...

I had the 'privilege' of putting some hours into this beautiful first person shooter recently. The latest offering from EA is one for the books. This game is a bit different from other Star Wars submissions. Different how you ask?
Well, I'm about to tell you.

Let's start with the awesome campaign. You start out as either a low ranking rebel or alliance soldier and work your way up via a normal ranking system. You play on worlds like Tatooine, Endor, Hoth etc. and you face challenges in an open world style like Witcher 3 or Fallout and you collect items to craft weapons, armor, light sabers and vehicle upgrades.
Oh wait, I'm sorry. I got confused and thought I was reviewing a game where developers put in some damned effort.
Let me try this again.
The Battlefront 1 player campaign is... Nothing. Not a damned thing. That's right online multiplayer only.
Ok, so let's discuss that.
It's gorgeous. The music and atmosphere is wonderful... For all of the maps. This would be very impressive if there were more than just a handful of them. You get the wonderful experience of playing the same maps over and over and over again.
That's ok though because if you decide to pay 100 bucks, you'll eventually get more maps AND you'll get the best weapon in the game, a one-shot blaster. Pay to win is awesome, ain't it?
So let's get this straight... You pay the normal 60 bucks for a AAA game and you'll be able to play four to six maps and enjoy the huge battlefield - type cluster**** of campers and the asshats that pay to win.
So now you say, "hey Gonzo, you shit... You get to play as Boba Fett or Luke or Darth and that's awesome!"
No, it isn't. It's boring. Yeah, for you die-hard fans I guess it would be kinda cool to do that for about the first four hours. But after playing the same shit over and over again? It's definitely not worth the asking "prices."
All this was is a re-skinned COD, HALO and Battlefield clone. It's beautiful, polished, runs great and intense but it's nothing new.
What coulda been...
If you are really a huge fan of Star Wars, pick this up on sale.
If you're not, skip it.

Score: 4 out of 10. A below average effort from a below average company.

I'm so upset about this game. The kids (6 and 4) were amazed at the previews on TV, and while too young to play, I thought they would enjoy watching it. No single player whatsoever besides a couple half ass training missions. Ridiculous, what a waste of what could have been something amazing.
**** EA

Gonzo 12-18-2015 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by A Salt Weapon (Post 11960481)
I'm so upset about this game. The kids (6 and 4) were amazed at the previews on TV, and while too young to play, I thought they would enjoy watching it. No single player whatsoever besides a couple half ass training missions. Ridiculous, what a waste of what could have been something amazing.
**** EA

Coulda, woulda, shoulda... What could've been on that one. It had all the potential in the world but what they did with it is a travesty. It's battlefield re-skinned without the campaign.

Gonzo 12-18-2015 01:24 AM

Game Review - Rainbow Six: Siege
Well shit guys, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'll admit it right away when that happens and it's happened here.
Gotta say, post patch? I'm impressed.

Here we go...

Rainbow Six: Siege is something else for a multiplayer only AAA game. Ubisoft has actually taken a mighty swing at CS:GO and the COD Communities with this one and here's how:
Co-Op Strategy. For once in our lives, a major dev company has said "enough is enough with the balls out one for all bullshit." They've developed a game where cooperative play and teamwork is crucial. If you don't have an open line of communication with the other four teammates, you have a very low chance of success with each match.
The matches can go quick or exceedingly slow. It depends on your teammates skill levels. You can upgrade like most multiplayer games but what's different here is that for each match you need to be able to decide what weapons and skills you will need to choose from. There's a character that is better at recon, one good at combat, one for explosives etc.
Five players go into a domicile and try to achieve a goal while five others try to infiltrate. The players inside can fortify their stronghold in three dimensions. Walls, floor or ceiling. The infiltrators can blow up said walls, floors or ceilings by planting charges and blowing through them.
There's a lot to this game but unfortunately no campaign for single player. I have to say I was a bit disappointed in that aspect but games seem to be going further and further towards excluding single player. That's fine if they want to do so, however I wish they'd charge a bit less than most AAA games when they do so. It doesn't make much sense asking more for less but as long as the market allows it, you can't blame them. Therefore I've got to reccomend not purchasing this one until a massive price drop comes in.

This game could seriously make a push towards the other "e-sports" community games like CS:Go and COD but it'll need a big push pretty soon to do so.

I'm going to score this at a solid 7. Pick it up on sale. Hopefully Ubisoft will keep some dedicated servers and not abandon this game a few months down the line.

Sandy Vagina 12-18-2015 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11911309)
Fallout 4 go on long hikes just to see what is over the next ridge.

It's an awesome game with some technical issues. That aside, go pick this up for Xmas. You'll love it.

Final score: 8.5 out of 10.

Really enjoying these game reports.

Is the FO4 world as expansive as the games of recent past?
Are the variety of weapons and armor/outfits plentiful?
Lots of vendor locations?
Still able to have a follower?

kcxiv 12-18-2015 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11960812)
Well shit guys, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'll admit it right away when that happens and it's happened here.
Gotta say, post patch? I'm impressed.

Here we go...

Rainbow Six: Siege is something else for a multiplayer only AAA game. Ubisoft has actually taken a mighty swing at CS:GO and the COD Communities with this one and here's how:
Co-Op Strategy. For once in our lives, a major dev company has said "enough is enough with the balls out one for all bullshit." They've developed a game where cooperative play and teamwork is crucial. If you don't have an open line of communication with the other four teammates, you have a very low chance of success with each match.
The matches can go quick or exceedingly slow. It depends on your teammates skill levels. You can upgrade like most multiplayer games but what's different here is that for each match you need to be able to decide what weapons and skills you will need to choose from. There's a character that is better at recon, one good at combat, one for explosives etc.
Five players go into a domicile and try to achieve a goal while five others try to infiltrate. The players inside can fortify their stronghold in three dimensions. Walls, floor or ceiling. The infiltrators can blow up said walls, floors or ceilings by planting charges and blowing through them.
There's a lot to this game but unfortunately no campaign for single player. I have to say I was a bit disappointed in that aspect but games seem to be going further and further towards excluding single player. That's fine if they want to do so, however I wish they'd charge a bit less than most AAA games when they do so. It doesn't make much sense asking more for less but as long as the market allows it, you can't blame them. Therefore I've got to reccomend not purchasing this one until a massive price drop comes in.

This game could seriously make a push towards the other "e-sports" community games like CS:Go and COD but it'll need a big push pretty soon to do so.

I'm going to score this at a solid 7. Pick it up on sale. Hopefully Ubisoft will keep some dedicated servers and not abandon this game a few months down the line.

Got this game for 35 bucks on G2A afew days after launc. This game is fun. I haven'tplayed with any douchebags or squeekers yet.

Gonzo 12-18-2015 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sandy Cheeks (Post 11960888)
Really enjoying these game reports.

Is the FO4 world as expansive as the games of recent past?
Are the variety of weapons and armor/outfits plentiful?
Lots of vendor locations?
Still able to have a follower?

Yes to all of these except the world size is t quite as big. However, there's a lot to discover. They put a shit ton into this one.

The X0-1 armor is pretty sweet when you upgrade and customize it. Jet packs, targeting huds etc.

Weapon modification is plentiful as well and the settlement building op is really addictive.

Sandy Vagina 12-18-2015 08:57 AM

Cool.. thanks, Gonzo.

I know that I would buy it eventually anyway. Bought an XB1 a month or two ago, and have yet to give up the XBOX360 mulitplayer for ME3 yet. That, and I am unmotivated to buy games that I won't get to for a while.

I have Halo 5, but have not played it yet. Have not seen much discussed for it. Any opinions on the singleplayer and multi?

Blankey 12-18-2015 01:35 PM

Post your GotY lists dammit

I'd write a blurb about each one but I'm lazy.
1. Rocket League (I'm not even a huge soccer fan but every time I play it I have fun, even when I lose. It really gives you the tactile feeling of driving RC cars around a stadium and hitting a ball around)
2. Witcher 3
3. Fallout 4
4. Kerbal Space Program (1.0 released this year)
5. Cities Skylines
6. Life is Strange
7. Outside the Park Baseball 2016 (Go Royals)
8. Prison Architect (same as KSP)
9. Dying Light
10. MGSV (Has very solid gameplay, but last chapter left a bad taste in my mouth)

Games not released this year that I played a lot of:
Diablo 3
Rocksmith 2014

Games I wish I could have played but don't own a console:
Mario Maker
Bloodborne (would probably be my #1 since I love the Souls games)

hometeam 12-18-2015 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11960812)
Well shit guys, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'll admit it right away when that happens and it's happened here.
Gotta say, post patch? I'm impressed.

Here we go...

Rainbow Six: Siege is something else for a multiplayer only AAA game. Ubisoft has actually taken a mighty swing at CS:GO and the COD Communities with this one and here's how:
Co-Op Strategy. For once in our lives, a major dev company has said "enough is enough with the balls out one for all bullshit." They've developed a game where cooperative play and teamwork is crucial. If you don't have an open line of communication with the other four teammates, you have a very low chance of success with each match.
The matches can go quick or exceedingly slow. It depends on your teammates skill levels. You can upgrade like most multiplayer games but what's different here is that for each match you need to be able to decide what weapons and skills you will need to choose from. There's a character that is better at recon, one good at combat, one for explosives etc.
Five players go into a domicile and try to achieve a goal while five others try to infiltrate. The players inside can fortify their stronghold in three dimensions. Walls, floor or ceiling. The infiltrators can blow up said walls, floors or ceilings by planting charges and blowing through them.
There's a lot to this game but unfortunately no campaign for single player. I have to say I was a bit disappointed in that aspect but games seem to be going further and further towards excluding single player. That's fine if they want to do so, however I wish they'd charge a bit less than most AAA games when they do so. It doesn't make much sense asking more for less but as long as the market allows it, you can't blame them. Therefore I've got to reccomend not purchasing this one until a massive price drop comes in.

This game could seriously make a push towards the other "e-sports" community games like CS:Go and COD but it'll need a big push pretty soon to do so.

I'm going to score this at a solid 7. Pick it up on sale. Hopefully Ubisoft will keep some dedicated servers and not abandon this game a few months down the line.

Just a heads up, anyone who wants to try this before buying, there is a free weekend coming up starting on Friday.

hometeam 12-18-2015 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Blankey (Post 11961401)
Post your GotY lists dammit

I'd write a blurb about each one but I'm lazy.
1. Rocket League (I'm not even a huge soccer fan but every time I play it I have fun, even when I lose. It really gives you the tactile feeling of driving RC cars around a stadium and hitting a ball around)
2. Witcher 3
3. Fallout 4
4. Kerbal Space Program (1.0 released this year)
5. Cities Skylines
6. Life is Strange
7. Outside the Park Baseball 2016 (Go Royals)
8. Prison Architect (same as KSP)
9. Dying Light
10. MGSV (Has very solid gameplay, but last chapter left a bad taste in my mouth)

Games not released this year that I played a lot of:
Diablo 3
Rocksmith 2014

Games I wish I could have played but don't own a console:
Mario Maker
Bloodborne (would probably be my #1 since I love the Souls games)


1. Just Cause 3 (Multiplayer mod already being worked on!)
2. Pillars of Eternity
3. GTA V (PC release)
4. Witcher 3
5. Cities: Skylines

havent got my hands on rocket league but it looks sweet. Mario maker as well.

Gonzo 12-19-2015 12:26 AM

You know, I almost put Rocket League on my list but I'm finding it a little monotonous lately. I dunno, it's a great concept and it's a lot of fun but it grows a bit tiresome after everything substantial is unlocked and you've reached pro. I kinda wish you could upgrade your vehicles mechanically. Build them towards a certain play style. Faster or more agile maybe? The ability to control the vehicle better while airborne by attaching little wings or even just fins but making in a little less maneuverable on the ground.
For a free game on PSN you just can't bitch, really. I never really buy aesthetic DLC but I did so for RL to just throw a few bucks their way.
Good game but not a top ten IMO.

ragedogg69 12-19-2015 07:49 PM

Just beat the Bigginner's Guide. Meh. Watch a let's play of it instead. Seriously, there is no fun multi-branching story like the Stanely Parable. It a complete walking simulator that pounds you over the head with "LOOK HOW DEEP THIS IS! GAMEZ R ART!!!111! LOLz"

I actually kinda enjoy walking simulators, just this one come off completely pretentious to me.

BigBeauford 12-19-2015 08:33 PM

1. Rocket League
Perhaps it was because it was unexpectedly good, but this game encapsulates everything I love about video games in one word: Fun.

2. Nuclear Throne
Seems like the ongoing theme here is games I did not expect or know of, but blew me away. I am a sucker for difficult, rogue like games where you only have one life. The character and weapon variation makes this a satisfying twin stick shooter. Almost my GOTY.

3. Until Dawn
Again a game I had zero expectations for. A game that harkened back to campy teen slasher films, but does so with compelling characters and meaningful choices.

4. Fallout 4
Great game that I have sunk meaningful time into, but it's fallen a bit for me. The dialogue system is a step down, the engine is old, and I am starting to think I enjoyed New Vegas a bit better. While I doubt Bethesda will change much with their financially successful system, I doubt I will purchase another installment without some new changes.

5. Star Wars Battlefront
Sure it's a bit shallow with its offerings, but man Dice did an amazing job with the liscence, from the graphics to the sounds. Not to mention that the gunplay is very tight. This game could use more maps, and unique game types, but I liked it more than most.

Gravedigger 12-20-2015 11:48 AM

I almost have to say that this year wore me completely out on open world games. Its fun to sandbox around for awhile but i want better stories with my games. MGS5 story was boring imho so id give GOTY to Witcher 3. This seemed like an entire year of HD remakes and open world games for me personally.

Gonzo 12-20-2015 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 11963850)
I almost have to say that this year wore me completely out on open world games. Its fun to sandbox around for awhile but i want better stories with my games. MGS5 story was boring imho so id give GOTY to Witcher 3. This seemed like an entire year of HD remakes and open world games for me personally.

Nothing wrong with this at all. Witcher 3 almost got my goty but I had to go Bloodborne.
MGSV could've been so much more. The first half of the game was glorious. The second was useless filler.

New World Order 12-21-2015 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 11961425)

1. Just Cause 3 (Multiplayer mod already being worked on!)
2. Pillars of Eternity
3. GTA V (PC release)
4. Witcher 3
5. Cities: Skylines

havent got my hands on rocket league but it looks sweet. Mario maker as well.

Don't forget Star wars and Arkham Knight. They are at least close to the top 5.

hometeam 12-21-2015 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 11967801)
Don't forget Star wars and Arkham Knight. They are at least close to the top 5.

.. I play PC bro.

Only top list those go on is top biggest ****ups, top biggest moneygrabs, or top retreads.

BryanBusby 12-24-2015 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 11942616)
I'll probably get this after price drop. Looks like my kind of game.

I'm currently playing through ZombiU for the first time. I don't really game much (maybe an hour at night). I also suck, so this will probably take me forever to finish it. Since gaming isn't a huge deal to me, I'm pretty stingy on what I'll spend for my personal gameplay, which is awesome because I can pick up great games for less than $20. I'm looking for good games I should play on the WiiU. Keep in mind, I haven't played ANY other consoles, so obvious game franchises that everyone else loves and that have been ported to the WiiU are completely new to me (Assassin's Creed, Deus Ex, etc..).

Currently considering Arkham Knight and ME3 (never played a Mass Effect before). I like RPG type stuff, so I'm leaning toward ME3.


Whoops, forgot to check back in here.

I'd strongly suggest looking into Bayonetta 2. It comes with the original one; both great games.

Buck 12-25-2015 12:04 AM

Top 5 for me and what platform I played them on

1. Destiny: The Taken King (PS4)
2. Bloodborne (PS4)
3. MGSV (PS4)
4. Just Cause 3 (PC)
5. Fallout 4 (PC)

Not a great year for video games...

My top 5 most played this year.

1. Guild Wars 2 (PC - 2012 ~ 700 hours)
2. Destiny: The Taken King (PS4 - 2015 ~ 340 hours)
3. Hearthstone (PC - 2014 ~ 100 hours)
4. Diablo 3 (PC - 2012 ~ 100 hours)
5. Bloodborne (PS4 - 2015 ~ 40 hours)

Edit: I want to add that I'm very inpatient. I really need to play all the way through Bloodborne and MGSV. I also played about 90 min of The Witcher 3 before I got tired of it. I've only put a combined 15 hours into JC3 and FO4, but they made my list. I'm not the best person to give advice on what the best games were.

New World Order 12-25-2015 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 11968566)
.. I play PC bro.

Only top list those go on is top biggest ****ups, top biggest moneygrabs, or top retreads.

I know. It was a troll post

salame 12-28-2015 01:46 AM

anyone have any particularly cool gta V mods they use?

hometeam 12-28-2015 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by salame (Post 11980980)
anyone have any particularly cool gta V mods they use?

im a bit disappointed rockstar shut down gtaV:mp :(

There is lots of cool shit out there but I havent dabbled in it yet.. was really waiting for a true multiplayer server.. not rockstars shit version.

Simply Red 01-08-2016 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11944599)
That's a decent game. Graphics are good. Cliche' as hell but man, when the sun goes down? Watch your ass.

I don't play after dark - I will only hunt after dark if a quest requires that - so far only one has required completion in the dark.

Simply Red 01-08-2016 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 11957980)
If anyone finds a deal out there, both my ps plus and xboxlive expire next month so let me know if you find any deals, thanks.

why don't you buy my Xbox One - It's literally 1 month old.

The Franchise 01-08-2016 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red (Post 12007121)
why don't you buy my Xbox One - It's literally 1 month old.

How much are you asking for that nice Xbox?

Jerm 01-12-2016 07:40 PM

Kinda bored right now waiting on The Division...think I'm gonna go back and jump into Dragon Age this weekend thanks to EA Access.

For those who played it...recommend or nay?

Gonzo 01-13-2016 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12022306)
Kinda bored right now waiting on The Division...think I'm gonna go back and jump into Dragon Age this weekend thanks to EA Access.

For those who played it...recommend or nay?

Horizon, Zero Dawn is the big one for me this year, (besides Uncharted).

<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

Gonzo 01-31-2016 09:31 PM

Ok, edit.
I'll upload some cool crap when I get back to my wifi.

I've seen so much stuff that inspired GTAV and Red dead redemption.
Awesome sauce.

Sofa King 02-01-2016 09:39 PM

Bloodborne has been a blast. Infuriating at times, but a blast nontheless

loochy 02-02-2016 02:30 PM

I still play Lord of the Rings Online :shrug:

Bowser 02-02-2016 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 12060787)
I still play Lord of the Rings Online :shrug:

loochy 02-02-2016 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12060824)

Level 100 Hunter, Level 100 Rune Keeper, Level 45 Warden

Gonzo 02-04-2016 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 12059537)
Bloodborne has been a blast. Infuriating at times, but a blast nontheless

I'm going thru withdrawals.

The Franchise 02-05-2016 11:41 AM

XBox Live Gold 12 month - $38 plus free shipping.

Bowser 02-05-2016 11:41 AM

Got the latest Call of Duty game. It hasn't drawn me in, like much if at all.

Gonzo 02-14-2016 01:34 PM

Looks like I may be trying out two new games shortly.
Both are suspense/drama/horror type games that look a little similar regarding their genre and gameplay but are in totally different settings.
Firewatch and Layers of Fear. The first was released last week with positive responses. The second comes out Tuesday and looks ****ing awesome.

I'll let you all know what's up with both when I can.
Firewatch is available on all platforms, LOF is available on PS4 and PC only. It's a unity engine game, btw. I know some PC gamers hate unity because of its bugs and dropped frame rate issues.

Gonzo 02-18-2016 01:19 AM

Firewatch Game Review - PS4
Gonzo's Game Reviews

Firewatch - PS4

Not long ago, point and click adventure games were few and far between. If I recall, the last somewhat popular one (before this recent burst) was a very confusing, yet entertaining title called Grim Fandango.
I played that again recently and man, talk about overrated.
I digress... In 2012, an episodic point and clicker called The Walking Dead was released by Telltale with praise and critical acclaim. It stands as probably the best story-driven adventure series ever created.

So, what did a couple key producers of TWD season 1 do after such success? They quit Telltale and formed their own company called Campo Santo. Their first submission to this genre of video games? Firewatch.

Storyline: You play as Henry... A middle aged moose of a man with mountain man looks. I.E. Beard, hiking boots, pickup truck, plaid shirts and an axe. He and his wife ran into some troubles (no spoilers here) and he decided to take a job in the Rockies circa 1985 as a firewatch guard.
Solitude, wildlife, fresh air and the only other person within miles is a woman in another tower named Delilah.
You and Delilah don't speak face to face, just over 2 way radios. She points out issues/tasks in the area and you start hiking. The nice thing here is that if you're not adequate with a compass and map, you very well may get lost. That part of the game is somewhat accurate. As you perform these tasks, different parts of the storyline begin to open up. People go missing, strange things begin to happen and your own imagination starts to kick into overdrive. Items are left in your tower and about the forest that have an effect on your gameplay.
This part of the story is absolutely wonderful and suspenseful.
The ending, however... This game loses 1.5 points from me due to the half-assed ending. My god, it was quite disappointing to me and that seems to be the status quo from other reviews I've read so it's not just me.


The Graphics here are strange and beautiful. The game has a cartoonish, yet realistic style that I've never seen before. Where The Walking Dead has a cartoonish/comic book style, this is noticeably fake but the colors and depth of the forest are awe inspiring. This is truest especially during sunsets. The only thing I didn't care for was the blur effect when you looked at landscapes at a considerable distance.
The PS4 version definitely had a bit of pop-in and some graphics lag at times. However, the style was still very beautiful.
Music was noticeably non-existent. The only time you really heard any was when you approached a significant part in the storyline. Otherwise, it was just the sounds of the wilderness.

Sound: This was quite good. Birds, elk, wind and water were all very well done. The sounds of a wildfire and the high speed winds that accompanied it were impressive as well.

All in all, I did get my 20 bucks worth here. It's a good game for the price. I just wish it was a little longer and had a better ending. The game was roughly 4 hours long and that was with me exploring quite a bit. Like I said, very disappointed in the ending but it was still a fun ride.

This one is worth picking up on sale or renting. You'll enjoy the experience if you like story driven games.

6.5 out of 10.
Above average. Could've been a solid 8.

Gonzo 02-18-2016 01:20 AM

Up next... Layers of Fear

Sneak peek:

It's pretty awesome

ragedogg69 02-18-2016 10:16 AM

I am not to the end of firewatch yet, but holy shit I am loving this. THe story, the art,and the characters.

Jerm 02-18-2016 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 12088191)
I am not to the end of firewatch yet, but holy shit I am loving this. THe story, the art,and the characters.

That's how I was....but then....nevermind lol....

Gonzo 02-18-2016 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 12088191)
I am not to the end of firewatch yet, but holy shit I am loving this. THe story, the art,and the characters.

Couldn't agree more.

It reminds me of one of those huge, multi-colored sparklers. Burns bright, pretty colors, just fizzes out.

Mother****erJones 02-18-2016 11:49 PM

Been playing Mad Max. While it's not a perfect 10 it's a very strong 8.5
Game is pretty fun and lots to do in it with upgrading Max's skills, car upgrades and lots of cars to mess around with. I like this game a lot and fighting is similar to Batman games.

Gonzo 02-19-2016 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12089489)
Been playing Mad Max. While it's not a perfect 10 it's a very strong 8.5
Game is pretty fun and lots to do in it with upgrading Max's skills, car upgrades and lots of cars to mess around with. I like this game a lot and fighting is similar to Batman games.

It's very Farcry-like IMO.

Speaking of which... Farcry Primal is out next week. I've been checking it out and it looks promising. Maybe not a day 1 purchase for me but definitely worth a try.

Jerm 02-20-2016 06:04 PM

Been playing The Division beta...holy christ I'm gonna lose my life to this game lol.

The Dark Zone is such a blast...great twist on MP gaming.

007 02-20-2016 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12091527)
Been playing The Division beta...holy christ I'm gonna lose my life to this game lol.

The Dark Zone is such a blast...great twist on MP gaming.

I'm having a hard time really enjoying it. Not sure I can take another game that I have to schedule my life around like destiny.

kcxiv 02-21-2016 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12091527)
Been playing The Division beta...holy christ I'm gonna lose my life to this game lol.

The Dark Zone is such a blast...great twist on MP gaming.

The dark zone is bad ass. Going rogue with a group is so much fun lol. I don't think it's possible to survive a level 5 lol. Not playing the open beta though since it started me back from the start I'll wait until the game comes out.

Mother****erJones 02-22-2016 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12089515)
It's very Farcry-like IMO.

Speaking of which... Farcry Primal is out next week. I've been checking it out and it looks promising. Maybe not a day 1 purchase for me but definitely worth a try.

I'm getting it. I'll let ya know what I think. I'm not done with Mad Max but I'm happy with it. Lots to do although the it's repetitive.

ragedogg69 02-25-2016 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12088194)
That's how I was....but then....nevermind lol....


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12088408)
Couldn't agree more.

It reminds me of one of those huge, multi-colored sparklers. Burns bright, pretty colors, just fizzes out.

Question for you that is not too spoilery... Did you guys find the elk? That really softened the blow for me at the end. So I was not nearly as "what the ****, is that it?" like most people have said.

I was a bit frustrated with the very end, but it makes sense.

Well worth the steam sale price IMO. Not $20

Toby Waller 02-26-2016 03:13 AM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Jerm 02-26-2016 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 12099205)
Question for you that is not too spoilery... Did you guys find the elk? That really softened the blow for me at the end. So I was not nearly as "what the ****, is that it?" like most people have said.

I was a bit frustrated with the very end, but it makes sense.

Well worth the steam sale price IMO. Not $20

No I heard about it but didn't find it...found the turtle though.

Jerm 02-26-2016 02:49 PM

BTW coming close to pulling the trigger on Far Cry Primal...impressions from anyone would greatly be appreciated.

ragedogg69 02-26-2016 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12101391)
No I heard about it but didn't find it...found the turtle though.


Rasputin 02-26-2016 09:51 PM

Just got Black Ops III I like killing Zombies and my son says it's good. So I got it for him but so we can play two player at the same time also. Should be fun.

Gonzo 02-27-2016 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12101397)
BTW coming close to pulling the trigger on Far Cry Primal...impressions from anyone would greatly be appreciated.

I'm picking it up today. I'll let you know. It looks ****ing fantastic.

Jerm 02-27-2016 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12102247)
I'm picking it up today. I'll let you know. It looks ****ing fantastic.

Yeah I bought this morning...DL'ing now.

I agree, looks awesome...impressions have been positive too.

Demonpenz 02-27-2016 11:24 AM

far cry primal looks dated as ****

Gonzo 02-27-2016 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 12102318)
far cry primal looks dated as ****


Pasta Little Brioni 02-27-2016 08:31 PM

...but not as dated as demons shtick

SAUTO 02-28-2016 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12102247)
I'm picking it up today. I'll let you know. It looks ****ing fantastic.

So how is it?

Gonzo 02-28-2016 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 12103749)
So how is it?

It's pretty good so far. It's a lot like other far cry games, obviously. However, it does have a few more features like building your clan, supplies etc.
It has all the crafting stuff like the others.
Graphics are very smooth. Is say its probably about as good as Farcry 4 so far.

New World Order 02-28-2016 05:39 PM

I played some Blades of Steel today boys.

Still fun.

Mother****erJones 02-28-2016 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12103853)
It's pretty good so far. It's a lot like other far cry games, obviously. However, it does have a few more features like building your clan, supplies etc.
It has all the crafting stuff like the others.
Graphics are very smooth. Is say its probably about as good as Farcry 4 so far.

I've been playing this since it came out and I agree. However I think this is better than Far Cry 4 but it's still Far Cry. It's not a buggy POS like other games are that come out annually or quick like these seem to come out. I like this one a whole lot because it's different and ya can't go around shooting everything with guns. They did very well with the taming animals and use of them. They're fun to use. Graphically it's clean and well done. Grappling in this is pretty smooth also and not a shit show which is nice. I like the building of your villages and crafting. I wish they had more to craft in this game. I do like how pretty much everything has a use in this game. This is my favorite far cry to date. I was intrigued by this game because of the time period. I wanted a Far Cry with dinosaurs, but this one is fun. I'd give this game a solid 9/10.

Jerm 02-28-2016 07:04 PM

Nothing like being hunted by a Sabretooth at night with nothing but a spear and club...

Loving this game so far.

Gonzo 02-29-2016 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12104304)
I've been playing this since it came out and I agree. However I think this is better than Far Cry 4 but it's still Far Cry. It's not a buggy POS like other games are that come out annually or quick like these seem to come out. I like this one a whole lot because it's different and ya can't go around shooting everything with guns. They did very well with the taming animals and use of them. They're fun to use. Graphically it's clean and well done. Grappling in this is pretty smooth also and not a shit show which is nice. I like the building of your villages and crafting. I wish they had more to craft in this game. I do like how pretty much everything has a use in this game. This is my favorite far cry to date. I was intrigued by this game because of the time period. I wanted a Far Cry with dinosaurs, but this one is fun. I'd give this game a solid 9/10.

You've made a lot more progress than I have. I'm only about two hours in at this time but I think this one is going to be quite good.

Speaking of which, I still can't put Bloodborne down. I just beat the game on NG+3 for the first time. Every boss, every area. That ****ing DLC doesn't screw around at all. The last boss, (Orphan of Kos) is a real pain in the ass. However, I finally learned his timing. I can beat him about 20% of the time now. I currently have 6 +10 weapons including the Beast Claws.
You all should play this game if you haven't. Patience will be rewarded.

58kcfan89 02-29-2016 02:14 PM

I finally got my tax refund back and am looking to spend part of it on a PS4. Any recommendations on where or how to buy? Should I avoid refurbished consoles or are they worth the slightly lower cost?

I feel like every time I buy something big like this, it goes on sale 3 days later. And I can wait a little bit if there's a potential price drop coming. Just looking for some input.


Mother****erJones 02-29-2016 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12104883)
You've made a lot more progress than I have. I'm only about two hours in at this time but I think this one is going to be quite good.

Speaking of which, I still can't put Bloodborne down. I just beat the game on NG+3 for the first time. Every boss, every area. That ****ing DLC doesn't screw around at all. The last boss, (Orphan of Kos) is a real pain in the ass. However, I finally learned his timing. I can beat him about 20% of the time now. I currently have 6 +10 weapons including the Beast Claws.
You all should play this game if you haven't. Patience will be rewarded.

I put it down because me and my friend share games. He bought MGSV, Fallout, Rainbow Six, COD. I bought mad max and far cry. I'm trying to knockout MGSV now. I beat fallout. Loved it. Can't wait for DLC.

I just bought the DLC for Bloodborne. I'll get to it soon.

I beat the far cry 4 DLC and really liked it. Look for it and get it sometime. It was better than the actual game IMO.

Gonzo 03-01-2016 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by 58kcfan89 (Post 12105567)
I finally got my tax refund back and am looking to spend part of it on a PS4. Any recommendations on where or how to buy? Should I avoid refurbished consoles or are they worth the slightly lower cost?

I feel like every time I buy something big like this, it goes on sale 3 days later. And I can wait a little bit if there's a potential price drop coming. Just looking for some input.


You may want to wait for the next big AAA title to be released like Uncharted 4 in March/April, then buy a bundle at GameStop or something. Really, the savings you get with a used console right now isn't worth it unless you buy it from someone online. You never know what you're getting, though.

Mother****erJones 03-01-2016 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12106687)
You may want to wait for the next big AAA title to be released like Uncharted 4 in March/April, then buy a bundle at GameStop or something. Really, the savings you get with a used console right now isn't worth it unless you buy it from someone online. You never know what you're getting, though.

I can't wait for UC4

Pasta Little Brioni 03-01-2016 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12107746)
I can't wait for DS 3


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