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NewChief 08-05-2014 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 10795855)
This is why you are not getting laid. You think that shit matters. Make the bitch want you, that's all there is too it. Its all about PERSONALITY my man, and reading this thread tells me your lacking. You spend so much time worrying about what you don't have to get a girl with, that you go in scared. You cant go in scared, you have to go in knowing your gonna take that bitch home tonight.

And if that doesn't work, you can always fug a tranny.

A sweet tat helps, too.

xztop123 08-05-2014 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10795899)
No homo, but you're not a bad looking guy. There must be something wrong with the way you're approaching girls or communicating with them.

No one is listening. I never claimed to be bad looking.

I said I wasn't masculine. When a girl is looking for a hook-up she tends to be ovulating. Science has shown that when ovulating women try to find masculine men(which is why i have shitty facial hair, it's a sign of dimorphism.)

non ovulating women are not looking for a one night stand, they want a boyfriend type... These are the girls I have the best chance with, but ****ing them is pretty hard

KC native 08-05-2014 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10795899)
No homo, but you're not a bad looking guy. There must be something wrong with the way you're approaching girls or communicating with them.

He gives off a psycho clinger vibe from his posting.

xztop123 08-05-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by KC native (Post 10795912)
He gives off a psycho clinger vibe from his posting.

I have also stated that I would be willing to buy anyone a beer if you wanted to come out and watch what I do.

ghak99 08-05-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan (Post 10795877)
Looking forward to seeing the Photoshopped version of these pics. Should be good- the planet is very creative.

They've already been fistied and the girls drink replaced with the purple dildo, but ****, what's the point.

Titty Meat 08-05-2014 01:14 PM

Hes a good looking guy maybe hangout with some attractive girls instead of those ugly chicks in that pic and you'll become more desirable to women.

KC native 08-05-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795914)
I have also stated that I would be willing to buy anyone a beer if you wanted to come out and watch what I do.

I don't think the approach is your problem. It's what you do after you open the door.

Titty Meat 08-05-2014 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by KC native (Post 10795902)

Irony is you giving out game being married to a fat chick and bragging about cheating on her with an escort.

KC native 08-05-2014 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Chocolate Hog (Post 10795921)
Irony is you giving out game being married to a fat chick and bragging about cheating on her with an escort.

Do you think if you repeat this enough that people will believe you?

I'm also glad I don't have a public business page because of your past cowardly actions.

xztop123 08-05-2014 01:19 PM

well im going to go hit on girls. ill be back in about 4 hours

KCUnited 08-05-2014 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Chocolate Hog (Post 10795891)
I said this earlier. Also living by Westport is alot of fun.

Yeah, I worked at a car wash, a liquor store, a library, along with various stretches of flat out unemployment and had relationships with women of various ages, income levels, social status, and beauty. Why? Because I was in it for the bands, booze, drugs, and bros and not worrying about my jaw line and how many days to let go by before I called.

I agree with Penz, this dude is fine, but if you're up there trying to guess fastball or changeup on every pitch, you're likely going down looking.

NewChief 08-05-2014 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795927)
well im going to go hit on girls. ill be back in about 4 hours

See. There's your problem. Your intent is far too clear and will come off as creepy/predatory. You need to go have fun for 4 hours drinking and hanging with your bros. Landing a girl will be a secondary benefit of this if things work out right.

Titty Meat 08-05-2014 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by KC native (Post 10795923)
Do you think if you repeat this enough that people will believe you?

I'm also glad I don't have a public business page because of your past cowardly actions.

Everyone already knows youre a loser

KC native 08-05-2014 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Chocolate Hog (Post 10795937)
Everyone already knows youre a loser

says the GED holder that lives with his parents.

Graystoke 08-05-2014 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795911)
No one is listening. I never claimed to be bad looking.

I said I wasn't masculine. When a girl is looking for a hook-up she tends to be ovulating. Science has shown that when ovulating women try to find masculine men(which is why i have shitty facial hair, it's a sign of dimorphism.)

non ovulating women are not looking for a one night stand, they want a boyfriend type... These are the girls I have the best chance with, but ****ing them is pretty hard

I cant believe I read through all this bullshit.
Shit man. Any dude call pull a hookup. Small dudes, fat dudes, bald dudes...doesn't matter
You try to hard. Pussy always comes, and its usually not to those who are in line with their plate out looking like they are starved.
You hungry? Just go out with the intent of having fun and being yourself

Halfcan 08-05-2014 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 10795900)
If my tattoo isn't shopped onto this kid within 30 minutes I have lost faith in CP.



srvy 08-05-2014 02:41 PM

Is that red hair?

Because if it is that could be the problem.

If its a masculinity problem start washing your jeans with a skoal can in the back pocket. Chicks dig a Skoal ring reminds them of a cowboy.

ChiTown 08-05-2014 03:05 PM

Laid? in KC? Not sense the late 80's...............

Titty Meat 08-05-2014 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 10796106)
Laid? in KC? Not sense the late 80's...............


TLO 08-05-2014 04:53 PM

What in the hell is going on in here?

Hammock Parties 08-05-2014 04:53 PM

You look like white trash. Clean up your act, young man, or only white trash girls will be interested in you.

Hammock Parties 08-05-2014 04:54 PM

Another thing: you should absolutely, absolutely, one hundred percent sure, be clean shaven. And yes, you look better with short hair.

Sygerrik 08-05-2014 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795927)
well im going to go hit on girls. ill be back in about 4 hours

"I'm going to go slam my dick in a door repeatedly. I'll be back in about 4 hours"
"I'm going to go clean clogged toilets. I'll be back in about 4 hours"

In this entire thread you've not said one thing to indicate you enjoy any of this. You act as though you've been sentenced to a work camp, where the hard labor is hitting on women. Do you enjoy it, at all? Have you ever?

Do you even like women? Not asking if you're sexually attracted to females, do you enjoy their company? Do you want an emotional relationship with a woman, or do you just feel like you should have one, for whatever reason?

If you're not enjoying yourself, stop. Quit beating yourself up over all this, in the grand scheme of things it's a tempest in a teapot, and besides, your obvious desperation is more unattractive than any jawline.

Go buy a cheap motorcycle. Learn to ride it. Learn to fix it. If not that, something, anything to take your mind off dating for awhile.

And shave that god awful chinstrap. It looks like you tried to trap a muskrat with your face.

Raiderhater 08-05-2014 05:28 PM

I have to ask, do you have any friends that are girls? I mean just straight up genuine friends. Not girls you are trying to score with.

Or do you view all women as potential dick holsters?

TLO 08-05-2014 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Raiderhader (Post 10796360)

Or do you view all women as potential dick holsters?

Let he who does not view women this way cast the first stone.

Raiderhater 08-05-2014 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 10796385)
Let he who does not view women this way cast the first stone.

All women?

hometeam 08-05-2014 05:51 PM

Not ALL women are potential dick holsters. Just all women worth being a dick holster.

Fat bitches and chicks that look like dudes can be friends.

Pasta Little Brioni 08-05-2014 06:03 PM

Very Midnight Vulturesque. Sorry brah stealing some saps photos has been done over already on here.

srvy 08-05-2014 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Sygerrik (Post 10796353)
"I'm going to go slam my dick in a door repeatedly. I'll be back in about 4 hours"
"I'm going to go clean clogged toilets. I'll be back in about 4 hours"

In this entire thread you've not said one thing to indicate you enjoy any of this. You act as though you've been sentenced to a work camp, where the hard labor is hitting on women. Do you enjoy it, at all? Have you ever?

Do you even like women? Not asking if you're sexually attracted to females, do you enjoy their company? Do you want an emotional relationship with a woman, or do you just feel like you should have one, for whatever reason?

If you're not enjoying yourself, stop. Quit beating yourself up over all this, in the grand scheme of things it's a tempest in a teapot, and besides, your obvious desperation is more unattractive than any jawline.

Go buy a cheap motorcycle. Learn to ride it. Learn to fix it. If not that, something, anything to take your mind off dating for awhile.

And shave that god awful chinstrap. It looks like you tried to trap a muskrat with your face.

This is the vibe im getting. The kid just looks at it as his mangoo receptacle. Not hard for the ladies to see trough this. Just go buy a pocket pussy and get over it.

NewChief 08-05-2014 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 10796530)
This is the vibe im getting. The kid just looks at it as his mangoo receptacle. Not hard for the ladies to see trough this. Just go buy a pocket pussy and get over it.

Yeah. Assuming he's for real, this seems to be the deal.

Taking what he says as accurate, he does okay in face-to-face, but then things fall apart in his text. I'd guess that his texts communicate his disdain for women in general and turn the girls off. He probably feels like he's being flirtatious, but it's not working.

Katipan 08-05-2014 07:00 PM

The lavender shirt bothers me more than anything else.

Pasta Little Brioni 08-05-2014 07:12 PM

This has been done here like dozens of times dude

xztop123 08-05-2014 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 10796073)
Is that red hair?

Because if it is that could be the problem.

If its a masculinity problem start washing your jeans with a skoal can in the back pocket. Chicks dig a Skoal ring reminds them of a cowboy.

You might have a solid point. It is auburn hair.

The thing is, a lot of my approaching is done at night and in a bar you can't tell if its red.

Any way im going to dye it and get it cut and shave my face.

I dont have ginger skin tone so i can pass with different hair colour.

Titty Meat 08-05-2014 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10796536)
Yeah. Assuming he's for real, this seems to be the deal.

Taking what he says as accurate, he does okay in face-to-face, but then things fall apart in his text. I'd guess that his texts communicate his disdain for women in general and turn the girls off. He probably feels like he's being flirtatious, but it's not working.

You think he insults women in text? I could see him being clingy.

NewChief 08-05-2014 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chocolate Hog (Post 10796575)
You think he insults women in text? I could see him being clingy.

They say he's mean or an asshole after he starts talking to them for a while (I think I read that in the thread at least). He may not be directly insulting him, but I think they're inferring some insult from how he flirts.

eDave 08-05-2014 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10796577)
They say he's mean or an asshole after he starts talking to them for a while (I think I read that in the thread at least). He may not be directly insulting him, but I think they're inferring some insult from how he flirts.

Probably the 'negging' thing that goes with the PUA mentality. Stupid, stupid shit.

Raiderhater 08-05-2014 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10796573)
You might have a solid point. It is auburn hair.

The thing is, a lot of my approaching is done at night and in a bar you can't tell if its red.

Any way im going to dye it and get it cut and shave my face.

I dont have ginger skin tone so i can pass with different hair colour.

Dying your hair is a sign of masculinity for sure. :shake:

Buzz 08-05-2014 07:46 PM

So hitting on girls with a chip on your shoulder and looking like a punk doesn't get you laid, you don't say...

xztop123 08-05-2014 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 10796596)
Probably the 'negging' thing that goes with the PUA mentality. Stupid, stupid shit.

The concept of a neg is no different than what we learn in 1st grade about how it's reeruned to go up to a girl and say "hi i like you"... that works in kindergarden but once a girl has become accustom to guys doing this to her, she starts being selective and, showing her disinterest, triggers her cat-string response to chase.

A lot of PUA is shit you learn as a kid, no kid older than 7 goes up to a girl and says "hey i just thought you were cute i wanted to meet you"

They've learned enough to know that you tease them at first, or rub snot on their arm.

xztop123 08-05-2014 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Raiderhader (Post 10796604)
Dying your hair is a sign of masculinity for sure. :shake:

dumb reply. you could say the same about trimming my nose hair or cleaning up my pubes. Obviously I wont tell the girls I do it... Though some of the girls that still text with me I joke around with like "im wearing makeup today" or "i just went tanning and got pampered at the salon" ...

Buzz 08-05-2014 08:00 PM

home early, must have struck out again.

Pasta Little Brioni 08-05-2014 08:01 PM

Watch out or the sleuths will expose you for this

Coochie liquor 08-05-2014 08:03 PM

Have you thought about saving your money and just masterbating??

xztop123 08-05-2014 08:10 PM

I guess a main problem is that i can only seem normal for a slotted time. If the girl is willing to hook up with me in that amount of time then im usually golden..

and i have had sex and gotten a few blowjobs.. i never said i hadnt

xztop123 08-05-2014 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 10796669)
Have you thought about saving your money and just masterbating??


Raiderhater 08-05-2014 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10796643)
dumb reply. you could say the same about trimming my nose hair or cleaning up my pubes. Obviously I wont tell the girls I do it... Though some of the girls that still text with me I joke around with like "im wearing makeup today" or "i just went tanning and got pampered at the salon" ...

Dying your hair is not the same as grooming.

Masculinity isn't just about jaw lines, it has a lot to do with being content with yourself.

Buzz 08-05-2014 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10796692)
I guess a main problem is that i can only seem normal for a slotted time. If the girl is willing to hook up with me in that amount of time then im usually golden..

and i have had sex and gotten a few blowjobs.. i never said i hadnt

2 years ago?

Coochie liquor 08-05-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10796573)
You might have a solid point. It is auburn hair.

The thing is, a lot of my approaching is done at night and in a bar you can't tell if its red.

Any way im going to dye it and get it cut and shave my face.

I dont have ginger skin tone so i can pass with different hair colour.

Bullshit! Women actually like fingers. It's the most original hair color there is. Guys hate gingers cuz the ladies lean toward us a little more. It's originality! Anyways, just accent your good points, and maybe you'll be able to achieve enough game to close the deal!

KCrockaholic 08-05-2014 08:44 PM

You a beta bundle of sticks OP?

eDave 08-05-2014 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10796635)
The concept of a neg is no different than what we learn in 1st grade about how it's reeruned to go up to a girl and say "hi i like you"... that works in kindergarden but once a girl has become accustom to guys doing this to her, she starts being selective and, showing her disinterest, triggers her cat-string response to chase.

A lot of PUA is shit you learn as a kid, no kid older than 7 goes up to a girl and says "hey i just thought you were cute i wanted to meet you"

They've learned enough to know that you tease them at first, or rub snot on their arm.

Seems to be working just fine for you. :whackit:

I mean, it sounds like you suck at it.

Relax. Quit trying so hard.

xztop123 08-05-2014 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 10796830)
Bullshit! Women actually like fingers. It's the most original hair color there is. Guys hate gingers cuz the ladies lean toward us a little more. It's originality! Anyways, just accent your good points, and maybe you'll be able to achieve enough game to close the deal!

No gingers are being weeded out of existence. (true gingers with pale skin) sperm banks dont even accept them anymore

TLO 08-06-2014 11:21 AM

You look like a douche.

Pasta Little Brioni 08-06-2014 12:09 PM

You guys are slipping. Figured some one would a exposed him by now.

Nightfyre 08-06-2014 12:50 PM

The best part of this thread was when he was asking the morman for dating advice. What did you think you would get out of that? "Best convert yourself to mormanism, then convert her to mormanism, then move to Utah and worship Alex, the second coming of Joseph Smith."

Iconic 08-06-2014 01:52 PM

Stop blaming your chin for why you aren't getting laid and watch this OP.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

xztop123 08-06-2014 07:16 PM

After being trolled by this forum to shave I have done it.

Ran into a hot girl who i know ( who has a bf) and she told me that she liked me a lot better with facial hair.

xztop123 08-06-2014 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Iconic (Post 10797936)
Stop blaming your chin for why you aren't getting laid and watch this OP.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hes selling a product.

xztop123 08-06-2014 07:18 PM

Iconic I've been doing PUA for 2 years. I can say for certain that I have talked to more or around as many girls in the past 2 years as any PUA coach.

There have been so many scenarios where I was taking girls around bars and they just straight up ditched me for better looking guys.

I am a seasoned vet in this shit, I could be teaching courses haha... I have many stories where I was rejected because of my looks and the girl picked a hotter guy

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10798465)
After being trolled by this forum to shave I have done it.

Ran into a hot girl who i know ( who has a bf) and she told me that she liked me a lot better with facial hair.

Nope. You look better.

Step 2: Get a haircut and stop wearing baseball caps backwards. Christ.

Step 3: Trim eyebrows. Get your barber to do it.

xztop123 08-06-2014 07:29 PM

Im not sure about trimming eyebrows.
this is a guy the girls seem to love

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10798486)
Im not sure about trimming eyebrows.

Ask your barber.

srvy 08-06-2014 07:50 PM

Get a fitted cap oh and by the way they put a bill on it for a reason. Turn it around Beib's. Wipe the smirk off the face. Losing the the chin strap helps. Baby steps!

Oh by the way there will always be a better looking guy so get used to it. Know your place.

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 07:50 PM

Just stop wearing billed caps. You're not 17.

Coochie liquor 08-06-2014 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10798472)
Nope. You look better.

Step 2: Get a haircut and stop wearing baseball caps backwards. Christ.

Step 3: Trim eyebrows. Get your barber to do it.

Not sure taking advise from another guy who prob rarely gets laid is a good idea. Ijs....
Kinda like asking Hellen Keller for directions on how to read!

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 10798546)
Not sure taking advise from another guy who prob rarely gets laid is a good idea. Ijs....
Kinda like asking Hellen Keller for directions on how to read!

I get laid a lot more than I used to.

Also, anyone here will back me up on these fairly obvious self improvements he needs to make.

xztop123 08-06-2014 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10798513)
Just stop wearing billed caps. You're not 17.

I've never posted my age. And im balding and also guys who are successful with 18-21 year old girls wear hats a lot

TLO 08-06-2014 08:01 PM

You look less like a douche now.

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10798553)
guys who are successful with 18-21 year old girls wear hats a lot

Stop this madness. :banghead:

TLO 08-06-2014 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10798553)
I've never posted my age. And im balding and also guys who are successful with 18-21 year old girls wear hats a lot

There's a difference between wearing a hat, and wearing a flat billed hat

KCrockaholic 08-06-2014 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10798553)
I've never posted my age. And im balding and also guys who are successful with 18-21 year old girls wear hats a lot

What the hell is this?

NewChief 08-06-2014 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10798471)
Iconic I've been doing PUA for 2 years. I can say for certain that I have talked to more or around as many girls in the past 2 years as any PUA coach.

There have been so many scenarios where I was taking girls around bars and they just straight up ditched me for better looking guys.

I am a seasoned vet in this shit, I could be teaching courses haha... I have many stories where I was rejected because of my looks and the girl picked a hotter guy

Let's see. You haven't gotten laid in 2 years. You've been doing PUA lame bullshit for 2 years. Doesn't take a genius to see the problem. Ditch the lame gimmicks and try to be a genuine dude.

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 08:20 PM

The minute you start trying to do silly things, like wearing a hat, to attract girls, you are failing.

What are you going to do, wear the hat 24/7?

No. So yourself.

George Liquor 08-06-2014 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10798557)
Stop this madness. :banghead:

I wear a baseball cap almost every day.

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by BDj23 (Post 10798686)
I wear a baseball cap almost every day.

I'm sorry.

George Liquor 08-06-2014 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10798691)
I'm sorry.

...and I've had sex with more women than your nerdy ass ever will.

TLO 08-06-2014 08:41 PM

Shit just got real.

KCrockaholic 08-06-2014 08:49 PM

So we've decided flat bills are out. But baseball caps are still ok as long as they're bent?

Wait weren't we just telling the kid to quit worrying about little things and to be himself.

George Liquor 08-06-2014 08:56 PM

Most women don't care about my hat - I've worn a a hat almost every day of my life. I've always been a hat person and I feel naked without it. Granted, I keep it clean and make sure it doesn't smell.. And obviously I don't wear it on dates or if I'm trying to make an impression.

But **** it, I have no problem wearing my STL cap out to the bars and talking to women.

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by KCrockaholic (Post 10798713)
So we've decided flat bills are out. But baseball caps are still ok as long as they're bent?

Wait weren't we just telling the kid to quit worrying about little things and to be himself.

If you want to attract a woman...if you want to take her out...don't wear a ****ing baseball cap.

Unless you're going to a baseball game. Then it's OK.


srvy 08-06-2014 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by KCrockaholic (Post 10798713)
So we've decided flat bills are out. But baseball caps are still ok as long as they're bent?

Wait weren't we just telling the kid to quit worrying about little things and to be himself.

Some yes but majority want to quit acting and looking like a douche. Turn that hat around unless your catching a ball game. The flat bill thing is a kids thing to me looks stupid but im old.

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