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Hamwallet 04-10-2024 08:58 PM

2 episodes in and this is pretty dang good.

Frazod 04-11-2024 12:26 AM

Just finished the first episode. I ****ING LOVE IT!

This is what they should have done with The Witcher.

Rausch 04-11-2024 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 17478007)
Just finished the first episode. I ****ING LOVE IT!

This is what they should have done with The Witcher.

If after two seasons they haven't pulled the rug out and completely shit on the idea of the game and motivation for all the factions I'll tune in.

Fishpicker 04-11-2024 05:52 AM

kinda slow, a little boring. how about that break action shottie though? that was my jam in FO3

wish I could've watched a minute or two of Grognak the Barbarian

Fish 04-11-2024 11:42 AM

Halfway through the second episode. Pretty awesome so far. They really nailed the feel of the Fallout universe. Very detailed. Down to the old timey soundtrack. The Brotherhood in the series is kinda weird, but we'll see where they go with it.

Frazod 04-11-2024 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 17478509)
Halfway through the second episode. Pretty awesome so far. They really nailed the feel of the Fallout universe. Very detailed. Down to the old timey soundtrack. The Brotherhood in the series is kinda weird, but we'll see where they go with it.

Yep. The attention to detail is amazing. Honestly, the only thing I've noticed is that the old rusted out cars are just old rusted out cars, not the rusted out old-looking futuristic cars from the game, but that's a very small nit to pick. They pretty much nailed everything else, especially the look of the vaults, the settlement (which so perfectly captured the look and feel of Megaton from III), the costumes, and the weapons.

It's like they know exactly who their core audience is and haven't done anything to alienate them. Again, the anti-Witcher. This is the show Henry Cavill deserved.

Sure hope it stays that way. I suspect it will, since they have the blueprint of exactly what NOT to do to make the show successful.

One thing that was driving me nuts was trying to figure out why the guy who played Lucy's brother looked so familiar. He was the guy who played Bonzo in Ender's Game.

Fish 04-11-2024 12:36 PM

Michael Rapaport...


Even the humor has been well done.

Loneiguana 04-11-2024 03:53 PM

I episode in. I'm enjoying it.

The vault mystery is what will hook the wife.

DanBecky 04-11-2024 07:29 PM

Yeah, this ****s after just finishing the first episode. Also, New Vegas is $2.49 on steam..... It's been YEARS since I've played the games but all of them are so cheap. May need to do another run through on them.

DCTwister 04-11-2024 08:24 PM

First episode, pretty damn good.

Nirvana58 04-11-2024 11:51 PM

1 episode in. I dabbled in the games but never really finished them.

So far so good and the reviews are reaching about it. So will keep watching

Talisman 04-12-2024 12:59 AM

Two episodes in. Really enjoying it so far. Little slow to start, but necessary for the world building. Been a long time since I played through any of the games, but they seemed to have nailed the world. Doing a bit of Leo pointing when I recognize something from the game.

crayzkirk 04-12-2024 07:18 AM

I have a copy of the game somewhere; I remember it coming out and being interested. I never got into the RPG style games... Anyways, old mind wandering as usual...

The series is interesting; it does meander around a bit, however the characters and story are engaging enough.

DJJasonp 04-12-2024 03:45 PM

Finished ep 1 last night. Really enjoyed it.

Some tweaks and it looks like they’re mashing a bit of 3, Vegas, and 4 together.

Is that how you all are seeing it?

Frazod 04-13-2024 04:39 AM

Binged it all the way through.



I'm going to bed. Will discuss later.

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