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IowaHawkeyeChief 10-12-2022 09:54 AM

One of the great ones on here... Prayers to you and your resilience and spirit is admired

luv 10-12-2022 10:13 AM

Love the stone. Hate the news.


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 16524659)
Just curious...does he have kids or was it just him and her?

They do not have kids, but I believe they were fairly active in lives of nieces, nephews, etc.

JPH83 10-12-2022 10:16 AM

Thoughts and all best wishes with you man. Headstone is A+++++

Katie 10-12-2022 10:25 AM

They’re calling it at stage 3 at this point, starting chemo treatments next week and possibly radiation later on. He is amazingly positive and going to give it his best shot. Love and prayers, my friend!

mnchiefsguy 10-12-2022 10:32 AM

Thoughts and Prayers.

htismaqe 10-12-2022 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Katie (Post 16524956)
They’re calling it at stage 3 at this point, starting chemo treatments next week and possibly radiation later on. He is amazingly positive and going to give it his best shot. Love and prayers, my friend!

Thanks for the updates...

LoneWolf 10-12-2022 11:24 AM

I have no words to describe how incredibly unfair life seems sometimes. Keep your head up, Joe. Positive thoughts and vibes headed your way.

bevischief 10-12-2022 11:35 AM

Damn.... Sorry to hear...

And I am sitting here waiting to get a CAT scan.

PHOG 10-12-2022 11:45 AM

Never had the pleasure to meet you, but by all accounts , you're A+. Thoughts and prayers.

Graystoke 10-12-2022 12:17 PM

Hate to hear news like this.
Stay strong-Thoughts and prayers.

big nasty kcnut 10-12-2022 12:33 PM

prayers up joe. This sucks.

Old Dog 10-12-2022 12:40 PM

Thoughts and Prayers, Joe.

ToxSocks 10-12-2022 01:01 PM

Nzoner, the Chiefsplanet LEGEND. All hail the king.

LiveSteam 10-12-2022 01:48 PM

You're in my prayers

Otter 10-12-2022 01:50 PM

Damn, get well Joe!

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

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