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LiL stumppy 12-26-2004 02:28 PM

Whats a flask?

Skip Towne 12-26-2004 02:39 PM

What happened to Endelt's rep?

LiL stumppy 12-26-2004 02:40 PM

Ask badgirl :)

Phobia 12-26-2004 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
What happened to Endelt's rep?

Wish thread.

Marada 12-26-2004 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
I just changed his title to "Deputy Dawg".

I don't know how often he logs in. I'd hate for him to have trouble.

Now thats too funny! Enjoyed meeting you guys. And getting that $5.50 off my chest!

Dr. Johnny Fever 12-26-2004 04:36 PM

I wore cargo pants with the big side pockets and had no problem sneeking a beer into the game. I'm sure I could have snuck more in if we hadn't drank them in the parking lot.

Skip Towne 12-26-2004 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Marada
Now thats too funny! Enjoyed meeting you guys. And getting that $5.50 off my chest!

Here he is guys, Nzoner's tormentor. Come gang up on this jack booted Nazi.

KCFANinNC 12-26-2004 04:57 PM

Dpon't you get programs?

That's how you conceal your pour.

Phobia 12-26-2004 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Marada
Now thats too funny! Enjoyed meeting you guys. And getting that $5.50 off my chest!

Hilarious. I can't believe Nzoner got busted at the game and afterwards at ChiefsPlanet, too. An absolute classic ChiefsPlanet moment.

He called this morning and told me the story and I was literally rolling. Props for being a sport, Marada.

jspchief 12-26-2004 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nzoner 338
There I was I had just gotten back to my seat with one of those $5.50 Sprites and had added some Seagrams from my cell phone flask when I hear someone yell,"CSI....incoming,incoming.!!!"

I look up just in time to see an officer and an Arrowhead security guy headed my way and looking right at me.

Knowing I was busted I hand the drink to him and he asks what I poured it from so I show him and he takes my flask saying nothing and turns and leaves.

I decide to get up and follow him because I really would like my flask back.

We get down to the concourse and he pours my drink down a drain then opens the flask and pours the remains of it out.All the while I'm asking to get my flask back and he's saying nothing.

Finally I tell him if he must just kick me out of the game but don't take my flask as it was a gift.

He asks if I'm a season ticket holder and I tell him yes and he replies,"You know if I write you up for this you'll lose your season tickets?"

So now I'm getting angry and tell him,"fine I'm not renewing them next year anyway."

He then makes a comment about what a unique idea the flask is and hands it back to me and walks off.I tell him Merry Christmas as he walks off.

I turn to go back to my seat and the security guy says,"sorry man that dudes got hawk eyes,if it'd be up to me no biggie you were being cool" etc.

Okay,I'm not saying I was right here but c'mon I been goin down to Arrowhead for 12 years,never been kicked out,written up etc. and yet deputy dawg has to act like this.

I can see it if I was being rowdy and starting some shit or something but I don't get it,I can pay $7.75 for a beer to catch a buzz but dare not pay $5.50 for a damn Sprite and add a little holiday cheer.

NOTE TO DELT IF HE READS THIS.........We should probably sit in a different section Christmas Day :D

Sounds to me like the guy was pretty decent. He was only doing his job, and he was decent enough to return the flask to you. What more can you ask for? I'd look at it like getting caught speeding and being let off with a warning. Beats the hell out of having the book thrown at you, no matter how much of jerk the guy might have been.

If your sneaking booze in is supposed to be some sort of civil disobedience to protest the price of liquor in the stadium, the guy working security is hardly the guy to be bitching at.

Iowanian 12-26-2004 05:18 PM

Thats pretty damn funny...and why Chiefsplanet Rules.

I'm waiting for the day I see Lamar and hear him tell someone to "suk mah baows"

The question is, with Joe assess his cost of loss Booze and send an invoice in the amount of $6 in the valuable, valuable Neg Rep.......

Rausch 12-26-2004 05:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ENDelt260
So, I sit down with NZoner and his pals, and at the start of the game they notice "Deputy Dog". He comes walking up to our row w/ a big grin on his face, and folks are shouting, "He's comin' for ya!"

He comes up and says, "You should know, I'm an avid ChiefsPlanet poster." And hands NZoner a printout of this thread.


Nzoner 12-26-2004 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Marada
Now thats too funny! Enjoyed meeting you guys. And getting that $5.50 off my chest!

You can only imagine what I was thinking as you were walking up the stairs towards us.I have to say this has been a helluva Christmas and birthday,thanks for the memory Jack,I will be saving the print-out of the thread.

Marada 12-26-2004 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Hilarious. I can't believe Nzoner got busted at the game and afterwards at ChiefsPlanet, too. An absolute classic ChiefsPlanet moment.

He called this morning and told me the story and I was literally rolling. Props for being a sport, Marada.

Nzoner deserves props as well. Heck, he's the one that made it pretty easy. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that when you stand up, turn your back to the game and keep looking around to see if anyone is watching is a dead giveaway.

Nzoner 12-26-2004 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Marada
Nzoner deserves props as well. Heck, he's the one that made it pretty easy. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that when you stand up, turn your back to the game and keep looking around to see if anyone is watching is a dead giveaway.

No doubt,I thank Carl for those small seats at Arrowhead for that.With the size of the guys sitting by me x 4-5 layers of clothing it was next to impossible to take a drink let alone pour from a flask.

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