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Wallcrawler 03-07-2025 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17991190)
I mean if you suck at the game just turn on story mode, fam. LMAO

Sucking at the game has nothing to do with it "fam".

Its the idea that damages scaling is so out of whack, that I'm supposed to believe that a turkey, can charge into the kneecaps of a Jedi Knight and kill him instantly.

So listen, we're all aware of your Star Wars fanboy status, and I don't expect you to change your views on anything about the game. However, even the most stalwart defender of this product has to pause at the amount of damage inflicted by a 5 pound bird.

It's hilarious.

Don't get hit a single time, or die.

While this game tries quite desperately to be Sekiro with its combat, it is nowhere near on par with FROM Softwares ability to develop insanely difficult but fair combat.

FROM games can be completed in their entirety without taking a single hit, they are crafted so well.

The Happy Hob livestreamed the "soulsbornekiro" run of all games played one after the other, starting over from the first game if he took a single hit.

I don't know how many times I've been damaged by some bullshit enemy encounters on this game, some rushing in from off screen.

Imon Yourside 03-07-2025 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17991257)
I feel like if you want some type of Russian Nuclear monster game you aren't ever gonna beat Metro.

I've already played Metro, a fine game but this one looks cool and is a bit different and also offers coop. First one in the series was more of a shooter type game but this one has medium depth rpg elements.

Hammock Parties 03-07-2025 04:51 PM

If you would read the lore you would understand why the turkey is deadly.

It's basically a sawed-off velociraptor.

They aren't hard to dodge.

Also, you can literally just shoot them and they'll drop dead. LMAO

Basically, you suck. Also, it's kind of meant to be funny.

Sassy Squatch 03-07-2025 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Wallcrawler (Post 17991310)
Sucking at the game has nothing to do with it "fam".

Its the idea that damages scaling is so out of whack, that I'm supposed to believe that a turkey, can charge into the kneecaps of a Jedi Knight and kill him instantly.

So listen, we're all aware of your Star Wars fanboy status, and I don't expect you to change your views on anything about the game. However, even the most stalwart defender of this product has to pause at the amount of damage inflicted by a 5 pound bird.

It's hilarious.

Don't get hit a single time, or die.

While this game tries quite desperately to be Sekiro with its combat, it is nowhere near on par with FROM Softwares ability to develop insanely difficult but fair combat.

FROM games can be completed in their entirety without taking a single hit, they are crafted so well.

The Happy Hob livestreamed the "soulsbornekiro" run of all games played one after the other, starting over from the first game if he took a single hit.

I don't know how many times I've been damaged by some bullshit enemy encounters on this game, some rushing in from off screen.

Accurate. As far as Soulslike games go, Fallen Order and Survival do a pretty decent job of difficult but fair combat, but there's like 5% where they just completely miss the mark and it skews way too unfair. Spawn of Oggdo and the double Rancor fight in particular were complete bullshit.

Edit: Spawn of Oggdo had some insanely bad hit boxes on a couple attacks. Those have probably been addressed so it's probably not as bad as it was at launch.

Hammock Parties 03-07-2025 05:08 PM

you whiners are really gonna love taking apart outlaws when i say how much i love it, because i will LMAO

Wallcrawler 03-07-2025 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17991409)
If you would read the lore you would understand why the turkey is deadly.

It's basically a sawed-off velociraptor.

They aren't hard to dodge.

Also, you can literally just shoot them and they'll drop dead. LMAO

Basically, you suck. Also, it's kind of meant to be funny.

Basically, the game sucks on grandmaster difficulty, and no matter how much you hype up these little 5 pound butterballs, they should not one shot anything in the game, much less a Jedi Knight.

Their idea of max difficulty is simply kill you in one or two hits with literally every single enemy type in the game. It's the laziest shit you can do.

Not change the types of enemies youll face, not change the aggressiveness of the enemies, or number of enemies, no, it'll be the same vanilla shit with turkeys that can kill you in one or two hits.

Your silly blaster defense is hilarious. Why the **** would I use a blaster when I have a lightsaber and the equivalent of telekinesis?

First answer is probably to cheese the bullshit double oggdo fight with blaster stuns, because the only thing better than dying in 2 hits is having two oversized enemies with inconsistent hit boxes and attack patterns kill you ten minutes into the fight with some completely ****ing random, unpredictable bullshit. Fantastic game design, to be sure.

If I need a gun to deal with enemies in a game featuring the equivalent of a telekinetic samurai, that traditionally uses lightsabers, then the game design has massively failed out of the gate.

No bullshit though, Force Unleashed did force powers infinitely better. Grip was absolutely amazing. These games are so devoid of good force powers that they utilize the force meter to execute strong melee attacks instead of you know, using the force.

As for Outlaws, haha nobody is playing that piece of shit but you.

Hammock Parties 03-07-2025 07:52 PM

You want force powers to be OP cheese bullshit that's nothing like the movies LMAO

Did you even TRY using force lift and slam on enemies? Those aren't melee attacks. Absolutely hilariously fun to suspend enemies in mid-air and then **** with them. What about using the mind trick on enemies to make them fight for you? Another joy that you apparently didn't experience.

Keep in mind Cal Kestis is BARELY a Jedi knight. It wouldn't make sense for him to be able to shatter droids or whatever the hell OP nonsense you did in Force UnlASSed. That game was stupid.

Hammock Parties 03-07-2025 07:55 PM

And why the **** would you use a blaster? Because it's FUN?

Again, this is Cal Kestis. Not a Jedi Master.

Wallcrawler 03-08-2025 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17991566)
You want force powers to be OP cheese bullshit that's nothing like the movies LMAO

Yeah, I loved in the movies where a Jedi lost his shit repeatedly, sending the entire area into slow motion, while said jedi gained the proportional strength of the hulk, dispatching a platoon enemy troopers and droids before they can react.

I really appreciate respawn sticking to what was in tbe films here.


Grip in force unleashed was more fun than op
Grip a trooper, and have control of him. Scrub his face on the floor, throw your lightsaber into him before discarding him into a pack of his buddies, or funnier, rayshields or explosive barrels.

Use pieces of the environment to hurl into enemy troopers, or creatively use as cover from blaster fire, before flinging it into his face.

Did you even TRY using force lift and slam on enemies? Those aren't melee attacks. Absolutely hilariously fun to suspend enemies in mid-air and then **** with them.

Ah yes, the ripoff of Mass Effect's biotic lift. Not really impressed with it. It was quite boring, and slam's damage is not worth the cost of force it takes to execute it.

What about using the mind trick on enemies to make them fight for you? Another joy that you apparently didn't experience.

A joy? A few seconds of enemies attacking each other, but doing far less damage to each other than they do to the player character, all while having to fight the game mechanics to kill said turned enemy if you're looking to use mind trick to quickly dispatch an annoying enemy like the flamethrower trooper? Yes, what a joy.

As said, I get that you're a fanboy, and desperately gobble every drop of this spooge that respawn has launched onto your face, but come on now.

Keep in mind Cal Kestis is BARELY a Jedi knight. It wouldn't make sense for him to be able to shatter droids or whatever the hell OP nonsense you did in Force UnlASSed. That game was stupid.

Right. He can just wave his hands and become Quicksilver from X Men. Run circles around volleys of heavy trooper blaster fire while casually murdering an entire platoon. And that's just in the beginning of the game. Later on that power becomes absolutely broken. So please, tell me more about how weak Cal Kestis is, and why he needs a shitty blaster that somehow only gets its ammunition from striking enemies with a lighsaber.

Hammock Parties 03-08-2025 10:25 PM

Killing stormtroopers still isn't as OP as that Force unleashed shit. Come on man.

He doesn't need a shitty blaster, but apparently you do, since the chickens keep killing you LMAO

htismaqe 03-09-2025 07:14 AM

The difficulty stuff doesn't bother me. I spent hours playing one area in Mass Effect 2 on the hardest difficulty (you know what part I'm talking about if you played the game) just to make sure I got my platinum. It's the out of place puzzles and platforming that bug me in an RPG.

Wallcrawler 03-09-2025 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 17993086)
The difficulty stuff doesn't bother me. I spent hours playing one area in Mass Effect 2 on the hardest difficulty (you know what part I'm talking about if you played the game) just to make sure I got my platinum. It's the out of place puzzles and platforming that bug me in an RPG.

These elements are exacerbated by these games as well, because for a pair of games that supposedly encourage exploration, it sure loves to punish you for it.

You'll be confused, and roadblocked quite a bit simply because you don't have an ability that you have no idea about.

Example: I'm running around and I see a health upgrade and lootbox behind a rayshield. Common sense would state that you should find tbe power source, or activation switch to disable the barrier so you can enter.

Lol. After 20 minutes of finding NOTHING that powers this thing, or an alternate way into the room, the game taps me on the shoulder and says "we don't do that here."

You see, I completely wasted my time here, because later in the story, Merrin gives me one of her little magic voodoo toys, which magically allows me to dash through these barriers.

Yes. Don't concern yourself with how the entity that put this barrier up gains access, that doesn't matter.

You're magic now.

Youll see floating buoys in the air that you should easily be able to grapple to, but ah ah ahhh..../fingerwave. Not right now.

See, we only have 3 and 1/4 locations for you to play in. (Coruscant is woefully small, and confined to the spaceport) so we're not going to be able to allow you to just access what you should be able to the moment you see it. You'd have no reason to come back and slog through these areas again.

We need to hold these abilities as milestones in story progression, so that much later on, you can try to remember where it was you saw that area you couldn't reach, and wander around aimlessly for more time.

You'll be forced to revisit the same locations again as filler content, all for the super important find of paint schemes for a weapon, or clothing items you'll never wear, or to unlock a door with a boss that theres really no reason you couldn't have fought this thing first time through.

Padding, filler, with a small stretches of great action.

It's like the equivalent of 90s WWF Ultimate Warrior. For every blood pumping adrenaline fuelled 60 second entrance, you have 3 minutes of terrible wrestling lmao.

Hammock Parties 03-09-2025 12:33 PM

Dude just likes to bitch.

Coruscant is NOT just the spaceport. You were in the meat packing district and residential rooftops FFS.

Sassy Squatch 03-09-2025 01:46 PM

The map outright tells you when you can't access an area yet. Red means you can't. Yellow means you can but haven't yet. Green means you have.

Wallcrawler 03-09-2025 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17993300)
Dude just likes to bitch.

Coruscant is NOT just the spaceport. You were in the meat packing district and residential rooftops FFS.

Is it your contention that Coruscant is not a tiny as **** playable area?

Coruscant is a nothing burger location, period.

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