![]() |
No sorry necessary; I too couldn't resist. :) |
...Guess not. :shrug: |
Heh! |
Who's the dipshit who ****ed up the page?
I choose not to. |
Now lets not **** up the page this time. |
This explains a lot about you. |
We're well aware of that. |
Why yes; yes you are, because I will constantly remind you of the fact. |
OK kids. How about some control here.
LMAO Yes Daddy! I'll take control and make use of the "log out" feature. Nite Planet! |
They're behind the cabinets!
Man this thread is still going?
has to be the biggest thread in CP history... |
has to be the biggest loaf of bread ever found in your mom's vagina
http://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=23335 |
Total Posts: 35,847 User Posts cadmonkey 7100 Mecca 6824 Kraut 5093 brent102fire 1914 BIG_DADDY 1761 apics1 1564 Tribal Warfare 1020 ndbbm 857 Mile High Mania 846 RedNFeisty 778 Amnorix 663 Laz 453 2bikemike 430 Beatlemanu 381 jiveturkey 333 Phobia 321 theultimatekcchiefsfan 311 Loki 241 Alton deFlat 219 ChiefPriority 212 ROYC75 190 ChiefsOne 181 MOhillbilly 175 Stinger 172 Vegas_Dave 131 B2chiefsfan 123 KC Dan 121 WEIRDWOLF 109 Biohazard 105 Bill Lundberg 104 munkey 102 suds79 98 lawrenceRaider 98 Uncle Fester 90 Rausch 82 CASHMAN 74 Kerberos 71 Craash 69 Duck Dog 55 Sure-Oz 54 Ari Chi3fs 49 Valiant 44 ArrowheadChief 42 T-post Tom 42 booger 42 KCinNY 39 ChiefFripp 38 Chief Roundup 38 AustinChief 37 beer me 36 PennyWise 36 Logical 34 andoman 33 HC_Chief 31 AmishChiefsFan 30 roman gnome 30 Joe Seahawk 28 journeyscarab 28 ChiefsFanatic 27 Scaga 26 Bill Parcells 26 bkchief 25 ®aiders®ock 25 onescrewleftuntwisted 24 Mr Grimm 23 papasmurf 23 Mult9 22 BigChiefDave 22 Jenny Gump 22 Xetox 21 sondevil 21 Lightning Rod 20 FloridaChief 20 4th and Long 20 Multi1 20 DrNick 18 homey 18 angel 18 gh4chiefs 17 big nasty kcnut 17 mcan 17 Denver Duster 16 Brock 16 The Bad Guy 16 Bowser 16 KevB 16 AJKCFAN 16 BigTony 16 cheeeefs 15 pink 15 CHIEF1 15 Demonpenz 15 whoman69 15 Bob Dole 15 vckcchiefs04 14 skinbra 14 Fairplay 14 Bootlegged 14 DenverChief 14 BigRedChief 13 GOATSE 13 dollar1 13 noswad 12 bkkcoh 11 ENDelt260 11 Hawk 11 Stewie 11 BigOlChiefsfan 11 Nzoner 10 crazycat518 10 Chief 10 royr17 9 Marty McDonald 9 Coltsinsider 9 Otter 9 Mark M 8 Hel'n 8 DaneMcCloud 8 tommykat 8 58Forever 8 MeatPeeker 8 Brando 8 DBroncos4life 7 ChiefJustice 7 darkchief 7 Hoover 7 nmt1 7 Moose 7 ChiefsFanatik88 7 DaWolf 7 wildcat09 7 Coogs 6 bhud 6 StcChief 6 JOhn 6 sportsshrink 6 Keeper 6 JohninGpt 6 Taco John 6 Dale "Fat Fingers" Mercer 6 Wrasse 6 Multi2 6 LindaTran 6 Radar Chief 5 Vanilla Thunder 5 Simply Red 5 marcus 5 Fire Me Boy! 5 crazychiefsfan 5 Mr. Christopher 5 MichaelH 5 Predarat 5 Brian Myles 5 shakesthecat 5 rich karlis 5 jaxchiefsclub 5 ChiefinNE 5 |Zach| 5 dragonchiefs20 5 hellhead 5 PunkinDrublic 5 tyton75 5 el borracho 4 ChiefsKing 4 tahnikijakaba 4 chief4life 4 David. 4 Dave Lane 4 ChiTown 4 Archie Bunker 4 Bwana 4 Captain Obvious 4 Spicy McHaggis 4 htismaqe 4 Delano 4 KC Jones 4 KC2004 4 OPChief 4 chefsos 4 eChief 4 TheChiefofSoCal 4 Fat Elvis 4 Baby Lee 4 terabyte 4 NaptownChief 4 LMO 4 gochiefs2 4 LTown Chief 4 Patriot 21 4 chiefsfan58 3 Nightfyre 3 Bearcat 3 MITCH 3 phillfree 3 hawaiianboy 3 Bucs Girl 3 Over-Head 3 KHinz57 3 DanEdwards 3 Boozer 3 WisChief 3 frazod 3 elvomito 3 mmaddog 3 Iron Chef 3 Chief Henry 3 Clint in Wichita 3 Metrolike 3 Soupnazi 3 OmegaRed 3 luv 3 Simplex3 3 Extra Point 3 ragedogg69 3 MrBlond 3 DumbAzz 3 Sam Hall 3 Bull 3 dilligaf 3 TEX 3 wutamess 2 DonkeyHater 2 Bob's Your Uncle 2 Spott 2 KC Kings 2 seclark 2 L.A.Chieffan 2 TheFly 2 BlowMe 2 Rooster 2 KcMizzou 2 Forrest Gump 2 guysbad 2 hypersensitiveZO6 2 KcKing 2 a1na2 2 Alicia 2 Crowdog89 2 Jilly 2 voyager 2 OnTheWarpath58 2 pikesome 2 philfree 2 DiscoJones 2 melbar 2 spfdchiefsfan 2 Donger 2 The Rick 2 acasas4 2 The Prez 2 Fishpicker 2 Gary 2 CrazyHorse 2 foxman 2 ChiefsFire 2 keg in kc 2 rudipooimf 2 Woody335 2 CrazyCoffey 2 Sea of Red 2 Yosef_Malkovitch 2 JohnnyV13 2 Digital Takawira 2 humorisnotdead 2 Ecto-I 2 Seek 2 MarcBulger 2 Denizen 2 wkchief 2 ct 2 Ernie Conwell 2 Moooo 2 donkhater 2 SportsRacer 2 stevieray 2 Dartgod 2 Lzen 2 billsfan311 2 Saulbadguy 2 Kyle401 1 Dunit35 1 klg61 1 PinkFloyd 1 Bearcat2005 1 Tig O Bittys 1 Herzig 1 Saggysack 1 Eric Draven 1 DomerNKC 1 Reerun_KC 1 carlos3652 1 Dakota Chief 1 Jenson71 1 WilliamTheIrish 1 LegitimusGrim 1 bgguitarman 1 chief mohawk 1 KS Smitty 1 wasi 1 wasgreat58 1 AeroSquid 1 Slick32 1 Beerthirty 1 rocks 1 Walter 1 headsnap 1 XXXshogunXXX 1 Gonzo 1 58-4ever 1 ExtremeChief 1 Talisman 1 CanadaKC 1 NJ Chief Fan 1 FringeNC 1 The_Philster 1 Priest4Prez 1 bill gizmo 1 Hal McRae 1 BostonChief 1 BroncoFan 1 Wile_E_Coyote 1 sevenand7kc 1 ChiefsFan5840 1 Knob 1 Vindicator 1 Holden McGroin 1 KCvenom 1 OgTheCaveman 1 kcxiv 1 KCTitus 1 Braincase 1 Boricua 1 POP 1 LiarLiar 1 stumppy 1 Lesbos 1 RedandGold 1 MikeTheWildcat 1 buddha 1 BigTeal 1 Lin Elliot 1 arrowheadrocks 1 Coach 1 BWillie007 1 SoCalRaider 1 msheets 1 Lurch 1 Chief PowWow 1 kchero 1 Halfcan 1 SnapDogg 1 jcroft 1 scott free 1 Mister T-Rex 1 rad 1 Tribesman 1 Stryker 1 Cannibal 1 listopencil 1 BroWhippendiddle 1 BigChief1 1 Awful-Knaufel 1 pamdsh 1 John Locke 1 Cochise 1 47mack 1 Tchoupitoulas 1 ClearVision1234 1 vailpass 1 scott817 1 LamarR Huunt 1 Bones 1 RaiderCorporate 1 Ultra Peanut 1 BigChief28 1 kregger 1 tiptap 1 kc phantom 1 Average_Assclown 1 REDHOTGTO 1 buff18 1 mlyonsd 1 Multi4 1 Oucho Cinco 1 Nightwish 1 Straight, No Chaser 1 The Herald 1 Adept Havelock 1 ptlyon 1 RedNeckRaider 1 Chiefsince65 1 SLQ 1 ClevelandChief 1 Crush 1 KCWolfman 1 1st & Goal 1 ChiefGator 1 LVNHACK 1 dkarnes 1 love_bunny 1 RaiderHaider 1 chagrin 1 Bricky 1 [show thread & close window] |
I'm rockin' a "2".
I prefer to lurk. :) |
26 |
Hello ladies!
One of the few threads I only "lurk" on.
I checked the list and didn't see my name. So there. |
I thought we were talking about the girly thread. I post in this thread rarely, but I do post. Probably up to around 10 now. |
Damn cross-thread talk. IT is good for no one I tell ya!!!! :cuss: |
Pickles! |
Hey everyone!!
I was wondering where everyone was..
What's up CG..How's everything going in mongolastan?
LOL - doing pretty good. Starting to get antsy about getting home. We should be getting a departure date in a few weeks.....
Back in time for football and skiing and the holidays, you can't beat that! |
Long time! |
Okay, so, I'm here.
A new neighbor moved in and he's having a party. His valets are grinding gears and setting off alarms all over my street. :cuss: [/danemccloud] |
No kidding. I do know I won't be back in time for the openers though, :( No "annual" trek to the Buffalo opener for me this year. :( |
Did the Jets play tonight? |
Tell LJ I said to get to camp, we're gonna need him. |
Good luck this season, as long as it's not against us..heh..LOL! |
Football is finally here, thank god! |
I finally got around to resizing some of the latest pictures I've taken..... I'll try and get them posted sometime this week.
Don't tempt me. Are you staying at the Frontier? or the Las Vegas Club. |
Nite Crowd! |
Nice dog, dude. |
We've gotten some of the preseason games on AFN - I managed to watch a little bit of a couple games last night. I missed the one from early this morning (skins game).
The Mirage! I have to train a n00b how to play craps at casino royale, they have $1 craps there, and $1 mini craps where you sit down. |
Gotta hit the sack, but I'll be seein ya around the "Nation" one of these days soon. :D |
Good night :ZZZ: |
Well I suppose I'll go see what the DFAC is serving today for lunch...................
how we all doing tonite?
I'm doing okay... just got done with lunch and getting ready to get back to work.
wow... noone............
Hello everybody!......
...And, goodnight everybody! |
is anybody out there?
First post of August 16th.
w00t! |
Hello ladies!
the other threads are hummin' no love for the night crew.
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 08:07 PM. |
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