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Megatron96 08-18-2024 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by warpaint* (Post 17636685)
W/o reading 287 pgs what’s the consensus on Burrows recovery at this point?

I watched him in the last game (some, didn't see his entire game). He looked fine. How will it look after a few weeks of real games? No idea. But in the last preseason game, he and his wrist looked completely normal, for him.

Pablo 08-18-2024 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by warpaint* (Post 17636685)
W/o reading 287 pgs what’s the consensus on Burrows recovery at this point?

He’d better learn to throw left handed in a hurry

warpaint* 08-18-2024 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 17636691)
I watched him in the last game (some, didn't see his entire game). He looked fine. How will it look after a few weeks of real games? No idea. But in the last preseason game, he and his wrist looked completely normal, for him.


Tribal Warfare 08-18-2024 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 17636104)
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Originally Posted by warpaint* (Post 17636702)


Pasta Little Brioni 08-18-2024 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 17622415)
It will be interesting to see if any other Bengals get injured with the new turf they just laid down. It was the first day they practiced on the newly installed turf and a player goes out with a leg injury.

Bengals WR Charlie Jones carted off, suffers non-contact injury as team practices on new turf for first time

I was basing it off this post. 99% of the time you get carted off with a non contact injury, you are toast. Fluke luck that he's not

Pasta Little Brioni 08-18-2024 08:31 PM

So Stephania Bell is clueless too r faulk? She's pretty damn dialed in...

rfaulk34 08-18-2024 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brioni (Post 17636742)
So Stephania Bell is clueless too r faulk? She's pretty damn dialed in...

She's a dumbass. Good thing is, we can all learn it together and i'll be here to remind.

Hammock Parties 08-18-2024 09:17 PM

how's your fatty LT doing this year?

rfaulk34 08-18-2024 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17636798)
how's your fatty LT doing this year?

Lookin' pretty good. We'll see how it goes when they have to play 60 per game. As long as he can stay relatively healthy, i don't have any concerns.

Hammock Parties 08-18-2024 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by rfaulk34 (Post 17636803)
Lookin' pretty good. We'll see how it goes when they have to play 60 per game. As long as he can stay relatively healthy, i don't have any concerns.

i bet he'll have joe on IR within a month

rfaulk34 08-18-2024 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17636813)
i bet he'll have joe on IR within a month

I bet you will be proven wrong.

BossChief 08-18-2024 11:03 PM

I watched the bengals game earlier today and he looked fine, but the ball definitely doesn’t seem to leave his hand as well as last year. I’d bet there’s a 2mph drop in velocity.

Hard to truly gauge based on PS play and small sample size as he’s still working back…but I don’t think it’s fair to say he looks the same as last year at this point.

If he continues to take a lot of hits and is forced to rush passes, it’s going to be hard to get back to the top of his game version of himself.

I can’t wait for our matchup.

It’s going to be another statement game of the Mahomes era….but one that puts the rest of the NFL on notice.

Lzen 08-19-2024 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17631938)


Patrick Mahomes is, once again, a corporate suit who marches into your Rust Belt town right around Christmas and hands your dad a pink slip at the steamboat yard. The familiarity of it all must feel like a warm blanket at this point. Wrap yourself in it and indulge in its nostalgic embrace, because this stuffed shirt is here to keep things business as usual:
That is cold. Dayum!

Lzen 08-19-2024 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 17636406)
Also, that list is pretty sound. It just shows the gauntlet the AFC has to fight through and the absolute turds the NFC has.

We might be looking at a huge disparity of titles like the 80s and 90s had for the NFC.

Yeah, but Herbert? Really?

And I would put Josh Allen at #2. But it's always fun to talk about these things.

ThrobProng 08-19-2024 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 17636691)
I watched him in the last game (some, didn't see his entire game). He looked fine. How will it look after a few weeks of real games? No idea. But in the last preseason game, he and his wrist looked completely normal, for him.

If he's completely fine, the injury wasn't nearly as severe as was reported.

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