Simplex3 |
01-19-2007 11:43 PM |
Originally Posted by bill parcells
It makes you feel better too..them endorfens kick in..kind of like a natural high..your lucky you did it while you still could..had you waited another 10 years it might have been a lot harder to lose the weight..I'm 41..and I have to work out like a maniac just to stay the same
Man, when I finally got to work I was so bad I had to hold my breath, then blow out, then tie one shoe. Pant for a while, then repeat. It was f**king pathetic.
I never realized until later how little I could do. I could barely play with my kids on the floor without getting winded. The thing that finally cracked me was when I heard a guy who was talking about his own weight and he said "I have no right to kill my children's father". That hit me pretty hard. Add in the fact that I wasn't able to do the things I wanted to do with them and it was time.
I packed it all on from years of neglect being a founding partner in 6 straight technology startups. Late nights, long weeks, total disregard for sleep and dietary habits, high stress, no time for exercise, never taking a three day weekend or even a one day weekend without being on call...
It all adds up to "fat bastard". I wouldn't trade those years for anything, though. I had a BLAST. I'm still doing the technology startups, I'm just doing it differently.