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htismaqe 01-26-2025 12:21 PM

I haven't seen much combat info yet but the article I read on Push Square mentioned a "chainsaw shield".

PatMahomesIsGod 01-26-2025 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17933599)
*obligatory rant -

If ID can push out the Doom games they have in the last decade, then why can't Gabe Newell get off his dead, lazy, fat ass and give us Half Life 3? Lazy prick.


I don’t think they have any idea where to go with the narrative.

Imon Yourside 01-26-2025 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17933599)
*obligatory rant -

If ID can push out the Doom games they have in the last decade, then why can't Gabe Newell get off his dead, lazy, fat ass and give us Half Life 3? Lazy prick.


In todays gaming culture even if it was great no one would be satisfied. I don't know how they can live up to the hype tbh.

Imon Yourside 01-26-2025 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 17933567)
According to the hype machine, it's less of a shooter than past entries.

The devs have described it as "standing toe to toe" with the hordes.

Well the part I don't get is where is the coop part? I mean Doom 1 and 2 had full campaign coop back in the 90s.

PatMahomesIsGod 01-27-2025 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 17934347)
Well the part I don't get is where is the coop part? I mean Doom 1 and 2 had full campaign coop back in the 90s.

Think Gears of War.

Imon Yourside 01-27-2025 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by PatMahomesIsGod (Post 17941047)
Think Gears of War.

My best memories were playing coop and making deathmatch maps for me and my buds. I had a ton of fun doing Doom 1 and 2 as well as Quake with my friends.

Fish 01-27-2025 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 17941563)
My best memories were playing coop and making deathmatch maps for me and my buds. I had a ton of fun doing Doom 1 and 2 as well as Quake with my friends.

At this time, Doom: The Dark Ages is single player campaign only. I really hope they add multiplayer later, but I don't expect it.

Doom 2016 had an amazing multiplayer mode. Including SnapMap that allowed you to design your own deathmatch levels. But it was actually not developed by id games who did the campaign. But I was a huge fan, and still play some Doom 2016 multiplayer to this day.

The follow up Doom: Eternal didn't have deathmatch multiplayer mode, but instead created a new mode called Horde mode. Which was a 3 player match, with 1 player being the Slayer, and the other 2 being a selection of different demons. It sucked hard, and nobody liked it.

Quake 2 was recently remastered, and has a cross platform deathmatch multiplayer mode that still sees quite a bit of action. Been playing that now and then. I still have some very fond memories of playing some big multiplayer CTF matches with a dozen other people. Everybody using the grappling hook to fly around the maps. Good times.

Imon Yourside 01-29-2025 08:05 AM

<iframe width="800" height="600" src="" title="No Man&#39;s Sky Worlds Part II Deep Dive" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Demonpenz 01-29-2025 02:53 PM

Hopefully doom has an easy mode that is easy

Bump 01-29-2025 04:47 PM

So who's getting Civ 7?

I'm gonna keep my eye on it, but I just have a feeling that it might be worth waiting for a sale. AAA games aren't exactly made with much love these days with a few exceptions. The 5 days early access to a single player game for an extra $20 or 30 is a red flag IMO.

I guess the 5 days will give me time to watch a few reviews. I do not value the early access reviews, they are most likely just shilling.

Imon Yourside 01-30-2025 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 17944343)
So who's getting Civ 7?

I'm gonna keep my eye on it, but I just have a feeling that it might be worth waiting for a sale. AAA games aren't exactly made with much love these days with a few exceptions. The 5 days early access to a single player game for an extra $20 or 30 is a red flag IMO.

I guess the 5 days will give me time to watch a few reviews. I do not value the early access reviews, they are most likely just shilling.

I have to admit it looks cool but I'm not sure I'm $70 invested in it. I'll wait and see what happens, I've tried quite a few civ games with friends and they all seem about the same. This one looks quite a bit better, like they overhauled the graphics and such.

Bump 01-30-2025 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 17945783)
I have to admit it looks cool but I'm not sure I'm $70 invested in it. I'll wait and see what happens, I've tried quite a few civ games with friends and they all seem about the same. This one looks quite a bit better, like they overhauled the graphics and such.

I liked Civ 6, but I wasn't that into it. I'll probably pass on Civ 7. I just saw their road map and it looks like they are doing the thing where they remove parts of the game and then sell it a month after release as DLC. I'll just wait a few years until it's all packaged together and buy it on sale or something.

Imon Yourside 01-30-2025 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 17945913)
I liked Civ 6, but I wasn't that into it. I'll probably pass on Civ 7. I just saw their road map and it looks like they are doing the thing where they remove parts of the game and then sell it a month after release as DLC. I'll just wait a few years until it's all packaged together and buy it on sale or something.

If my buddy allows me I will do the same, but if he wants to play it right away I might have to become superfan and rob a bank! :)

ThaVirus 01-31-2025 06:15 PM

I beat The Witcher 3 the other day. Amazing game.

I had never played any of the previous Witchers or anything so I was piecing together the story as I went. It seemed good enough to me.

Only issues I had with it:

1. I mentioned the problem with inactive quest markers being absent from the world map. Need that. It would have cluttered up the map, but at least having the option to toggle it on/off would have been nice.

2. Having to play as Ciri. Idk whyyyyyy game developers always do that. I didn’t spend 30 hours playing with ‘main character’, maxing out his stats, and customizing his gear for you to make me play as someone else!

3. The controls for the horse were absolute garbage. It was so bad that anything within 500 units was worth it to me to just run instead of ride.

4. Gear that’s locked by higher levels. Disincentivizes exploration. Why bother running across the map, raiding caves and other points of interests when you may not even be able to wear the sweet new gear you just found?

Fish 01-31-2025 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 17946747)
I beat The Witcher 3 the other day. Amazing game.

I had never played any of the previous Witchers or anything so I was piecing together the story as I went. It seemed good enough to me.

Only issues I had with it:

1. I mentioned the problem with inactive quest markers being absent from the world map. Need that. It would have cluttered up the map, but at least having the option to toggle it on/off would have been nice.

2. Having to play as Ciri. Idk whyyyyyy game developers always do that. I didn’t spend 30 hours playing with ‘main character’, maxing out his stats, and customizing his gear for you to make me play as someone else!

3. The controls for the horse were absolute garbage. It was so bad that anything within 500 units was worth it to me to just run instead of ride.

4. Gear that’s locked by higher levels. Disincentivizes exploration. Why bother running across the map, raiding caves and other points of interests when you may not even be able to wear the sweet new gear you just found?

Get a PC and mod that shit, yo.

1. You can easily enable all quest markers with this:

2. You can play the Ciri scenes as Geralt with this:

3. Improved horse controls with this:

4. Remove all gear levels and requirements with this:

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