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Megatron96 08-12-2024 01:16 PM

Thought having teams play 3 games in less than two weeks was reckless last season. Not very happy they're continuing that BS. Just asking for injuries. And I was told the NFL was all about 'player safety.'

ToxSocks 08-12-2024 01:18 PM

While i agree that teams shouldnt be playing 3 games in 10 days....and that the NFL should be wearing, "Im a hypocrite" T-shirts when it comes to player safety, Bengals fans can get ****ed.

Chiefs deal with that shit every damn year and all we do is win SB's. I don't wanna hear it.

Megatron96 08-12-2024 01:36 PM

Okay, well in other news, Joe's wrist seemed just fine. Shocker.

Glad though; should be a good game to watch when they meet in a few weeks.

Sassy Squatch 08-15-2024 12:55 PM


Hammock Parties 08-15-2024 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 17627736)
Okay, well in other news, Joe's wrist seemed just fine. Shocker.

Glad though; should be a good game to watch when they meet in a few weeks.

Wait til it gets smashed a few times thanks to Orlando "back that ass up" Brown.

Tribal Warfare 08-18-2024 02:04 PM

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rfaulk34 08-18-2024 02:09 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Peyton Manning listed his top-5 QBs currently in the NFL at <a href="">@FanaticsFest</a>:<br><br>- Patrick Mahomes<br>- Joe Burrow<br>- Justin Herbert<br>- Lamar Jackson<br>- Josh Allen<br><br>(🎥 <a href="">@CSmittyNY</a>)<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ari Meirov (@MySportsUpdate) <a href="">August 18, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

MahomesMagic 08-18-2024 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17631938)

Patrick Mahomes is, once again, a corporate suit who marches into your Rust Belt town right around Christmas and hands your dad a pink slip at the steamboat yard. The familiarity of it all must feel like a warm blanket at this point.


Pasta Little Brioni 08-18-2024 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by rfaulk34 (Post 17636114)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Peyton Manning listed his top-5 QBs currently in the NFL at <a href="">@FanaticsFest</a>:<br><br>- Patrick Mahomes<br>- Joe Burrow<br>- Justin Herbert<br>- Lamar Jackson<br>- Josh Allen<br><br>(🎥 <a href="">@CSmittyNY</a>)<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ari Meirov (@MySportsUpdate) <a href="">August 18, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Pre injury Jumpball Joe. You realize that right?

rfaulk34 08-18-2024 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brioni (Post 17636132)
Pre injury Jumpball Joe. You realize that right?

You can read dates and times can't you? Listen to audio? Manning gave no qualifiers.

Burrow is no different today than he was a year ago today.

Oof...Uh oh...

Pasta Little Brioni 08-18-2024 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by rfaulk34 (Post 17636153)
You can read dates and times can't you? Listen to audio? Manning gave no qualifiers.

Burrow is no different today than he was a year ago today.

Oof...Uh oh...

He obviously doesn't know about the injury. Uh oh. You. Are...faulked

Pasta Little Brioni 08-18-2024 02:28 PM

The real camp reports I've seen are ****ing brutal. Supposedly looks like a poor armed Zach Wilson throwing the ball now

Pasta Little Brioni 08-18-2024 02:28 PM

The Bengals line has also been an abomination

rfaulk34 08-18-2024 03:38 PM

Your trolling is so bad. Oof...

VAChief 08-18-2024 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by rfaulk34 (Post 17636153)
You can read dates and times can't you? Listen to audio? Manning gave no qualifiers.

Burrow is no different today than he was a year ago today.

Oof...Uh oh...

Probably right, last time he faced us he threw two crucial picks and lost.

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