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I'm kind of sad that so many people feel the same. Damn shame, too, 'cause vikings are pretty ****ing awesome.
I'm not sure where they'll go with the next installment, but they need a rebound in a major way. |
3-4 hours definitely isn't enough time if I had to guess. Like I said, I spent almost 8 doing the Odyssey prologue and it's not all main story so it's not really "gripping" until you see the plot line start to unfold after you leave the first area.
3-4 hours should get you roughly 10% of the way through (most) main storylines if you're not distracted by side quests. |
Trust me, I'm a 50-year old burnout. I can't play most FPS games because I'm at such a disadvantage. |
I just don't have the time like I used to...and honestly the patience either. If I'm not into a game right away then I end up dropping it.
I have Witcher 3 that I still need to push through but the combat system to me is ****ing clunky as shit. |
And don't even get me started on Kingdom Come Deliverance. That's the most difficult game I've ever played, and I think you'd pretty much have to be a ****ing cyborg to play it on hard. |
I get the impression playing AC Odyssey that you could get through most of the content without really using too many abilities or upgrading weapons. Even on the hardest difficulty, I find myself letting armor and weapons get several levels behind and it doesn't really make things insurmountable. However, if I want to actually get through the frustrating parts, I find myself making sure I optimize everything.
I conquered a fort in the 3rd area last night where there were probably 20 guards and 3 captains. I stealthed everyone except the last couple of guards. It took me about an hour. :D
It's also why I can't do Dark Souls and quit trying with Bloodborne. |
That being said, I have never been able to get into From Software titles. I remember quitting Dark Souls 3 because I couldn't beat the tutorial boss. |
all the side scrollers I have played in the past 5 years
Door Kickers Action Squad - 8- a simple ShMUp based on SWAT. this game reminds me of Elevator Action. Most of the fun to be had came from leveling up and unlocking. Alternate game modes add to replay value. Noita- 8- the game scrolls sideways and downward. I've posted my thoughts on this game before. this game is always challenging. it is deeper gameplay than you might suspect. Salt n Sanctuary-7- a side scrolling Dark Souls. Guns,Gore, Cannoli-8- a ShMUp with very cool cartoon style graphics. this game has a well balanced difficulty level. it is challenging in spots without being frustrating. My Friend Pedro-7 - seemingly inspired by John Wick. it could be considered too easy... I'm not far into the game though Carrion-6- this game reminds me of John Carpenters The Thing. you play as The Thing. Nidhogg-6- the gameplay mechanics remind me of the Great Swordsman arcade game. this game is crude pixel art done really well Nifelheim-8- ARPG/BMUp/Tower Defense combined. there is some crafting also. this game can be a time sink. I wish I had more time to play it. this seems like a game I could binge on. Rampage Knights-9- a BMUp with tons of visual character customization. reminiscent of Castle Crashers. a small group of players would make short work of this game. Shrouded in Sanity-NR- havent played it enough to rate it. Volgarr the viking-3- Rastan re-skinned. the controls are clunky though. Dynasty Wars-6- A classic capcom BMUp set in Han Dynasty China. Warriors of Fate-6- a sequel to Dynasty Wars. the graphics are better but I prefer DW for whatever reason. ---------------------------------------------- the side scroller I am anticipating most: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FZZ9_aW0ERk" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Shootas, Blood & Teef made by the same company that put out Guns Gore & Cannoli. This game is set in the Warhammer 40k universe. |
The combat too, is much more measured and methodical, as compared to ability spamming billions of mobs. Falxftw on Galatur server if you want to send me a request~ |
Even games like AC where you might be able to use stealth instead of FPS... At some point you inevitably get in combat. But worse, where as you can sometimes set the combat to easy, they don't usually let you set stealth to easy or the complicated jumps between buildings to easy. |
:thumb: |
Currently playing Aground on Xbox One, free with Xbox Live subscription.
8 bit look, elements of Terraria/Minecraft. Starts out as a survival island-type game, then as it progresses, somehow involves spaceships, cyborgs, werewolves, dragons, spaceships made out of dragons, magic, alchemy, aliens, spirits, and colonization of other planets. Very enjoyable with lots of replayability and multiple end-game scenarios. |
Yep, I mentioned that I recently played Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla. I fired up Unity for about 30 minutes last night and it legitimately feels like a different game.
I like both styles, but I did not expect such a stark contrast. |
Anyone else on pins and needles waiting for their Steam Deck?
Anyone have a console for sale?
PS4 or XBox One or N64 w. good controllers...?
Personally, I really hate stealth play in games. Especially the forced stealth missions. Those are the worst!
If I can't Leroy Jenkins my way through the game, I get bored with it. Dark Souls games? **** that, not enjoyable... |
Reminds me of my Skyrim runs. I'd always tell myself try to focus on sneak and bow/arrow builds but 20 minutes later I'm dual-wielding axes, running straight into a fortress.
Anyone have any recommendations for a civ builder/4x besides Civ6? I want to play something of this ilk, but the 5-6 hour games are a huge turnoff for me.
AOE2 is my favorite and one I still play. |
Still feel like it's one of the best RTS games ever. |
But I did do a out of my norm play through with a war hammer and heavy armor that was a fun change of pace. Can be bloody hard to kill flying dragons when all ya got is a war hammer. |
Medieval II and the original Rome are excellent games. |
I had fun a few mos ago beating all the old ass Unchartered games, I haven't played the latest one though, anyone played it? Game will age well and probably be a classic (looking back in 20 yrs.)
Yeah, when it comes to video games, I only play single player stuff.
I don't work and play well with others. :) |
Tarkov is one of those games that not only do they kill you they take everything you worked hard to get. |
Years ago I played Star Wars Battlefront online a bit. I enjoyed the dogfighting and was actually quite good at it. But the rest didn't appeal to me much. And the groups of assholes who would hang out at the spawn points killing everybody the second they appeared got old quick. |
Heard yesterday that Netflix has confirmed there will be a Bioshock movie.
Would you kindly??? CANNOT WAIT! one of my all-time faves |
So for those of you that played AC Odyssey, what really drew you in to make you say it was great?
So far, it's feeling like a sprawling goose chase. There's so many side quests and stuff, it just feels like I'm running around endlessly with no real purpose. |
I’m still playing Europa universalis 4…really involved but it’s fun to take random historical countries and make them powerhouses.
Fixing to play God of War and bought The Last of Us 2 (Best Buy sale $15.00)
Back down the Destiny 2 rabbit hole after one of my typical breaks from it…so excited for Witch Queen, cannot wait for Tuesday!
Also is the price really around $100 for a dlc? |
I think I enjoyed the fact that it was so massive. There was so much to explore and I enjoyed discovering new things across the Greeks islands. What stands out in my memory: I liked Alexios and thought his voice actor did a good job. Kassandra as Deimos was a pretty cool villain. Sailing/ship stuff was awesome and I typically hate ship missions. Combat felt fluid and I loved the amount of weapons and armor to customize. I love mythology so the mixture of that and Isu technology was cool. |
Agreed on the sailing parts. Both sailing and naval combat are well done in that game. Plus the amount of customization to your ship/crew was a nice feature. They made you care about your ship without overwhelming you with it. I loved being Alexios and having my ship crewed by the Daughters of Artemis and having my LTs be former mercenaries and territory leaders. I my only issue with the naval part at all (and this might just be a me thing) was the extremely high cost in materials needed to upgrade my ship. |
Rework of Void and weapon crafting should be fun. |
Just got Blood Bowl II and so far I'm loving it.
As a kid in the comix stores it always looked cool and I always wanted to try it. The table top game was a bit pricey with miniatures and paint and all and not many people around here played. This is basically a turn based chess/checkers type of thing with comedic, football, and fantasy elements. Elf, undead, Orc, etc positional players. There's touchdowns, passing, and running. Easy and fun to play but seems extremely hard to master. I'm only 5 games in to the tutorial/story mode but it's addictive fun you can pick up or put down after 30-50 minute matches. |
Elden Ring is a Day One purchase.
Hoping to get some work out of my PS5 |
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