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SAUTO 03-19-2011 03:25 PM

You know, I don't talk shit on family. Never thought mom jokes were funny. But after seeing dane tell others and my self to go **** their mother, sister, dog, etc. I don't see how he or anyone else could get too awful upset about what R8ers said, especially with the way the conversation went.

Originally Posted by Just Passin' By (Post 7501523)
So bagging on family is ok now?

I just want to make sure I've got the rules right here.

Posted via Mobile Device

Titty Meat 03-19-2011 03:26 PM

He'll be back....

R8RFAN 03-19-2011 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 7501543)
You know, I don't talk shit on family. Never thought mom jokes were funny. But after seeing dane tell others and my self to go **** their mother, sister, dog, etc. I don't see how he or anyone else could get too awful upset about what R8ers said, especially with the way the conversation went.
Posted via Mobile Device

1- I am a Raiders fan
2- I am a Tarheel fan

I am judged before I even make a post, but I expect that because I am on Rival NFL forum with lots of KU fans that hate UNC

-King- 03-19-2011 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 7501538)
Dude......quit being a pussy.

ROFLROFLROFL Rep. I've been wanting to say that, but feared he would pull a Dane and leave the board.

OnTheWarpath15 03-19-2011 03:36 PM

Disappointing, but not shocking.

It's been a gradual slide towards this for a while now.

Shitstains like R8ers and Tom C. offer nothing to the community, and are here to do nothing but troll.

Meanwhile, long time posters like Dane and Parker, who have a metric ****ton to offer this place, end up leaving because they've had enough of the baiting/trolling and general bullshit.

Can't say I blame them. And in this case, calling someone a child molester is over the line, IMO.

Oh well. Sucks to keep losing valuable members.

LiveSteam 03-19-2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7501511)
I bet she isn't, I bet she's ashamed of him. I bet she really wishes her dad was a truck driver.


keg in kc 03-19-2011 03:37 PM

Man, I liked Dane, but "I'm leaving!!" threads are just bad form. Disappointed.

007 03-19-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7501419)
How dare you try to trample on the rights of complete scumbags to shit all over the board. Who the hell do you think you are!

Yeah, I know. I need to stop making sense.

keg in kc 03-19-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath58 (Post 7501555)
Meanwhile, long time posters like Dane and Parker, who have a metric ****ton to offer this place, end up leaving because they've had enough of the baiting/trolling and general bullshit.

Can't say I blame them. And in this case, calling someone a child molester is over the line, IMO.

Oh well. Sucks to keep losing valuable members.

People have criticized me in the past because I make free and frequent use of the ignore list, but sometimes it's the only way to keep your cool here. And there really are some posters that it's better off not even knowing they're alive.

KurtCobain 03-19-2011 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 7501558)
Yeah, I know. I need to stop making sense.

You can get a shrink to help you with that.

philfree 03-19-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 7500903)
The Mods around here have finally pissed me off to the point where I can no longer be a member at Chiefsplanet.

I'm happy to have met some nice people over the years who I call friends and will continue to call friends. You all know how to reach me.

To the rest, **** off and die.




007 03-19-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 7501540)

I'll spell it out.

Your ****ing Johnny-come-lately-bull$#it-excuse for a team was entertaining in teh Brooks days.

We wanted you to win. We understood. You got hosed. Biddy-boy was a greedy prick, you got your team back, we all cheered for you.

Then you ****ed up and won a super bowl.

You moved in, banged our g/f, and then expected us to throw up some high fives.

**** you.

**** your team.

**** your old ego-centric HC and you can suck a fat load out my narrow German azz if you think anyone here gives a $#it about how your new QB is developing.

I ****ING LOATHE the Rams.


I would suggest to put this in consideration for post of the year but its about the ****ing lambs.

Donger 03-19-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 7501558)
Yeah, I know. I need to stop making sense.

You and David Byrne.

seclark 03-19-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7501559)
People have criticized me in the past because I make free and frequent use of the ignore list, but sometimes it's the only way to keep your cool here. And there really are some posters that it's better off not even knowing they're alive.

can you see this?

MIAdragon 03-19-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 7500944)
I would assume that after Dane threatened another member, that a mod contacted him and Dane's weeping vagina didn't like it.

Shit, I must have missed this!!?!?

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