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Mr. Plow 12-29-2013 10:13 PM

Rasputin 12-29-2013 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10320602)

Hank Hill hates you.

Easy 6 12-30-2013 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10319868)


Pablo 12-30-2013 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10319846)


Aries Walker 12-30-2013 07:17 PM

Well, it's the end of the year, and therefore time for another heaping helping of "Total Idiots and the Insensitive Pricks That Laugh At Their Misfortune." (NSFW for lots of language.)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dayze 12-30-2013 08:06 PM

LMAO @ 4:38 ,25:00

26:30 and 28:00 reminds me of the first game of every Chiefs season

ThaVirus 12-30-2013 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 10322714)
Well, it's the end of the year, and therefore time for another heaping helping of "Total Idiots and the Insensitive Pricks That Laugh At Their Misfortune." (NSFW for lots of language.)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thanks, I really needed that.


ThaVirus 12-30-2013 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10322814)
LMAO @ 4:38 ,25:00

26:30 and 28:00 reminds me of the first game of every Chiefs season

4:38 was hilarious.


Then they have the continuation at around 5:40 of him just screaming in agony. He deserved every bit of that pain.

-King- 12-30-2013 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 10315590)
That's quite the fight. They don't like each other.

I think my favorite on-air spat is this one. There's a pretty apparent back story:

<embed src='' height='440' width='560' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars="&"/>

ROFLROFLROFL That was totally unexpected. I thought at first the tenant and landlord were going to keep on arguing with each other.

Dayze 12-30-2013 09:09 PM

and a sighing of hot ass Michelle Jeneke at the beginning.

Cannibal 12-30-2013 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 10322957)
4:38 was hilarious.


Then they have the continuation at around 5:40 of him just screaming in agony. He deserved every bit of that pain.

God it was awesome.

The full vid of them pulling thorns out is on youtube.

Pitt Gorilla 12-30-2013 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10298359)
I knew he'd done this repeatedly, but not this many times.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He's done this EVERY time he has been on there (at least that I have seen).

Baby Lee 12-30-2013 11:00 PM

@ 21:12, that is Forest Park in Big Derry

Pitt Gorilla 12-30-2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by CoMoChief (Post 10305484)
I've seen him on that show about 4-5 times over the years watching Conan and it's still ****ing hilarious every time he does it.

It's a lot like the Kimmel/Matt Damon thing a while back.

Wish Conan could bring back the Walker Texas Ranger lever. That shit was hilarious...and it also kinda started the whole Chuck Norris facts phenomenon that everyone is STILL doing to this day.

The Walker lever was awesome.

Dayze 12-31-2013 12:29 AM

yep; the Walker Lever was one of the most awesome things on TV for a while.

...and the Masturbating Bear.

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