Rain Man |
12-29-2013 01:24 AM |
Originally Posted by Shaid
(Post 10315126)
I don't post these too often but the exchanges between the two newscasters that starts around 5:15 is pretty damn funny. They have to just hate each other.
That's quite the fight. They don't like each other.
I think my favorite on-air spat is this one. There's a pretty apparent back story:
<embed src='http://media.noob.us/flashplayer.swf' height='440' width='560' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars="&file=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.noob.us%2Fanchorvsreporter.flv&plugins=viral-2&skin=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.noob.us%2Fmodieus.swf&viral.email_footer=Brought%20to%20you%20by%20www.noo b.us&viral.onpause=false"/>