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TLO 07-19-2014 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10754870)
I'm pretty sure Maverick didn't find any of that drama fun. People found out where he lives, his family members names, the fact that he had an account on a porn site, and a few other things I'm sure I've forgotten. The fact that he is still here and didn't hang himself in a closet speaks to either his giant brass balls.

I remember the "pay for porn" jokes, but not the rest of that stuff. Who brought all that out in the open?

LoneWolf 07-19-2014 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 10754872)
Where's the midgets???????????

Jim Jones scared them off with his "I fugged a tranny" thread. Once you stoop to doing a tranny, raping midgets is just around the corner.

TimBone 07-19-2014 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10754870)
I'm pretty sure Maverick didn't find any of that drama fun. People found out where he lives, his family members names, the fact that he had an account on a porn site, and a few other things I'm sure I've forgotten. The fact that he is still here and didn't hang himself in a closet speaks to either his giant brass balls.

Or his creepy devotion to Alex Smith.

LoneWolf 07-19-2014 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 10754876)
I remember the "pay for porn" jokes, but not the rest of that stuff. Who brought all that out in the open?

I can't remember what posters were looking up his personal shit (and I hope I'm remembering correctly), but I do know that there are some serious ****ing Internet detectives on here.

bevischief 07-19-2014 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10754879)
Jim Jones scared them off with his "I fugged a tranny" thread. Once you stoop to doing a tranny, raping midgets is just around the corner.


Hammock Parties 07-19-2014 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mavericks Ace (Post 10754648)
As your true nemesis, it had to be me. We are destined for this to happen.

No, because you are a great big flaming pile of uncreative and boring garbage.

rico 07-19-2014 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10754870)
I'm pretty sure Maverick didn't find any of that drama fun. People found out where he lives, his family members names, the fact that he had an account on a porn site, and a few other things I'm sure I've forgotten. The fact that he is still here and didn't hang himself in a closet speaks to either his giant brass balls.

Ohhhhh... I see. Sorry that happened to ya, Mav.

BigRedChief 07-19-2014 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 10753605)
55. Halfcan
Former n00b of the year? Is that interesting? Not really. I mean, crazycoffey won one for ****'s sake, and Inmem is forever distraught that he lost to Sorter..

I love Halfcan's takes but he was never a "King of the n00b".

2013 King of the n00bs: Aussiechiefsfan
2012 King of the n00bs: Sorter
2011 King of the n00bs: BoneKrusher

2010 King of the n00bs: Shogun
2009 King of the n00bs: Bosschief
2008 No one was deemed worthy
2007 King of the n00bs: Crazy Coffey
2006 King of the n00bs: (Bill Parcells, D2112, Griswald etc.)
2005 King of the n00bs: Fax

Mav 07-19-2014 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10754889)
No, because you are a great big flaming pile of uncreative and boring garbage.

Ha! You forgot I am also the guy who had exposed you for the bet welching, sniveling, whiny, flip flopping, manipulative, arrogant coward that you are!

stonedstooge 07-19-2014 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 10754951)
I love Halfcan's takes but he was never a "King of the n00b".

2013 King of the n00bs: Aussiechiefsfan
2012 King of the n00bs: Sorter
2011 King of the n00bs: BoneKrusher

2010 King of the n00bs: Shogun
2009 King of the n00bs: Bosschief
2008 No one was deemed worthy
2007 King of the n00bs: Crazy Coffey
2006 King of the n00bs: (Bill Parcells, D2112, Griswald etc.)
2005 King of the n00bs: Fax

Gave that aussiechiefsfan a nice award like that and then he turned around and disappeared. Bastard

Pasta Little Brioni 07-19-2014 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10754889)
No, because you are a great big flaming pile of uncreative and boring garbage.

Simply Red should handle your roast

RealSNR 07-19-2014 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by stonedstooge (Post 10754983)
Gave that aussiechiefsfan a nice award like that and then he turned around and disappeared. Bastard

I heard he got stabbed by a stingray barb and died

Pasta Little Brioni 07-19-2014 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by stonedstooge (Post 10754983)
Gave that aussiechiefsfan a nice award like that and then he turned around and disappeared. Bastard

Dingo ate his baby

Passepartout 07-19-2014 04:49 PM

Bet that baby tasted really well!

rico 07-19-2014 04:56 PM

One night when I was driving home, I thought of a bunch of Aussie Chiefs Fan jokes and planned on roasting him, but I fell asleep when I got home and when I woke up I couldn't remember any of the jokes. I was going to attempt to roast that guy a couple weeks ago.

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